Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

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March 16th 1795

This being the day appointed by Law for the annual Election of twelve Members to serve the Corporation for the ensuing year the freeholders and Inhabitants being notified thereof and having deposited their tickets on the ballot box upon examination the greatest numbers were found as follows for Wm. Harvey 79 Fontaine Maury 78 Zachariah Lucas 75 Elisha Hall 70 Wm. S. Stone 67, Wm. Herndon 61, James Brown 57, Richd. Peacock 56, Wm. Pearson 55, Fielding Lucas 54 John Benson 37, George W. B. Spooner 36 George French 36 Charles Mortimer 24, James Somerville 29 Godlove Heiskill 24, So that the first named twelve were duly elected and the persons Elected not being present, Ordered that the Sergeant give notice that they attend on Saturday the 21st this Inst. at the Markett House at 3 o'clock to Elect the officers for the ensuing year.
George French

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Fryday March 20th 1795

The new Elected members to wit Wm. Harvey Fontaine Maury Zachariah Lucas Elisha Hall Wm. S. Stone, Wm. Herndon James Brown Richard Peacock, Wm. Pearson, Fielding Lucas, John Benson and George French and George B. W. Spooner having an Equal number of Votes by, a Majority of the other Eleven members in favor of George W. B. Spooner.

And then they proceeded to the choice of Mayor when Wm. Harvey Esqr. was elected & qualified accordingly.

They then proceeded to the choice of Recorder when Fontaine Maury Esqr. was duly elected and qualified accordingly.

They also proceeded to the choice of 4 Aldermen when Elisha Hall Wm. S. Stone G. W. B. Spooner & Zachariah Lucas Gent. were duly elected and qualified accordingly and the remaining six to wit Wm. Herndon James Brown Richard Peacock, Wm. Pearson Fielding Lucas & John Benson of the Common Council Whereupon they Qualified accordingly.

John Chew is reelected Clerk of this board for the ensuing year.

Wm. S. Stone is appointed Chamberlain for the ensuing year.

John Legg is duly elected Vendue Master the ensuing year and ordered that he give bond and take the oath at the next Court.

Thomas Miller is duly appointed Gauger & Geographer the ensuing year.

Elisha Hall Wm. S. Stone & Zachariah Lucas Gent. are appointed Trustees of the Markett House the ensuing year.

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James Newby is appointed Ballast and Harbor Master the ensuing year.

John Atkinson is reappointed keeper of the powder magazine the ensuing year.

Thomas Sacrae is appointed Clerk of the Markett the ensuing year

Adjd. William Harvey

At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg the 2nd day Of April 1795

Wm. Harvey Esq. Mayor
Fontaine Maury Recorder
Elisha Hall ) Wm. Herndon )
Zach Lucas ) Aldermen Jas. Brown )
Geo. W. B. Spooner ) Rd. Peacock ) Common Councilmen
Wm. Pearson )
John Benson )

The being a vacancy in the place of an Alderman owing to William S. Stone, one of the Elected not being a freeholder of this Corpo. William Herndon succeeds he having the greatest number of votes at the last Election who took the oaths of office accordingly & thereupon the board proceeded to ballot for a common Councilman in the room of said Herndon when Richard S. Hackley was duly elected who took the oaths of office accordingly.

Richard S. Hackley, Fontaine Maury, & Geo. W. B. Spooner are appointed to settle with James Somerville the former Chamberlain his accounts & that they do receive of him the books & papers of the

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Corporation & of the Estate of Archd. McPherson & make report to this board.

The board taking into consideration the present price of Flour do appoint Fontaine Maury & Richd. Peacock a committee to regulate the assize of Bread from time to time & that the[y] publish the same.

George W. B. Spooner is appointed Chamberlain the ensuing year in the room of William S. Stone.

This Board doth order that the Constables in this Corpo. keep order in the streets especially on Sundays & of nights & that they receive Compensation for their Services.

Complaint being made to this board of a cellar dug by John Baylor on the main Street as nuisance to the Corpo. It is on consideration thereof Ordered that unless the sd. Baylor secure the same by a wall or otherwise, within Two Months he, will be presented according to law & that the Clerk serve the said Baylor with a Copy of this order.

William Herndon appointed a Trustee of the Markett House in the Room of William S. Stone.

William Harvey

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At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Wednesday the thirteenth day of May 1795

William Harvey Mayor
Fontaine Maury Recorder
Elisha Hall )
Zach. Lucas ) Aldermen
George W. B. Spooner )
Richd. Peacock )
James Brown )
William Pearson ) Council Men
Fielding Lucas )
John Benson )

The board proceeded to adjust and allow the following claims against the Corporation -
To John Blanton by account £9 6 11
To John Brownlow p do 8 15 0
James Allen Sergt. for attending this board 9 0 0
To do. his sallery by Law 7 10 0
To John Minor attorney for Corporation 20 0 0
£54 11 11 £54 11 11
To John Chew Clerk to this board 20 0 0
To sallery by Law 7 10 0
To examining the list of taxable prop. 5 0 0 £32 10 0
To Joseph Berry for his services in attending the Court Council and Magistrates in public business 7 10 0
Do for taking care of the Markett house Ringing the bell taking care of the engine &c 4 10 0 16 10 0
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Amount brought over £99 1 11
To Joseph Berry keeping order in the Streets on Sundays 4 10 0 4 10 0
To Mordecai Mastin for keeping order in the streets on Sundays 4 10 0
To John Roe for do. 4 10 0
To Thomas Sacrae Clerk of the Markett 6 0 0
£118 11 11

The following Gentlemen are appointed to take the number of white tithables slaves above twelve years of age, Horses, Riding Carriages, Billiard Tables Drays & Carts within the several districts to wit, Wm. Harvey and Richd. Peacock from the lower end of the town to said Harveys corner, Wm. Herndon and Wm. Pearson from said corner to Lovell & Urquharts corner, Fontaine Maury and Elisha Hall from sd. corner to David Hendersons corner Geo. W. B. Spooner & Fielding Lucas from said corner to the uper end of the town and that they make return to the next Council.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed
William Harvey

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At a Court held for the Town & Corpo. of Fredericksburg on Friday the seventeenth July 1795 -

William Harvey Mayor
Fontaine Maury Recorder
Zach. Lucas )
William Herndon ) Aldermen
Elisha Hall )
James Brown )
Richd. Peacock ) Council men
Wm. Pearson )
Fieldg. Lucas )

The Gentlemen appointed to take the list of Taxable Property and Tithables in this Corpo. This day returned their list amounting to 266 White tithables 366 Slaves above 12 years 127 horses 96 Carriage wheels 25 drays and 5 Billiard Tables.

Ordered that the Clerk of this Board make out two fair copies from sd. lists and deliver one to the Chamberlain and one to the Sergeant and that the Sergt. collect of each white tithable 4/ for each Black above 12 years 4/ for each horse 1/4 for each carriage wheel 3/ for each dray 24/ for each Billiard Table 40/ and also 20/ on every £100 Value of rents agreeable to the Comr. of the Revenue Valuation the last year, and that the

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Sergeant collect & account for said Taxes with the Chamberlain with 3 months from this date.

Zachariah Lucas & James Brown Gent. are appointed to examine into the state of the fire engine and to agree with some person to build a Ducking stool and make report to the next Council.

Elisha Hall, Richard Peacock & William Pearson Gent. or any two of them are appointed to contract with some person for a house to be occupied as a Hospital in case of any infectious disorder taking place in this Town.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
William Harvey

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At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Thursday the 3rd day of December 1795

Wm. Harvey Mayor
Fontaine Maury Recorder
Elisha Hall )
Zach. Lucas ) Aldermen
Geo. W. B. Spooner )
Richd. Peacock )
Wm. Pearson ) Council men
Richd. S. Hackley )

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to the Overseers of the poor the sum of £88.16.7 for so much advanced by them for the support of poor in this Corporation.

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Richard Peacock £4.17.9 by acct. for necessaries furnished the poor.

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to James Allan £4.12.6 by acct. for attendance on Guard over a vessel infected with the small pox.

Fontaine Maury Elisha Hall Zach. Lucas Geo. W. B. Spooner Richard Peacock & Wm. Pearson Gent. are appointed to examine into the state of the several chimneys & stoves in this Corporation and give such instructions

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with respect to any they shall suppose dangerous as they shall adjudge necessary.

Ordered that the present Chamberlain receive of James Somerville Esq. late Chamberlain the furniture in his possession belonging to the Markett house and dispose of the same at public vendue and return an account thereof to the Council.

Fontaine Maury & Richard T. Hackley Gent. are appointed to superintend the building a pound to secure any Hoggs that may be found runing at large in this Corporation.

William Harvey

At a Common Council held in the Town & Corpo. of Fredsbg. on Tuesday the eighth day of December 1795

Wm. Harvey Mayor
Fontaine Maury Recorder
Zach. Lucas )
Geo. W. B. Spooner ) Aldermen
James Brown )
Richd. Peacock ) Common Council
Fielding Lucas )
Richd. S. Hackley )

The board taking into their consideration the present situation

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of the market house lotts in this Town are of opinion & do order that Fontaine Maury Geo. W. B. Spooner James Brown Zach. Lucas F. Richd. S. Hackley Gent. to examine and lay of such part of the Lotts as they may think ought to be rented out for the benefit of the Inhabitants of this Town and that they return a platt and report to the next council.
Wm. Harvey

Last Modified 23 May 2003