List of Licenses granted by Geo W B Spooner Commissioner of Revenue for the District of Fredericksburg, to see Merchandize of Foreign growth and Manufacture from the date hereof until the 14 May 1807 - agreeable to the Receipts of the Sheriff or Collector of the County of Spotsylvania given for the respective sumns, and to the person whose names are annexed hereto.

Date Persons Names $
Nov 1 James Smithers 7.50
Dec 16th 1806 John Gray $6.62
May 1st Murray G & Mundell $15.00
William Taylor $15.00
John Allcock $15.00
Charles Jones $15.00
John Steward & Co $15.00
William Caldwell $15.00
David Smith $15.00
Alexander Duncan $15.00
George Cox $15.00
George Baggott $15.00
Terrell & Wiatt $15.00
Porter & Farish $15.00
Stone & Green $15.00
John Gray $15.00
Mordecai Marsten $15.00
John Crump $15.00
Adam Donaldson $15.00
Richard Johnston $15.00
David Henderson & Son $15.00
Mary Beard $15.00
Edward Duffell $15.00
Robt Walker $15.00
James Young & Co $15.00
George Welch $15.00
John Scot $15.00
James Duffell $15.00
Adam Cook $15.00
Samuel Chewning $15.00
Cottom & Steward $15.00
Thomas Goodwin $15.00
T & H Marshall $15.00
Thos S. Johnston $15.00
Robt Couper & Co $15.00
Peter Smock $15.00
John Mark $15.00
John Coakley $15.00
John Smith $15.00
John Patterson & Co $15.00
Robert Patton $15.00
Reubin Thom $15.00
George, Slaughter $15.00
John Brownlow $15.00
Anthony Buck $15.00
James Blair $15.00
Richard Peacock $15.00
Wm B Brown $15.00
William Davis $15.00
Thomas Legg $15.00
John L. Shultice $15.00
Mordecai Barbour $15.00
James Smithers $15.00
John S. Wellford & Co $15.00
Jacob Stairs $15.00
Thos Cochran $15.00
James Newby $15.00
John Lear $15.00
Tinsley Chewning $15.00
John Johnston $15.00
Laurence Boores $15.00
Elisha Thatcher $15.00
Total $929.12

Geo W. B. Spooner, Commissioner of the Revenue for the Corpn of Fredericksburg

List of Licenses granted to Tavern Keepers from 1st of September 1805 to the 1st of September 1806 by the Court of Hustings for the Corporation of Fredericksburg, Vizt
John Rogers
Wm Herndon
Wm Jackson
Adam Donalson
George Welch
Wm Caldwell
John Johnson
Christopher Brown
David Smith
Leonard Adams
Reubin Daniel
Peter Smock
James S. Smithers
John L Shultice
Martha Fisher

I Robert S. Chew Clerk of the Court of Hustings of Fredericksburg Do hereby certify that above to be a correct list of licenses grant to tavern keepers and I do also certify that there has been no license granted by the said court to Hawkers and Pedlars within the periods aforesaid.
Certifed this 2nd day of September 1806
R. S. Chew C C H

Last Updated on 15 December 2006
Entered by Gary Stanton
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