Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

[Page 352]

At a Council held for the Corporation of Fredericksburg on Fryday the 14th day of March 1794

Fontaine Maury Mayor
George French Recorder
Benjn. Day ) David Blair )
Wm. Lovell ) Aldermen David Henderson )
Chs. Mortimer ) Wm. Drummond ) Councilmen
Robt. Patton )
Zach. Lucas )

The Council proceeded to adjust and allow the following accounts:

Corporation of Fredericksburg DR.
To James Allen Sergt. for attending on Council £9 0 0
To ditto his salary by Law 7 10 0
To ditto by account 11 6 10 27 16 10
To John Chew Clk. his account 33 19 10½
To Fontaine Maury Gt. his account 11 6 3
To John Minor atto. for the Corpo. the present year 20 0 0
To Joseph Berry for his services attending on this board the Court & the Magistrates on Public Business 7 10 0
To ditto as Clk. of the Markett & Keeping order in the streets on Sunday 6 0 0
£106 12 11½

Ordered that Joseph Berry give notice to the Freeholders and Housekeepers of this Corpo. to meet at the Markett House on Monday next to Elect 12 persons to serve the Corporation as Mayor Recorder & Common Council the ensuing year.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed
Fontaine Maury

[Page 353]

March 17th, 1794.
This being the day appointed by Law for the Annual Election of 12 members to serve the Corporation for the ensuing year the freeholders and Inhabitants being notified thereof and having Deposited their ticketts in the ballott box, upon Examination the Greatest numbers were found as follows for Fontaine Maury 48 Geo. French 48 Ben. Day 47 Chs. Mortimer 47 David Blair 44 James Somerville 40 David Henderson 40 Wm. Drummond 36 Wm. Herndon 32 Zachy Lucas 33 Wm Glassell 29 Wm. S. Stone 22, E. Hall15 Jno Ferneyhough 14 & Robt. Galloway 10, so that the first named 12 were duly Elected, who proceeded to the Election of Mayor, when Geo. French Esqr. was duly elected & qualified accordingly.

They then proceeded to the choice of Recorder when Benjamin Day Gt. was duly elected & qualified accordingly.

They also proceeded to the choice of 4 Aldermen when Fontaine Maury Charles Mortimer Jas. Somerville & David Blair were duly Elected and Qualified accordingly & the remaining 6, to wit David Henderson, William Drummond, Zach. Lucas, Wm. Herndon, Wm. Glassell & Wm. S. Stone are of the Common Council, whereupon the sd. Henderson, Lucas, Henderson & Glassell qualified accordingly.

John Chew is reelected Clerk of this Board

Jas. Somerville is unanimously appointed Chamberlain for the ensuing year.

[Page 354]

John Legg Gent. is duly elected Vendue Master for the ensuing year and that he give to the Court & take the oath of office.

Thomas Miller is appointed Gauger & Geographer the ensuing year.

Benjamin Day Fontaine Maury & David Henderson Gent. is appointed Trustees of the Markett House.

Richard Peacock is reappointed Ballast & Harber Master the ensuing year.

John Atkinson is reappointed Keeper of the Powder Magazine the present year.

Joseph Berry is reelected Clerk of the Markett the ensuing year.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed Geo. French

[Page 355]

At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on the 22nd day of March 1794

George French Mayor
Benjn. Day Recorder
Charles Mortimer ) Zach Lucas )
David Blair ) Alderman Wm. Herndon ) Councilmen
Wm. Glassell )

William Drummond Gent. one of the 12 Elected on Monday last to serve the Corporation as a Common Councilman this day appeared and took the oath of office.

Wm. Drummond Gt.

James Somerville Gent. one of the Aldermen elected to serve the Corporation the ensuing year this day appeared before the Council and took the several oaths directed by law to be taken by Justices of the Peace.

Benjamin Day, David Blair, William Drummond & William Glassell Gent. or any two of them are appointed to settle with the Chamberlain his accounts with the Corporation the last year & also with the Trustees of the Markett House, overseers of the poor, Sergeant and Vendue Master their accounts with the Corporation the last year.

George French & William Herndon, Gent. are appointed to rent the Town Wharf for the ensuing year.

Ordered that Benjamin Day, Wm. Drummond, Zachariah Lucas, William Herndon & William S. Stone Gentlemen do from time to time Examine into the State of the fire Engine & have such repairs done as they may adjudge necessary.

[Page 356]

William Drummond, Zach. Lucas & Wm. Glassell Gent. or any two of them are appointed to settle with William Wiatt late Sergeant his Account with the Corporation and make return thereof to the Council.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French

At a Council held for the Town to Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the 28th April 1794

George French Mayor
Benjn. Day Recorder
Font. Maury ) David Henderson )
Jas. Somerville ) Wm. Drummond ) Councilmen
Chs. Mortimer ) Aldermen Wm. Herndon )
David Blair ) Zach. Lucas )

Wm. S. Stone one of the Common Council elected to serve the Corporation the ensuing year on the 17th March last being absent from this State, at the time he was elected this day appeared before the Council & being reelected to that office Qualified according to Law.

Present Wm. S. Stone Gent.

The Commissioners appointed to settle with Jas. Allen Sergeant retd. an acct. & report thereon which is ordered to be recorded.

Also the Vendue Master acct. returned & report thereon which is ordered to be recorded.

Also the account with the overseers of the poor retd. & report thereon which is ordered to be recorded.

[Page 357]

Also the account with the Chamberlain retd. & report thereon which is ordered to be recorded.

The Commissioners appointed to settle with the Trustees of the Markett House retd. an acct. & report thereon which is ordered to be recorded.

Zach. Lucas & David Henderson are appointed to take the number of White Tithables Slaves above 12 years of age Horses Riding Carriages Billiard Tables Drays & Carts from the upper end of the Town as low as David Hendersons Corner Fontaine Maury & Wm. Stone from said Corner to Lovell & Urquharts Corner David Blair & Wm. Glassell from sd. Corner to William Harveys Corner and Jas Somerville & William Herndon from said corner to the lower end of the said Town and that they make return of the said list to the next Council and the above Gent. do also take the number of each persons family whether there is any straglers or vagabonds within the Town that are likely to become chargeable to the Corpo.

Benjamin Day, James Somerville, David Blair Wm. S. Stone John Minor and John Chew or any three of them are appointed to prepair an ordinance to explain & amend the ordinance Establishing public vendues and report the same to the next Council.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French

[Page 358]

DR. The Corporation of Fredsburg. In a/c wth James Somerville
June 25 To John Chew p ord. of Council £56 18
To John Legg p ditto in favr. Jos. Berry 19 8 3
June 30 To Cash paid Geo. T. Todd p order Council 3 10 0
Augt. 2 To Cash paid John Richards do. 0 19 0
March 10 To John Minor rect. 54 12 6
To French & Lovell Oseers p acct. 58 14
£194 3
To Balance p Contra 4 18
To French & Lovell as Overseers of the Poor bal. in by Wm. Lovell 21 17 0
£26 15
1793 with James Somerville CR.
Mar. 18th By Balance p settlement 44 3
Apl. 18 By Cash of Michl. Clarke in part rent wharf 3 0 0
June 26 By John Legg, commissions on sales V.M. 34 6 2
By Jas. Allen Sergt. recd. from him 107 14 8
By Balance 4 18
£194 3

Errors excepted
James Somerville

Fredsburg. 26th April 1794 In obedience to an order of Council to us directed, we the subscribers have this day examined the above acct. of James Somerville Esqr. Chamberlain of the said Corporation find the Entries thereof supported by proper vouchers & that the above balance of Twenty six pounds fifteen shillings & two pence halfpenny is due to him, Given under our hands the date above written.
Benjn. Day
Wm. Drummond

[Page 359]

Corporation Fredericksburg to Geo. French DR.
Augt. 1 To Cash pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 24/- £1 4 0
2 To ditto pd. John Mayfield burrying Thos. Kelly 0 10 0
to ditto pd. Betty Burrell 0 6 8
7 to ditto pd. Susannah French 0 6 0
to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
9 to ditto pd. James Starks for Jiles Bush's Coffin 0 12 0
12 to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
14 to ditto pd. Susannah French 0 6 0
16 to ditto pd. for coffin for Charity Wins Child 0 6 0
17 to ditto pd. Mrs. Susannah French 0 12 0
to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
17 to ditto pd. John Lawrence for Knights bl. p rect. 5 13 0
30 to ditto pd. Mrs. Susannah French 0 6 0
to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
to ditto pd. Betty Ball 0 3 0
Sept. 5 to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
7 to ditto pd. Mrs. Susannah French 0 7 6
12 to ditto pd. Betty Folie 0 6 0
13 to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
to ditto pd. Lbs. at Brickyard p Lovells order 0 1 6
20 to ditto pd. Mrs. Susanh. French 0 6 0
20 to ditto pd. Betty Folie 0 6 0
Sept. 25 to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
28 to ditto pd. Susannah French 0 6 0
30 to ditto pd. Dennis Skeggs 0 6 0
Oct. 4 to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
9 to ditto pd. Dennis Skeggs 0 6 0
11 to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 12/ 18th ditto 12/ 1 4 0
31 to ditto pd. ditto 15/ Nov 4th cash pd do 9/ 1 4 0
Nov. 4 to ditto pd. Mrs. Susanh. French 0 9 0
[Page 360]
7th to ditto pd. Barnett Knight 0 6 0
to 1lb Bark for ditto & Alice Knight 1 4 0
8 to cash pd. Betty Folie 0 6 0
26 to ditto pd. John Mayfield digging Mrs. Youngs grave 0 5 6
30 to ditto pd. Eliza Dennis for board Fanny Collins 0 12 0
Dec. 2 to ditto pd. Barnett Knight 0 6 6
to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
to ditto pd. ditto 12/ 19th ditto pd do 12/- 1 4 0
£24 19 4
Dec. 19 to cash pd. Harris in pt. Knights Board 0 15 0
30 to ditto pd. Betty Burrell 0 1 6
to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
Jany. 9 to ditto pd. Ditto 1 4 0
15 to ditto pd. Eliza Dennis inp. Fanny Collins Board 0 6 0
16 to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
22 to ditto paid Jas. Conelly for Alsey Knights Board p rect. 3 12 0
to ditto paid Mr. Lawrence making cloathes for Jno. Miller p Do. 1 6 0
25 to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
31 to ditto paid Eliza Dennis in pt. F. Collins Board 0 6 0
Feby. 1 to ditto paid Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
8 to ditto paid ditto 12/- 0 12 0
13 to ditto paid Willis Wag. 1 Load wood for Mayfield & Connally 0 10 0
18 to ditto paid Mrs. Throgmorton 12/- 22d do pd. do 12/- 1 4 0
March 1 to ditto paid ditto 12/- 8th cash pd. do 12/- 1 4 0
10 to ditto paid John Anderson as p account 7 16 5
to ditto paid Michl. Kenlean for support his family from 4th Nov. 7 Ma. p rect. 5 7 0
16 to ditto Mrs. Throgmorton 0 12 0
18 to ditto paid Mayfield diging grave for Kenlan wife 0 5 0
to ditto pd. Mrs. Throgmorton 12/4 (omitted 7th Nov) 0 12 0
[Page 361]
to cash paid Thos. Gaines for Betty Betty Burrell 3d Feby. 0 6 0
to assumit for house rent to Mrs. Walker for Susan French 0 15 0
To John Ryburn house rent for Conelly 1 1 0
23 to cash paid Mrs. Throgmorton p rect. 0 12 0
to Cash paid Betty Burrell pd. 6th July 6/- to do pd. Susan French 7/14 9/ 0 15 0
to do. do. 18/6 do. do. 23 d 9 0 15 0
to do. do. 28/6 0 6 0
to do. Susannah Throckmorton 30 September 1 10 0
£58 13 10

Balance £ 14.5.7
Errors Excepted
Geo. French

Corporation of Fredericksburg
To William Lovell Overseer of the Poor D
March 4 To Lovell & Urquhart for amount of their account £21 17 0
to amount of Geo. French account 58 14
£80 11
By James Somerville 58 14
ditto £21 17 0
£80 11

William Lovell

Fredericksburg 26th April 1794
In obedience to an order of Council we this day examined the within account which is right, the fifty-eight pounds fourteen shillings and four pence half penny, disbursed by George has already been certified by us.
Wm. Drummond

[Page 362]

Augt.1 By Cash of James Somerville sgt. Chamb. 7 2 0
17 by ditto of ditto do. 5 13 0
Oct. 31 by ditto of ditto do. 0 18 0
Nov. 4 by ditto of ditto do. 3 0 11
Jany. 10 by ditto of ditto do. 2 14 6
Feby. 1 by ditto of ditto do. 1 10 0
Mar. 1 by ditto of ditto do. 4 4 0
10 by ditto of ditto do. 7 16 5
25 by ditto of ditto do. 8 4 0
ditto omitted the 30th Nov. 1 10 0
ditto at different times 1 16 0
44 8 3
Balance (£14.5.7) 14 5 7
£58 13 10
Apl. 15th By Cash of Jas. Somerville per ret. for £14.5.7-- £58 14

Fredg. 26th Apl. 1794 In obedience to an order of Council to us directed we this day examined the above account and find the same to be right.
Benjn. Day
Wm. Drummond

[Page 363]

Acct. Commissions arising from the Sales of Goods &c Sold t Public Vendue from 22nd March 1793 to 22nd March 1794
March 22 John Mortimer £1 8 3
Stephen Lacoste 2 17 0
27 William Miller 0 4 4
Capt. Richards 1 1 3
28 Geo. Lee Turberville 2 9 3
David Simons 0 13 0
J. Christy 0 14 0
Apl. 4 Cors. Deunney 0 5 6
9 Mrs. Callender 2 0 10
13 Corporation Fredg. 0 2 3 11 15 8
18 Mrs. Callender 0 3 6
20 T. Sydnor 0 3 0
May 2 Cash 0 3 0
Colin & Jas. Ross 0 7 5
6 David Oliver 1 10 7
9 ditto 0 11 6
Lovell & Urquhart 1 10 0
G. W. B. Spooner 1 19 0
21 J. Pettigrew 0 1 4
J. Pollard 0 12 6
23 J. Mortimer 2 2 3
29 Robert Patton 1 19 10 11 3 11
June 1 Samuel Gray 0 12 5
John Miles 0 3 9
17 J. Welch 2/9 A. Darby 19/1 1 2 10
19 J. Mortimer 3 2 1
22 I. C. Wederstand 1 2 0
July 8 T. Daniel 1/3 Wm. Smith 9d 0 2 0
20 Cash 1/ Saml. Gray 23/10 1 4 10
H. McAuslands Est. £24.14.8, 31st Jas. Pettigrew Estate £5.18 30 12 8
Aug. 1 J. Service 18/6 Aston & Barns 23/6 2 2 0 40 4 7
[Page 364]
5 Allan B. Magruder 0 7 6
16 Pottie & Dick 0 7
17 Stephen Lacoste 0 8 10½
28 William Smith 0 7
Sept. 6 William Wilson 1 4
Allan B. Magruder 4 15
Sept. 11 Edd. Youngs Estate 3 5
13 J. Miles & Co. 0 10 8
24 Mrs. Leckie 1/10½ J. Richards 3/6 0 5
30 Wm. Weaver 5/9 E. Dobyns 10/5 0 16 2
Allan B. Magruder 0 18 10½
Cash 1 4 0
Oct. 2d Jos. Christy 0 7 5 14 19
John Washington 3 0 0
4 Henry Fletcher 1 5 10
18 Robt. Slaughter 0 7 0
Stephen Lacoste 0 3 2
Thomas Barwise 0 13 10
19 J. Adams 0 2 3
23 A. Darby 0 10 3
25 Jos. Christy 0 3
29 Wm. Harvey 0 2 6
31 Thos. Goodwin 1 11 1
Nov. 1 Burgess Ball 1 4 6
9 Samuel Roddy 4 10 0 13 13 10¾
Thos. Southcomb 0 10 0
Walter Colquhoun 0 4 6
15 Cash 4/ Mrs. Leckie 1/9 0 5 9
Dec. 2 Thomas Goodwin 1 16 11
9 Robert Walker 0 8 0
Robert Patton 11 17 0
[Page 365]
10 John Shuffleboard 0 3 0
14 Mrs. Welch 0 2 9
20 Cash 4/6 Pardon T. Taber 14/6 0 19 0
23 Robert Patton 3 12 6
Wm. H. Hening 2 10 3 22 9 8
Jany. 8 Jacob Steyers 0 1 5
24 Thomas Simpson 0 3
Richard Lowry 1 4 9
26 George Rothrock 0 1 9
Larkin Stanard 0 9 1
Mar. 1 A. Darby 7 2 4
12 Wm. Harden 0 1 0
21 James Williams 1 19
21 Larkin Stanard 6 10 0
Thos. Barwise 9 1 0
Hy. Mitchell 26 1 6
Hy. Fletcher 17 2 0 69 17
184 4 10
Deduct for Corpo. Tax 8 p ct. 14 14 10
£169 10 0

Jno. Legg V. M.
Fredg. 22d Mar. 1794

Fredericksburg 26th April 1794 In obedience of an order of Council, we examined the within account, and find it right
Wm. Drummond
Benjn. Day

[Page 366]

Dr. Fredericksburg Corporation In a/c with Jas. Allen Jun. Corpo. Sergeant
June To Cash paid Jas. Somerville Esq. at sundry times £107 14 8
to sundry persons overtaxed 6 14 6
To commission for collecting 6 11 0
To balance due 10 5 4
£131 5 6
April By amount of Commissioners List £131 5 6
By Balance due Fredericksburg Corpo. 10 5 4

Errors Except.
James Allen C. S.

Fredericksburg 26 April 1794
In obedience to an order of Council we this day examined the above account and find the same to be right, the balance due by James Allen Jun. being ten pounds five shillings & four pence
Wm. Drummond
Benjn. Day

[Page 367]

At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday June 9th 1794

George French ) David Blair )
Benjn. Day ) Zach. Lucas )
James Somerville ) Wm. Herndon ) Gent.
Chs. Mortimer ) Wm. Glassell )
Wm. S. Stone )

The Gentlemen appointed to take a list of taxable property and Tithes in this Corporation, this day returned their lists amounting to 766 white & Black Tithes above 12 years, 139 Horses 66 Carriage Wheels 20 Drays & Carts & 3 Billiard Tables. Ordered that the Clerk of this Board make out 2 fair copies from said lists and deliver one to the Chamberlain & the other to the Sergeant, and that the Sergt. collect of each Tithable person & slaves above 12 years 3/ p poll 2/ for the support of the poor & 1/ for the Expences of the Corporation for each horse 1/- for each carriage wheel 1/6 on each dray 20/ on each billiard table 30/- and also 16/8 on every 100£ rent agreeable to the Comr. of Revenue Valuation the last year and that the Sergeant collect & account with the Chamberlain for the amount of sd. taxes within two months from this date.

Ordered that the Account of the Disbursements of the last Tax collected the last year be published in the Fredg. Herald.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French

[Page 368]

At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Fryday the 19th day of September 1794

George French Mayor
Benjn. Day Recorder
Charles Mortimer ) David Henderson )
Fontaine Maury ) Aldermen Wm. Drummond )
David Blair ) Zach. Lucas ) Councilmen
Wm. S. Stone )

The board taking into consideration the present pestilential disorder now prevailing in the Town of Baltimore do therefore think it necessary to stop all intercourse by water between that Town and this as far forth as in the power of this board untill the Governor & Council of this Commonwealth shall take the same under consideration. Do therefore order that a sufficient guard be Employed to be stationed at the mouth of the Hazle run whose business it shall be to Hail all Vessels coming to this port from Baltimore and cause the said vessels to come too and remain at the mouth of the Hazle run until further orders from the Magistrates of this Corporation and that the said Magistrates do imploy the said Guard on such Terms as they shall think reasonable to be paid by this Corporation and that they do also imploy some person in whom they can confide to Superintend the said Guard.

Ordered that the sum of 20/- be remitted Wm. Glassell Esqr. over charged him in his Taxes the present year.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French

[Page 369]

At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Tuesday the thirtieth day of Decr. 1794

George French Mayor
Benjamin Day Recorder
James Somerville )
Charles Mortimer )
Fontaine Maury ) Aldermen
David Blair )

Wm. Herndon )
Wm. Drummond )
David Henderson ) Council
Z. Lucas )
Wm. S. Stone )

Complaint being made to that this board, that Horses Cattle &c that die within this town are suffered to remain in the place they so die or are removed to place near the roads leading to this town which render it dangerous to persons travelling in carriages and otherwise. It is therefore Ordered by this board that whenever any Horse, Cow &c belonging to any Inhabitant of this town shall die within the same that the person to whom such Horse Cow &c shall belong shall cause the same to be sunk in the river or buried under the Penalty of five Dollars for every failure therein to be recovered in the name of the Mayor of this Corporation for the time being and his successors for the use of the Corporation by warrant before a single Justice thereof.

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Eliza. Dennis forty eight shillings for the board of Fanny Collins provided it does not appear upon examination that the same hath been Charged to the Corporation in Doct. Frenchs a/c against the Corpo. for the last year and that the Clerk of this board do examine the said account for that purpose.

[Page 370]

It is represented to this board that a person on bord a Vessell now lying at the mouth of the Hazle run commanded by Capt. Joshua McWilliams is infected with the small pox and Robt. Patton Gent to whom the said vessell belongs having applied to this board for leave to remove the person so infected on board another vessell and land the cargo after the expiration of four days from the time the person with the small pox shall be so removed and the vessell cleared and in case the person so infected shall not be removed as aforesaid That the said Patton be prohibited from landing any part of the Cargo untill the physician attending the person so infected shall report to the Health officer that there can be no Danger in so doing and that the Sergt. summon a Guard to see that there is no communication with persons on board said vessell with others untill the further order of this board or discharged by the Health officer.
Geo. French

Last Modified 23 May 2003