List of Licenses Granted to Retailers of Merchandise of Foreign Growth or Manufacture by Benjamin Parke Commissioner Fredericksburg 1801

Elisha Thatcher Alexander S. Roe
Edward Hyde Charles Jones
Philip Henshaw William Barber
Andw & Wm McArthur James Newby
William Smith William Smith
Dabney Lipscomb John Brownlow
James Doggett Stephen Winchester
Richard Peacock John Coakley
Thomas Daniel Tinsley Chewning
Alexander Duncan John Johnson
John Benson Richard Johnson & Co
Peter F Manger Edmund Edrington
Robert Patton John Scott & Co
John Newton William Welch
William Jones & Co David Coyle
Samuel Chewning William Taylor
Charles Lewis & Co John C Cassin
Thomas Legg John Wright
Bazdel Storrs Edmund Winder
James & Thomas Allan George Baggott
Samuel Howison Thomas Goodwin
John Alcock Ann Ridley
Peter R. Johnson Thomas Cochran
George T Todd John Crump & Co
Anthy Buck Peter Gordon
Thomas S Johnston James Ross
Richard Johnston Senr Atwell &Smith
David Henderson William S Stone
James Adam Robert Walker

Making in number 58
Benjn Parke Commr
Corporation of Fredericksburg

Last Updated on 5 December 2006
By Gary Stanton