Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

[Page 435 cont]

At a Council held at the Court house for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Thursday the 6th day of February 1800

George French Mayor
Benjamin Day Recorder
William Drummond )
David C. Ker ) Aldermen
George Murray )
Alexr. Duncan )
James Brown )
James Newby ) Council men
Robert Wellford )
Thomas Goodwin )

Application being made to this Board to raise a sum of money by Tax on the Inhabitants of this Corporation sufficient to Establish a Town watch. The Town taking into consideration the said application are unanimously of opinion that they are not authorized by law to levy such Tax, it is therefore recommended to the Mayor that he call a meeting of the Inhabitants to devise and determine on the best means of guarding the Town.

[Page 436]

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to John Minor atto. $150 Dollars in part of his acct. against the Corporation.
Geo. French

March 17th 1800
This being the day appointed by Law for the annual election of 12 persons to serve the Corporation the present year as Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common Council, The freeholders and House keepers being notified thereof met at the Markett house in said Corporation, and having deposited their ticketts in the Ballot box upon examination the greatest number of votes were found in favor of the following persons viz;

For Joseph Walker 98
David C. Ker 92
John Benson 84
Fielding Lucas 83
James Brown 82
Wm. Herndon 80
Hugh Mercer 79
George French 75
William S. Stone 73
Zachy. Lucas 72
Font. Maury 72
John Lewis 70
Benjn. Day 62
George Murray 61

So that the first named twelve were duly elected.

Who proceeded to the Choice of Mayor when David C. Ker was duly elected and qualified as Mayor and Justice of the peace for said Corporation.

They then proceeded to the choice of Recorder when John Lewis was duly elected and qualified accordingly.

They then proceeded to the choice of 4 Aldermen when Hugh Mercer, Font. Maury, Geo. French and William S. Stone were duly elected and qualified accordingly.

[Page 437]

And the remaining six to wit Jos. Walker John Benson, F. Lucas James Brown William Herndon and Zachy. Lucas are common Council Men.

John Chew is reelected Clerk of this board the present year.

The board then proceeded to the choice of Chamberlain when John Lewis was duly elected.

Bartho. Fuller was ballotted for as Guager and Geographer and duly elected to that office.

Charles Steward is elected Clerk of the Markett the ensuing year.

James Brown, Joseph Walker and Zachy. Lucas are appointed trustees of the Markett house the ensuing year.

David C. Ker

At a Council held at the Markett House for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Wednesday the 19th day of March 1800

David C. Ker Mayor
John Lewis Recorder
Font. Maury )
George French ) Aldermen
Jos. Walker )
Fieldg. Lucas )
James Brown ) Council men
William Herndon )
Zach. Lucas )

The Board proceeded to choice of a Vendue Master for the Corporation when Samuel Howison was duly elected and ordered that he enter into a bond with security at the next Court.

John Lewis, George French and Fontaine Maury Gent. are appointed to settle with the late Chamberlain his acct. with the Corporation for the last year, also with the Sergant Overseers of the Poor and Trustees of the Markett House.

John Lewis Gent. is added to the Trustees of the Markett House for the ensuing year.

[Page 438]

The following Gent. are appointed to take the number of Free Male tithables in this Corporation Slaves above 12 years Horses, Mares and Colts, and Mules, Riding carriages, Drays and Carts. Joseph Walker and Zach. Lucas from the uper end of the Town to Wm. S. Stones, William S. Stone and Fieldg. Lucas from Green & Dyke's to Alexr. Duncan's, Font. Maury and James Brown from Alexander Duncan's to Wm. Herndon's - David C. Ker and William Herndon from said Herndon's to Mrs. Walkers, and George French and Hugh Mercer from Mrs. Walkers to the lower end of the Town and make return of List by them to be so taken to the next Council.

David C. Ker

At a Council held at the Markett House on Saturday, the 29th day of March 1800

David C. Ker Mayor
John Lewis Recorder
George French )
Fontaine Maury ) Aldermen
William S. Stone )
Joseph Walker )
James Brown )
William Herndon ) Councilmen
Fielding Lucas )
Zachariah Lucas )

The Board proceed to examine and allow the following accounts viz:
To Edward McDermot a Constable $20.00
To Battho. Blunt ditto $20.00
To George Graves ditto $20.00
To Charles Stewart ditto $20.00
To ditto as Clerk of the Markett $20.00
To George French by accts. for necessaries $5.04
To Charles Clark by account $29.17
To John Minor atto bal. of acct. £71.13.4½ $238.89
To John Chew Clk. p account $109.90
To Timothy Green by acct. £7.19.0 $26.50

[Page 439]

The Comrs. appointed to take a list of Taxable property in this Corporation this day returned their list amounting to 289 white Tithables, 402 Slaves above 12 years, 145 horses, 96 Carriage Wheels, 23 Drays Carts. Ordered that the Clerk make out two fair copies of said Lists and Deliver one to the Chamberlain and one to the Sargt. and that the Sargt. collects of each free male Tithable 67 cents on each Slave above 12 years 67 cents on each horse one dollar on each Carriage wheel 50 cents and on each Dray or Cart Four Dollars and $1.25 cents on every $100 dollars of Rent agreeable to the Comnrs. return of the Revenue Tax and that the Sargt. collect sd. Taxes and pay the same to the Chamberlain within three months from this day.

The Comrs. appointed to settle the accounts of the Chamberlain and Sargeant returned their reports which are ordered to be Recorded.

It appearing by the late Sargeants account that the sum of £95.3.1 was in his hands due the Corporation. Ordered that he pay the same to the Present Chamberlain.

George French, William S. Stone and Zachariah Lucas Gent. are appointed to superintend the repairs of the Streets and the cleaning thereof.

Bartholomew Fuller Qualified as Gauger and Geographer in this Corporation according to Law.

An Ordinance respecting Dray and Cart was approved by the Council and ordered to be Recorded.

An Ordinance respecting the Publick Taxes in this Corporation was approved by the Council and Ordered to be Recorded.

An Ordinance respecting the Gauging Spiritous Liquors was approved by the Council and ordered to be Recorded.

Ordered that copies of the above ordinances be posted at the Markett house in this Corporation.

The Ordinance bearing date the 1st day of April 1797 Respecting Hogs runing at large in this Corporation is hereby revived and that the same take effect from and after the 10th day of April next and that the Constables in this Corporation carry the said Law into effect and that the same be published in the newspapers in this Corporation.

[Page 440]

Fontaine Maury James Brown William Herndon and Fielding Lucas are appointed to settle with Bowker Waller for part of a House frame delivered to Mr. John Lewis by said Waller.

David C. Ker and John Lewis Gent. are appointed to revise the several ordinances in this Corporation.

Ordered that if any waggoner hereafter shall be found Driving his waggon through the streets of this Corporation in any other Gait than a walk (if a white person) shall forfeit and pay the sum of One Dollar, and if a slave shall receive Corporal punishment at the discretion of a Magistrate, not exceeding 25 Lashes, and whenever it shall come to the knowledge of a Magistrate in this Corporation by information or otherwise that any part of the street is so occupied by waggons or other carriages so as to obstruct the free passage thereof, it shall be lawful for the said Magistrate to order the drivers of such waggon or other carriages to remove the same to some other place, and if the Driver or Drivers of such waggons or other carriages shall refuse to obey the order of such Magistrate he or they shall forfeit the sum of one Dollar (if a white man) and if a slave such Corporal punishment as is before directed.
David C. Ker

[Page 441]

DR. Corporation of Fredericksburg in account with Alexander Duncan Chambn.
April 5 To Cash paid for watching the Town at the Fire £0 18 0
May 20 To paid Charles Steward for warrant & Comn. agt. Radcliffe 0 4 6
July 13 To paid James Pettigrew p order of Council 20 2 0
July 15 To paid Charles Steward p ditto 9 0 0
July 15 To paid George Graves p ditto 13 0 0
July 16 To paid John Chew p ditto $113.46 34 0 9
October 22 To paid Richard Peacock amt. of his acct. for sundries furnished by him during the smallpox p O.C. 6 9 6
Novem 22 To paid Nicholas Voss amount of his account p order for repairing the Jail 4 0 0
26 To paid Mercer & Fields Printers their account p order 4 10 0
December 19 To paid Charles Julian for Jno. Mayfield rent p ditto 4 10 0
February 6 To paid John Minor in part of his acct. p O.C. 45 0 0
15 paid Geo. W. B. Spooner ballance due him as p settlement of Corpon. & Market House acct. 4 4 3
March 25 To paid at Sundry times to the Corporation poor p order from the overseers of the poor 86 4 11½
To Ballce. due A. Duncan on Markett House acct. 13 16 3
To Ballce. in favor of Corporation of Fredericksburg 1 12 11
£247 3

Fredericksburg 25 March 1800

Corporation of Fredericksburg in account with Alexander Duncan Chambn. CR.
May 3 By Cash received of James Allan p Geo. Spooner order £12 0 0
July 13 By ditto of ditto 58 8 2
August 17 By ditto of ditto 57 15 6
September 17 By Cash received of George French for tax on a Hog that was seized from R. Duncan 1 4 0
October 12 By Cash of Mrs. West for permission to the players to perform eleven nights at 3$ ea is 33$ 9 18 0
28 By Cash received of James Allan Sergeant 45 13 2
February 5 By ditto of ditto 50 0 0
14 By ditto of ditto 10 11 2
March 14 By ditto of Charles Steward for light Butter seized & sold by him 0 3
By Amount of my own taxes given in by James Allen 1 9 9
£247 3

Errors Excepted
Alexr. Duncan

Town of Fredericksburg to wit.
Agreeable to an order of Council dated the 19th instant we have examined the accounts of Mr. Alexander Duncan late Chamberlain of the Town aforesaid and find the within statement leaving a balance of one pound Twelve Shillings and eleven pence his hands properly supported by Vouchers.
Given under our hands this 26th day of March 1800.
Fontaine Maury
Geo. French
John Lewis

[Page 443]

Fredericksburg Corporation in Account with James Allan CS DR.
May 3 To cash paid Chamberlain 12 0 0
June 13 To my allowance by Council 22 10 0
To acct. passed by ditto 11 2 3 45 12 3
July 18 To cash paid Chamberlain 58 8 2
Aug. 17 To cash paid Ditto 57 15 6
Sept. 28 To cash paid Ditto 45 13 2 161 16 10
Feb. 5 To cash paid Ditto 50 0 0
14 To cash paid Ditto 12 0 11 62 0 11
Commission on amt. Tax 20 10 8
To Balance due Fredericksburg Corporation 94 11 7
£384 12 3
By amount Brought 5 12 0 405 14 3
Horton 1 Tythe 0 4 0
Charles Mason 2 Tythes 8/ 1 Horse 6/ 0 14 0
Joseph English 0 4 0
James Hopkins 0 4 0
James Night 0 4 0
James Bowling 0 4 0
John Shepherd 0 4 0
John Days Estate 2 Tythes 0 8 0
Walter McFarlin 0 4 0
John Sopha 0 4 0
Jacob Grotz 0 4 0
Mrs. Chapman 4 Hogs 4 16 0
John Jackson (Waterman) 0 4 0
Ambrose Lewis prisoner unable to support his family 3 15 6
Robert Mercer list 0 19 6
Thomas Opee 0 4 0
Elizabeth Dabney 0 4 0
Billy Armistead 0 4 0
William Edmonds 1 2 0
Charlotte Hoomes 0 3 0
Hannah Richards 0 12 0
Leroy Hays 0 4 0 21 2 0
Nett Sum £384 12 8
By Balance p Contra 94 11 7
To this sum not admitted for which I have about one hundred and thirty pounds to collect 0 11 6
£95 3 1

Errors Except. James Allan C.S.
Fredericksburg March 2nd 1800

[Page 444]

Fredericksburg Corporation In Account with James Allan C.S. CR.
April 1 By Ballance of Ferner account settled 76 1 11
June 24 By amount of Land Tax $338.18
By amount of Property Tax 813.73
1151.95 345 11 6
Deduct errors viz 421 13 5
Extending Land Tax page 4 2 14 0
Extending Land Tax page 5 0 12 0 3 6 0
Deduct Overtaxes viz 418 7 5
William S. Stone House twice taxed 0 10 0
Robert Walker House burned down before taxed 0 12 6
Lawrence Boores taxed in two Districts 7 tithes 1 8 0
William Welch 1 Dray to my knowledge 1 4 0
William Scott moved out of my Bailwick before I received Comnrs. list 2 8 0
Robert Patton 17 Hogs wont pay not on his premises 2 11 0
Roger Colbart 1 Colt over the river the time tax levied 0 6 0
Bartholomew Fuller in the same situation of C. Yates 4 Tythes 0 16 0
Charles Mortimer 2 tythes more than he has 0 8 0
Hazelwood Farish 1 Dray worked only for his own use 1 4 0
Elizabeth Carter 1 Tythe too much 0 4 0
James Pettigrew in house 0 7 6
Lost on 719 Tythes 1/3 of a cent called 67 cents in lieu of 66 2/3 cents 0 14 2 12 13 2
405 14 3
Insolvents viz:
Charles Jones 1 Tythe 0 4 0
Mercer & Field 2 Tythes 0 8 0
Joseph Berry 1 Tythe 0 4 0
John Johnston 1 Tythe 0 4 0
Abraham Fulton 1 Tythe 4/ 3 Hogs a 24/ 8 16 0
Thomas Pope 1 Tythe 0 4 0
James Murray 1 Tythe 0 4 0
John Hopkins 1 Tythe 0 4 0
James Friensby 1 Tythe 0 4 0
Carried to opposite side £5 12 0
£405 14 3

[Page 445]

Corporation of Fredericksburg School Agreeable to an order of Council bearing date the nineteenth day of March 1800 we have examined the within account of James Allan late Sergeant of Fredericksburg and find a balance of Ninety five Pounds Three Shillings and one pence due said Corporation uncollected.
Geo. French
Fontaine Maury
John Lewis

An Ordinance Respecting Dray etc.
Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Commonalty of the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same that from and after the 10th day of April next all persons owning Drays & Carts who shall work the same on the streets for hire or for their own use shall apply to the Sargeant of this corporation for a License for that purpose and pay to the Sargeant for the use of the Corporation the sum of four dollars for each Dray or Cart which license as obtained shall authorize the person to whom such Dray or Cart shall belong to work the same in this Corporation for the term of one year from the date of such License, and be it further ordained that it shall be the duty of the sargeant upon granting such license to number the drays or cart as aforesaid. And be it further ordained that if any person or persons shall work any Dray or Cart without first obtaining such License in manner aforesaid he she or they shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars for every offense, to be recovered by warrant before a single magistrate of this Corporation in the name of the Mayor, to be applied towards lessing the taxes of this Corporation. This ordinance shall commence and be in force from and after the 10th day of April next.
Approved by the Council the 29th March 1800
David C. Ker, Mayor

[Page 446]

Be it ordained that if any person within the jurisdiction of this Corporation shall at any time hereafter give or deliver to any commissioner Sargeant or other person appointed to take a list of property subject to tax within this corporation, a false or fraudulent list of persons of property subject to taxation, or shall refuse to give a list on oath of affirmation when required by the Commissioners the person or persons so refusing or giving a false or fraudulent list shall be liable to a fine of ten dollars to be recovered by warrant and summon, and applied to the use of this Corporation and the Commissioner or person to take a list of such taxable property shall proceed to list such persons properly agreeable to the best information he can procure and all such property so ascertained shall moreover subject to a trifle tax to be collected and accounted for as the ordinary taxes of the Corporation are.
Approved 29th March 1800
David C. Ker Mayor

And Be it Ordained that no person shall hereafter exercise the office or calling of Guager within the jurisdiction of this corporation unless he be duly appointed and licensed by the Mayor, aldermen and Common Council of this town, and any person who shall gauge any wine, Cyder, Beer, Rum, brandy, whiskey or other spiritous liquors, Molasses, or within the jurisdiction of this corporation, without being authorized or licensed as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay for every such act the sum of $5 to be recovered by warrant, and applied to the use of the corporation.
Approved March 29th 1800
David C. Ker, Mayor

At a council held at the Markett House for the town and corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the 30 day of June 1800.

David C. Ker Mayor
John Lewis Recorder
Fontaine Maury )
Hugh Mercer ) Aldermen
Joseph Walker )
James Brown )
Wm. Herndon ) Councilmen
John Benson )
Zach. Lucas )

Hugh Mercer Gent. qualified as a common Councilman in this Corporation according to law.

[Page 447]

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Dr. Elisha Hall, twenty dollars for medicine furnished the poor.

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Wm. Thompson the sum of $15 for a hog killed by one of the Constables in this Corporation.

John Lewis and James Brown Gent. are appointed to agree with some person to finish the well at Mrs. Heath's and for that purpose may take the Bricks from the well at Mr. Hieskell's and the expense thereof to be paid by the corporation.

This board do agree to allow Wm. Herndon the sum of $50 for a Stone Gutter to be made across the street from the pump at Timothy Green's to the sink at Wm. Glassells under the Direction of George French and James Brown

Mordicae Mastin is appointed clerk of the Markett in the room of Charles Steward

Ordered that the Attorney for this Corporation be directed to commence and prosecute to judgment another suit against John Baylor for a continuance in a nuisance in this Corporation.

Ordered that all male labouring persons above the age of sixteen years be appointed to work on the streets in this corporation except such as are masters of two or more labouring slaves of the age of 16 years or more and if any person so appointed who when required by the surveyor of said streets, shall without legal cause or disability fail to attend with proper tools for working on said Streets, or shall refuse to work when there, or find some other person equally able, to work in his room, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents for every days offence, if he be a free man of full age, if an infant, then by his parent or guardian or Master, and if a slave or servant, thereby his overseer if he under one, otherwise by his Master or Mistress. To be recovered by warrant petition, or action as they case may be in the name of the surveyor to the use of the Corporation.

This board do agree to allow to Dr. David C. Ker the sum of 20 for the board of George Ball, a poor person.

Jos. Walker and Zach. Lucas, Gent are appointed to agree with some person, to make six new ladders and to collect as many of the old ladders as they can find and to be under their care until further order of this board.
David C. Ker

[Page 448]

At a Council held at the market house in the town of Fredsburg on Monday the 21st of July 1800.

David C. Ker Mayor
John Lewis Recorder
Fontaine Maury )
Hugh Mercer ) Aldermen
Jos. Walker )
John Benson )
James Brown ) Common Council
Zachy. Lucas )

An ordinance respecting the repairs to the streets was approved of by the Council and ordered to be recorded.
David C. Ker

At a Council held at the Market House in the Town of Fredsburg on Saturday the 14th day of March 1801.

David C. Ker Mayor
John Lewis Recorder
Geo. French )
Wm. Stone ) Aldermen
Hugh Mercer )
Jos. Walker )
James Brown ) Councilmen
John Benson )
Zachy. Lucas )

William S. Stone, James Brown, Jos. Walker & Zachy. Lucas, Gent are appointed to purchase a bell, and to have the same affixed at the Market house.

The minutes of the proceedings were signed.
David C. Ker

Last Modified 27 May 2003