A List of Licenses granted to sundry persons allowed to sell merchandize of foreign growth and manufactory from 1 May 1812 to 1 May 1813 granted agreeable to sheriff's receipts

Person's Names Amt
Richard Johnson & Son $15.00
William James $15.00
Samuel Chewning $15.00
William Caldwell $15.00
John Smith Jr $15.00
Bartlett Guthrie $15.00
Robert Parrott $15.00
Adam Donaldson $15.00
Crump & Hart $15.00
Donald Campbell $15.00
William B Brown $15.00
David Henderson $15.00
George Cox $15.00
William A Knox $15.00
Weir & Thom $15.00
Alexander Duncan $15.00
Mordica Marston $15.00
Caleb Carter $15.00
James Cooke $15.00
William Hardia $15.00
Tinsley, Chewning $15.00
John Coakley $15.00
Thomas Legg $15.00
Tabb & Talbot $15.00
George Baggott $15.00
William Suthard $15.00
John Patterson & Co $15.00
Alexander F Rose $15.00
Anthony Buck $15.00
John Mark $15.00
William Gordon $15.00
Amount Brot up $465.00
Morgan Sweeny $15.00
Thomas Cary $15.00
George B Richards & Co $15.00
Robert Mackay $15.00
William Wellford $15.00
Benjamin Bramhall $15.00
John M Weidemeyer $15.00
Thomas L Johnston $15.00
James Newby $15.00
Peter Smock $15.00
John Scott $15.00
Samuel Gordon $15.00
Thomas Goodwin $15.00
Robert Richards $15.00
Silas Wood $15.00
Robert Patton $15.00
Samuel Owens $15.00
John Garner $15.00
Richard Peacock $15.00
Charles Austin $15.00
David Smith $15.00
Stephen Fales $15.00
William F Reed $15.00
Jno K Hill $15.00
Mary Sexsmith $15.00
Horace Marshall $15.00
Thomas Proctor $15.00
Ludovicus Reed $15.00
Total $885.00

Jno Metcalfe Commissioner of Revenue for the State of Virginia within the District of Fredericksburg
19th May 1812

They were added at the foot of my return of Tavern Licenses that year

State of Virginia
Do Geo W. B. Spooner Dr
1812 for issuing 23 Merchants Licenses from the 17 May 1811 to 1st Apr 1812 inclusive @ 25¢ ea $5.75
Fredg June 1, 1812

Fredg June 1st 1812
Enclosed is a list of Merchants Licenses granted within the District since my last return.
I have made some omissions in my former returns, which I have annexed at the last of the present years return. In order that I may discover and correct all omissions & errors whilst acting as Commissioner in this District, I must sollicit the favour of you to send me from your office a coyp of listings of 5 Merchants Licenses the 31st October of John McPherson - any expense [illegible] transmission of this copy you will [??] retain out of my present acct hereunto annexed.
Yours Respectfully
Geo W B Spooner

Last Updated on 14 December 2006
Entered by Gary Stanton
Please provide corrections to gstanton@umw.edu