Robert Hodge Index to the Fredericksburg Ledger, 1865-1874

The Fredericskburg Ledger, founded by James Beverley Sener (1837-1903) was a four-page newspaper published each Tuesday and Friday excepting the Fourth of July and Christmas, in Fredericksburg, Virginia from May 23, 1865 until November 14, 1874. Pages one, two and four were chiefly advertisements and items of national concern. Page three was mostly local information.

The index was prepared by Robert Hodge. The issues were scanned for items deemed of value to the LOCAL historian and genealogist. Each entry consists of essentially four parts: Name, Reason for being, Publication date, and (for the indexes done more recently) Page and Column numbers. The electronic version was created by the Center for Historic Preservation at Mary Washington College by scanning a copy of the text and then modifying the format to fit a table.

The microfilm reels of the Fredericksburg Ledger are available in Fredericksburg at the Central Rappahannock Regional Library and at Simpson Library at Mary Washington College.

If you prefer, or if you have difficulty accessing this database you can right-click the download button and bring the data to your machine as a tab-delimited text file and open the file in your spread sheet program. Be certain to set your fields to text before you open this file in Microsoft Excel or it will assume all dates are twentieth century. download