Table of Town Lots for the Year 1877 in the City of Fredericksburg within the District of A. B. Bowering, Commissioner of Revenue, assessed with taxes thereon at Fifty cents on every Hundred Dollars value thereof.

Name of Owner Residence Estate, whether in fee simple, for life, &c. Lot Number Occupant (location) Build Lot + Bld Tax Explanations of alterations
              $ ¢  
Alsop, Samuel Est Geo. E. Alsop Trust pt 190 W side Richmond Rd. 100 50
pt 206 W side Richmond Rd. 100 50
pt 113 tenant 200 300 1 50
pt 142 McCracken 300 500 2 75
Allen, Ann M. Est. Wm. A. Little, Agent pt Church Square, 229 Barlosius 3000 3500 17 50
pt Church Square, 229 Barlosius 3000 3800 19 00
pt Church Square, 229 Chewning 900 1200 6 00
Ames, John Est A. L. Magrath pt 233 100 50
Adams, Solomon Est pt 257 R. W. Adams 450 600 3 00
Aldridge, Jno. W. pt 74 self 350 500 2 50
Adams, Andrew B. pt 40 Stable 500 900 4 50
pt Cor. property, 40 Stable 500 700 3 50
pt 236 dwelling 600 750 3 75
pt 236 dwelling 150 200 1 00
pt 235 Garner 400 500 2 50
pt 236 Mercer 150 200 1 00
Alford, Robert Trustee for Catherine Alford trust pt In Fitzhugh's lot 10 & 11 self 300 400 2 00
pt In Fitzhugh's lot 10 & 11 self 300 400 2 00
Anderson, Wm R. Est. pt 230 & 239 125 .62½
pt 230 100 50
pt 230 & 239 150 75
Adams, Robert W. pt 267 self 700 850 4 25
Allen, Lewis Est. pt Liberty 75 37½
pt 2 lots George St. 150 75
pt George St. 25 12½
Adams, J. Willard pt 175 self 1200 1500 7 50
Alexander, John B. Est. pt 37 Ms. Alexander 1750 2000 10 00
Alexander, Robert H. homestead pt 37 self 1750 2000 10 00
Allen, James pt 126 350 600 3 00
pt one moiety Geo. St. 25 12½
Arnold, W. C. & Geo. H. New York pt 258 Johnston 600 750 3 75
Ashby, Sarah E. pt 233, 234, 242 & 243 dwelling 2500 3250 16 25
Alsop, John F. pt 3 2 tenements, Ice house 750 1200 6 00
Allison, Jno. W. & Rob't T. pt Alsop's lots 7 double tenement 600 750 3 75
Aler, George Est pt 66 fishing store lot 150 75
Armat, Christopher pt 9 & 10 Cor. Property 200 1 00 a part to Payne & Hawkins & part to S. S. Brooke trustee
Page 1 $21,300 $28,750 $143 50
Berry, John K., trustee for wife trust pt 187 tenant 325 400 2 00
pt 187 tenant 325 400 2 00
pt 205 dwelling (corner) 500 600 3 00
pt 205 (one j?) tenants 300 450 2 25
pt 205 Mrs. Snellings 150 250 1 25
pt 205 Monroe 150 250 1 25
pt 205 kitchen 100 150 75
Baggott, Wm. M. Spotsylvania pt 81 & 82 250 1 25
Brannan, William pt 25 & 26 self 400 750 3 75
Brown, Mary G. pt 52 Marye 4000 4500 22 50
pt 51 Garden 400 2 00
Buck, Mary C. pt 18 & 17 Hayes &c 3500 4000 20 00
Barton, Thos. B. Est. pt 59 & 60 Barton 3250 4000 20 00
pt 60 Macon & others 1000 1250 6 25
Bragdon, Chas. E. pt 252 self 1500 1800 9 00
Beale, Jane B. pt 96 self 2250 2750 13 75
Brooke, John pt 146 self 300 350 1 75
pt 145 50 25
Buck, Sarah G. Est. Mary C. Buck pt 217 150 75
Burr, Peter P. pt Ch. Square 229 self 3500 4000 20 00
Burruss, Wm. C. Est pt 246 Wingfield 1200 1500 7 50
Barton, William S., Trustee for Doswell trust pt 64 & 124 Doswell 5000 6000 30 00
Brown, Charles M. pt 42 store 1750 2000 10 00
pt 22 & 21 self 4400 5400 27 00
pt 22 & 21 Wilson 300 800 4 00
Bowman, Henry D., Trustee for Wife trust pt 14:14 tenants 700 900 4 50
Bird, Smith pt 204 self 200 300 1 50
Bull, T. H., Trustee of Montgomery trust pt 270 50 25
Brown, Mary pt on George St extended 50 25
Bowler, Walker W. Est. pt 35 Bowler 800 1000 5 00
Barton, William S. pt 4A, 1R, 36 P, No. 38 Kenmore 4500 5000 25 00
pt 1A, 1R, 22P, No. 39 Kenmore 150 75
pt 1A, 1R, 22P, No. 40 Kenmore 150 75
Ball, James H. Stafford Cty pt Sandy Bottom 50 25
Bradley, Jas H. Est. 5 acres 2 P, lot 6 Kenmore 500 2 50
3 acres 2R & 35P, lot 12 Kenmore 300 1 50
3 acres 1R & 30P, lot 13 Kenmore 300 1 50
Page 2 $40,400 $51,200 $255 00
Bradley, Jas H. Est. pt 129 Store 2750 3250 16 25
pt 136 lumber yard, Ice house 300 700 3 50
pt 134 dwelling 3250 4000 20 00
5 acres 30P lot 5 Kenmore 500 2 50
pt 11&14 Alsop's lots 100 50 No. 12 & 13 to Jno F. Tackett, trustee for Way
2 lots in Sandy Bottom 150 75
5A, lot 3 Kenmore 500 2 50
5 A, lot 4 house & barn 300 800 4 00
Bradshaw, U. H. Est. pt 45 store 1750 2000 10 00
81 & 82 near cor. Pitt & Caroline 300 450 2 25
pt 18 Fitzhugh's lots 250 300 1 50
Braxton, Elliott M. pt 241, 242, 232 & 233 Dwelling & Sch. House 3450 4450 22 25 new building on No. 241
Bauman, Frederick pt 215 tenant 1200 1400 7 00
pt 215 tenant 400 500 2 50
pt 215 tenant 300 400 2 00
pt 215 tenant 300 400 2 00
pt 207 dwelling & store 1300 1500 7 50
pt 208 tenant 300 400 2 00
pt 55 Citizen's Hall 2000 2500 12 50
Baseler, Christian Est pt 7A 3R lot 46 Kenmore 750 3 75
Berry & Hamilton pt 119 & 120 Residence 3500 4500 22 50
pt 120 Mrs. Keyser 1750 2000 10 00
pt 120 Stonebraker 1750 2000 10 00
Buckner, Cuthbert pt 16 acres Wellford's field 500 2 50
Banks, William pt 104 200 250 1 25
Baylor, Wm. H. pt 11:11 dwelling 300 400 2 00
pt 225 self 1400 1750 5 00 of Henry Mallard
Boxley, Patterson pt 7:7 Boxley 300 400 2 00
Bumbury, Benjamin pt 100 Bumbrey 250 300 1 50
Bowling & Harding pt 105 selves 500 600 3 00
Basey, Simon pt 19 in Fitzhugh's lots 250 350 1 75
Burke, William pt 4 self 800 1000 5 00
pt 20 store & gallery 750 1200 6 00
Braxton & Anderson 1/3 pt 161 50 25
Burrell, William pt 144 Thornton Town 550 700 3 50
pt 2, 3, 4 & 5 Wellford's Fields 500 750 3 75
pt 32 Kenmore 100 50
Page 3 $30,400 $41,150 $205 75
Borum, Alexander C. pt Kenmore 37 self 200 250 1 25
Bode, Bertha pt Liberty 300 400 2 00
pt Liberty 300 400 2 00
pt E. side Liberty 100 50 of M. McDowell
pt Cor. Liberty & Wm Liberty 1200 1450 7 25 of Jno. Manning
Berger, Charles pt 41 Farmer's Hotel 3250 4500 22 50
Berry, Ann M. Est. pt 121 350 1 75
pt 121 Hurkamp 2000 2500 12 50
pt 121 E. Side Charles 150 300 1 50
pt 121 E. Side Charles 500 600 3 00
Bray, Geo. W., trustee for wife Trust pt 20 & 21 Wellford's Fields 300 400 2 00
Brown, Shepherd pt 10:10 self 700 850 4 25
Berkley, Mildred J. pt 103 self 400 600 3 00
Barlosius, Chas. F. pt 38 cottage 200 600 3 00
Burrell, Frank pt (Burrell) 32 450 600 3 00
Brokenbrough, Alex. S. New York pt Liberty 100 50
Bryant, Moses pt Allentown Bryant 75 150 75
Beckwith, Frank pt 129 & 130 self 750 1000 5 00
Boxley, Luther R., trustee for children Trust pt opp. Fred'burg Cemetery 150 350 1 75
Burrell, Wm., Frank & Geo. Flemming pt 194 100 50
Bernard, A. H. H. pt 245 self 2400 2750 13 75
pt 245 self 100 500 2 50
Brooks, James pt 99 & 100 self 250 400 2 00
Brown, Perry pt 194 self 500 600 3 00 house finished
Baseler, Helen pt 35 self 600 800 4 00
Bryan, John R. pt 57 & 2:2 Carmichael 3500 4250 21 25
Berrey, R. B. Trustee Trust pt 87 & 89 Berry 1250 1500 7 50
Trust one moiety pt 248 J. W. Sener 925 1125 5 62½
Ballard, Maria A. pt 204 375 450 2 25 of Jas Fitchett Est.
Bird, Mary A. pt (100 & 32½) 33 Kenmore 350 450 2 25 of Jno. G. Hurkamp
Bowering, Benjamin pt 35 & 36 Foundry 7750 8750 43 75 of Scott & Bowering
pt 36 Dwelling 500 600 3 00 of Scott & Bowering
Brooke, S. S., trustee for A. M. Armat Trust pt 9 & 10 office on Caroline st 150 350 1 75 of C. Armat
Page 4 $29,575 $38,125 $190 62½
Cason, Isaac Spotsylvania Co. pt 121 1750 2000 10 00
Cooper, Mary Ann pt 5 50 25
Crawford, Geo. Est. pt McDowell In Liberty 700 800 4 00
In Liberty 300 400 2 00
Cole, Councellor pt 128 1900 2250 11 25
Coakley, John Est. pt 400 Allen Town 2350 2750 13 75
pt 229 Church Square 3750 4250 21 25
pt 255 Eddings 650 800 4 00
Chew George F. Est. pt Sandy Bottom 50 25
Chew, Jno. J. Est. 153, 154, 155 & 156 350 1 75
pt 151 & 152 Crutchfield 550 750 3 75
Cox, William Est. pt 39 tenant 700 900 4 50
pt 39 tenant 400 500 2 50
pt 39 tenant 700 800 4 00
Carter, R. W. Est pt 307 & 296 Jas. S. Green 5250 6000 30 00
Carmichael, Va. A. pt 306 self 3500 4000 20 00
Clark, Christopher Est pt 304 Clark 100 150 75
Carmichael, Ellen B. Est. pt 108 Carmichael 1000 1200 6 00
pt 110 100 200 1 00
Cox, Abraham pt 16 self 1300 1500 7 50
pt lower end, Caroline St 250 400 2 00
Carter, Edwin pt 43 Carter 3500 4000 20 00
pt 43 Anderson 3500 4000 20 00
Cox, Robert N. Alexandria pt 225 100 300 1 50
Chesley, William S. Est pt 18 Nosset 700 900 4 50
pt 18 Henry 400 600 3 00
pt 17 Dwelling 500 700 3 50
Cox, Jefferson pt 227 self 300 400 2 00
Coleman, Jno W. Est pt 19 Susan Q. Turner 600 800 4 00
Cunningham, Wm. H. pt 135 Dwelling 3000 3750 18 75
pt 229 (Store) Church Square 3500 4000 20 00
Cudlip, Louisa Trustee Trust pt 35 Cudlipp 700 900 4 50
Chinn, Lucy E. pt 122 self 800 1000 5 00
Chew, R. S. Trustee for Mrs. Richard Bozel Trust pt Bozel 400 600 3 00
Crump, Martha A. pt 21 50 25
Cox, Jefferson, Trustee for H. Williams Trust pt 227 Williams 250 350 1 75
Page 5 $43,500 $52,450 $262 25
Coates, Thomas fee pt 226 self 100 175 87½
Calhoun, C. & M. pt 20 self 3600 4000 20 00
Coleman, Thomas F. pt 103 250 500 2 50
Combs, Joseph pt 104 100 300 1 50
Clarkson, J. Trustee for Mrs. M. Scott Trust pt 13:13 400 600 3 00
Caldwell, Jno S. & others pt 19 Wellford's field 100 50
Coakley, Virginia B. pt 41 Carmichael 3750 4250 21 25
Colbert, Robt. W. Spotsylvania pt 136 Roberts 1000 1200 6 00
pt 13 & 14 Sibley &c 1750 2100 10 50
Caldwell, Emily pt 243 self 1600 2000 10 00
pt 234 Dawson 250 350 1 75
Chew, John J. Trustee for Lucy Peyton Trust pt 16 Peyton 1850 2250 11 25
Cheek, Wm. F. pt 22
pt 22
pt 22 Beckwith 1800 2250 11 25
Cash, Charles, Trustee for wife Trust pt 273 Williams 700 800 4 00
Chesley, J. R., H. G., E. F., & F. E. pt 4 ice house 500 700 3 50
Chew, Robert S. trustee for Sybil Innis Trust pt 35 50 25
pt 34 50 25
Clark, Eliza J. pt 83 700 900 4 50
pt 145 350 550 2 75
Colbert, James B. pt In Liberty 300 400 2 00
Connelly, Jancie B. pt Wm. St. Extended 600 750 3 75
Catlett, David pt 6:6 200 300 1 50
Collins, Edward pt 106 self 200 300 1 50
Chew, Rob't S. Trustee of Cahill trust pt 1 Wellford's Field 250 350 1 75
trust pt 14 Wellford's Field 175 250 1 25
Chew, R. S., trustee for Patterson Trust pt 13:13 self 800 1000 5 00
Citizen's Gas Company pt Gas Works Mortimer town 7000 7500 37 50
Conway, W. P. & L. B. Doggett pt 275 E. end Sophia St 200 1 00 of M. Slaughter
Chancellor, Geo. E. pt 120 Cor. Property 1970 2250 11 25 of Berry & Hamilton
pt 120 adj. Above 1750 2000 10 00 of Berry & Hamilton
Page 6 $31,925 $38,425 $192 12½
Drake, Theodore fee pt 2A 1R 2P, 1 & 2 Wellford's field 300 1 50
pt lots 48 & 49 Wellford's field 200 1 00
pt 34½ A Wellford's field 1500 2500 12 50
Duerson, Robt. C. Est. Trust pt 147 & 148 Barney 1800 2250 11 25
Dickinson, Jane H. pt 107 & 108 2000 2500 12 50
Dungan, Charles B. Philadelphia wharf 750 3 75
Doggett, Hugh S. pt (Williams) 15 Fitzhugh's lots 350 500 2 50
pt 15 Fitzhugh's lots 150 250 1 25
pt (Bankhead) 15 Fitzhugh's lots 150 250 1 25
pt 122 Walker 550 800 4 00
pt 122 250 450 2 25
pt 45 store 1250 1500 7 50
pt 5 50 25
pt 20 & 21 Wellford's field 50 25
pt 26 Judge Galrick 2250 2500 12 50
pt 133 dwelling 3000 3500 17 50
Doggett, Leroy B. pt 130 dwelling 1750 2000 10 00
pt 130 Store 2000 2000 10 00
pt 130 Store 1550 1750 8 75
pt 141 350 1 75
pt 21 Alsop's Lots 50 25
Duvall, James Est pt (Quinn) Wm St. extended 1000 1200 6 00
pt (3 tenements) Barton St. 500 650 3 25
pt (Mullen) In Liberty 500 750 3 75
Dangerfield, Mary W. Richmond pt 246 200 1 00
Dare, Ann M. pt (corner) 100 self 250 300 1 50
Donahoe, Joshua Est pt 75 100 50
Dignum, Robert pt 11:11 self 800 1000 5 00
Dejarnet, D. C. Caroline pt 297 W. side Chas St. 200 300 1 50
Downman, Wm. Y. Est. pt 48, 2A, 2R, 31P Kenmore 500 2 50
Doggett & Cox pt (Coleman) Lower end, Caroline St 350 450 2 25
Dade, Lucia F. pt 256 A. W. Jennings 1650 2000 10 00
pt 256 tenant 200 300 1 50
Dunn & Griffith pt 89 & 90 tenant 400 600 3 00
Dunaway, Thomas S. pt 97 & 98 self 3500 4000 20 00
Daniel, Maria K. pt 111 900 1250 6 25
Davis, Maria L. pt 7:7 450 500 2 50
Page 7 $29,000 $38,600 $193 00
Doswell, J. T. fee pt 60 Mason 1750 2000 10 00
pt 60 Minor & Co. 2000 2250 11 25
pt 60 Sener 200 1 00
pt 305 Johnston 2250 2750 13 75
pt 4A, 1R, 36 P, No. 47 Kenmore 450 2 25 of Jno. L. Marye Jr.
Dunstan, John A. pt 10a Wellford's Field 1500 3000 15 00
Dupont, E. J. pt (Magazine) No. 1 Kenmore 150 200 1 00 of Jno G. Hurkamp, Powder Magazine
Donahoe, A. B. pt 18 self 250 600 3 00 of Elizabeth Roberts
pt 18 self 250 600 3 00 of Elizabeth Roberts
Elder, Mary pt 30 & 31 self 700 900 4 50
Episcopal Ch. Trustees pt 276 Church Square 400 2 00
English, Parmelia Est pt 17:17 kitchen 200 400 2 00
pt 33 Lunsford 1250 1500 7 50
Eubank, Elizabeth Est. pt 501 350 500 2 50
Ebert, Henry pt Wellford's Field 500 800 4 00
pt 130 store 1800 2000 10 00
Embrey, Roberta pt 15 & 13 Wooddy 1250 1500 7 50
English, John A. pt 32 750 900 4 50
pt 29 & 30 100 50
pt 16:16 Calhoun 800 1000 5 00
pt 85 Residence 1500 2000 10 00
Ellis, A. P., Va. & Ellen B. pt 60 Dwelling 1750 2000 10 00
pt 228 400 500 2 50
Ellington, Betsy pt 9 Fitzhugh's Lots 50 100 50
Edrington, Chas. W. pt 13:13 Bayer ? 950 1150 5 75
pt 182 500 750 3 75
English & Fitzhugh pt 194 100 50
pt 207 150 75
Embrey, W. S. pt 8:8 & 11:11 old factory 1200 1500 7 50 of David Kerr
pt 8:8 & 11:11 adj above on West 500 2 50 of David Kerr
Page 8 $22,100 $30,800 $154 00
Fredericksburg Water Power Co. pt (on canal) Paper Mill 3000 3500 17 50 Machinery &c charged to Va. Com. Fiber Co. as personal property
pt Christy Spring lot 1000 5 00
pt (8 acres) Knox Meadow 1000 5 00
pt (Between Myer & Bruille & W. Mill) 750 3 75
pt (on mile W. P. Canal Bed) 10,000 50 00
Simmons lot 250 1 25
Forbes, Matilda Baltimore pt one moiety steamboat wharf 250 1250 6 25 Ser's Asst. Allowed
pt one moiety Donaldson lot 50 25 Ser's Asst. Allowed
pt one moiety tanyard 150 75 Ser's Asst. Allowed
Fred'burg & Charlottesville R R pt 291 engine house 150 500 not taxed in Commissioner's Books, not included in the addition
pt (½ mile road bed @12,000 per mile) 6000 not taxed in Commissioner's Books
Ferneyhough, John Est pt 10 acres Sligo 600 3 00
Fitzhugh, G. H. B. Est. pt 16 tenant 1800 2250 11 25
pt 35 tenant 750 900 4 50
Fitzhugh, Ann F. T. pt 5, 6 & 7 Fitzhugh's Lots 1000 5 00
pt one moiety 248 Exchange House 2000 2250 11 25
pt 47 2 tenements 1100 1500 7 50
pt 173, 174, 175, & 176 Fitzhugh's Lots 500 2000 10 00
Ficklen, Jane pt 143 self 2000 2500 12 50
French, Elizabeth Est 149, 150, 151 & 152 Mrs. J. J. Chew 3000 4250 21 25
Forbes & Wellford pt 171 & 172 250 1 25
Fitchett, John, Trustee for George trust pt 218 George 200 300 1 50
Ficklen, Joseph B. Est. pt 248 Market Square 3000 3500 17 50
pt 131 Warehouse 1500 2000 10 00
Fitzgerald, Elizabeth pt Allen Town 401 self 3750 4250 21 25
Faunteroy, A. L. pt 240 & 231 self 1000 1250 6 25
Frost, L. C., Trustee for his wife trust pt 97 & 98 stable 500 1000 5 00
Fitzhugh, Wm. H. pt 43 self 3750 4250 21 25
Fitzhugh & Wellford pt 53 Anderson 800 1000 5 00
Forbes, Sally J. pt 404 self 3250 4000 20 00
Ficklin, J. B. Jr. pt 62 W. side Pr. Ann St. 350 750 3 75
pt 168 Cor. Chas & Canal 800 900 4 50 of Hugh Scott
pt 168 S. side Canal 100 50 of Hugh Scott
Franklin, Thos. H., Trustee for wife trust pt 17 Fitzhugh's lots 300 400 2 00
Fitzhugh, St. Geo. R., trustee of G. Downer trust pt 11:11 Downer 200 300 1 50
Fitzhugh, St. Geo. R., trustee for Judith B. English trust pt 87 Cash &c 900 1100 5 50
trust pt 87 adj above on West 300 400 2 00
Page 9 $35,000 $60,950 $304 75
Fortune, Mary pt 189 self 250 350 1 75 of A. N. Scott
Ford, Benjamin Y. pt 274 Excelsior Mill 9500 10,000 50 00 of M. Slaughter
Fitzpatrick, William pt 14 Hazel Hill 350 500 2 50 of R. W. Hart, trustee for Fairbanks, House built
Fitzhugh, St. Geo. R. & A. K. Phillips pt 262 W. side Sophia St. 450 600 3 00 of St. Geo. R. Fitzhugh
Gilham, Mary A. Staunton, Va. pt 226 W. D. Scott 1750 2000 10 00
pt 218 below the above 100 250 1 25
Grinnan, Helen Est Orange C. H. pt 3:3 adj. Hannover Ch 1500 2000 10 00
Grotz & McGovern pt 271 wharf lot 50 25
Garnett, Geo. W. pt 143 Dwelling 2000 2500 12 50
pt 19 & 20 Berrey 3500 4000 20 00
Gordon, Douglas H. Baltimore pt 117 & 118 500 2 50
pt 8, 9 & 10 Alsop's Lots 225 1 12½
pt 15 100 50
pt 1, 2 & 3 300 1 50
157, 158, 159 & 160 Maddison 250 750 3 75
Gravatt, George pt 54 Dwelling 800 1000 5 00
pt 54 shop 800 1000 5 00
pt 54 carriage shop 1000 1200 6 00
pt 54 Curtis 400 600 3 00
pt 38 E. side Pr Anne st 150 75
Goodwin, Arthur Est. pt 107 W. side Chas st 500 700 3 50
Gray, Rob't A. Stafford Cty pt 501 Ferry Landing 50 25
Goodrick, Wm. Est pt 224 W. side Pr Anne st 100 50
pt 15:15 & 13:13 Dwelling 600 850 4 25
Goodwin, Mary pt 141 N. side William 500 700 3 50
Gordon, Wm K. pt 5 tenants 600 750 3 75
pt 1:1 self 3500 4000 20 00
pt 25 Kenmore 200 1 00
pt 1/3 Red W'house lot & Wh. 500 2 50 of Geo. Gordon Est.
Gilmer, Rev. Thos W. Est. pt 401 adj. Presbyterian Parson'g 400 2 00
Page 10 $28,350 $36,325 $181 62½
Green, Cato Washington pt Sandy Bottom 75 37½
Gore, Jacob Est pt 81 & 82 200 1 00
Grotz, John, Trustee for M. Grotz trust pt 53 & 54 tenants 600 750 3 75
Gordon, Bazil & Wallace, J. H. pt 170 & 172 tenants 300 600 3 00
Gouldin, John Est. 2/3 pt red warehouse lot & whf. (Schakleford) 1000 1350 6 75
Guthridge, Elizabeth Est. pt 262 Bragdon 500 600 3 00
Goolrick, John T., Trustee for Staiars trust pt 46 Staiars 2000 2500 12 50
Gill, Bev. T., trustee for S. A. Gouldman trust pt 205 Gouldman 600 750 3 75
Genther, Henry D. pt 17 & 18 self 3250 3750 18 75
Gray, Polly K. Est R. G. Campbell (Washington) pt 45 250 1 25
Gravatt & Hayden pt 38 stables & buildings 1650 2000 10 00
Gravatt, George, Trustee for M. Rollow trust pt 54 E. H. King 600 700 3 50
Gravatt, Geo., Trustee for Ann Huffman trust pt 53 & 6:6 Huffman 700 900 4 50
Goldsmith, Jennie pt 126 & 128 tenant 2000 2250 11 25
Goolrick, Peter Est. pt (Woodfolk) Sandy Bottom 300 350 1 75
pt Sandy Bottom 50 25
pt Sandy Bottom 50 25
pt Sandy Bottom 50 25
7½ acres Wellford's Field 750 3 75
lots 6, 7, 8, 9, & 15 n. of Fair Grounds 375 1 87½
pt 248 Eckenrode 1750 2000 10 00
pt 41 tenant 3500 4000 20 00
pt 41 tenant 2400 2750 13 75
pt 35 W. side Caroline 600 800 4 00
pt 15 Cor. Property (Han. & So) 400 600 3 00
pt 15 W. side Sophia 75 150 75
pt 15 W. side Sophia 200 300 1 50
pt 15 S. side Hanover 300 400 2 00
pt 15 W. side Sophia 150 200 1 00
pt 15 S. side Hanover 1000 1200 6 00
pt 15 W. side Hanover 550 650 3 25
pt 16 Mrs. Goolrick 2450 2750 13 75
pt 4:4 N. side Charlotte 500 600 3 00
pt 4 E. side Sophia near Af. Ch. 600 700 3 50
pt 5 Cor. Geo. & Sophia 100 50
pt (3 parts on Turnpike @ $75) 225 1 12½
pt 224 W. side Pr Anne st 100 50
Page 11 $29,975 $35,875 $179 37½
Goolrick, Peter Est. pt Wellford's Field 1000 1200 6 00
pt Wellford's Field 750 1000 5 00
Garnett, Geo. W., Trustee for Broaddus trust pt 64 & 124 Broadus 2500 3250 16 25
Gilham, Mary pt 74 self 300 400 2 00
Gillis, Henry pt 206 80 40
Gordon, Bazil pt 168 100 50
pt 1:1 Frost 3500 4000 20 00
Gordon, H. G., J. T. & Bazil pt 61 & 121 Payne 700 1500 7 50
pt 43 Cor. Geo & Caroline 3750 4250 21 25
pt (office 1) 43 Chas Herndon 600 700 3 50
pt (office 2) 43 Judge Goolrick 1200 1500 7 50
pt (office 3) 43 Howison 600 800 4 00
George, James M. pt 266 W. side Sophia 100 150 75
pt 249 self 650 800 4 00
pt 249 100 50
Goolrick, Jno. T. Trustee for Jones trust pt 34 Walker House 1000 1250 6 25
Grant, Samuel pt 75 self 300 400 2 00
Goolrick, R. E. pt 35 Lee 650 850 4 25
Gatewood, William pt 203 100 50
Gray, William pt 5 acres Kenmore 150 650 3 25
Gray, Marshall pt 18 Fitzhugh lots 150 75
Griffin, Thomas pt 33 warehouse 1250 1500 7 50
pt 33 tenant 300 400 2 00
pt 33 store & dwelling 1750 2000 10 00
pt 220 Rob't Young 200 300 1 50
Goolrick, Jno. T., trustee for Armat & others trust pt (Cor. Property) 266 Creighton 300 400 2 00 The part 266 charged by assessor incorrect & dropped from the books
Page 12 $21,550 $27,830 $139 15
Hartman, John pt 257 adj. Stoffrogens 600 750 3 75
pt 3A (dwelling & B'yard) Wellford's Field 800 1250 6 25
Herndon, B. S., trustee for L. V. Genther trust pt 16:16 Peck 800 1000 5 00
Hurkamp, Jno. G. pt 307 dwelling 5000 5650 28 25
pt 296 stable in rear 150 350 1 75
pt 402 & 403 Corner garden 750 3 75
pt 28 Conway 2000 2500 12 50
pt on Plank Road tannery 8000 9000 45 00
pt 20 Alsop's lots 200 1 00
pt 7A 3R & 15P 10 & 11 Kenmore 750 3 75
pt lot 1 Kenmore (Dye) 500 750 3 75 a part 100ft & 100 ft to E. J. Dupont
pt George St extended 50 25
pt Plank Road 600 750 3 75
pt (all of 29, 30, 35 & pt of 33) kenmore 500 2 50 a part lot 33 to Mary A. Bird
Hill & Warren pt 271 50 25
Hudson, Addison A. pt 208 self 300 400 2 00
Harris, J. E. Est pt (Harris) Liberty 250 350 1 75
Hunt, Gilbert J. & Others pt 226 self 250 400 2 00
Haywood, John F. Richmond pt (Gouldman) pt on Hanover extended 250 300 1 50
Hancock, Barbara pt 77 self 500 700 3 50
Harrison, Thomas pt 224 self 600 750 3 75
pt 225 shop 25 175 87½
Haislop, Horace Est. pt Richmond Road 25 12½
Hall, Joseph pt 37 & 38 150 75
Hill, Wm. H., Trustee for Snowy Ames trust pt 46 Ames 900 1200 6 00
pt 46 Warehouse adj'ng 250 500 2 50
Herndon, Charles pt Allentown 400 dwelling 2350 2750 13 75
pt 13 & 14 Enprise Office 1750 2100 10 50
Hall, Horace B. pt 133 & 134 Willis 1600 2000 10 00
Hayden, Jno., Trustee for Roberta A. Thornton trust pt 7:7 tenant 50 150 75
trust pt 10:10 tenant 50 200 1 00
trust pt 33 Waite 300 500 2 50
Hayden, John Spotsylvania pt 34 B.smith shop 250 850 4 25
pt 258 Currell 650 850 4 25
Hall, John B. Est. pt 63 dwelling 3250 4250 21 25
pt 45 Store 2000 2500 12 50
pt 45 Robinson 1250 1500 7 50
Hart, Rob't W., trustee for Fairbanks trust pt 13 Hazel Hill 150 75 No. 14 to W. Fitzpatrick
Page 13 $35,275 $47,050 $235 25
Helmstatter, Jane Est. pt 120 Swift & Cole 1500 1750 8 75
pt 113 adj. Peyton Williams 150 75
Herndon, John M. Est. pt 56 Forbes 3500 4250 21 25
Howison, John pt 16¼ Acres Wellford's Field 600 3 00
Honey, Harrison pt 31 Honey 400 500 2 50
Hunnicutt, James W. pt 178 125 62½
pt 178 300 450 2 25
Haislip, Edwin D pt on Hazel Run 50 25
Hirsh, Hannah Baltimore pt 402 & 406 Ford 2000 2500 12 50
Hayden, Thos J. pt 33 dwelling 1750 2000 10 00
Hudson, Landon pt 204 self 400 500 2 50
Hoff, Jacob Baltimore pt 31 & 32 400 2 00
Hailstalk, John pt (corner) 113 self 100 250 1 25
Herndon, Jno. M. Trustee for Kenmore Co. trust pt ½ 49, all of 14, 15, 16, 17 Kenmore 14A 1R 16P 2125 10 62½
Hart, R. W., Trustee for wife trust pt 79 & 80 Hart 1200 1500 7 50
Hicks, L. Ann pt on Hazel Run Hazel run 25 12½
Hall, Marshall C. pt 46 Little & others 1900 2250 11 25
Hirsh, Simon pt 288 & 280 Greenhouse hill 100 750 3 75
Barton Street 325 400 2 00
Haydon, John, trustee of S. E. Cole trust pt 128 1750 2000 10 00
Heller, David pt (corner) 142 self 2000 2500 12 50
pt 37 Kenmore 225 300 1 50
Hirsch, Kaughman Baltimore pt 248 Isaac Hirsh 3500 4000 20 00
pt (corner) 141 Hirsh & Bro. 1500 2000 10 00
Henry, David pt 37 Kenmore 225 325 1 62½
Heinichen, L. E., Trustee for C. O. Heinichen trust pt 7A Christy's tan yard lot 700 3 50
pt 402 Allentown 500 2 50
pt (stables) 406 Allentown 150 500 2 50
one moiety, 248 Exchange corner 2000 2250 11 25
Hartley, Silas New York pt 10:10 150 75
Harper, Jno W. Pr. William pt on Wm St McCoull 1000 1200 6 00
Heflin, A. P. pt 24 Wellford's Field 250 350 1 75
Heflin, C. G. pt 24 Wellford's Field 500 650 3 25
Heflin, John J. pt 24 Wellford's Field 250 350 1 75
Hewett, J. B. pt 34 & 36 Kenmore 500 2 50
Howard, Walker pt 37 Kenmore 500 600 3 00
Hancock, John pt 77 150 75
Page 14 $27,325 $39,600 $198 00
Hazard, Josiah, trustee for wife & children trust pt 254 & 264 dwelling 1000 1500 7 50
pt wharf 500 2 50
pt 256 coal yard 150 250 1 25
pt 256 coal yard 200 1000 5 00
Hodges, James Wm & Rob't Baltimore pt (stables) Green house hill 250 500 2 50
Hicks, Wade H. pt 206 self 250 350 1 75
Heinichen, E. L. Baltimore pt 22 & 23 Wellford's Field 350 1 75
Hall, Robert R. pt 109 W. cor Chas & Fauquier 1200 1400 7 00
pt 27 & 28 dwelling 2000 2400 12 00
pt 27 & 28 adj. Above, south 1400 1750 8 75 of Wm. H. Baylor
Hunter & Frost pt 90 warehouse & office 1800 2000 10 00
pt 101 Store room 300 500 2 50
pt 105 150 75 of Sam'l Alsop's Est.
Hayes, Sarah S. pt 27 & 28 dwelling 2250 2750 13 75
Hicks, William S. pt (Cole Wagon yd &c) E. side Liberty St. 700 1000 5 00
Heller, D. & Ab. Magee pt 144 S. side Amelia 250 500 2 50 of Wm. S. Scott
Harris, Jno. A. & Wm pt Op. Cemetery Wm. Harris 275 450 2 25
pt S. side Geo & Liberty sts 100 50
pt (50 x 100) No. 30 Store & pt of wagon yd 700 800 4 00 of Mary Lamb
Page 15 $12,725 $18,250 $91 25
Innis, John B. trustee for wife trust pt on Turnpike 100 200 1 00
pt on Turnpike 100 200 1 00
pt (1/3 each) 35 & 34 Wellford's Field 100 50
pt 33 Wellford's Field 150 300 1 50
Johnston, Jane W. pt 13 & 14 dwelling 1400 1800 9 00
pt one moiety 11 warehouse 100 150 75
pt 37 Benj. Ball 1600 2000 10 00
Jeffries, Wm J. Est. pt 145 W. side Pr. Edward 500 750 3 75
Jennings, George Est. pt 9 Fitzhugh's lots 100 50
Johnston, Eliza E. pt 6:6 & 5:5 Mrs. Johnston 2350 2550 12 75
pt 4:4 opp. Above property 100 200 1 00
pt 4:4 opp. Above property 100 200 1 00
pt 6:6 N. side of Wolfe 250 400 2 00
pt Sandy Bottom 50 25
Jones, William J. pt 219 self 300 400 2 00
Johnston, Gabriel pt 47 Wellford's field 100 50
Johnston, Fayette W. pt 61 drug store 2400 2750 13 75
pt 5:5 75 37½
pt 54 small tenement 150 250 1 25
pt 6:6 & 5:5 adj. Mrs. Johnston 300 1 50
Jennings, James pt 45 shop & house 300 500 2 50
Jackson, Andrew pt 144 self 300 450 2 25
Jennings, James W. pt Wellford's Field 37 self 400 500 2 50
James, Spencer pt 144 self 100 300 1 50
Johnston, James pt 202 self 300 450 2 25
Jennings, A. W. pt 266 self 300 400 2 00 of R. G. Layton
Innis, Martha pt George St extended 50 25 house & 52 ft 8" front to Jno. F. Pittman
Page 16 $11,300 $15,525 $77 62½
Kale, Anthony Est pt 37 tenant 1000 2000 10 00
pt (ice house) 38 to rear of above property 150 75
Kelly, J. Harrison pt 21 & 22 kitchen 250 750 3 75
pt 23 & 24 Adams 3500 4000 20 00
pt 1 & 2 dwelling 1600 2000 10 00
Knight, Fanny Lynchburg pt 190 & 191 brick tenement 500 700 3 50
pt 192 & 193 near Gunnery 300 1 50
King, William pt 212 King &c 800 1000 5 00
pt 212 cor. Adj. To above 200 300 1 50
King, George H. pt 220 N. side Fred'k 150 250 1 25
King, Wm & Geo H. pt 228 Toombs 500 750 3 75
King, George P. Stafford Cty pt 6 above Chatham Bridge 100 200 1 00
Knox, Thos. F. pt 95 dwelling 4250 4750 23 75
pt 112 & 114 R. T. Knox 700 1200 6 00
pt 102 300 1 50
Kendall, James T., Trustee for Mrs. Brown pt 304 Perry 550 750 3 75
Knox, Rob't J. & Jas S. pt 129 & 131 Store 6000 7000 35 00
King, Emma pt Thorntontown Tenement 400 500 2 50
Kelly, Tackett & Ford pt on Woolen Mill Lot Franklin 250 400 2 00
pt in rear of above 100 50
pt brick yard lot 500 2 50
pt 19 Alsop's Lots 250 1 25
King, William J. pt 237 store & dwelling 4000 4500 22 50
pt (brick) 237 adj. Above 300 450 2 25
pt (frame) 237 adj. Above 300 400 2 00 of A. W. Adams
pt 208 W. cor Chas. & Dunmore 300 400 2 00 of E. D. Haislop
Knight, John T. pt Lot 3A brickyd & dwelling 450 1350 6 75
pt 15:15 & 16:16 Ellen Turner 400 650 3 25
Keen, Samuel trustee for wife & children trust pt 4 dwelling 700 850 4 25
pt 4 in rear of above 50 25
Kellog, Lyman Stafford pt (above Johnston's) green house lot 175 87½
Kearsley, Leslie pt 47 & 48 dwelling 2250 3000 15 00
Krueger, Lewis pt 130 self 2000 2250 11 25
Knight & Phillips pt 3 McCauley 600 750 3 75
Kishpaugh, Alfred pt in Liberty 250 350 1 75
Page 17 $32,900 $43,325 $216 62½
Lewis, Fanny A. pt 202 self 375 500 2 50
Layton, James T. pt 129 & 130 self 750 900 4 50
Little, William A. pt 52 self 3000 3500 17 50
pt 51 in rear of above 500 2 50
Lucas, Zachariah Est pt 76 250 1 25
Layton, Charles pt below Dunmore St 200 1 00
Layton, Wm Est pt below Dunmore St A. W. Jennings 300 450 2 25
Lucas, Edmund pt 11:11 150 250 1 25
Lowry, William T. pt 43 store & dwelling 3500 4000 20 00
pt 6 Hazel Hill George 300 450 2 25
pt 7 Hazel Hill Perry 300 450 2 25
pt 9 Hazel Hill 150 75
pt Hazel Hill 150 75
Layton, Robert G. pt 304 double brick tenement 600 800 4 00
Lewis, Thomas Est. pt Plank Road self 500 650 3 25
pt Plank Road adj. Above 150 300 1 50
Lawson, Virginia pt 104 Lawson 300 450 2 25
Lang, Alexander pt 5½A near Gunnery 600 1350 6 75
Lawson, Catlett pt 273 self 750 1000 5 00
Litteral, William C. pt 17:17 self 500 650 3 25
Lange, Wm, Trustee for Wife trust pt 3 Rose 300 450 2 25
pt 3 Symonds 300 450 2 25
pt 3 in rear of above 50 25
pt 17 & 18 store & dwelling 3500 4000 20 00
Luck, John M. Stafford pt Liberty 200 250 1 25 house built
pt on Turnpike 300 450 2 25
Layton, Lewis L. Trustee for wife trust pt 223 Layton 700 900 4 50
Lawrence, Henrietta E. New York pt 90 Foundry 3750 4500 22 50
Lewis, Thomas pt 203 self 250 350 1 75
pt 203 adj. Above 100 50
Lane, Mary A. pt 30 E. side Caroline St. 100 50
pt 30 E. side Caroline St. 250 1 25
Laws, Eppa pt 46 Wellford's Field 200 300 1 50
Little, Wm. A. trustee for Little trust pt 400 H. A. Little 1850 2250 11 25
Lee, Phillip pt In Liberty W side Barton 300 450 2 25
Layton, Lewis L pt 42 Hazel Hill 100 50 of Geo. H. Peyton
Page 18 $23,725 $31,900 $159 50
Lamb, Mary pt 30 Kenmore 50 25 building destroyed
pt 30 Kenmore 50 25 building destroyed
pt Kenmore 30 wagon yard 200 1 00 a part to Jno. H. & Wm Harris
pt 30 Dwelling 1000 1200 6 00
Murphy, Wm. H. Trustee for Wife trust pt 15:15 Foster 1000 1250 6 25
Mattison, Ellen life pt 14:14 E. side Pr. Anne 400 550 2 75
Mastin, Mordecai Est. 23/40 pt 26 230 1 15
Murray, Wm. S., Trustee for U. H. Bradshaw trust pt 82 Cor of Pitt 350 550 2 75
pt 82 cooper shop 200 300 1 50
pt 81 cor of Sophia & Pitt 100 50
Morgan, Eliza Est. pt 39 adj. Exchange 300 600 3 00
Miller, Jesse pt 204 self 300 400 2 00
pt 204 adj. Above on East 100 150 75
McDowell, Maria A. pt 22 & 23 stone & dwelling 4000 4750 23 75
pt 122 Embrey 1700 2000 10 00
McDowell, Maria A. Trustee for E. M. McD &c trust pt 248, Market Square Ball 1400 1800 9 00
pt 248, Market Square Mazeen 2500 3000 15 00
pt 24 & 23 Jones 3000 3500 17 50 of M. D. Anderson, trustee for wife
Miller, George J. Est. pt 74 cor. Caroline & Fauquier 500 750 3 75
Mullen, George pt 210 cor property 400 500 2 50
pt 211 sowles? 200 300 1 50
pt 211 self 600 750 3 75
McCoull, E., Trustee for McEnry trust pt 5 below bridge 50 25
McPherson, J., Trustee for Clark trust pt 32 between Amelia & Lewis 400 700 3 50
Mitchell, Wm. M. Est. pt Hazel Run 50 25
pt Hazel Run 25 12½
Murray, William S. Alexandria pt 77 100 50
Mills, Harriet O. pt 5 below bridge 50 25
Page 19 $18,350 $23,955 $119 77½
Mills, Walter M. pt 71 & 73 Cor Fauquier & Sophia 200 1 00
pt 4 Dwelling 1000 1200 6 00
pt 41 Store 1200 1500 7 50
pt 209 Parrott &c 250 500 2 50
Myer, Jno. H. pt (Market Square) 248 Store & dwelling 3000 3500 17 50
pt (Market Square) 248 Mander & Baylor 1600 2000 10 00
pt (Market Square) 248 Murray & Tongue 900 1200 6 00
pt 21 & 22 Eckenrode 2050 2800 14 00
Metcalfe, Jno. Est pt 1/3 of 161 50 25
162, 163 & 164 Pr Edwd w of Bar 300 1 50
169 & 170 E. side of Chas 200 1 00
pt 115 W cor Hawke & Chas. 100 50
pt 18 Fitzhugh's Lots 250 300 1 50
Mander, Charles pt 6:6 N. side Wolfe St 250 350 1 75 part to C. J. Mander & others
Mander, Bridget M. L. Est. pt 18 Wellford's field 100 50
Manuel, Thomas pt 182 N. side Hanover 600 750 3 75
pt 182 N. side Hanover 550 750 3 75
pt 25 Wellford's Field 100 50
pt 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 & 32 Wellford's Field 700 3 50
Magrath, Margaret pt 15:15 Crump 200 400 2 00
McCalley, Frank G. pt 223 E. side Pr Anne 100 50
Magrath, James Est pt 194 E. side Pr. Edwd 100 175 87½
pt 194 Lee 150 250 1 25
pt 266 Store 200 300 1 50
Miller, Charles Philadelphia pt Kenmore, 30 Store & dwelling 1650 2000 10 00
McGovern, Agnes Est pt 258 Pittman 1000 1250 6 25
pt 16:16 Smith 500 650 3 25
pt 14:14 N. side Prussia 100 50
pt 258 tenant 650 800 4 00
McDonald, Patrick Est. pt 17 Wellford's Field 150 250 1 25
Magrath, Ann L. pt 22 Store & dwelling 2500 3000 15 00
pt 16:16 Wallace 800 1000 5 00
McDougall, Elizabeth pt (old jail) 219 Gaitley 600 750 3 75
pt 219 Snelling 250 350 1 75
pt 258 Store & dwelling 1000 1250 6 25
pt 304 Cor Sophia & Prussia 250 1 25
pt 204 Coates 900 1000 5 00 of Frank McIntree
McKenzie, Lewis Alexandria pt 33 Hunnicutt 1250 1500 7 50
Page 20 $23,551 $31,975 $159 87½
Marye, John L. Jr. pt 4A 1R, 30P, Kenmore 47 450 2 25
McCracken, Patrick pt 78 McGuire 800 1000 5 00
pt N. side Hanover Sandy Bottom 300 450 2 25
pt 91 & 92 Lucas 700 1000 5 00
Morton, Edward Est. pt 4:4 Lucas 100 200 1 00
Marye, John L. Est. pt 304 Bowler & Seddon 300 500 2 50
fork of Marye's Heights 100 50
pt old Methodist Ch. Site 50 25
pt Wellford's Field 200 1 00
Mazeen, James (J. R. Mazeen) pt in Liberty Hooe 250 300 1 50 3 parts to Mazeen
Miller, Henry pt Thornton town Store & dwelling 1200 1500 7 50
pt Thornton town adj. Above 500 2 50
pt W. side Spotswood, 20 & 21 Wellford's field 250 350 1 75
Morrison, Wm C. Washington pt 91 & 92 Quigley 900 1200 6 00
Mason, Adam pt 36 Kenmore 500 700 3 50
Myer & Bruelle pt Germania Mills 8,500 9000 45 00 Destroyed by fire, partly rebuilt
Moon, William J. pt 19 & 20 self 3600 4000 20 00
McGee, Absolom pt cor Lewis & Winch, 37 Kenmore 300 400 2 00
pt Cor Lewis & Amelia 37 Kenmore 350 450 2 25
Miller, F. Theodore pt 20 Caroline St. 400 2 00
McCracken, P. & T. pt 61 Wm. St 2500 3000 15 00
pt 62 W. side Pr Anne 350 750 3 75
pt 189 near Gunnery 300 400 2 00
McLain, John F. Washington pt 45 W. side Caroline 300 1 50
McKay, Mildred R. pt 249 below Dunmore 100 50
McCracken, P. Trustee for Coughlan trust pt 141 one moiety with Tierney 500 600 3 00
Moore, Lewis Jr. Philadelphia pt 30 E. side Caroline 100 50
Morgan, Eliza pt 17:17 self 750 900 4 50
Murray, Thomas Jr. pt 74 E. side Caroline 400 600 3 00
pt 18 self 400 650 3 25
pt 101 self 300 350 1 75
Mason, Jno. G. pt 244 self 2000 2500 12 50
Mills, Joseph W., Trustee for wife trust pt 110 self 350 450 2 25
Magrath, Lewis O. pt 46 store 2750 3250 16 25
pt 21 75 37½ of M. B. Fund Association
Marye, John L., trustee for L. Slaughter trust pt 225 Mrs. Slaughter 1500 1800 9 00
McGovern, G. W., J. H., & H. Grotz pt cor property 16:16 Grotz 500 650 3 25
Minor, Jourdine Est. pt 289 E. side Pr Edwd 200 1 00
Mills, Elizabeth pt 210 W. side Charles 100 50
Page 21 $30,650 $39,075 $195 37½
McCracken, Terrance pt 11 & 12 Hunter 4000 4500 22 50
pt (spoke factory) Wellford's field 500 800 4 00 Building destroyed by fire
pt 61, 121 Store 1250 1500 7 50
Minor, Hubbard T. pt 3:3 & 4:4 Hart 3500 4250 21 25
pt 4:4 in rear of above 100 150 75
McCracken, M. 50ft front pt 142 adj dwelling 200 1 00
pt 142 E. side Winchester 200 1 00 of Thos. Tierney
Mazeen, James R. pt in Liberty adj. Va. Hooe 75 37½ of Jas. Mazeen
pt in Liberty below pump 50 25 of Jas. Mazeen
pt in Liberty E. side Barton 250 300 1 50 of Jas. Mazeen
Mills, J. T. pt 4 Alsop's lots 100 50 of J. H. Bradley Est.
Mander, Catherine J. & others pt 6:6 Dwelling 350 450 2 25 of Chas. Mander
Page 22 $9,950 $12,575 $62 87½
National Bank pt 59 bank 8500 9000 45 00
pt 14:14 Jones 350 450 2 25
Nossett, Peter Jr. pt 6 above bridge 100 450 2 25
Nicholas, Andrew pt 202 & 203 self 250 350 1 75
Norton, Wm H. pt Wellford's field 300 400 2 00
Oehm, Chas N. Baltimore pt 25 & 26 Va. Bank corner &c 1000 2000 10 00
Pierce, Wm. J., trustee for Pierce trust pt 105 self 250 350 1 75
Pollock, Wm Est. pt 501 upper ferry landing 50 25
Proctor, Lucy pt 203 self 300 400 2 00
Phillips, Samuel Est pt 261 cor Sophia & Berkley 800 1000 5 00
Phillips, Samuel & Son pt 272 warehouse 1000 1200 6 00
pt 272 adj. Above on North 600 750 3 75
pt 272 adj. Above on sorth 200 1 00
pt corner 232 Garner 600 800 4 00
India Wharf lot 400 2 00
pt Independence Wharf 500 2 50
Ferry lot 50 25
Phillips, A. K. pt 232 100 50
pt 232 100 50
pt 273 Williams 600 750 3 75
pt 273 Cash 600 750 3 75
pt Meadow 6½ Acres & stable 100 1300 6 50
pt 93 & 94 W. side Caroline 300 1 50
pt 253 & 263 self 4250 5000 25 00
pt 40, 41, 42 Wellford's Field 400 2 00
pt 44 Wellford's Field 150 350 1 75
pt 284 sash factory 1900 2400 12 00
pt 284 Sacrey 400 500 2 50
Phillips, A. K. & Co. 146 Thos. Hayes 200 350 1 75
pt 89 cor Caroline & Hawke 175 87½
Pearson, Mary W. pt 41 & 43 self 3250 3750 18 75
Porter, Jno. W., trustee for Crump trust pt 27 & 28 Thompkins 1500 2000 10 00
Phillips, A. K. pt 17:17 kitchen &c 350 600 3 00 of Fitzhugh & Phillips
Page 23 $27,400 $37,225 $186 12½
Pollock, Janette R. pt 43 Jas R. Moore 3500 4000 20 00
Powers, L. pt Thorntontown, 9 on Mill run 100 50
pt Hazel Hill, 221 2 lots 200 1 00
Peyton, George H. Sr. pt Hazel Hill, 41 100 50 lot 42 to L. L. Layton
Page, M. H. & M. Hamilton pt 178 E. cor Canal St 150 75
pt 180 in rear of above 100 50
Perry, Juliet A. pt 405 Pr. Edwd St 300 400 2 00
pt 405 Pr. Edwd St 200 250 1 25
pt 405 Cor Pr Edwd & Geo. 550 700 3 50
pt 405 Geo St 225 300 1 50
pt 405 Geo St 275 350 1 75
pt 19 self 1000 1200 6 00
pt 19 Cox 600 700 3 50
pt 405 Geo St 200 300 1 50
Perry, Sarah E. pt Alsop's Lots 16 Canal nr Cor Pr Anne 250 350 1 75
Post, Washington New York pt 246 Cor. Caroline & Fred'k 300 1 50
pt 256 South of R. Road 300 1 50
pt 245 A. K. Phillips & Co. 1500 2250 11 25
pt 255 Cor Caroline & Fred'k 500 2 50
pt 265 Suth of Fred'k 250 1 25
Pittman, Elizabeth pt 258 dwelling 700 900 4 50
pt 258 stable 100 150 75
Pitman, John F. pt 45 kitchen 100 500 2 50
pt 14:14 Tenant 300 600 3 00
pt 45 Store 2750 3250 16 25
pt 14:14 cor property 50 150 75
pt 16:16 Jennings 800 1000 5 00
pt 240 & 231 Cor Caroline & Dixon 1400 1750 8 75
pt 240 & 231 W. of above 350 500 2 50
pt Geo St. extended 400 450 2 25 of Martha Innis
Payne, Joseph S. pt Sandy Bottom 250 350 1 75
Pitman, Nancy pt 258 self 600 750 3 75
Peyton, Benjamin Jr. pt 10:10 self 150 250 1 25
Pratt, Anderson pt 7:7 self 250 350 1 75
Perry, R. O., Trustee for Mary Walker trust pt 8, Hazel Hill Hazel Hill 150 75
Proctor, H. W. trustee for M. S. Proctor trust pt 99 Proctor 500 700 3 50
Pusey, Wm. E. pt on Turnpike 375 500 2 50
pt W. of turnpike 200 300 1 50 of Lewis Wrenn, trustee for wife
Page 24 $17,875 $25,400 $127 00
Peyton, Fountaine pt 266 frame tenement 300 400 2 00
Powell, James L. Orange Cty pt 145 & 147 old academy 500 800 4 00
Payne & Hawkins pt (88 x 116) 9 Planing mill 850 950 4 75 of C. Armat
Quinn, S. J., trustee for Grayson trust pt 215 Grayson 500 650 3 25
Revere, Geo. H. pt 227 residence 1250 1500 7 50
pt 227 in rear of above 200 1 00
pt 46 carpenter shop 100 400 2 00
Rowe, George Est. pt on Alley, nearly opposite Methodist Ch lot 75 37½
pt on N. side Turnpike, W. of A. P. Rowe's 100 50
pt on N. side Turnpike, W. of A. P. Rowe's 100 50
Rose, Alexander Est pt 127 tenants 800 1000 5 00
pt 127 lumber yard 500 2 50
pt 127 Kishpaugh 2000 2500 12 50
Rothrock, Louisiana pt 16 dwelling 1550 1800 9 00
Redd, William Est pt 121 Myer 1750 2000 10 00
pt 121 Conally 1600 1800 9 00
Rose, Lawrence B. pt S side George St. 75 37½
Roberts, Elizabeth pt 17 residence 500 700 3 50
Rollow, John J. Washington pt 54 Wallingford 1500 1800 9 00
Rowe, A. P. pt 22½ Acres tanyard & meadow 1000 3000 15 00
pt Sandy Bottom W. side Hanover 200 300 1 50
pt on Turnpike residence 2750 3000 15 00
pt on Turnpike w. of above 350 500 2 50
pt Thornton Town S. side Wm. St 75 37½
pt on Richmond road west side 50 25
Revere, Wyatt H. pt 10, Hazel Hill Davis 350 500 2 50
pt 10:10 w side Pr Anne st 150 75
Revere, W. H. & Mary A. W. Revere pt near wharf Revere 450 600 3 00
pt in area of above Fitzpatrick 200 350 1 75
Raines, Lyburn T. Est. pt 204 E. side Pr Edwd st 100 50
Richards, Henry pt 223 Fleming & others 300 400 2 00
Ruggles, Daniel pt 107 & 108 self 1750 2000 10 00
Page 25 $20,550 $28,375 $141 87½
Rowe, Maurice B. pt 46 store 1800 2200 11 00
pt 6 Slaughter house 150 300 1 50
pt East side 6 Cor Amelia & Sophia 100 50
pt 29 soap factory 250 500 2 50
pt 29 Cor Amelia & Sophia 200 1 00
pt 29 & 30 N. side Amelia 200 1 00
Ryan, James pt in Fitzhugh's lots 10 & 11 W. side Caroline st 200 350 1 75
pt 178 residence 350 500 2 50
Roy, James H. pt 6.35 acres Wellford's field 650 3 25
pt 19 Sophia St. w 200 1 00
pt Wellford's Field Brent 1000 1200 6 00
pt 20 Hamilton 625 1025 5 12½ of Jno. J. Young
Roy, J. H. & Wellford, F. P. pt 17 & 18 Roy 3000 3500 17 50
Rennolds, R. B. pt 254 & 264 residence 4000 4500 22 50
pt 60 s side Wm St 2000 2250 11 25
Read, Catherine pt 235 self 600 900 4 50
Robinson, Joseph, Trustee for wife trust pt 187 self 600 900 4 50
Roy, A. T., trustee for wife trust pt 3 self 1000 1250 6 25
Roy, John pt 146 N. side Amelia 200 250 1 25
Roy, Albert & George pt 11:11 Roy 150 300 1 50
pt 37 Taliaferro 200 400 2 00
Rollins, Page pt 194 Lucy Rollins 350 450 2 25
Rollins, Joseph E. Staunton, Va. pt Hazel Hill 239 Rollins 1000 1250 6 25
Russell, Wm. H. pt 17:17 Stokes 3000 3500 17 50
pt 17:17 stables &c 200 250 1 25
Robinson, Lindsey pt 102 cor property 200 400 2 00 new house
Russell, Stephen pt 105 150 75
Richmond, F. & P. R.R. Co pt reassessed in 1875 4800 33900 exempt by charter
Page 26 $20,875 $27,675 $138 37½
Smith, Letitia pt 5A.3R.20P 7 Kenmore 500 2 50
pt 3A lot 8 Kenmore 300 1 50
Smith, Margaret pt 30 self 500 700 3 50
Scott, John F. Est. Geo. B. Scott Ad'r pt 35 Factory & dwelling 1100 1500 7 50
pt 126 & 128 Swift 1200 1500 7 50
pt 168 near the Basin 100 50
Samuel, A. E. pt 177 E. side Caroline st 350 550 2 75
pt 177 adj above 350 450 2 25
pt 177 shop adj. to above 250 350 1 75
Stone, Samuel Est. pt 37 Reising? 1750 2000 10 00
Samuel, Emily J. Est. pt 78 near Canal & Pitt 125 62½
Stringfellow, Lucy B. & others pt 23 & 24 McCalley 750 1500 7 50
Starr, Anthony Est pt 233 W. Pr. Anne St 100 50
Sorrell, Alexander Est pt 279 Cor Sophia & Hawke 150 75
pt 80 Hawke & Caroline 350 1 75
Scott, George B. pt 167 warehouse 800 900 4 50
Scott, Chas S. pt Hazel Hill, 5 150 75
pt Wm St. (lot belongs to the Corporation) 500 2 50
pt 6 blacksmith shop 300 450 2 25
pt Lower end town E. side Caroline st 300 450 2 25 of John Sibley
Spilman, Peter Jr. 17/40 pt 26 E. side Caroline st 170 85
Steady, Jane Est. pt 15:15 cor property 250 1 25
Solan, John pt 296 self 500 650 3 25
Saunders, Nelson C. pt 202 100 50
pt 20 & 21 Wellford's field 100 50
Sener, James B. pt 25 & 26 Ficklen 2600 3000 15 00
Scott, Hugh pt 115 Cor. Chas. & Hawke 150 75
pt 132 residence 2000 2500 12 50
pt 116 Cor. Pr. Edwd & Hawke 150 300 1 50 Building
pt 145 W. side Pr. Edwd 800 1000 5 00
pt 31 w side Sophia 100 50
Slaughter, Frank pt 274 Cor. Fred'k & Sophia 200 300 1 50
pt 274 near corner Fred'k & Sophia 200 1 00
Strother, Geo. W. Stafford Co. pt 501 ferry landing 50 25
Slaughter, Montgomery pt 50 Richardson 1200 2000 10 00
pt 49 Garden &c 150 1000 5 00
pt 61 Stone 1700 2000 10 00
Page 27 $16,950 $26,495 $132 47½
Scott, Dr. Wm. S. pt 109 residence 100 1300 6 50
pt 109 & 110 adj above on South 250 1 25
pt 75 W. side of Sophia St 100 50
pt 69 Cor Sophia & Hawke 100 50
pt 68 S. side Hawke 50 25
pt runs back to Caroline wharf 200 1 00
pt Kenmore 54 corn Winchester cont 250 350 1 75
pt Kenmore 41 N of Kenmore House 150 75
pt Kenmore 26, 27, 28, 42, 43, 44, 45, & 56 1000 5 00
pt Kenmore 55 Ice House 1200 1300 6 50
pt Kenmore 12 acres 1200 6 00
Slaughter, F. trustee for children trust pt 248 C. G. Garnett 1200 1500 7 50
Sener, Joseph W. pt 25 & 26 E. side Caroline st 100 500 2 50
pt 248, one moiety J. W. Sener 925 1125 5 62½
Sthreshley, Jas. Est. pt in Fitzhugh's lots, 12 & 13 W. side Caroline st 150 75
Stevens, Monroe Stafford cty pt on Turnpike W. side A. P. Rowe 200 300 1 50
Sisson, David pt on Turnpike residence 450 600 3 00
pt on Turnpike opposite to above 100 50
Street, Melinda pt 16:16 self 600 800 4 00
Shepherd, Geo. W. pt 84, 86, 85 & 83 residence 5250 6500 32 50
pt 248, Market Square store 3300 3800 19 00
pt 229 Goldsmtih 3600 4000 20 00
pt 7 & 8 E. side Sophia st 400 1000 5 00
pt Kenmore 20, 21, 22, 23, & 24 & 90 ft East of said lots 6A, 1R, 30P vacant 1195 5 97½
pt Fitzhugh's lots, 9 Tenant 50 100 50 of Rob't. Alford, trustee of Wife
Smith, William H. pt 228 Store &c 2200 2500 12 50
pt 290 Cor. Pr. Edwd & Fred'k 500 750 3 75
pt 244 residence 2700 3000 15 00
pt 225 Cor. Pr. Anne & Pr. Elizabeth 100 50
Stoffregen, Ernest pt 257 restaurant 1750 2000 10 00
pt 257 Prussia st adjn above 650 750 3 75
Skinner, L. P. Est. pt 76 Mrs. Skinner 450 600 3 00
Sisson, Landon S. pt on Turnpike 50 25
Scott, Chas S., trustee for Bev. Brooke trust pt 154 Brooks 350 500 2 50
Snowden, Jno. W. ptHazel Run 21 acres 1000 5 00
Slaughter, M. Trustee for Wife pt Allen Town, 308 residence 4500 5000 25 00
Smith, Harriet pt 212 residence 400 500 2 50
Page 28 $32,125 $44,420 $282 10
Sands, P., M. E. & M. R. McKay pt Lower end town Caroline St 350 500 2 50
Switzer, George pt In Liberty self 150 250 1 25
Small, Mary G. pt 229, Church Square cor Geo. & Caroline Sts 2500 3000 15 00
Slaughter, Sally M. pt "Hazel Hill" 32½ acres 3000 7250 36 25
Sands, Piney H. pt 249 Caroline St 100 50
Snowden, Edward pt 45 W. side Caroline st 300 1 50
Shepherd, Charles A. pt 11 & 12 residence 2500 3500 17 50
Stevens, Charles P. pt intersection of Liberty & Geo. Sts 350 450 2 25
Shelton, John C. Stafford Cty pt 229, Church Square A. B. Botts 3750 4250 21 25
pt 16 near cor on Caroline 2450 2750 13 75 of P. Goolrick's Est.
pt 231 & 240 W. side Caroline st 1000 1250 6 25 of Robt F. Ransome
Shelton, Wm. A. pt 71 w side Sophia 75 37½
Shelton, Richard Thorntontown Smith 250 350 1 75
Smith, Mrs. A. H. pt 126 Chewning 2850 3250 16 25
Swift & Cole pt (3 3/4 Acres) S. side Hanover St 250 1000 5 00 of Wm. S. Scott
Page 29 $19,400 $28,275 $141 37½
Tierney, Thomas pt 142 one moiety with Coughlan 200 1 00
pt 104 E. side Chas. St 200 300 1 50
pt 104 Frazier 300 400 2 00
Triplett, George W. pt in Fitzhugh's lots, 19 self 200 300 1 50
Tongue, James pt 78 E. side of Caroline 400 2 00
pt 76 Norburg 750 1000 5 00
Toombs, Clementine pt Hazel Run 50 25
pt Hazel Run Toombs 75 150 75
Thom, Catharine & Mary pt Warehouse 5 below Chatham Bridge 550 750 3 75
Timberlake, Jas. B. Est pt one moiety on Turnpike 50 25
Timberlake, Sarah A. pt 9 & 10 Armat 2000 2250 11 25
Thomas, Wm. H. Jr., trustee for Ellen Thomas trust pt 89 W. side Caroline st 600 750 3 75
pt 89 adj above on North 150 75
pt 89 & 90 S. side Hawke 500 700 3 50
pt 91 N. side Hawke 400 500 2 50
Taylor, Henry Est pt 72 & 71 Union House 3000 3500 17 50
pt 65 cor Lewis & Sophia 100 50
Taylor, Cora & others pt 21 cor Geo & Sophia 100 50
Timberlake, Jno. S. G. pt 14:14 residence 650 800 4 00
Thornton, Charlotte pt 249, 250, 259, 260 & 261 W. K. Mason 2500 5000 25 00
Taylor, James A. pt 99 W. side Pr. Anne St 100 250 1 25
pt 99 W. side Pr. Anne St 100 250 1 25
pt 110 self 400 500 2 50
Taylor, Buddy Est. pt 144 E. side Winchester 150 300 1 50
Thomas & Jeffries pt 92 Cor Hawke & Pr Anne 150 75
Taylor, Kale & others pt 37 W. side Caroline st 2000 2250 11 25
Thornton, Presley pt 104 self 200 250 1 25
Taliaferro, Edwd H. pt Sandy Bottom N. side Turnpike 50 25
Thomas, William H. Sr. pt 91 Cor Hawke & Caroline 600 900 4 50
Taylor, Harriet M. pt 122 self 550 700 3 50
Terry, Ailsie pt Wellford's Field 18 self 250 300 1 50
Tyler, Samuel pt near Gunnery 202 self 350 450 2 25
Turner, John pt 106 self 200 300 1 50
Tome, Jacob pt 39 Eagle Building 1500 1750 8 75
pt 39 Exchange Hotel 8000 9000 45 00
Thomas, Wm. H. Jr. pt 25 Cole & Co 1600 2000 10 00
pt 91 & 92 W side Caroline St 700 1000 5 00
pt Alsop's Lots 17 & 18 N. side Canal st 350 500 2 50
Page 30 $29,275 $38,750 $192 75
Tackett, John F. pt 5 Alsop's Lots 100 50 of J. H. Bradley's Est
pt 6 Alsop's Lots 100 50 of J. H. Bradley's Est
pt N. of Canal St., 22 Alsop's Lots 500 2 50 of Wm. S. Scott
Tackett, Jno F., trustee for Mary Way Trust pt 12 & 13 Alsop's Lots 100 50 of J. H. Bradley's Est
Vass, Mary & E. B. pt 252 Tenant 1900 2250 11 25
Page 31 $1,900 $3,050 $15 25
Walker, James Est pt 229 & 230 Mrs. Walker 1000 1250 6 25
Wellford, Chas. C. Est. pt 69 & 70 E. side Sophia st 200 1 00
Wellford, Beverly R. Est. pt 57 Mrs. Thornton 3500 4000 20 00
pt 168 E. side Basin? 100 50
pt Allen Town (S. side Charlotte) stable 200 300 1 50
White, Polly legatees opposite old M.E. Ch lot S. side Geo. St 100 250 1 25
Wallace, Elizabeth B. pt 25 & 26 E. side Caroline st 2000 2500 12 50
Williams, Collins Jr. pt 100 Williams 300 400 2 00
Whittemore, Joseph Est one moiety of wharf below gas works 200 1 00
Wallace, J. Gordon 1/7 upper part of town W. of Wash'n Mill 15 07½
pt 62 residence 4000 4500 22 50
West, Maria & Louisa pt 237 N. side Frederick 200 300 1 50
Wellford, John S. Est. pt 93 & 94 Cor Pitt & Caroline 400 2 00
Wormley, Tarlton S. side Geo st self 300 400 2 00
S. side Geo st adj. Above 150 200 1 00
Wallace, Dr. John H. Est. pt 24 & 23 dwelling & store 7000 8000 40 00
pt 45 W. side Caroline st 1750 2000 10 00
pt (office) 46 E. side Pr Anne st 400 600 3 00
pt 89 W. side Caroline st 150 75
pt 89 W. B. Cole 200 300 1 50
pt 87 Towles 200 300 1 50
pt 87 old Hotel 350 500 2 50
pt 88 Delevis &c? 200 300 1 50
pt 88 E. side of Pr Anne st 200 1 00
W. of Washington Mill 185 92½
Warren, Mary S. pt 30 N. side Amelia 100 400 2 00
pt 29 E. side of Caroline 200 1 00
Wellford, Bev.. R. Jr. Richmond pt 34, Hazel Hill East adj H.H. property 100 50
Wellford, Herndon, & Hill pt Allen Town ice house 200 1 00
Wellford, C. B., F. P. & P. A. pt 67 E. side Sophia st 100 50
Wellford, C. C., Trustee for Peyton trust pt 6 Above Chatham Br. 75 37½
Williams, Chas. Trustee for Sacrey trust pt 246 B. Sacrey 1000 1200 6 00
Wellford, Herndon, & Barton pt 67 & 68 E. side of Sophia 200 1 00
Wroten, Geo. W. Trustee for wife & children trust pt 195, 196, 197 & 198 W. side of Pr. Edwd 100 950 4 75
pt 16:16 Wroten 1200 1500 7 50
Wellford, C. B. & F. P. pt 13:13 Revere 700 1000 5 00
Wellford, Susan N. pt 1:1 self 3500 4500 22 50
Page 32 $28,450 $37,975 $189 87½
Wallace, C. Wistar pt 48 Chas. Wallace 3000 3500 17 50
pt 47 W. side of Caroline 350 1 75
pt 74 Shelton 300 450 2 25
pt 73 & 74 E. side Caroline st 150 75
pt 1 A on Richmond Road 50 25
No. 60 G. W. Wayland 1500 1800 9 00 of John E. Beck
Waring, Henry Est 2/7 upper part of town Washington Mills 30 15
Williams, Joseph pt 281 Dannehl 400 500 2 50
pt 78 E. side of Caroline 300 1 50
Wallace, H. H. Sr. pt Federal Hill residence 3000 4000 20 00
Wellford Field S. side Charlotte st 75 37½
pt 20 store 3350 3750 18 75
Williams, Charlotte pt 113 W. side Chas st 200 275 1 37½
Wellford, Dr. Jno. S. pt Wellford's Field, 16 100 50
Williams, Thos. Trustee for S. L. Williams trust pt 237 tenants 350 500 2 50
pt 237 tenants 300 450 2 25
Williams, John Est. pt 88 Cor. Faquier & Pr Anne 700 900 4 50
Walker, Edmund Est. one moiety pt 405 Walker 200 250 1 25
Washington, Lewis pt 190 w side of Dixon 100 250 1 25
Williams, John A. Baltimore pt 11 & 12 Hazel Hill 300 1 50
Wharton, Amanda pt 4 self 600 800 4 00
Williams, James pt 211 self 200 300 1 50
Wheeler & Johnston pt 75 self 300 400 2 00
Wright, Washington pt 6:6 self 500 600 3 00
Wallace & Hoomes pt 1 3/4 acres Wellford's field 275 1 37½
White, S. S., Chase & Clarke Woolen Mills &c 24,000 25,000 125 00
Wallace, H. H. Jr. pt 65 & 66 E. side Sophia st 200 1 00
Wissner, Henry pt 39 self 500 800 4 00
Williams, Georgianna Baltimore pt Steamboat Whf & Warehouse (one moiety) 250 1250 6 25 Errors Ass't allowed
pt Donaldson's lot (one moiety) 50 25 Errors Ass't allowed
pt tanyard or Rollins lot (one moiety) 150 75 Errors Ass't allowed
Wellford, Mary C. No. 177 & 179 residence 1500 2000 10 00 of C. C. Wellford's Est.
pt 178 E. side Caroline st 50 25 of C. C. Wellford's Est.
Wallace, Charles pt 223 W. side Pr Anne st 100 50 of Jas N. Turner
Page 33 $41,250 $49,955 $249 77½
Williams, Charles pt 13 & 14 self 1700 2000 10 00
pt 3 E. side Sophia st 100 50
pt 227 W. side Pr Anne st 100 50
pt 216 E. side Chas 200 1 00
pt 194 Spenser 200 300 1 50
pt 194 Weeks 100 200 1 00
pt 194 Myers 100 200 1 00
pt (7 Acres) Brickyard lot tenants 700 1300 6 50
in Liberty W. side Barton 100 50
pt 230 & 239 tenant 1000 1125 5 62½
pt 14 & 13 tenant 1200 1500 7 50 of Wm M. Searing
Young, John J. pt 13 & 14 residence 2200 2800 14 00
$7,200 $7,925 $49 62½
Catholic Church Parsonage No. 55 priest 2000 2500 25 00 Assessment for 1870, taxed for 1874 & 5
Catholic Church Parsonage No. 55 priest 1700 2000 20 00 Assessment for 1875, taxed for 1876 & 7
Episcopal Church Rectory No. 57 S. S. Brooke 3200 3500 70 00 taxed for 1874, 5, 6, & 7
Methodist Church Parsonage No. 38 Armstrong 1850 2250 45 00 taxed for 1874, 5, 6, & 7
Methodist Church School House No. 46 Pub. Schools 300 400 8 00 taxed for 1874, 5, 6, & 7
Presbyterian Church Parsonage No. 309 J. O. Smith 2400 2800 28 00 Assessment for 1870, taxed for 1874 & 5
Presbyterian Church Parsonage No. 309 J. O. Smith 2100 2500 25 00 Assessment for 1875, taxed for 1876 & 7
$13,550 $15,950 $221 00
Page 34 $20,750 $25,875 $270 62½

Page Lot Value Lot + Bld Tax
Page 1 $21,300 $28,700 $143.50
Page 2 $40,400 $51,200 $256.00
Page 3 $30,400 $41,150 $205.75
Page 4 $29,575 $38,125 $190.62½
Page 5 $43,500 $52,450 $262.25
Page 6 $31,925 $38,425 $192.12½
Page 7 $29,000 $38,600 $193.00
Page 8 $22,100 $30,800 $154.00
Page 9 $35,000 $60,950 $304.75
Page 10 $28,350 $36,325 $181.62½
Page 11 $29,975 $35,875 $179.37½
Page 12 $21,550 $27,830 $139.15
Page 13 $35,275 $47,050 $235.25
Page 14 $27,325 $39,600 $198.00
Page 15 $12,725 $18,250 $91.25
Page 16 $11,300 $15,525 $77.62½
Page 17 $32,900 $43,325 $216.62½
Page 18 $23,725 $31,900 $159.50
Page 19 $18,350 $23,955 $119.77½
Page 20 $23,550 $31,975 $159.87½
Page 21 $30,650 $39,075 $195.37½
Page 22 $9,950 $12,575 $62.87½
Page 23 $27,400 $37,225 $186.12½
Page 24 $17,875 $25,400 $127.00
Page 25 $20,550 $28,375 $141.87½
Page 26 $20,875 $27,675 $138.37½
Page 27 $16,950 $26,495 $132.47½
Page 28 $32,125 $44,420 $222.10
Page 29 $19,400 $28,275 $141.37½
Page 30 $29,275 $38,750 $193.75
Page 31 $1,900 $3,050 $15.25
Page 32 $28,450 $37,975 $189.87½
Page 33 $41,250 $49,955 $249.77½
Page 34 $20,750 $25,825 $270.62½*
Total $875,626 $1,157,130 $5,926.90

* = Back Tax $141.25

I, A. B. Bowering, Comissioner of the Revenue for the Town of Fredericksburg, in the County of Spotsylvania, do swear that in making out the original Book, of which the foregoing is a correct copy, I have, to the best of my knowledge and ability, pursued the laws prescribing the duties of a Commissioner of the Revenue, and that I have faithfully discharged the duties required of me in assessing new entries of and improvements upon tracts of land and lots, and injuries to buildings thereon, and made all corrections in said Book, as required by Law.
Given under my hand this 14th day of July 1877.
A. B. Bowering, Commissioner of the Revenue

Sworn before me, S. C. Kearsley, a N. P. for the Corporation of Fredericksburg on the 17th day of August 1877.
Sam'l C. Kearsley, Justice of the Peace

I do hereby certify, that I delivered, on the 17th day of August 1877, a true copy of the foregoing book to Rob't. W. Adams, Treasurer of the Fredericksburg
A. B. Bowering, Commissioner of the Revenue

Last Updated on 9/10/2002
Enterred by Gary Stanton