Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

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March 20th 1797
This being the day appointed by law for the annual election of twelve persons to serve the Corporation the present year as Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen & Common Councilmen, The freeholders & Inhabitants being notified thereof, and having met at the Town House, and deposited their Ballotts in the Ballot box, upon examination the greatest number of votes were in favor of the following persons viz: For William Harvey 48, Fontaine Maury 47, G. W. B. Spooner 46, James Brown 40, John Benson 38, Wm. S. Stone 36, Richd. Peacock 35, Fielding Lucas 35, William Taylor 34, William Herndon 31, George French 28, Zach Lucas 26, James Newby 22, Richard S. Hackley 19, Wm. Pearson 18 Thomas Goodwin 16 and Benjamin Day 14, so that the first named 12 persons were duly elected and on Wednesday the 22d of the present month they met and proceeded to the choice of Mayor, when William Harvey was duly elected and qualified according to law. They then proceeded to the choice of Recorder, when William Taylor was duly elected and qualified according to Law. They also proceeded to the choice of four Aldermen when Fontaine Maury, Geo. W. B. Spooner, William S. Stone and George French were duly elected and qualified according to Law, and the remaining six to wit James Brown, John Benson, Richard Peacock, Fielding Lucas, Wm. Herndon and Zachariah Lucas are Common Councilmen, who all except William Herndon (who is absent) qualified according to law.

The Council then proceeded to the choice of a Clerk to the Board, John Chew was reelected for the present year.

John Legg appointed Vendue Master for the Present year and ordered that he enter into bond with security at the next court.

Thomas Miller unanimously appointed Gauger & Geographer the ensuing year and Thomas Sacrae reappointed Clerk of the Market the ensuing year.

William Taylor George French & Richard Peacock are appointed Trustees of the Markett House the prest. year.

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John Atkinson is reappointed keeper of the powder magazine.

William Harvey

At a Council held at the Court House on Tuesday the 28th day of March 1797

William Harvey Mayor
William Taylor Recorder
Geo. W. B. Spooner )
Geo. French ) Aldermen
James Brown )
Richard Peacock ) Common Councilmen
Zach. Lucas )

Before the Council proceeded to business William Herndon, one of the 12 elected to serve in the council the present year appeared and qualified according to Law.

Present William Herndon, Gent.

William Taylor & Richard Peacock Gent. are appointed to assist the overseer of the Poor in attending to the persons now at the Hospital (or may be hereafter) in the small pox or other contageon, and Doct. David C. Ker is appointed to attend the said Hospital as Physician.

James Allan Jun. is appointed to agree with some person to repair the Court House and the Undertaker thereof to be paid by the Corporation.

Prest. William S. Stone Gent.

William Taylor George W. B. Spooner William Herndon and Zach. Lucas Gent. are appointed to attend to the assize of Bread and to regulate the same as they shall think just.

William Taylor William S. Stone and William Herndon Gent. are appointed to revise the ordinance respecting hogs and to report the same to the Council on Saturday next.

James Brown Richard Peacock & William Herndon Gent. are appointed to rent the Stone Wharf to the Highest Bidder for the present year.

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Fontaine Maury William S. Stone and Fielding Lucas Gent. are appointed to settle with the chamberlain his accounts with the Corporation the last year.

William Harvey

At a Council held at the Courthouse on Saturday the first day of April 1797

William Harvey Mayor
William Taylor Recorder
Fontaine Maury )
Geo. W. B. Spooner ) Aldermen
Wm. S. Stone )
James Brown )
Richard Peacock )
William Herndon ) Councilmen
Zach. Lucas )

Ordered that the Chamberlain be directed to settle with the Sheriff of Spotsylvania the amount of an Execution sued out by Joshua Myers against Joseph Berry for shooting the said Myers hogs within this Corporation in conformity to a former Ordinance of sd. Corporation.

The committee appointed to receive the ordinances respecting Hogs runing at large in this Corporation this day reported an Ordinance to that purpose which was approved by the Council & ordered to be Recorded and agreeable to the said Ordinance Charles Stewart and Moses Perry are appointed to carry the said Ordinance into Effect, and Ordered that they give notice in the Fredg. Herald that if any hog or Hoggs shall be found runing at large within the limits of corporation after the sd. 6th day of this Inst. the Hoggs belonging to the Inhabitants of this Corpo. will be shot & the hogs belonging to persons not inhabitants of this Corporation will be impounded agreeable to the Direction of said Ordinance.

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The council proceeded to examine and allow the following accounts to wit:
To Doctr. David C. Ker by account £5 3 0
To William Lovell by acct. for Thos. Gains 3 0 0
To George Shepherd by acct. for 8 ladders (Himself) 11 4 0
To John Chew Clk. by acct 36 0 0
To Mordecai Mastin Jailer p acct. $52.71 15 16 3
To James Allan Sergt. for attendg this Board 15 0 0
Salary by Law 7 10 0
To Ditto for Fire wood 1 10 0 24 0 0
To John Minor att. for Corporation 20 0 0
To Thomas Sacrae as Clk.of the Markett and for taking care of the upper part of the house 10 0 0
To Mordecai Mastin Const. for Publick Services 6 0 0
To Charles Stewart do for do. (himself) 3 0 0
To Lawrence Bowes do for do do. 3 0 0
Copd. £137 3 3

The following Gent. are appointed to take the number white Tithables, Slaves above 12 years Horses Riding Carriages Billiard Tables & Drays & Carts within the several Districts to wit; Wm. Taylor & George French Gt. from the lower end of the Town to Mr. Newbys Corner Richard Peacock & William Herndon Gt. from Mr. Newbys Corner to Mr. Lovells Corner Font. Maury & John Benson Gt. from Mr. Lovells Corner to Mr. Hendersons Corner and Geo. W. B. Spooner and Zach. Lucas Gt. from IMr. Hendersons Corner to the uper end of the Town, and make return thereof to the next Council.

This board do permit Joseph Berry to continue in the House in which he now resides untill the 3d Monday in March next and ordered that he pay the Chamberlain the sum of £3 for the rent thereof.
William Harvey

[Page 401]

At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday 26th June 1797

Wm. Harvey Mayor
Wm. Taylor Recorder
Font. Maury )
George French ) Aldermen
James Brown )
Richard Peacock ) Common Council
John Benson )
Zach Lucas )

Upon a motion, it is ordered that the Trustees of the Markett House do proceed to make such necessary repairs to the said Markett House as they shall upon examination think proper.

Ordered that the said Trustees do agree with some person to cut a drain from the well at the Markett House, and to make such other repairs to the said well as they shall think proper.

Fontaine Maury & John Benson Gent. are added to the present Trustees of the Markett House for the ensuing year.

P. Geo. W. B. Spooner

The Comms. appd. to settle the Chamerlains accts. made return thereof by which it appears there is a bal. of £33.4.9¼ due the Chamberlain & orders that the same be published.
To Amots. of acct. allow'd. by the Council Brot. forward £137 3 3
To James Allan jr p acct. paid Sundries 17 17 3
To Fontaine Maury p by acct. 6 5 8
To Robert Patton p acct. 13 15
£175 1

The Comrs. appointed to take a List of Taxable property in this Corpo. this day retd. their Lists amounting to 341 white tithables 422 Slaves above 12 years 131 horses 102 Carriage Wheels 6 Billiard tables & 18 Dray. Ord. that the Clk. make out two fair copies of said Lists and deliver one to the Chamberlain and one to the Sergeant and that the Sergt . collect of each white tithable 4/- p. poll on each Slave above 12 yrs. 4/- for each

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Horse 6/- for each Carriage wheel 3/- for each Dray or Cart 24/ for each Billiard table 40/- and also 20/- on every £100 value of rent agreeable to the Comrs. valuation the last year and that the Sergeant collect and account for sd. Taxes with the Chamberlain within 2 months from this day.

Ordered that the Chamberlain be directed to pay to Zach. Lucas one half the expences of sinking a well and erecting a pump in the street at the Corner of the square near the house lately occupied by Mr. Thos. Vowles.

William Harvey and James Brown Gent. are appointed to have 4 watch boxes built and to affix them in such places and under such directions as they shall judge most beneficial for the public Good.

Ordered that the Sergt. under the direction of the present Mayor have such further repairs done to the Court House as the Mayor may adjudge necessary.

John Minor Francis Brooke Fontn. Maury Wm. Harvey Geo. French Geo. W. B. Spooner and John Chew are appointed or any of 3 of them to draught a petition to the next assembly for an act to pass to authorise this Corporation to raise a Lottery the sum of $5000 to be appropriated towards the building a jail for the use of the Fredg. District and Corpo. Court.

Wm. Taylor Gent. is appointed to agree with some person to build a necessary House on the Court house Lott of such size and under such direction as he shall think proper.
William Harvey

At a Council held at the Court House for the Town & Corpo. of Fredericksburg on Wednesday the 5th day of July 1797

William Harvey Mayor
William Taylor Recorder
G. W. B. Spooner )
Font. Maury )
Wm. S. Stone ) Aldermen
Geo. French )
James Brown )
Fieldg. Lucas ) Councilmen
Richd. Peacock )
John Benson )

[Page 403]

Ordered that the Chamberlain make sale of the funded debit belonging to Markett House for the best price that can be had for the same and pay the produce thereof and other moneys belonging to said Markett House to the trustees of sd. Markett House to be laid out by them or so much thereof as will be necessary for the repairs of sd. House and other purposes and that the Mayor transfer the said funded debt to the purchaser or purchasers thereof.

Ordered that the Interest for the last year arising on the Donation of Archd. McPhearson for the purpose of educating poor youth be paid by the Chamberlain to the treasurer of the trustees of the Charity School in this Town.

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to James Allan the sum of £4.10.0 by acct. this day allowed.
William Harvey

At a Council held at the Court House in the Town of Fredericksburg on Tuesday the 15th day of August 1797

Wm. Harvey Mayor
Wm. Taylor Recorder
Font. Maury ) Aldermen
Geo. W. B. Spooner )
James Brown )
Fielding Lucas ) Council men
Zach. Lucas )
Wm. Herndon )

Ordered that the Chamberlain make sale of the funded debt belonging to the Estate of Archd. McPhearson for the best price that can be had for the same and that the money arising from such sale together with the dividends & interest that have been drawn on the same except the interest for the last year be placed out at interest on good and sufficient landed security to secure the payment of the principal within 12 months with intr. thereon from the time the money shall be so placed out till paid out and that the Mayor transfer the sd. debt to the purchaser or purchasers thereof.

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The Chamberlain returned a statement of the funded debt belonging to the Estate of Archd. McPhearson decd. and the Markett House which is ordered to be recorded
William Harvey

At a Council held at the Court house in the Town of Fredericksburg on Monday the 4th day of September 1797

Wm. Harvey Mayor
Wm. Taylor Recorder
Font. Maury )
George French ) Aldermen
James Brown )
Fieldg. Lucas )
Richd. Peacock ) Councilmen
John Benson )
Zach. Lucas )

The Council taking into consideration that part of the Markett Lott between the House occupied by John Coakley and the Markett House which is of present rented to Mr. John Lewis for three lives and it appearing to the Council that the said John Lewis is willing to relinquish to the Corporation his claim to the sd. Lott under the lease aforesaid provided that if the Council should at a future day think proper to lease out the sd. Lott that the said John Lewis should be entitled to hold the same agreeable to the tenor of the lease granted to Genl. Thos. Posey and now held by the said John Lewis by assignment, or otherwise from the said Posey. The Council do accede to the said proposition considering the same will of Publick advantage agreeable to the condition's aforesaid, upon the said John Lewis's relinquishing to the Corporation all his claim & interest in the said Lott.

Ordered that the Trustees of the Markett House give notice to Joseph Berry that the house he now occupies on the Markett House Lott must removed from the said Lott on or before the third Monday in March next.
William Harvey

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At a Council held at the Court House in the Town of Fredericksbg. on Monday the 29th day of January 1798

Wm. Harvey Mayor
Wm. Taylor Recorder
Font. Maury )
Geo. W. B. Spooner ) Adlerman
Wm. S. Stone )
George French )
James Brown )
Rd. Peacock )
Fieldg. Lucas ) Councilmen
John Benson )
Zach. Lucas )

The Council are unanimously of the opinion that the debt due from Mr. Francis Taliaferro to the Estate of Archibald McPhearson decd. ought to be settled upon the same principles that the debt due by Honble. Joseph Jones to the said Estate was settled by the District Court of Fredericksburg by deducting the Int. on the said debt from the 12th day of May 1779 to the 3d day of October 1792 the date of the Judg. recovered agst. said Jones in said District Court and ordered that the Chaplain state the account with the trustees of the Charity School accordingly.

William Taylor & Richard Peacock, Gent. are appointed to settle with Mr. John Lewis for the House frame which the said Lewis intended to raise on the Markett Lott and to sell the same for the best price that can be had and make report to the next Council.

An account of the sales of Sundry Certificates belonging to the Markett House, and the Estate of Archibald McPhearson decd. retd. by the Chamberlain and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that the Chamberlain deliver to the Trustees Of the Charity School all the funds in his hands belonging to the Estate of Archd. McPhearson decd. agreeable to the Directions the act of Assembly.

Thomas Perry is appointed to carry into effect the ordinance respecting Hogs runing at Large in this Corporation in the room of Moses Perry removed.
William Harvey

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In Obedience to an order of Council to us directed we the Committee appointed for the purpose of Revising the several ordinances respecting Hogs found running at Large within the limits of this Corporation - Submit the annexed Ordinance to the Council
Wm. Taylor
Wm. S. Stone
William Herndon
April 1st 1797

Whereas much inconvenience and injury have been experienced by the Inhabitants of this Corporation in consequence of Hogs being permitted to run at Large, on the Streets and Commons

Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen & Common Council men of the Corporation of Fredericksburg, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, that from and after the sixth day of this instant any Hog or Hogs belonging to an inhabitant of this Corporation, be found Running at large, within the limits of this Town shall be shott dead by an officer for that purpose appointed who shall be allowed by the Corporation 25 cents for every Hog so killed and be it further ordained that if any hog or Hogs belonging to any person or persons not Inhabitants of this Corporation shall be found runing at large within the limits thereof after the aforesaid sixth day of this instant, the same shall be impounded, in a pound at the Markett House erected for that purpose (by the officer appointed to shoot Hogs Running at Large belonging to inhabitants of this Town) who shall advertize the same at the Town house & Church, and if not Claimed by the owner within ten days the same shall be sold by the said officer at Public Sale who shall be entitled to one half the amount of sales, and pay the other moiety into the Hands of the Chamberlain, to be appropriated to the lessinging the Taxes of the Corporation Provided nevertheless that if the owner or owners claim them within the time above specified and pay the

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said officer seventy five cents for each Hog and the expence of maintainance, they shall be entitled to the Hog or Hogs so impounded on proving their property agreeable to Law.

And be if further Ordained that it shall be the duty of the officer aforesaid to render once in every month a just account of the expences & Sales of hogs so impounded by virtue of their ordinance, to a Magistrate of the Corporation, which account if thought reasonable by said Magistrate, be allowed the said officer & certify the same to the Chamberlain who will apply the money arising from such sales, as above directed in discharge of sd. account. All ordinances respecting Hogs running at large in this Corporation, & coming within the purview of this ordinance is hereby repealed.

No. 511 6 p cents $1,558.31 The property of the Markett House and McPhearson's Estate Funded together.
478 Defrd. 6 p cents $779.16
452 3 p cents $1,051.24

Divided as follows

Markett House Property
$1,015.27 bearing 6 p cent
$507.61 Deferd. 6 p cent
$684.86 bearing 3 p cent

McPhearsons Property
$543.04 bearing 6 p cent
$271.45 Defrd. 6 p cent
$366.28 3 p cents

3 Certificates funded 8th September 1791 belonging to the Estate of McPhearson and now presented to the Council.

No. 572 $86.64 bearing 6 p cent
552 $43.32 defrd. 6 p cents
557 $64.99 bearing 3 p cents

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I have examined the documents delivered into my hands by the late Chamberlain, and likewise the Loan office of the State of Virginia, and present the above Statement to the Council as a just Statement excepting One Dollar which is lost in Fractions in macking the division---
Fredg. Augt. 15th 1797
Geo. W. B. Spooner, Chambn.

[Page 409]

DR. Corporation a/c with Geo. W. B. Spooner, Chamberlain Corpn

1796 To balance due p settlement last year £4 10
To paid building Hog Stye 10 0
To paid Joseph Berry on balance due him p order of Council 6 0 3
To paid Timothy Green printer his acct. 4 17 0
To paid John Chew Clerk of Council & Court Hustings 32 10 0
To paid Godlove Heiskell for an overcharge in Taxes p order of Council 3 17 0
To paid Joseph Berry keeping Markett House 4 10 0
To paid Thomas Sacrae Clerk of the Markett 6 0 0
To paid Mordicai Mastin, Charles Stewart & Lawrence Boors Acting Constables for Keeping in the Streets &c 12 0 0
To paid James Allan Corporation Sergeant 23 14 0
To paid John Minor States Attorney for the Corpn. 2 years salary due him 40 0 0
To paid William Harvey p O. Council 2 13 6
To paid John Newton p do. for his Services as overseers of the streets 15 15 0
To paid overseers of the Poor as pr. their acct. settled 90 8 10
To paid for Ladders p O.C. 11 4 0
£268 0 8
To Balance due Geo. W. B. Spooner p Contra 33 4

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CR. Corporation a/c with Geo. W. B. Spooner, Chamberlain
1796 By amt. Tax levied £243 11 11¾
deduct Sargeants Comn. 12 0 0
do. Sundry Overcharges and Insolvents 11 1 10 23 1 10 £220 10
To Received of John Legg Vendue Master 8 5 3
To received for Capt. Taylors note principal & interest 2 10 0
To received of M. Marsden this years rent for County wharf 1 16 0
To received of Clerk of the Markett for Condemned Butter 1 14 6
Balance due Geo. W. B. Spooner 33 4
£268 0 8

Fredg. 22d June 1797
E. Excepted
Geo. W. B. Spooner, Chamberlain

Corporation of Fredsburg,
agreeable to an Order of council bearing date the

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28th March last we have examined the accounts of George B. Spooner Esqr. Chamberlain for the Corporation aforesaid and find them property supported by vouchers, and that the sum of Thirty three Pounds 4/9¼ as stated within is due unto the said G. W. B. Spooner. Given under our hands this 24th day of June 1797
Fontaine Maury
Fielding Lucas

Acct. Sales sundry Stock the Property of the Markett House & Estate McPhearsons
$822.00 defer'd debt 13/4 $548.32
$25.80 Redeemed
$574.20 6 p cent 16/6 $473.76
$1,000.02 6 p cent 17/ $850.01
$1,116.23 Three p cent 10/6 $586.02
Commission on selling ½ p ct. $36.84

The following Interest was received on the above Stock by M. Resburg viz.
Interest on 6 p cents $24.67
do on 3 p cents $8.37
also 2 p cent Reimbursements for the year 1795 $32.90 $65.94
E. E. $2,487.21

Decr. 9 1797
Signed Gus Risberg

The above is a true copy of acct. sales recd. of Mr. Gus. Risberg
Geo. W. B. Spooner Chambn.

[Page 412]

Separate Statements of the Property of the Markett House & McPhearsons Estate agreable to the general acct. Sales made in Philadelphia by Mr. Gustavus Risberg dated 9th December 1797
Markett House
$43.66 redeemed
$971.61 6 p cent 16/10 244 19 6
$507.61 ditto defer'd 13/4 101 11 8
$684.86 ditto 3 p cents 10/6 107 17 8
454 8 10
Commission selling 6 16 4
447 12 6
Proportion of Interest reimbursement 12 3 1
£459 15 7

McPhearsons Estate
$27.07 Redeemed
$602.61 6 p cent 16/10 152 3 1
$314.77 ditto defer'd 13/4 62 18 4
$431.27 ditto 3 p cents 10/6 67 18 4
282 19 9
Commission on selling 1½ p cent 4 4 10
278 14 11
Proportion of Interest & reimbursement 7 11 6
£286 6 5

E. Ed.
Geo. W. B. Spooner Ch. C. Fredg.

Last Modified 27 May 2003