Fredericksburg Research Resources
Fredericksburg City Directories
Old and Historic Fredericksburg District
Fredericksburg Newspapers:
United States Census Lists
Note: Fredericksburg was enumerated as part of Spotsylvania County in the 19th century
U.S. 1798 Direct Tax, Berkeley Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia
This is the only known surviving 1798 Direct Tax List in Virginia.
Fredricksburg Population Census Lists
1850 List of Free Inhabitants (Schedule 1)
1850 List of Slave Inhabitants (Schedule 2)
1850 Products of Industry (Schedule 5)
1860 List of Free Inhabitants (Schedule 1)
1860 List of Slave Inhabitants (Schedule 2)
1860 List of Inhabitants who died during the year ending 1st June 1860 (Schedule 3)
1860 Products of Industry (Schedule 5)
1870 List of Inhabitants (Schedule 1)
1880 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg (Schedule 1) in Enumeration District 138 (southern Fredericksburg)
1880 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg (Schedule 1) in Enumeration District 139 (northern Fredericksburg)
1880 Agricultural Production of Fredericksburg (Schedule 2) in Enumeration Districts 138 & 139
1900 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 89 (Lower Ward, Fredericksburg)
1900 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 90 (Upper Ward, Fredericksburg)
1910 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 41 (Lower Ward, Fredericksburg)
1910 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 42 (Upper Ward, Fredericksburg)
1920 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 47 (Upper Ward, Fredericksburg)
1920 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 48 (Upper Ward, Fredericksburg)
1920 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 49 (Lower Ward, Fredericksburg)
1920 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 50 (Lower Ward, Fredericksburg)
1930 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 107-1 (Upper Ward, Fredericksburg)
1930 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 107-2 (Upper Ward, Fredericksburg)
1930 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 107-3 (Lower Ward, Fredericksburg)
1930 List of Inhabitants of Fredericksburg in Enumeration District 107-4 (Lower Ward, Fredericksburg)
Spotsylvania County Population Census Lists
1850 List of Free Inhabitants, Spotsylvania County (Schedule 1)
1850 List of Slave Inhabitants, Spotsylvania County (Schedule 2)
1850 Agricultural Production, Spotsylvania County (Schedule 4)
1860 List of Free Inhabitants, Berkley Parish (Schedule 1)
1860 List of Free Inhabitants, St. George's Parish (Schedule 1)
1860 List of Slave Inhabitants, Berkley Parish (Schedule 2)
1860 List of Slave Inhabitants, St. George's Parish (Schedule 2)
1860 List of Persons who died during the year ending 1st June 1860 (Schedule 3)
1870 List of Inhabitants, Berkley Township (Schedule 1)
1870 Agricultural Production, Berkley Township (Schedule 3)
1870 List of Inhabitants, Chancellor Township (Schedule 1)
1870 Agricultural Production, Chancellor Township (Schedule 3)
1870 List of Inhabitants, Courtland Township (Schedule 1)
1870 Agricultural Production, Courtland Township (Schedule 3)
1870 List of Inhabitants, Livingston Township (Schedule 1)
1870 Agricultural Production, Livingston Township (Schedule 3)
1880 List of Inhabitants, Berkley District Enumeration District 135
1880 List of Inhabitants, Courtland District Enumeration District 135
1880 List of Inhabitants, Chancellor District Enumeration District 135
1880 List of Inhabitants, Livingston District Enumeration District 135
1900 List of Inhabitants, Courtland magisterial District(upper ward), Enumeration District 78
1910 List of Inhabitants, Courtland magisterial District (upper ward), Enumeration District 114
1920 List of Inhabitants, Courtland magisterial District (part), Enumeration District 147
1930 List of Inhabitants, Courtland magisterial District (western part), Enumeration District 89-5
1930 List of Inhabitants, Courtland magisterial District (eastern part), Enumeration District 89-6
Products of Agriculture Lists for Spotsylvania County
[Download these files and open with your local program]
1850 (Schedule 4)
1860 (Schedule 4)
Stafford County Population Census Lists
1850 List of Free Inhabitants (Schedule 1)
1850 List of Slave Inhabitants (Schedule 2)
1860 List of Free Inhabitants (Schedule 1)
1860 List of Slave Inhabitants (Schedule 2)
1860 List of Inhabitants who died during the year ending 1st June 1860 (Schedule 3)
1870 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth Township
1880 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth magisterial District, Enumeration District 141
1900 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth magisterial District (part), Enumeration District 86
1900 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth magisterial District (part), Enumeration District 87
1910 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth magisterial District (part), Enumeration District 103
1920 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth magisterial District (part), Enumeration District 110
1920 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth magisterial District (part), Enumeration District 111
1930 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth magisterial District (upper part), Enumeration District 90-3
1930 List of Inhabitants, Falmouth magisterial District (lower part), Enumeration District 90-4
United States Freedman Lists
Registries of African American residents of Caroline County 1866
Public Records of the City or County
Merchant License Lists
Stafford County
Personal Property Tax Lists
Library of Virginia Research Note of Personal Property Tax Records
Lists of Taxable Town Lots
Library of Virginia Research Note of Land Tax Records
Fredericksburg City Council Minutes
Mutual Assurance Society Policy Index 1796-1867
Links to Research Sites for Fredericksburg, Caroline, Spotsylvania and Stafford counties
Court House Records Project
Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Geography of Slavery in Virginia, made available by the Virginia Center for Digital History Project, University of Virginia.
The Letters to Doctors James Carmichael & Son, Fredericksburg, VA., made available by Historical Collections & Services of the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, University of Virginia
Research Resources beyond Fredericksburg
Loose Paper Resources for Fredericksburg
List of Claims for Civil War Damage
Plats of Fredericksburg 1721-1927
Floor Plans of Fredericksburg
Probate Inventories
Building Specifications and Contract Documents
Pictures of Fredericksburg 1862-1997
Pictures of Falmouth 1927
Pictures of Fredericksburg 1927
Historic Fredericksburg: A Pictorial History An Index of Images
Index of George H. S. King Papers at the Virginia Historical Society
Thornton Town Plat
Last modified: 28 November 2011
Send Comments/Questions To: Gary Stanton