Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

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At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday 7th day of February 1791 -

Benjamin Day Mayor
William Harvey Recorder
George Weedon ) Wm. Lewis )
James Somerville ) Aldermen Fontain Maury )
George French ) Charles Urquhart ) Common Councilmen
William Lovell )
Thomas Cochran )

Thomas Miller Gent. is requested by this board to repair the fire engine, the expense of which repairs to be paid the said Miller by the Corporation.

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Ordered that six ladders of different sizes in addition to those formerly ordered by this board 31st May last, be made for the use of this Corporation and that Thomas Cochran Gent. do agree with some person to make the said ladders.

Charles Mortimer, George French & William Lewis Gent. are appointed to examine the several stoves in this Corporation, and to order those that they may think any ways dangerous to be discontinued and also whatever they may think will endanger the Town by fire, and make report to the next board.

Ordered that the Chamberlain Fund the final settlement Certificate in his hands belonging to the Market House on or before the 16th March next.

On the motion of George Weedon Gent. he is permitted to pay to the Chamberlain interest warrants at the rate of 18/ in the pounds to the amount of his debt due on account of the Market House.

Richard Peacock is appointed keeper of the powder Magazine in the room of George Todd, resigned and that William Harvey Gent. do take bond of said Peacock for the Execution of that office.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed
Benjamin Day

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At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Thursday March 17th 1791

Benjamin Day Mayor
William Harvey Recorder
Charles Mortimer ) Thomas Cochran )
George Weedon ) Charles Urquhart ) Councilmen
James Somerville ) Aldermen William Lovell )
George French ) Fontaine Maury )

The Standard Measures of this Corporation being much out of repair, Ordered that application be made by the Mayor of sd. Corporation to the Justices of the County of Caroline for the loan of the standard measure of said County (to wit, the half bushel & peck) & that Mayor inform the said Justices by letter that great care will be taken of said Measures & returned in ten days after they come to hand.

Thomas Miller is appointed to adjust and stamp the measures in this Corporation and that he may demand end receive 2/6 for each measure he may so adjust & stamp from the person or persons who may employ him, and that the said Miller take an oath before some Magistrate of said Corporation for the due and faithful performance of this office before he enters upon the execution thereof.

Ordered that the Sergt. give notice that the Council will meet on Saturday next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon in order to adjust the claims against the Corporation.

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Ordered that Joseph Berry give notice on Monday morning next to the Inhabitants of the Town, that that day is appointed by law for the Annual Election of 12 Persons to serve the Corporation the ensuing year.

The Minutes of these Proceedings were signed
Benjamin Day

At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Saturday 19th day of March 1791

Benjamin Day Mayor Chas. Urquhart )
Wm. Harvey Recorder Wm. Lewis ) Councilmen
George Weedon ) Wm. Lovell )
James Somerville ) Aldermen Font. Maury )

The Council proceeding to adjust the following account against the Corporation to this date Vizt:
To John Chew for ballance due him as p a/c £37 16 10½
To John Minor atto. for the Corporation 20 0 0
To George T. Todd for his services to this board £9 0 0
To ditto for his salery by law & by account 10 8 0 19 8 0
To Joseph Berry his services to this board attending on the Court and attending on the Magistrates on Publick Business 7 10 0
To ditto as Clerk of the Markett & for keeping orders in the Streets on Sundays 6 0 0
£91 3 10½

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William Harvey, Charles Urquhart & Fontain Maury Gent. or any two of them are appointed to settle the accounts with the trustees of the Markett House also with the late Sergeant with the Chamberlain with Thomas Miller with the Vendue Master with Joseph Berry with the keeper of the Hay scales & with the keeper of the powder magazine, and make report thereof to the next Council.

Ordered that the Sergeant give to the above persons to attend the Commissioners at the Markett House on Monday morning at 8 o'clock with their accounts for settlement.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Benjamin Day

At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredg. on Monday March 21, 1791

Benjamin Day Mayor
Wm. Harvey Recorder
Charles Mortimer ) Charles Urquhart )
George French ) Aldermen Wm. Lewis )
Thos. Cochran ) Councilmen
Fontaine Maury )

The Commissioners appointed to settle Joseph Berrys Account with the Corporation retd. their report by which it appears that the sum of £18.5.7½ including the sum of £13.10.0 alld. him by the Council the 19th Instant is due sd. Berry.

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They also returned an account and report of their settlement with the Trustees of the Markett House by which their appears to be a ballance in the Trustees hands of £45.18.5.

They also returned an account and report of their settlement with the Vendue Master by which their appears to be a ballance due from said Vendue Master of £12.5.7½. Ordered that he pay the same to the Chamberlain.

William Harvey Gent. reported that he had settled John Hardia's account as keeper of the Powder Magazine by which it appears there is a ballance due from said Hardia of £3.7.3¼ On the 13th day of June 1790. Ordered that he pay the same to the Chamberlain.

The Commissioners also reported that they had examined the books of John Hardia and find that he had not received any storage for Gun Powder since the 13th of June 1790.

They also reported that for certain reasons mentioned in said report they had not settled the accounts of the late Sergeant, the weigher of hay with Thomas Miller & the Chamberlain Ordered that the said settlements be postponed to the consideration of the succeeding Council.

This being the day appointed by law for the annual election of 12 members to serve the Corporation the ensuing year, the freeholders and Inhabitants being notified and having deposited their tickets in the ballot box upon examination thereof the greatest number of votes were

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in favour of Benjamin Day 59, William Harvey 57, George French 57, James Somerville 56, Chas. Mortimer 56, George Weedon 55, Wm. Lovell 48, Font. Maury 43, Robt. B. Chew 41, Chas. Urquhart 41, Wm. Lewis 34, David Blair 34, Thos. Cochran 28, Wm. McWilliams 25, David Henderson 9, so that the first named 12 were duly elected who proceeded to the choice of a Mayor, when Wm. Harvey Gent. was duly elected who took of his office They then proceeded to the choice of a Recorder, when Charles Urquhart Gent. was elected who took the oath of his office. They also proceeded to the choice of 4 Aldermen, when James Somerville, Charles Mortimer, George Weedon & Ben Day were duly Elected and Qualified according to law and the remaining 6 to wit: George French, Wm. Lovell, Fontaine Maury, Robt. B. Chew, Wm. Lewis and David Blair are Common Council men.

John Chew is unanimously elected Clerk to the Board for the ensuing year & George French, Font. Maury, Wm. Lewis & David Blair qualified according to law.

James Somerville Esqr. is unanimously elected Chamberlain for the ensuing year.

John Legg ballotted for & unanimously elected Vendue Master for the Ensuing Year and that he give bond to the Court and take the oath of his office.

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David Blair, Fontaine Maury & Wm. Lewis Gent. are Elected Trustees of the Markett House the Ensuing Year.

Thomas Miller is elected Guager & Geographer the Ensuing Year, who took the oath of that office.

John Hardia appointed Ballast and Harbor Master the Ensuing Year who took oath of that office.

Richard Peacock is appointed Keeper of the Powder Magazine the Ensuing Year.

Joseph Berry is appointed Clerk of the Markett the ensuing year.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
William Harvey

At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg April 1, 1791

William Harvey Mayor
Charles Urquhart Recorder
James Somerville ) George French )
Benjamin Day ) Aldermen William Lovell )
Fontaine Maury ) Common Councilmen
David Blair )

George French Gent. resigned his appointment as one of Common Council of this Corporation, which accepted of by the Board and Thomas Cochran Gent. standing

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next on poll, ordered that he have notice to attend the next Council to qualify according to law.

The minutes of this proceeding were signed
William Harvey

At a Common Council held for the Town and Corpo. of Fredericksburg on Thursday the 16th day of June 1791

William Harvey Mayor
Charles Urquhart Recorder
Charles Mortimer ) William Lovell )
George Weedon ) Aldermen William Lewis )
James Somerville ) Fontaine Maury )Common Councilmen
David Blair )

Charles Urquhart, Fontaine Maury & David Blair Gent. or any two of them are appointed to settle with William Wiatt late Sergeant with the Weigher of Hay with Thos. Miller and also with the Chamberlain and make report to the next Council.

That they also make a final settlement with John Hardia late keeper of the Powder Magazine and make report thereof to the next Council.

del'd G. T. Tod p Order

Timothy Green is allowed the sum of 18/8 per account for printing done for the Corporation.

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P L Bartholemew Blunt [maybe a prior use of the account book]

Ordered that the Chamberlain deliver to the Trustees of the Markett House the Interest Warrants in his hands belonging to the said Markett House to be by them applied towards the repairs of said House.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed
William Harvey

At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Saturday 22nd Octr. 1791

William Harvey Mayor
Charles Urquhart Recorder
James Somerville ) Wm. Lovell )
Benjamin Day ) Aldermen Wm. Lewis ) Common Councilmen
Font. Maury )
David Blair )

Two vacancies having happened in the Council of this Corporation, Robt. B. Chew & Gust. B. Wallace Gent. were duly Elected by Ballot of this Board to fill said vacancies who took the oath of their office.

The Commissioners appointed to settle with Le Roy Hay weigher of Hay returned an account thereof by which it appears there is a ballance of £5.16.2½ due the said Corporation. Ordered that the said Le Roy Hay pay the same to the Chamberlain.

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William Harvey, Charles Urquhart, James Somerville, Benjamin Day & Jno. Chew Gent. or any three of them are appointed to prepair a petition to be presented to the present General Assembly, praying that the militia of this Corporation may be authorized to hold their General Musters within the said Corporation & likewise explaine & amend the laws of this Corporation and to give power to the Court of Hustings of said Town to adjust the scales and weights of the Tobo. Warehouse within the jurisdiction of said Court.

Present Robt. B. Chew & Gust. B. Wallace Gent.

On a motion, this board do refuse to receive the account this day returned by Wm. Wiatt late Sergt. and do order that unless the said Wiatt shall within three months from this date compleat his said collection of the ballances due the Corporation during his continuance in office of all those persons who are able to discharge the same, that the Attorney for the Corporation be directed to prosecute a suit against the said Wiatt & his securities upon the bond given for his due & faithful collection of said taxes.

James Somerville Esqr. Chamberlain produced to this board the following certificates, viz:

No. 511 United States Loan office dated 8th September 1791. Signed John Hopkins Comnr. State of Virginia payable to Wm. Harvey or the Mayor for the time being in trust for the Corporation of Fredericksburg or his assigns for 1558 $ 31 Cents bearing int. at 6 pr. cent from the first day of January 1791.

No. 452 of same tenor & date for 1051 dollars & 24 cents bearing interest at 3 pr. cent from the first January 1791.

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No. 478 same tenor for 779 dollars & 16 cents bearing interest at 6 pr cent from the first January 1801.

No. 280 a Certificate signed by James Hopkins Comer. State of Virginia bearing date 8th September 1791 Acknowledging to have received of Wm. Harvey or the Mayor for the time being in trust for the Corporation of Fredericksburg sundry certificates of the debt of the State of Virginia Amounting to one hundred & sixty-six Dollars, & sixty-six cents principle and interest on the Domestic Loan to the United States as proposed by the Act of Congress passed the 4th of August 1790 making provision for the debt of the United States. £166. 66 Cents.

Ordered that the aforementioned Certificates do remain in the hands of the said James Somerville, and that he cause the Interest thereon to be drawn as it shall become due and to remain in his hand untill the further order of this board.

A statement of sundry Certificates returned by James Somerville Esqr. Chamberlain are at the request of said Somerville ordered to be recorded, viz:

No. 163 The Treasurer of C. of Virginia, Geo. Webb his Certificate for 1266 2/3 Dollars from the Trustees of Archibald McPhearson's, which he promises to pay to the Trustees on the 18th day of March next, and to pay Interest thereon annually in the mean time at the rate of six per cent, according to an act of Assembly passed in the year 1778 entitled "An Act to impowar the Treasurer to borrow a further sum of Money," Witness the hand of the Treasurer, the 18th day of March 1779, £380.0.0
Signed Geo. Webb


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No. 227 The Treasurer of the Common Wealth of Virginia acknowledgeth the receipt of 525 2/3 Dollars from the Trustees of Archibald McPherson which he promises to repay to the said Trustees on the 12th day of June next, and to pay interest thereon annually in the meantime at the rate of six per centum by the Year, according to an act of Assembly passed in the year 1778 entitled "An Act to impower the Treasurer to borrow a further sum of money" Witness the hand of the Treasurer this 12th day of June 1780 £157.14.0
Signed Geo. Brooke


Indorsed on the back thereof

Entered in the Auditors office 29th June 1780
E. Archer

Audrs. Office May 18th 1786

£157.14.0 returned at 65 for one £2.8.6

Interest from 12th June 86 to 31st Decr. 1785 16/1

Registered & Warrant issued for the Interest 6th Feby. 1787 ditto for one yrs interest 1st April 1788 do. do.

No. 917 The Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Virginia acknowledgeth the receipt of 809 2/3 Dollars from the Trustees of Archibald McPherson which he promises to repay to the said Trustees on the 11th day of November next, and to pay interest thereon annually in the meantime at the rate of six per Centum by the year according to an Act of Assembly passed in the year 1778 intitled "An Act to impower the Treasurer to borrow a further sum of money" Witness the hand of the Treasurer the 11th day of November 1779. £242.16.0 Signed Geo. Webb


Memo. on the margin taken by J. S. from Mr. C. Dicks note among the Papers. Enquire of the Auditor whether this Certificate is not a renewal of a Certificate dated 5th December 1777 for 766 2/3 Dollars if not to get another certificate for the same it being lost.

Indorsed on the back Novemr. 11th 1779. Entered in the Auditor's Office.

Auditor's Office May 12th 1786 signed Thos. Everard Edd. Archer.

£242.18.0 returned at 36 for one £6 14 11
Int. from 11 Nov.1779 to 31 Dec. 85 2 9 8 Registered & a Warrant Issd. for the int.
6th February 1787 ditto for one year Int.
1st April 1788 Do. Do.

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No. 147 814 42/90ths Dollars
The United States of America acknowledgeth receipt of 814 42/90ths Dollars specie value, from the Corporation of Fredericksburg which they promise to pay to the said Corporation or bearer with Interest annually at the rate of six per cent per Annum, Witness my hand this first day of January Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Five
Mc Hillings

Counter Signed
Jas. Hopkinson Com State of Virginia

N.B. No indorsation thereon

No. 241 State of Virginia December 2d 1785
On the final settlement of an account between the United States and Corporation of Fredericksburg there appeared to be due to it the sum of one thousand five hundred twenty three Dollars. I do therefore certify that the said sum is payable with Interest at six per cent from the first day of January 1783 to the said Corporation or Bearer.
Signed Aw. Dunscomb Commissioner

$1523 dolls
N.B. Indorsed thereon
Interest paid to 1st January 1785.
Indents 209 70/90 dollars

Fredericksburg Sepr. 6th 1791
We the subscribers have examined sundrie certificates put into our hands by Mr. James Somerville and find them to correspond with the foregoing.
James Blair
Robert Walker

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
William Harvey

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At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday 31st Day of October 1791

Wm. Harvey Mayor
Chs. Urquhart Recorder
Charles Mortimer ) Wm. Lewis )
Jas. Somerville ) Aldermen Wm. Lovell )
Ben. Day ) David Blair )Common Councilmen
Robert B. Chew )
Gust. B. Wallace )

The Comrs. appointed to settle Thos. Miller's account against the Corporation made their report by which it appears that the same amount to the sum of £156.6.8 which after deducting the sum of £87.11.10¾ already paid him by the Chamberlain there remains the sum of £68.14.9¼ due said Miller.

Ordered that the following taxes be paid to the Sergt. of this Corporation to discharge the Debts due by the Corporation to wit, on the rents of houses agreeable to the Comr. of the Revenues return, 2 p cent, on all which tithables and slaves above 12 years agreeable to said return 3/ p poll on horses 1/ each, all riding carriages a 1/6 p wheel & Billiard tables 10/ each, and it is ordered that the Clerk make out two fair copies of the above Taxable Property & deliver them to the Chamberlain, one of which list to be by him delivered to the Sergt. and that he collect and account with the Chamberlain for the amount of said taxes on or before the 15th of January 1792.

Charles Mortimer & William Lewis Gent. are appointed to Examine the Chimneys & Stoves in this Corporation and to direct those that they may adjudge any ways dangerous to be put in proper order, and report their proceedings to the next bord.

On motion, ordered that if any person or persons shall be hereafter found carrying fire about this Town unless it shall be secured in such a manner as to prevent any danger therefrom he or she so offending being a free person shall forfeit and pay the sum of 5/ for every such offence one moiety to the informer and the other

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moiety to the use of the Corporation to be recovered by warrant before any Justice of said Corporation and if a slave the like fine to be recovered of the owner and it is further ordered that publlck notice of this order be given to the Inhabitants.

Joseph Berry is allowed 28/ for a Gun purchased for the use of the Corporation & 1/6 for nails to mend the prison.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
William Harvey

Last Modified 22 May 2003