Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

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At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Tuesday 21st February 1792

William Harvey Mayor
Charles Urquhart ) William Lovell )
George Weedon ) Aldermen William Lewis ) Common Councilmen
Charles Mortimer ) David Blair )
Gustavus B. Wallace )

It being represented to this board that great danger is to be apprehended from a number of stoves in this Corporation which have pipes that pass through the windows or sides of several houses, and therefore may indanger this Town by fire, to the great detriment of the Inhabitants, It is therefore Ordered that all such stoves be immediately pulled down or discontinued together with such stoves that the pipes pass thro. the partition of any house or into small chimneys fixed in the second or upper floor of any house within the sd. Corporation, or any other stove or stoves that may appear Dangerous to the Commissioners and that Robt. Wellford, Jos. Christy, Thos. Barwise, James Newby, Wm. Herndon & Zachariah Lucas or any three of them Gents. be requested to attend as Commissioners, the Sergeant & Constables of this Corporation to see the above order

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carried into effect, and that if any Owner of a Stove or Chimney that the Commissioners may adjudge dangerous shall refuse or neglect to comply with this order within 24 hours after he or she is notified thereof shall forfeit & pay the sum of Thirty Pounds - Virginia Currency to be recovered by the Mayor for the time being for the use of the Corporation in any Court of Record in this Commonwealth.

George T. Todd Sergeant is allowed till the 14th March next to compleat this Collection of the Taxes and to settle with the Chamberlain for the same.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
William Harvey

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March 19th 1792
This being the day appointed by Law for the Annual Election of Twelve Members to serve the Corporation for the ensuing Year, The Freeholders & Inhabitants being notified and having deposited their ticketts in the Ballott Box, upon Examination thereof the Greatest numbers were found to stand as follows, for William Lovell 61, George Weedon 60, Charles Mortimer 59, Benjamin Day 54, James Somerville 51, Fontaine Maury 50, George French 49, David Blair 42, David Henderson 42, Gustavus B. Wallace 40, John Furnehough 28, William Lewis 27, James Brown 26, William Drummond 22, & Godlove Hieskill 21, So that the first Twelve were duly elected, and on Thursday March 22nd 1792, met and proceeded to the choice of a Mayor when James Somerville Esq. was duly elected & qualified accordingly.

They then proceeded to the choice of a Recorder, when Charles Mortimer Esqr. was duly elected & qualified accordingly.

They also proceeded to the choice of 4 Aldermen when George French, George Weedon, Ben. Day & Fontaine Maury were duly elected and said Geo. Weedon & Fontaine qualified accordingly and the remaining 6 to wit: Wm. Lovell, David Blair, David Henderson, Gustavus B. Wallace Jas. Furnehough & Wm. Lewis are Common Councilmen whereupon Wm. Lovell, David Blair, David Henderson, Jno. Furnehough & William Lovell qualified accordingly.

John Chew is unanimously appointed Clk. to this board the Ensuing Year.

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James Somerville Esqr. is unanimously appointed Chamberlain for the Ensuing Year.

John Legg Gent. is duly appointed Vendue Master for the Ensuing Year and that he give bond to the Court and take the oath of office.

David Blair, Fontaine Maury and William Lewis Gent. are re-elected Trustees of the Markett House the Ensuing Year.

Thomas Miller is reelected Guager & Geographer the Ensuing Year.

John Hardia appointed Ballast & Harbor master the Ensuing Year.

John Atkinson is appointed keeper of the Powder Magazine the Ensuing Year.

Joseph Berry is appointed Clerk of the Markett the Ensuing Year.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
James Somerville

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At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Saturday the 28th April 1792

James Somerville Esqr. Mayor
Charles Mortimer Esqr. Recorder
George Weedon ) William Lovell )
Benjamin Day )Esqrs. Aldermen David Blair ) Common Councilmen
Fontaine Maury ) John Fernehough )
David Henderson )

The Council proceeded to adjust the following claims against the Corporation to the 19th March last.
To John Chew for Bal. his acct. rendered £22 10
To John Minor attorney for the Corporation 20 0 0
To George T. Tod Sergt. for his services to this board £9 0 0
To ditto for his sallery by law 1248 lb Tobo. 10 8 0
To ditto by account 1 13 0 21 1 0
To David & James Blair for Lead for the fire Engine 3 4 0
To Joseph Berry his services attending on the Court and attending on the Magistrates on public business 7 10 0
To ditto as Clerk of the Markett & for keeping order in the streets on Sundays 6 0 0
£80 5

Benjamin Day, Fontaine Maury, William Lovell, David Blair and David Henderson Gent. or any three of them are appointed to settle with Chamberlain Sergeant Overseers of the Poor with Col. William Peachey Exr. of Henry Armistead and the Keeper of the Powder Magazine their several accounts with the Corpo

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Corporation for the years 1790 and 1791 and make report thereof to this board.

Benjamin Day, William Lovell & David Henderson Gent. or any two of them are appointed to settle with the Trustees of the Markett House and make report thereof to this Board.

Charles Mortimer, William Lovell and John Fernehough Gent. or any 2 of them are appointed to let to the highest bidder the public warf till the 3rd Monday in March next.

The following Bonds were delivered to the Trustees of the Markett house to wit:
George Christian & Jacob Michael for stallage payable 2nd August 1792 £3 10 0
John Bird & Ann Hackley do. 17th May 1792 3 0 0
Thomas Ryan & Jos. Berry do. 17th March last 4 0 0
Godlove Hieskill & Jno. Bridgland due 16th May 1792 for 4 0 0
John Bridgland and Godlove Hieskill due 17th May 1792 3 0 0
Frans. Burns & Thos. Vowles due 17th March last 6 0 0
£23 10 0
Claims Brought Forward £80 5
To Benjamin Day for a Blankett for the use of the Goal 0 11 6
£80 17

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Ordered that all owners of waggons & carts in this Corporation who work the same for hire do from this day pay to the Clerk of this board for the use of the Corporation the sum of 20/- each as a Tax thereon for one year and on failure thereof shall forfeit the sum of 24/- for every offence, to be recovered by warrant before a single Magistrate by any person who shall prosecute for the same.

This board taken into consideration the great abuses of the order for Levying the Tax of 20/ on Drays in this Corporation It is therefore Ordered that every application in future for a Licence to work a waggon Dray or cart for hire in this Corporation shall before obtaining such Licence enter into bond with sufficient security in the Clerk's office thereof in the penalty of £75 payable to the Mayor for the time being and his successors with condition for their due and faithfull performance of their duty as Drayman against all Damages or losses they may sustain in consequence thereof.

James Somerville, Charles Mortimer & George Weedon Gent, are appointed a Committee to wait on Doctor George French and obtain from him whether he will qualify as an Alderman for this Corporation agreeable to his appointment and that the Committee make report thereof to the next Council.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
James Somerville

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At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg the 18th day of July 1792

James Somerville esqr. Mayor
Charles Mortimer Recorder
Benjn. Day )
Fontaine Maury ) esqr. Aldermen
David Blair )
John Ferneyhough ) Common Councilmen
David Henderson )
William Lewis )

John Legg Gent. the present Vendue Master for this Corporation having by letter bearing date the 28th June 1792 addressed to the Honble. James Mercer Esqr. notified his absence for some time occasioned by his indisposition, this board therefore at the request of the said Legg by his said letter appoint Henry L. Gaskins to act for and in his behalf as Vendue Master afsd. during the absence of said John Legg and thereupon the sd. Gaskins took the oath of his office.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
James Somerville

Honble. James Mercer Esq. Fredsbg. 28th June 1792
My indisposition obliges me to leave home for some time therefore cannot attend the sale on the 19th next month Mr. Gaskins my assistant is well acquainted with the business and will attend on you together with Mr. Berry the Cryer, with respect to the Commission on the sale I shall leave that to yourself.

Agreeable to your instructions I have had the advertisement inserted in the Alexandria and Fredericksburg papers. I intend to take some of the Academy Lotty. Tickets with me to Rhode Island & try to dispose of them there with the greatest respect
I am sir
Your most ObServt.
Jno. Legg
The Honble. James Mercer Esqr.

Last Modified 22 May 2003