Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

[Page 380 cont]

At a Council held at the court house for the Town & Corpo. of Fredsbg. on Saturday the 6th day of February 1796

Wm. Harvey Mayor
Fontaine Maury Recorder

Elisha Hall )
Zach. Lucas ) Aldermen
Geo. W. B. Spooner )
Wm. Herndon )
James Brown )
Richd. Peacock )
Field. Lucas ) Councilmen
Richd. S. Hackley )
John Benson )

The committee appointed to settle with James Somerville Esq. late Chamberlain returned two accounts and reports thereon which are ordered to be recorded.

The commissioners appointed to examine & lay off such part of the market house as they thought most advisable to Lease out for the benefit of the Corporation this day

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returned a plan & survey thereof On consideration. whereof this board is of opinion that such part of the said lotts agreeable to the platt thereof be leased out to the highest bidders for three lives, and that Font. Maury Elisha Hall Geo. W. B. Spooner Zach Lucas James Brown Richd. S. Hackley and John Benson Gent. or any three or more of them do after giving three weeks public notice thereof lease out the said Lotts for the term aforesaid and that the commrs. make known such terms as they may adjudge most advisable for the benefit of the Corporation on the day of sale.

Zach. Lucas Field. Lucas & Richd. S. Hackley or any two of them are appointed to settle with the Chamberlain and with the Sergeant of this Corpo. their accounts with the Corpo. for the last year and make report thereof.
Wm. Harvey

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 21st day of March 1796

William Harvey Mayor
Font. Maury Recorder
Geo. W. B. Spooner )
Zach. Lucas ) Aldermen
James Brown )
Richd. Peacock )
Wm. Pearson ) Common Council
Field. Lucas )
John Benson )

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The Commissioners appointed to Lease out the vacant ground belonging to the Markett house returned their report together with the platt of the Ground Leased & this day made return of their proceedings which is ordered to be recorded.
William Harvey

Terms of Leasing -
Two Story Houses not less than Eighteen feet front and twenty Eight feet deep must be built on the two Lotts situated on the main street, and the one situated on the cross street adjoining the pump and the houses on the cross street must be not less than eighteen by twenty feet and one story high.

The Leasor shall give security to secure the payment of the rent untill the above improvements are made and he shall forfeit his Lease unless they are compleated within two years the rent to commence from the date of the Lease.

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Account Sales of the Markett house Lotts sold at Public Vendue by order of the commissioners on the 3rd & 4th March 1796

1796 D Purchasers Names No. &c Lotts Price p foot Amount
March 3 David Corbin Ker No. 1 22 x 44 feet 7/ £7 14 0
3 William S.Stone No. 2 24 x 44 feet 5/6 6 12 0
3 Jacob Styers No. 3 24 x 44 feet 3/8 4 8 0
3 David C. Ker No. 4 24 x 44 feet 3/5 4 2 0
3 Fontaine Maury No. 5 24 x 44 feet 2/10 3 8 0
3 William Taylor No. 6 24 x 44 feet 3/9 4 10 0
3 William Glassell No. 7 24 x 44 feet 5/ 6 0 0
3 William S. Stone No. 8 40 x 24 feet 5/6 11 0 0
4 William Smith No. 9 24 x 42 feet 20/1 24 2 0
4 Thomas Posey No. 9 23 x 96 feet 14/1 16 4 0
£88 0 0
Commission @ 1 p ct. on amt. Sales above lotts 0 17 7
Nett proceeds £87 2 5

E Ex. Jno. Legg
Fredericksburg 8th March 1796

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March 21, 1796

This being the day appointed by Law for the annual election of 12 members to serve the Corpo. the ensuing year the freeholders and housekeepers being notified thereof and having deposited their Ticketts in the Ballott Box upon examination the greatest number of votes were found as follows for Font. Maury 42 for Wm. Harvey 40 for Geo. W. B. Spooner 37 for Elisha Hall 36 for James Brown 35 for Zach. Lucas 32 Richard Peacock 31 Wm. Pearson 31 Wm. Herndon 29 Richard S. Hackley 29 Field. Lucas 28 John Benson 24 Wm. Taylor 19 Geo. French 15 so that the first named 12 were duly Elected who proceeded to elect a Mayor when Font. Maury Esq. was duly elected and qualified accordingly.

They then proceeded to elect a Recorder when Richard S. Hackley Esq. was duly elected.

They also proceeded to elect four Aldermen when William Harvey Elisha Hall Geo. W. B. Spooner & Zach Lucas were duly elected and qualified accordingly and the remaining six to wit James Brown Richard Peacock Wm. Pearson Wm. Herndon Fielding Lucas & John Benson are common council men who except William Herndon who being absent qualified accordingly.

John Chew is selected Clerk to this board.

Geo. W. B. Spooner is reappointed chamberlain the ensuing year.

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John Legg is unanimously appointed Vendue Master the present year to give bond and quality at next Court.

Thomas Miller is unanimously appointed Guager & Geographer the present year.

Thomas Simpson is appointed Ballast & Harbor Master the ensuing year.

John Atkinson is reappointed keeper of the powder magazine the ensuing year.

James Brown William Pearson & Fielding Lucas are appointed trustees of the Markett house the ensuing year.

Thomas Sacrae is reappointed Clerk of the Markett the ensuing year.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Fontaine Maury

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At a counsel held for the Corppxation of Fredsburg on the _____day of _____1796

Fontaine Maury Mayor

Elisha Hall )
Geo. W. B. Spooner ) Aldermen
Zach. Lucas )
James Brown )
Richard Peacock )
Wm. Pearson ) Council Men
John Benson )

Before the counsel proceeded to business Richard S. Hackley duly elected Recorder appeared and qualified according to Law.

Richard S. Hackley Recorder

William Herndon Gentleman duly elected one of the Common Counsel also appeared and qualified according to Law.

William Herndon Gent.

James Brown and William Herndon Gent. are appointed to rent out the County Wharf till the third Monday in March next.

The Board taking into consideration the house in which Joseph Berry now resides in do agree to rent the same to said Berry for the sum of Three Pounds till the third Monday in March next and ordered that he pay the said sum to the Chamberlain on or before the expiration of said Term.

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Ordered that the Trustees of the markett house be directed to call on such persons as they may think proper to view the present situation of the said Markett House & report to the next counsel whether in their opinion the present walls are sufficient to support a new Roof.

Elisha Hall Geo. W. B. Spooner & Godlove Hieskell Gent. are appointed a committee to imploy six men in whom they can confide as a permanent Guard & patrole for this Town for Twelve months and that they also carry about a subscription paper in order to get a sum sufficient subscribed for the payment of said Guard.

Richard Peacock Wm. Herndon & John Benson Gent. are appointed to agree with some person to furnish a sufficient number of Ladders & fire hooks to be affixed at such places as they may think proper for the use of this Corporation to be used only in cases of fire.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed
Fontaine Maury

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At a Counsel held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Thursday the 7th day of April 1796

Fontaine Maury Mayor
Richard S. Hackley Recorder
Wm. Harvey )
Elisha Hall ) Aldermen
Geo. W. B. Spooner )
Zach. Lucas )
James Brown )
Wm. Herndon )
John Benson ) Counsel men
Fieldg. Lucas )

The Commissioners appointed to settle with the Chamberlain his acct. with the Corpo. returned an acct. & report thereof which is ordered to be recorded and that a true copy thereof be made & delivered the printer for publication.

The Board proceeded to adjust and allow the following Claims against the Corporation viz:

To John Chew Clerk of this Board £20 0 0
To Ditto his Sallery by law 7 10 0
To Do. for examining the taxable property 5 0 0 £32 10 0
To James Allan for attending this board 15 0 0
To do his sallery by Law 7 10 0
To do for fire wood 1 4 0 23 14 0
To John Minor atto. For this Corpo. 20 0 0
To Joseph Berry taking care of the uper part of the Markett House 4 10 0
£80 14 0
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Brought up £80 0 0
To William Harvey p account 2 13 6
To John Newton as Overseer of the streets 15 15 0
To Timothy Green p account 4 17 0
To Joseph Berry p account 6 0 3
To Godlove Hieskell for this sum over paid in his last years Tax 3 17 0
£113 16 9

The following Gentlemen are appointed to take the number of White Tithables Slaves above Twelve Years Horses Riding Carriages Billiard Tables, Drays & Carts within the several Districts to wit, Wm. Herndon Richard Peacock from the lower end of the Town, to Mrs. Daniels corner, Wm. Pearson & John Benson from that corner to Lovell & Urquharts corner, Richard S. Hackley and Elisha Hall from that corner to David Henderson's corner, Zach. Lucas & Fielding Lucas from that corner to the uper end of the Town and make return thereof to the next counsel.

Ordered that the present Trustees of the Markett House do agree with some good workmen to put a new Roof to the Markett House and that they call on such persons as they may think proper to assist them in making out an Estimate of the expense of sd. new Roof and make report to the next Counsel.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Fontaine Maury

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At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Wednesday June 22nd 1796

Fontaine Maury Mayor
Richard S. Hackley Recorder
William Harvey )
Geo. W. B. Spooner ) Aldermen
Zach. Lucas )
James Brown )
William Pearson ) Council Men
Rd. Peacock )
Fielding Lucas )

The Gentlemen appointed to take the list of Tithables and Taxable property in this Corpo. this day retd. their lists amounting to 295 white Tithables 394 slaves above Twelve years 126 Horses 82 Carriage Wheels 6 Billiard Tables 13 Drays. Ordered that The Clerk make out two fair copies of said lists and deliver one to the Chamberlain and the other to the Sergeant and that the Sergeant collect of each white Tithable 4/- p poll for each slave above Twelve years 4/- for each Horse 1/4 for each carriage wheel 3/- & for each Dray 24/- & for each Billiard Table 40/ and also 20/- on every £100 value of Rent agreable to the Commissioners and account for sd. Taxes with the Chamberlain within three months from this date.

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William Harvey, Richard S. Hackley, and Geo. W. B. Spooner Gent. are appointed to revise the ordinances respecting Hogs going at Large in this Corporation and to report the same to the next Council.

Geo. W. B. Spooner is allowed the sum of £10.0.5½ p acct. for building a Hog Sty.

Ordered that the Overseers of the poor be requested to rent the House at Slygo at present occupied as a Hospital to be used as such for one year and that Doctor Ker be requested to attend the sd. Hospital when it shall be necessary.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Fontaine Maury

At a Council held in the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the 15th day of August 1796

Fontaine Maury Mayor
Richard S. Hackley Recorder

William Harvey )
Elisha Hall ) Aldermen
James Brown )
Richd. Peacock )
Wm. Pearson ) Councilmen
Fieldg. Lucas )
Wm. Herndon )

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Elisha Hall Gent is added to the committee appointed to revise the ordinance respecting Hogs runing at large in this Corporation and make report thereof to the next Council.

Upon the application of the present Trustees of the Charity School in this corporation to join the Donation left by the Last Will and Testament of Archd. McPhearson decd. and vested in the Mayor and Commonality of Fredericksbg. for the purpose of educating poor youth This Board doth approve of said application and do certify that they are willing to join with said Trustees to petition the next General Assembly for an act to pass vesting the said Donation in the said Trustees and the Mayor & Recorder of this Corpo. for the time being & their successors in aid of the funds at present established for the education of poor youths.

Upon motion, ordered that the Price of Drayage till the first of December next be from Somerville's warf to any part of the Town 1/3 for each Load and from Glassell's warf to any part of the Town 1/6 for each Load.
Fontaine Maury

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At a Council held for the Corporation of Fredericksburg on Friday the 19th day of August 1796

Fontaine Maury Mayor
Richard S. Hackley Recorder
William Harvey )
Elisha Hall ) Aldermen
James Brown )
William Pearson ) Council Men
Richd. Peacock )
Wm. Herndon )

The committee appointed to revise the ordinance respecting Hogs runing at large within this Corporation this day reported an Ordinance to that purpose which was approved of by the Council and ordered to be recorded - And agreeable to said ordinance Joseph Berry is appointed Keeper of the said Pound for one year from this date and Ordered that he give notice in the Fredsburg. Herald that if any Hog or Hogs shall be found runing at Large in said Corporation after the 1st day of September next they will be impounded and dealt with agreable to the direction of said Ordinance.
Fontaine Maury

In obedience to an order of Council we the committee appointed for the purpose of revising the several ordinances respecting Hogs found runing at Large within this Corporation submit the annexed to the consideration of the Council.

William Harvey
Elisha Hall
Richd. S. Hackley

[Page 395]

Whereas much inconvenience and injury have been experienced by the inhabitants of this Corpo. in consequence of Hogs being permitted to run at Large on the streets and common, Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen & Common Councilmen of the Corpo. of Fredg. & it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same That from & after the first day of September next any Hog or Hogs belonging to an Inhabitant or Inhabitants of this Corpo. be found runing at Large within the Limits of this Town shall be impounded by an officer for that purpose annually appointed who shall immediately advertize the same at the Town house & Church and if not claimed by the owner within seven days the same shall be sold by the Keeper who shall be entitled to one half the amount of sales and pay the other moiety into the hands of the Chamberlain to be appropriated to the lessening the Taxes of the corporation.-

Provided nevertheless that if the owner or owners claim them within the time above specified and pay the Keeper seventy five cents for each Hog and the expence of maintainence they shall be entitled to the Hog or Hogs so impounded on proving their property agreable to Law-

And be it further ordained that if any Hog or Hogs belonging to any person or persons not Inhabitants of this Corporation shall be found runing at Large within the Limits thereof after the afsd. first day of September the same shall be impounded and advertised in the manner before mentioned and if not claimed by the owner thereof within, the term of seven days shall be sold by the Keeper of the said pound to the highest bidder and after deducting seventy five cents for each Hog and the expence for keeping the balance

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if any shall be paid to the owner of said Hog or Hogs he proving his property according to Law, And be it further ordained that it shall be the duty of the Keeper of said pound to return an account on oath once in every week to the Chamberlain of all moneys by him received for the sale of any Hog or Hogs belonging to persons not inhabitants of this Corpo. & sold by residue of this ordinance and pay the amt. thereof to the Chamberlain for the use of such non inhabitant after deducting the sum of seventy five cents afsd. and the expence of maintainence whenever any person or persons shall claim the Hog or Hogs so impounded the Keeper shall make oath to the quantity of provision furnished said Hog or Hogs for the time they shall be so impounded which account if thought reasonable by the Magistrate before whom the same be proved he shall direct the amounts to be paid by the owner thereof to the Keeper and the Hog or Hogs delivered to him or them and all sales made by virtue of this ordinance of Hogs belonging to Inhabitants of this Corpo. one half the amount of such sale or sales shall in like manner be paid by the Keeper to the Chamberlain for the use of the Corporation to be applied in the manner before directed. All Ordinances respecting Hogs runing at Large in this Corporation with the purview of this Ordinance is hereby repealed.

Last Modified 26 May 2003