Assessment in Fredericksb'g Feb'y 1783

*This digital version was made from the bound copy of the Land Tax Book for Fredericksburg in the Clerk's Office of the Fredericksburg Circuit Court has an unbound version of the 1788 Land Tax Accounts for Fredericksburg. This may be an assessment record and not the land tax list.
Proprietors Names Lotts & Lands Value
  Improved unimproved £ S d
Allen, James 2   180 0 0
Armistead, Henry   1 30 0 0
Atkinson, John pt of lot   135 0 0
Browne, Thomas 2   300 0 0
Blythe, William 1   129 0 0
Baggott, Mrs. ½ of 2   375 0 0
Baylor, John 4   487 10 0
Benson, John 1   90 0 0
Bowdoin Prison ½ of two lotts 1   300 0 0
Bowdoin & Hunter Brewery   600 0 0
Brown, William   1 15 0 0
Cunningham, James   1 17 10 0
Carter, Landon   1 15 0 0
McCoull, Neil   1 15 0 0
Carter, Edward 4 8 1500 0 0
Corbin, Richard Colo.   1 37 10 0
Calvert, Maximllian   90 0 0
Dixon, Lucy Mrs. 4 16½ 750 0 0
Dixon, Roger's Estate 2   180 0 0
Dick, Alexander 6 acres land 5 1 750 0 0
Duncanson, James 4 0 1005 0 0
Evans, Philip 1   75 0 0
French, George Doct'r 1 1/5 309 0 0
Forsythe, Maj'r 1 4 380 0 0
Forsythe & Legg 2   150 0 0
Fitzhugh, William   2 53 0 0
Fox, Samuel 1   150 0 0
Fleet, William   ½ 9 0 0
Ferneyhough, John 1   300 0 0
Galloway, David 1   150 0 0
Gibbs, Mrs. 1   120 0 0
Glassell, John 1 3/4   1000 0 0
Garnet, Muscoe   1 47 10 0
Hazlegrove, John Estate 2/3 of 2   300 0 0
Heath, James   1/3 of 1 45 0 0
Hunter, James Jr. lots & improv   900 0 0
Hackley, James 3/4 of 1   264 0 0
Heath, Susannah 2 2 800 0 0
Hunter, James Sr. lots & improv   475 0 0
Hill, George Est.   1 30 0 0
Heiskell part of 1   300 0 0
Hunter, Adam   1/5 9 0 0
Hardia, John 2   225 0 0
Page 1, carried forward     13,038 0 0
Jackson, William lots & improv & land   1000 0 0
Julian, John Doct'r 3   750 0 0
Jameson, John   2 30 0 0
Calendar & Henderson (tax paid by H. Armistead) 2   750 0 0
Kenny, Richard 2   180 0 0
Lewis, John 3 31 400 0 0
Lewis, William 1   150 0 0
Lipscomb, Phillip 2 4 390 0 0
Lewis, Mrs. Betty 1/8   300 0 0
Lucas, Zachary ½   225 0 0
Lucas, Mrs. 1   150 0 0
Lacoste & Brumfield 2   637 10 0
Mercer, Isabella Mrs. 2 2 315 0 0
McWilliams, Col. 2   675 0 0
Miller, Thomas 1/3   240 0 0
Mercer, James 10   750 0 0
Mortimer, Charles Doct'r 6   750 0 0
Neils, Wm. Estate   1 15 0 0
Payne, Daniel 1   90 0 0
Page, Mann   8 120 0 0
Roots, John   1 15 0 0
Roots, Phil   3 45 0 0
Roots, Mrs. Estate   1 15 0 0
Roddy & Taylor 5 0 750 0 0
Robinson, Michael 2   300 0 0
Ross, Edward Capt. 2   45 0 0
Rose, John Colo. 1   22 10 0
Royal, John   1 15 0 0
Slaven, Jesse 1/3 of 2 lotts   150 0 0
Simpson, Edward ½ of 1   345 0 0
Smith, William 2   450 0 0
Somerville, James 2½ & 1/5   460 0 0
Sullivan, Mrs. Mary 4   750 0 0
Seldon, Samuel   2 30 0 0
Tayloe, John Colo. Est. 3   2850 0 0
Thompson, William (N.K.?)   1 30 0 0
Smith, Larkin Capt. 2 1 480 0 0
Thompson, John Rev'd Est.   2 45 0 0
Turner, Thomas   1 52 0 0
Thornton, George's Estate 1/3   33 0 0
Walker, Thomas 2 2 375 0 0
Wigglesworth, John 7/8 pt of 2   300 0 0
2nd column, brought forward     26570 0 0
Ward, Mrs. 2   300 0 0
Whitter, Jacob 2   600 0 0
Washington, Mary Mrs. 2   300 0 0
Washington, Maj. George 3 400 0 0
Weedon, George, Gen't 2 800 0 0
Williams, James 1   45 0 0
Wray, Jacob   1 15 0 0
Wiatt, William 2/5   180 0 0
Welsh, John 4   1035 0 0
Walker, Robert 4   270 0 0
Waller, John   2 30 0 0
Willis, Lewis as land   19 80 0 0
Walker, Thomas Doct'r   1 15 0 0
Walke, Anthony   1 15 0 0
Williams, William Maj'r   1 15 0 0
Yates, Charles 18½ & improvements   1200 0 0
Johnson, Benjamin   1 15 0 0
Vowles, Capt. 2   240 0 0
Total     £32275 0 0

Chr. Mortimer
John Lewis

Last Updated on 2/7/2000
By Gary Stanton