[Page 420]
At a Council held at the Court House on Thursday the 17th day of January 1799
Fontaine Maury Mayor
G. W. B. Spooner Recorder
George French | ) |
William Taylor | ) Aldermen |
James Brown | ) |
Rd. Peacock | ) Councilmen |
Wm. Herndon | ) |
Zach. Lucas | ) |
Ordered that Geo. W . B. Spooner, Wm. Taylor, George French, Wm. Herndon & Z. Lucas, or any three of them being appointed a Committee to draught an Ordinance to amend the Ordinance respecting Hogs in this Corporation & report the same to the next Council.
The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Fontaine Maury
At a Council held at the Court house on Monday the 21st day of January 1799
Fontaine Maury Mayor
Geo. W. B. Spooner Recorder
George French | ) |
Wm. Taylor | ) Aldermen |
James Brown | ) |
Fieldg. Lucas | ) Common Councilmen |
Richard Peacock | ) |
Wm. Herndon | ) |
An Ordinance Respecting Hogs was reported by the Committee appointed for that purpose which was approved by the Council and ordered to be recorded.
The following Gentn. are appointed to take the number of Hogs shoats pigs in this Corpo. viz: Fontaine Maury & Geo. French from the lower end of the town to Jas. Newbys Corner, Wm. Taylor & Richard Peacock from Newbys Corner to Wm. Lovells Corner John Benson and Wm. Herndon from Lovells Corner to D. Hendersons Corner, & Zach. Lucas & Fielding Lucas from Hendersons Corner to the uper end of the Town, and that the Comrs. proceed to take the list of Hogs on the 2nd day of February next, and also to examine the situation of the several chimneys & Stoves in this Corpo. and make return of the said lists and report respecting chimneys &c to the next Council.
Fontaine Maury
[Page 421]
In Council January 21st 1799
An Ordinance Concerning Hogs
WHEREAS, the several ordinances respecting Hogs belonging to the Inhabitants of this Corporation, have hitherto proved insufficient to prevent the inconvenience experienced in consequence of their running at large; Be it therefore Ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the Corporation of Fredericksburg, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all Hogs, shoats, or Pigs, within this Corporation the first day of February 1799, belonging to persons living within the Jurisdiction thereof, shall be subject to, and pay Four Dollars, And the like Sum of Four Dollars for each Hog, shoat or pig, within this Corporation the 1st day of March next, ensuing, agreeable to returns made by the Commissioners for that purpose appointed. And be it further ordained That if any free person shall refuse to render in a list of their hogs to Commissioners, when applied for or when applied to, render a false list, he or she, on being convicted thereof before the Court of Hustings of this Corporation shall forfeit and pay the following penalties, to wit; for refusing to render a list, Forty Dollars, and for rendering a false list, Ten Dollars for each hog, shoat or pig, To be Recovered in the name of the Mayor, for the use of the Corporation to be applied towards lessening the taxes thereof.
And be it further ordained, that if any man or woman slave shall be Convicted (or information being lodged with Magistrate) of raising or keeping any Hogs, Shoats, or Pigs within this Corporation, he or she so Convicted, shall receive 39 lashes at the public whiping post.
The above Tax shall be collected by the Sergeant of this Corporation from the owner, if free persons, and in Case such Hog or Hogs be found in possession of a Slave, then of the Master or owner of such Slave.
All former ordinances made respecting Hogs are hereby Repealed.
[Page 422]
At a Council held at the house of Mr. John Benson for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the 18th day of March 1799
Fontaine Maury Mayor
Geo. W. B. Spooner Recorder
George French | ) |
David C. Ker | ) |
John Mercer | ) Aldermen |
Wm. Taylor | ) |
Richd. Peacock | ) |
James Brown | ) |
Fieldg. Lucas | ) Common Councilmen |
John Benson | ) |
Wm. Herndon | ) |
Wm. Taylor and Richd. Peacock, Gent. who were appointed to take a list of the Hogs from James Newby's Corner to Wm. Lovells Corner and Wm. Herndon and Jas. Benson from Lovells to David Hendersons This day retd. their List which is ordered to be copied & delivered the Sergt. for Collection.
On the application of Mrs. Heath and for reasons appearing to the Council, Ord. that the tax on 4 Hogs retd. by the Comrs. belonging to her be remitted.
On the application of Simon Sexsmith and for reasons appearing to the Council, Ordd. that the Tax on one Hog retd. by the Comrs. belonging to him be Remitted.
On the application of Negro Beck belonging to Nathl Fox and for reasons appearing to the Council, Ordd that the tax on one Hog belonging to her be Remitted.
This being the day appointed by Law for the annual election of 12 persons to serve the Corporation the ensuing year as Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common Council men, the Freeholders & House keepers being notified thereof met at the house of John Benson in the said Corporation and having deposited their Ticketts in the Ballott Box upon examination the greatest number of votes were found in favour of the following persons, viz:
1 | For | George French | 126 |
2 | " | Rd. Peacock | 101 |
3 | " | G. W. B. Spooner | 78 |
[Page 423] | |||
4 | " | Geo. Murray | 73 |
5 | " | James Brown | 71 |
6 | " | Alexr. Duncan | 71 |
7 | " | James Newby | 71 |
8 | " | Fontaine Maury | 69 |
9 | " | David C. Ker | 69 |
10 | " | Benjn. Day | 69 |
11 | " | Wm. Drummond | 69 |
12 | " | Rob. Wellford | 68 |
" | Jona. Harris | 66 | |
" | Fielding Lucas | 62 | |
" | Jos. Walker | 62 | |
" | Z. Lucas | 59 |
So that the first named twelve persons are duly elected.
Ordered that the Sergt. give notice to the Gentlemen elected to serve the Corporation the present year to meet at Mr. John Benson's tomorrow evening at 3 O'clock in order to elect the Different officers for the present year
Fontaine Maury
March 19th, 1799.
George French, Richard Peacock, Geo. W. B. Spooner, George Murray, James Brown, Alexr. Duncan, James Newby, Fontaine Maury David C. Ker Benjamin Day William Drummond & Robert Wellford having the greatest number of votes at the election yesterday, to serve as Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, & Common Council men the present year all of whom this day met at the house of Mr. John Benson, and proceeded to the Choice of Mayor when George French, Esgr. was duly elected who qualified according to Law.
They then proceeded to the Choice of Recorder when G. W. B. Spooner Esqr. was duly elected who qualified according to Law.
They then proceeded to the choice of 4 Aldermen when Benjn. Day, Wm. Drummond and David C. Ker & Font. Maury Esqrs. were duly elected who qualified according to Law, and the remaining Six to wit Richard Peacock Geo. Murray James Brown Alexr. Duncan James Newby and Robt. Wellford Esqrs. are Common Councilmen who qualified accordingly.
[Page 424]
John Chew is reelected Clerk to this Board for the present year.
The board then proceeded to the choice of a Chamberlain when Alexander Duncan was Duly Elected.
They also proceeded to the choice of a Vendue Master when John Legg Gt. was duly Elected and ordered that he give Bond with Security at next Court.
Thomas Miller in unanimously appointed Guager & Geographer the ensuing year.
Charles Steward is unanimously appointed Clerk of the Markett the ensuing year.
John Ferneyhough is reappointed Keeper of the Powder Magazine the ensuing year.
James Brown Alexr. Duncan George Murray David C. Ker and James Newby Gent. are appointed trustees of the Markett house the Ensuing year.
The Minutes of these proceedings were sign'd.
Geo. French
At a Council held at the Court House in the Town & Corporation of Fredg. on Saturday the 23rd day of March 1799
George French Mayor
Geo. W. B. Spooner Recorder
Benjn. Day | ) |
Wm. Drummond | ) |
David C. Ker | ) Aldermen |
Fontaine Maury | ) |
George Murray | ) |
James Brown | ) |
Alexr. Duncan | ) Common Councilmen |
James Newby | ) |
Benjn. Day Wm. Drummond, Font. Maury & George Murray Gent. or any two of them are appointed to settle with Geo. W. B. Spooner his accounts as late Chamberlain of this Corporation and make Report to next Council.
[Page 425]
Benjn. Day Wm. Drummond & George Murray Gent. or any 2 of them are appointed to settle with the late Trustees of the Markett House their accounts for the last year & make report thereof to the next Council.
Prest. Richd. Peacock a Com. Councilman
David C. Ker Geo. W. B. Spooner, Richard Peacock Alexr. Duncan and James Newby Gts. or any two of them are appointed to enquire whether the Houses in which Mr. Charles Yates reside are apart of the Town of Fredg. & subject to the Taxes of this Corporation and make report thereof to the next Council.
Upon the application of George W. B. Spooner Gt. who was elected on Monday last to serve the Corporation the ensuing year as Recorder to resign his appointment For reasons appearing to this Board They do unanimously consent to the application of the said G. W. B. Spooner and permit him to resign his appointment as Recorder.
The vacancy of Recorder occasioned by the resignation of George W. B. Spooner Gt. Benjamin Day Gt. the eldest Alderman is appointed to fill that Office - who took the oath of Recorder.
Geo. Murray having had the highest number of votes for an Alderman at the last election he is appointed to that office in the room of Benjn. Day Gt. who appointed Recorder who took the usual oaths of office.
The Board then proceeded to elect from the body of the freeholders a person to fill the office of a Common Councilman in the room of Geo. Murray Gt. Thomas Goodwin Gent. was duly elected & qualified accordingly.
Prest. Thos. Goodwin Gt.
The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French
[Page 426]
At a Council held at the Markett House on Monday the 8th day of April 1799
George French Mayor
Benjn. Day Recorder
Wm. Drummond | ) |
David C. Ker | ) |
Font. Maury | ) Aldermen |
Geo. Murray | ) |
Richd. Peacock | ) |
Jas. Brown | ) |
Alexr. Duncan | ) Common Councilmen |
Robt. Wellford | ) |
James Newby | ) |
Thos. Goodwin | ) |
Wm. Drummond David C. Ker Font. Maury James Brown & Thos. Goodwin Gent. or any three of them are appointed a Committee to meet the Committee appointed by the fire Company to confer with them and report the probable expence of carrying the Report of the Committee of the fire Company to this board into effect.
Benjamin Day, David C. Ker, Font. Maury, Geo. Murray & Alexander Duncan Gt. or any three of are appointed to examine the Bye Laws and Ordinances of this Corpo. and report what alteration ought to be made in any of them.
Joseph Christy Wm. Smith Senr. Godlove Heiskell Wm. Taylor & Thomas Miller are appointed a Committee to examine the state of the different Chimneys & Stoves in this Corpo. & Report such as are Dangerous to the next Council.
Ordered that this Corpo. Be laid off into 6 wards and that one Magistrate and one Common Council Man be appd. to each wards, to wit, David C. Ker and Robt. Wellford from the uper end of the Town to Z. Lucas's Benjamin Day & Alexander Duncan from Z. Lucas's to David Henderson's, Geo. Murray & Thomas Goodwin from David Henderson's to Wm. Lovell's, Fontaine Maury and James Brown from Wm. Lovell's to Wm. Herndon's Wm. Drummond and James Newby from Wm. Herndon's to Mrs. Walker's, and George French and Richd. Peacock from Mrs. Walker's to the lower end of the Town
[Page 427]
Richard Peacock, James Brown, James Newby Robt. Wellford and Thomas Goodwin Gent. or any three of them are appointed to Examine the different Cross Streets in this Corporation and report what repairs are necessary to be made to said Streets.
The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French
At a Council held at the Markett House on Thursday the 11th April 1799
George French Mayor
Benjn. Day Recorder
David C. Ker | ) |
Font. Maury | ) Aldermen |
George Murray | ) |
Richard Peacock | ) |
James Brown | ) |
Alexander Duncan | ) |
James Newby | ) Common Council |
Robt. Wellford | ) |
Thomas Goodwin | ) |
The office of Vendue Master, having been vacant by the death of John Legg Gt. The Council proceeded to the choice of Vendue Master, by Ballott,
when Wm. Lovell Gent. was duly elected to that office and ordered that he give bond with Security at the next Court.
Ordered that the Mayor give notice in the newspapers printed in this Town that a reward of $500 will be paid for a discovery of the person or persons who were accessory to the Late fire in this Town on his or their being prosecuted to correction.
This Board do agree that in case the money subscribed for the purpose of sinking wells &c should prove insufficient They will raise a sum in aid of the Subscription not exceeding 500$ by tax on the Inhabitants so soon as the money subscribed shall be expended.
The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French
[Page 428]
At a Council held at the Court house of the Corpo. of Fredsburg. on Thursday the 16th day of May 1799
George French Mayor
Benjn. Day Recorder
David C. Ker | ) |
Wm. Drummond | ) Aldermen |
Font. Maury | ) |
Geo. Murray | ) |
Richd. Peacock | ) |
Alexr. Duncan | ) |
Robt. Wellford | ) Councilmen |
Thos. Goodwin | ) |
James Brown | ) |
The following gentlemen are appointed to take the number of white male Tithables Slaves above 12 years, Horses, Riding Carriages, Drays Carts for Hire, No. of Hogs & Doggs in this Corporation viz: David C. Ker & Robert Wellford from the uper end of the Town to Zach. Lucas's Ben. Day & A. Duncan from Z. Lucas's to David Hendersons - George Murray & Thomas Goodwin from David Hendersons to Wm. Lovell's - Fontaine Maury & James Brown from Wm. Lovell's to Wm. Herndons - William Drummond & James Newby from Wm. Herndons to Mrs. Walkers - & George French & Richd. Peacock from Mrs. Walkers to the lower end of the Town and make return thereof to the next Council.
The Committee appointed to report the situation of the cross streets in this Town, this day returned their Report which is ordered to be Recorded.
The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French
[Page 429]
We the under signed being appointed by the Council to examine what repairs are necessary to be made at the different cross streets, in the Corporation report as our unanimous opinion that a bridge be laid across the ditch, in the street leading by Mr. Newby's. We are also of opinion that the street leading by the prison, requires considerable Labour and that a Stone wall be erected, about the intersection of the Streets and filled up below, The bridge leading to Mrs. Gatewoods is out of repair and should be rebuilt with a Stone wall, on each side, and the drain cleaned out.
That the street by the Markett House requires immediate attention and that we are of opinion that a stone wall, and Gutter (to be made as soon as possible) will be the only means of keeping this street in good order, and that a Covered way be made from the pump across the street and that the stone wall repaired at the end of the Street next the River. We further present the cross streets from the Wareho. to the River is encroached on by a high pailing at Heiskell's tanyard and also that the streets leading from Lucas's & Legg's Lotts are entirely Stopt by a post and rail fence next the River.
R. Wellford
Richard Peacock
James Brown
Thos. Goodwin
[Page 430]
At a Council held at the Court House for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Thursday the 13th June 1799
George French Mayor
Benjamin Day Recorder
Fontaine Maury | ) |
George Murray | ) |
Wm. Drummond | ) Aldermen |
D. C. Ker | ) |
James Newby | ) |
Alexr. Duncan | ) |
James Brown | ) Councilmen |
Rd. Peacock | ) |
The Council proceeded to examine and allow the following accounts.
To James Allan Sargt. acct. | $37.04 |
To ditto for attending this board | $50.00 |
To ditto his sallary by Law | $25.00 |
To John Chew by acct. | $113.46 |
To John Minor attorney | $66.67 |
To George Graves Constable | $30.00 |
To Charles Stewart do | $30.00 |
To Robert Campbell for repairing the pump at the Markett House | $5.00 |
To George Graves as Clerk of the Markett in the room of Moses Perry for 1798 | $13.33 |
To Geo. W. B. Spooner late Chamberlain bal. due him | $87.00 |
To James Pettigrew by acct. for repairing Streets | $67.00 |
$524.50 |
The Comnrs. appointed to settle with George W. B. Spooner late Chamberlain his accounts with this Corporation this day returned their report which is ordered to be Recorded and the account published in each of the news papers printed in this Corporation.
The Commissioners appointed to take a list of Taxable property in this Corporation this day returned their list amounting in the whole to 295 white tithables 421 Slaves above 12 yrs. 125 Horses 106 Carriage Wheels 20 Drays & Carts 11 Hogs & 119 Doggs.
Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O'clock.
Geo. French
[Page 431]
June 14th 1799
The Council met according to adjournment and ordered that the Clerk make out Two fair copies of the list of Taxable Property returned yesterday by the Comrs. and deliver one to the Chamberlain the other to the Sergeant, and that the Sergeant collect of each free male Tithable 67 cents p poll, on each Slave above 12 years 67 cents on each horse $1on each riding Carriage p wheel 50 cents on each Dray or Cart $4.-- on each Hog Shoat or Pig $4.-- and also $1.25 Cts. on every $100 value of rent agreeable to the return of the Commissioner of the Revenue for the last year deducting there from the Houses destroyed by the late fire in the Town and that the Sergt. the said Taxes and account for pay the same to the Chamberlain within six weeks from this date.
Upon the request of George W. B. Spooner a Licence is granted him to exercise in this Corporation the trade or Business of an Auctioneer He the said Geo. W. B. Spooner having entered into bond with Godlove Hieskill his security agreable to the Act of Assembly concerning Corporations and the Bye Laws of the Corporation which bond is ordered to be Lodged with the Clerk of this Board.
Ordered that the Trustees of the Markett House lease out the Lott formerly leased to Jacob Styers he having forfeited the same by not complyg. with the terms of his Lease, and that the said Trustees restrict the lessee from erecting any Baking House, Blacksmiths Shop, or Soap and Candle manufacturing on the said Lott.
An Ordinance Respecting Drays and Carts was approved by the Council and ordered to be Recorded.
David C. Ker, Richard Peacock and James Newby Gent. are appointed to regulate the assize of Bread in this Corporation from time to time as they shall think just, and that they furnish the Clerk of the Markett from time to time with such assize.
Ben. Day Wm. Drummond George Murray David C. Ker Alexander Duncan and John Chew or any three or more of them are appointed to Draught a petition to be sent to the Different Counties in this
[Page 432]
District to obtain Subscribers to sd. petition to be presented to the next General Assembly respecting the Jail of the said District.
Ordered that a tax of 50 cents be assessed on each dog in this Corporation from and after the first day of July next.
The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French.
[Page 433]
DR. Corporation Fredg. in a/c with Geo. W. B. Spooner, Chambn.
1797 | To Balance due me last settlement | 33 | 4 | 9¼ | |||
To 3/4 powder & 2 shott for Gerrard at Hospital | 0 | 8 | 6 | ||||
To paid Myers judgment against Perry p order of Council | 13 | 17 | 4 | ||||
To Mastin as Jailor p ditto | 15 | 6 | 3 | ||||
To paid William Lovell p do for a poor woman | 3 | 0 | 0 | ||||
To paid James Allan Sergt. his allowance & claim p do. | 46 | 7 | 3 | ||||
To paid John Chew Clerk his allowance p do | 36 | 0 | 0 | ||||
To paid Charles Stewart for acting as Constable in 1796 | 3 | 0 | 0 | ||||
To paid M. Mastin do for do | 6 | 0 | 0 | ||||
To paid for a Tax book | 0 | 4 | 6 | ||||
paid mending Prison & 2 Locks | 0 | 19 | 0 | ||||
To paid Sergeant of Corporation Comn. for collecting Taxes | 18 | 6 | 5 | 143 | 19 | 3 | |
1798 | To paid Fontaine Maury p Council things furnished in small pox | 6 | 5 | 8 | |||
To paid Joshua Ingham p do. for making Ducking stool | 10 | 9 | 0 | ||||
To paid Daniel Starke p do. repairs of Court House | 3 | 0 | 0 | ||||
To paid Thomas Sacrae Clerk of the Markett p O.C. | |||||||
6 | 0 | 0 | |||||
To do for keeping Markett House 9 months | 3 | 0 | 0 | ||||
To paid Charles Stewarts claim & allowance as Constable | 10 | 5 | 3 | ||||
To paid Moses Perry do do | 13 | 13 | 9 | ||||
To paid Tim Green printr. p O.C. | 5 | 0 | 0 | ||||
To paid President of the fire, Company p O.C. | 13 | 15 | 1½ | ||||
To paid James Allan Sergt. Corpn. his allowance & Claim | 37 | 16 | 3 | ||||
To paid Z. Lucas & Geo. W. B. Spooner half the costs sinking a pump p. O. C. | 19 | 0 | 9¾ | ||||
To paid for a Tax Book | 0 | 6 | 0 | ||||
To paid Capt. Taylor his bill for bricks for repair Courthouse | 2 | 18 | 6 | 164 | 18 | ¼ | |
To paid James Allan for collecting Taxes | 21 | 12 | 4 | ||||
To paid overseers of the poor their acct. furnishing the poor 2 years | 230 | 8 | 7½ | ||||
To amount Taxes Outstanding in the hands of the Sergeant | 76 | 1 | 10 | 328 | 2 | 9½ | |
£670 | 4 | 10 | |||||
To Balance due Geo. W. B. Spooner p Contra | 23 | 12 | 4¾ | ||||
Interest thereon 15 months | 1 | 9 | 6½ | ||||
£26 | 1 | 11¼ |
Corporation Fredericksburg Sct.
Agreable to an order of council bearing date the 23rd March We have examined the accounts of Geo. W. B. Spooner late Chamberlain for the Corporation aforesaid and find the above statement properly supported by vouchers, and find that the sum of twenty six pounds one shilling and eleven pence farthing is due to the said Geo. W. B. Spooner Given under our hands this 8th day of June 1799
Wm. Drummond
Geo. Murray
[Page 434]
Corporation of Fredg. in a/c with Geo. W. B. Spooner, Chambn. CR.
1797 | By amount Taxes Levied | 305 | 7 | 10¼ | |||
deduct overcharge and insolvencies | 10 | 0 | 7 | 295 | 7 | 3¾ | |
1798 | By amount Taxes Levied | 360 | 11 | 2 | |||
deduct overcharge & insolvencies | 24 | 7 | 11½ | 336 | 3 | 2½ | |
By cash received of the Vendue Master for 1797 | 7 | 13 | 8½ | ||||
By do. recd. for the year 1798 | 6 | 7 | 3 | 14 | 0 | 11½ | |
Balance due | 24 | 12 | 4¾ | ||||
£670 | 4 | 10 |
Fredericksburg 1st June 1799 E. Excepted
Geo. W. B. Spooner, Ch. C. Fredg.
[Page 435]
At a Council held at the Markett House for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the 26th day of November 1799
George French Mayor
Benjamin Day Recorder
William Drummond | ) |
David C. Ker | ) Aldermen |
George Murray | ) |
James Newby | ) |
Alexr. Duncan | ) Council men |
Thomas Goodwin | ) |
James Brown | ) |
Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Mercer and Field $15 out of the money in his hands due the Corporation.
Geo. French