Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

[Page 139]

At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the fifteenth day of January one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven -

Charles Mortimer George French )
James Somerville James Duncanson )
George Weedon Eleazer Callender ) Gentlemen
William Smith William Harvey )
William Lewis Benjamin Day )
Thomas Cochran )

The Council viewing the danger to which this Town are exposed from Fire - do recommend and earnestly intreat the good Inhabitants of this Town to form themselves into one, two or more societys under the name of a Fire Company, and in order to procure harmony & to prevent confusion they have, appointed George Weedon, Eleazer Callender, William Lewis and William Smith Gentlemen, as fire wards, & the companys when formed are hereby expressly required to be subordinate to & subject to the order of those wards only or either of them.

Ordered that Joseph Berry the Crier, give public notice to the Inhabitants of this Town that they meet at the Markett House on Tuesday at the hour of Ten O'clock and shall they then and there produce all the Basketts, Bucketts, fire hooks, & axes that they may possess.

Ordered that Eleazer Callender have the Bell put up - and three Ladders of Forty feet, three of thirty feet, three of twenty feet & four of fourteen feet & staffs put into the Fire Hooks.

Ordered that the Sergeant have six keys made Immediately to the lock of the Fire Engine - & that so soon as the Engine is repaired to have it carefully put into the Engine House.

Charles Mortimer & William Lewis Gentlemen returned a list of such chimneys as they conceive are dangerous to the safety of the people themselves & other Inhabitants of this Town. Ordered that Samuel Roddey - John Mayfield, Collin Frazer, Andrew Speck, Giles Bush, James Smock, John Atkinson, John Baylor & Elisha Dickersons black smith shop, have their chimneys pulled down or so repaired that they may be do danger there from within one month and that Joseph Christy, William Smith, David Simons, Fontain Maury & Henry White have their chimneys pulled down or so repaired that there may be no danger there from within Two months. That the Sergeant give them notice of this order, and that such who fail to act or comply herewith that the Sergeant raise a number of men and pull down the same.

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Ordered that every person building a House in this town shall on every Evening have the Shavings and Chips removed to some Gully or secure Place to be burned under the penalty of Twenty shillings to be recovered by warrant before Justice.

Ordered that Mr. Glassell be informed that this Board discover that a House of his on the Inspectors Lott is seized as a retail shop & that the possessor keeps a fire in a post, he is requested to discharge him & not Permit such use of the House.

The minutes were signed
Chs. Mortimer

At a Common Council held the seventeenth day of March one thousand seven hundred & Eighty Seven

Charles Mortimer William Smith )
James Somerville Wm. Lewis )
George Weedon William Harvey )
George French Robt. Bevy. Chew ) Gentlemen
James Duncanson Benjamin Day )
Eleazer Callender Thomas Cockran )

Fielding Lucas is allowed Sixteen Shillings for Plank for Market House £16 0 0
Yates & Lovell is allowed for four thousand shingles for Markett House four pounds 4 0 0
Richard Garner is allowed five pound three shillings & six pence per account 5 3 6
John Ferneyhough is allowed one pound seven shillings per account 1 7 0
Godlove Heiskell is allowed twenty three pound one shilling & eight pence pr. acct. 23 1 8
Joseph Berry is allowed seven pound for keeping the Markett House in order 7 0 0
James Pettigrew is Allowed nine shillings by acct. 0 9 0
John Legg is allowed six shillings six pence by acct. 0 6 6
Thomas Miller is allowed by account seven pounds five shillings 7 5 0
William Jenkins is allowed Two pounds six shillings and eight pence for acct. due him 2 6 8

Ordered that the Tax of forty eight shillings be remitted Thomas Garnett, William Payne, Jno. Stamper James Charter, David Simons & Somerville & Mitchell.

James Allen, Thomas Miller, George McKutchen & Richard Garner or any two of them are requested to view the work done by Mr. Jno. Callender.

[Page 141]

Henry Armistead returned an account of moneys that he had received, for Five or 6 Drays, ordered that it be deducted from balance due him.

The Trustees of the Corporation returned an account of their Transactions appd. and Ordered to be recorded & a ballance of 1/3 paid into the hands of Us & four pounds ten shillings note of James Mercer

Joseph Berry returned his account against the Corporation approved and ordered to be recorded.

John Richards account returned by the Gentlemen to whom Submitted and Ordered to be Recorded.

Ordered that half the Tax on Benjamin Weeks Lott be remitted him.

William Reatt returned his account of the streets a ballance due of fifteen shillings which he paid to the Chamberlayne.

It appears that the amount of the Certificates twelve in No. Signed Samuel Hillegas Amount 6300 Dollars when reduced by scale of depreciation amount to 814 42/90 Dollars No. 147 signed Hillegas Countersigned John Hopkins Payable the Corporation of Fredericksburg are lodged in the hands of Chamberlayne Delivered first day of January 1785.

Ordered that the Chamberlayne request the Attorney for this Town to draw a State of Account of McPhersons estate with the Trustees of Fredericksburg.

Ordered that Francis Taliaferro & Joseph Jones Gentlemen be applied to, to pay the amount due and interest to McPhersons Estate, that bonds with security be first applied for, & on refusal that suits be immediately commenced.

Ordered that Eleazer Callender, George Weedon, William Smith & Thomas Cochran or any two of them distribute the ladders as shall appear to them right.

The Clerk of this Council is allowed Twenty Pounds for his services to this Board.

The Sergeant of this Corporation is allowed Nine Pounds for his services.

A report of James Somerville, Benjamin Day & William Harvey on the state of McPherson's trust estate returned and ordered to be Recorded.

Ordered that Leond. Patterson pay the Forty Eight Shilling Tax.

The minutes were signed
Chs. Mortimer

[Page 142]

1786 Corporation of Fredericksburg To Yates & Lovell Dr.
Oct. 17 To 4 M. Shingles @ 20/- £4 0 0

1786 Corporation of Fredericksburg to Richard Garner Dr.
To 60 feet of 3 inch plank for prison 0 12 0
To making of Gallos finding timber 1 5 0
To 96 feet of Scantling for shead for engine 0 19 0
To Cash paid Wm. Haden for a tree for bell 0 10 0
To Mr. Kuhns Bill for waggon do. in 1 0 0
To getting of do. 0 15 0
To Cash paid dray for hauling shavings 0 2 6 £5 3 6

1787 Corporation of Fredericksburg to Jas. Ferneyhough Dr.
Feby. 17 To Six new Keys to stock lock @ 4/ 1 4 0
To 4 new nuts for screwing the U bolts that fastens the Lock to the Door of the Engine House 0 3 0 1 7 0

1786 Corporation of Fredericksburg To G. Heiskell Dr.
April 4 To 1 pair hobbles 11s @1/- 0 11 0
To 1 pair hand cuffs 0 5 0
To Hand Cofing and taking of do. 0 2 0
7 To Hand Cofing and taking of do. 0 2 0
To Hobbelling and taking of do. 0 2 0
26 To ditto. & Hand Cofing & takg of do. 0 4 0
May 10 To Hand Cofing 2 prisoners takg of do 0 4 0
27 To Ironing hand an feet taking of Do. 0 4 0
June 1st To Ironing and taking of Do. 0 4 0
24 To Ironing and taking off Do. 0 4 0
July 1 To Hand Cofing and taking of Do. 0 4 0
To Ironing and taking of Do. 0 4 0
Augt. 9 To 11d. Spikes for Goal @ 10d 0 9 2
To Ironing and taking of do. 0 4 0
To Do. Do. Do. 0 4 0
22 To Ironing and taking of do. 0 4 0
24 To Iron strops and Nails for goal 112d @ 9d 4 4 0
Sep. 25 To 329d iron work for scales 9d 12 6 9
To Ironing and taking of Prisoners 0 4 0 20 5 11
£30 16 5
[Page 143]
Amount Brot. Forward 20 5 11 £30 16 5
Oct. 9 To 1 pair hand Coffs 0 5 0
Jan. 26 To 51lb Iron work for the bell @ 9d 1 18 3
To Forming Bell 0 12 0
To 10 Ribbets & 20 nails for leathers 0 2 6
Feby.13 To 37 Hooks for Leathers to hing on 9d 1 7 9
To 8 small Hooks & thimbles ferfice 0 8 0
To 13 Nails & Ribbetts 0 1 0
To 3d spikes @ 9d 0 2 3
To 1 spick for staple for Markett House 0 15 0
To Iron work for whiping post &c 0 12 0
1786 Crs. 26 9 8
Sept. 25 By 204lb Iron @ 4d 3 8 0
Ballance due G. H. £23 1 8 2 15 9

1786 Major Benj. Day for the Markett House to James Pettigrew Dr
Oct 20 To 400 10d nails @ 1/- 400 20d do. @1/3 5/ 0 9 0

1787 Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg in a/c with Joseph Berry
Mar.17 To sundry payments on a/c 4 8
To my allowance allowed for the year 1786 7 0 0
To ballance in my hands 0 1 3
£11 9 10½
To cash pd the Trustees 0 7 3
£11 17
By amt. From acct £11 9 10½
By Balance 0 1 3
11 17 0 7 0

1786 The Corporation of Fredericksg Dr. To John Legg
April 3 To 2 Padlocks for the Prison 0 4 0
To 1 Testament for Cr. Hustings 0 2 6 0 6 6

1787 Copn. of Fredbg. to Thomas Miller Dr.
Jany 15 To repairing & painting the fire Engine 6 15 0
Mar. 17 To 1 arm & tiller for do. 0 10 0 7 5 0
Total Amt. Allowed £48 12 8

[Page 144]

1782 & 1783 The Corporation of Fredericksburg To William Jenkins Dr
To keeping the Markett House 18 months

1778 Dec. 2-1779 May 5 value pr 100 dls
8 Certificates of 500 dls. $4000 15 62 2 627.58
2 ditto of 400 $800
1 ditto $500
1 ditto $1000 $2300 8 11 1 186.74
$6300 614 42/90 dls.

per Certificates for the same Issued
Jas. Hopkins
May 1st 1787

Calculation of Interest on the above
Int on 627 58 from 2nd December 79 - 5 years @ 6
37 55 78
37 50
187 70
5 yrs 2 70
190 50
On 186 74 from May 5 79 5 yr: 7 2/6 mos
63 20
190 50
Int. $253 70

Jas. Hopkins.

No. 648 a Certificate signed by Sam. Hillyas & countersigned Wm. Armistead dated the 2nd day of Decr. 1778 payable to McPhersons Trustees or bearer the 2nd Decr. 1781 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent from date agreeable to a resolution of the United States 22nd Feby. 1777 500
No. 649 of same tenour and date 500
650 do. do. 500
651 do do. 500
652 do. do. 500
653 do. do. (resolution of 30th Octr. 76) 500
654 do. do. (exerpt of 3rd Octr. 1776 500
655 do. do. (exerpt of 22nd Feby. 1777) 500
8473 A certificate signed Francis Hopkins, Treas. of loans countersigned W. Armistead Com. State of Virginia dated 5th May 1779 payable to the Trustees of Archd. McPherson or bearer on the 5th day of May 1782 with interest annually at 6 pr ct. agreeable to a resolution of the United States of 17th day January 1778 500
10082 Of same tenor and date 400
10083 Of same tenor and date 400
1422 Of same do. (except of resolution of 3rd Feby. 79 ): 1000

$814 42/90 No. 147 pay to the Corporation of Fredericksburg or bearer with Interest 1st January 1785.

[Page 145]

At a Common Council held at the Markett House of the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the 19th day of March, 1787.

Charles Mortimer William Harvey )
James Somerville William Smith )
George Weedon Robert B. Chew ) Gentlemen
Eleazer Callender Benjn. Day )

John Callender is allowed Fifty seven Pound Eighteen Shilling & two pence per Account.

Samuel Paine is allowed nine Shillings per Account

The Council having met agreeable to an Act of Assembly & the inhabitants being notified to attend and elect Twelve free holders they proceeded to receive the ballotts, they being received and examined were found as followeth for George Weedon, ninety one, James Somerville ninety, Charles Mortimer eighty eight, George French eighty four, William Smith eighty, William Harvey sixty five, William Lewis sixty four, Benjamin Day sixty four, Thos. Cockran 61, Robt. B. Chew 58, John Lewis thirty two, James Duncanson twenty nine, William Jackson twenty, David Blair twenty, Neill McCoull nineteen, William Lovell eighteen, Stephen Lacoste sixteen. By which it appears that the greatest number are in favour of George Weedon, James Somerville, Charles Mortimer, George French, William Smith, William Harvey Sixty five, William Lewis sixty four, Benjamin Day sixty four, Thomas Cockran sixty one, Robert B. Chew fifty eight, John Lewis thirty two, James Duncanson twenty nine, in consequence of which the above first named twelve Gentlemen are Elected to serve this Borough as a body Corporate from the date hereof for twelve months; They proceeded to the Election of a Mayor - Ballotts Examined a majority in favor of James Somerville who is accordingly Elected Mayor. Ballotts were put for a Recorder & Examined on which a Majority appeared in favour of George Weedon - the ballotts were recd. and Examined for the election of four Aldermen on which appd. favor George French eight, Benjn. Day seven, Charles Mortimer six, William Harvey five.

Henry Armisted ballotted for and appointed Clerk.

John Legg ballotted for and appointed Vendue Master.

Thomas Miller ballotted for and appointed Geographer.

William Wiatt ballotted for and appointed Gauger.

[Page 146]

Charles Mortimer the late Mayor, administered the Oath of Allegiance, the Oath of a Justice of Peace to James Somerville Gent. the present Mayor, who administered the oaths to George Weedon as Recorder and Ben. Day, Charles Mortimer & William Harvey as Aldermen.

The Minutes were signed
Chs. Mortimer

At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Saturday the Thirty first day of March 1787

James Somerville William Smith )
George Weedon Thomas Cochran )
George French Robt. B. Chew ) Gentlemen.
Benjn. Day William Lewis )
John Lewis )

The Council proceeded to business agreeable to order.

The Mayor administered the oath of Common Councilmen to Robt. B. Chew, William Lewis, John Lewis, Thomas Cochran & William Smith, Gent. were sworn as common Councilmen George French, Gent. sworn as a Alderman

Henry Armistead appointed Clerk of this Board & was sworn accordingly.

Joseph Berry appointed Clerk of the Market House & sworn accordingly.

John Hardia & Fielding Lucas are appointed Inspectors of Flour.

George French, William Smith, John Lewis and Thomas Cochran are appointed Trustees of the Markett House.

William Lewis is appointed Harbour Master.

John Legg is appointed Vendue Master. Ordered that he give bond to the Court.

Thomas Miller appointed Geographer.

William Wiatt appointed Gauger & sworn accordingly.

[Page 147]

James Somerville, Gent. appointed Chamberlayne.

George French, Benj. Day, William Smith and Thomas Cochran, Gentleman, are requested to procure of such working men as they may think proper to give an estimate of the repairs of the Church.

Joseph Berry is allowed seven pounds for attending this Board & keeping the streets quiet on Sunday.

James Somerville, George Weedon, Robt. B. Chew & John Lewis are appointed to examine the Clerks records of this Board.

The Minutes were signed
James Somerville.

At a Common Council held on the sixth day of April 1787

James Somerville
George Weedon Thomas Cochran )
George French Benjamin Day )
William Harvey William Lewis )Gentlemen
John Lewis Robt. B. Chew )

The Mayor administered the oath of Common Council to James Duncanson, Gent. who took his seat accordingly.

George French, Benjamin Day & William Smith, Gent. agreeable to order of the last Council respecting the repairs the Church, returned their estimate when it appeared that the costs would be Four hundred & six pounds or thereabouts. It is therefore recommended that the same sum may be raised by voluntary Subscriptions & paid as follows: (to be applied to said repairs), one third on Subscribing paid down the other two thirds in equal payments of two & four months from this Date.

Benjn. Day, George French, William Smith, Charles Urquhart & Jas. Lewis, Gent. are appointed to draw up subscriptions & hand them about for the purpose of raising the same and report the same to this Board as soon as convenient.

The Minutes were signed
James Somerville

[Page 148]

At a Common Council held the second day of May 1787

James Somerville James Duncanson )
George Weedon John Lewis )
George French William Lewis ) Gentlemen
Benjamin Day William Smith & )
Thomas Cochran )

It is agreed by this Board that Mr. Miller, Mr. McCutchen & Mr. Garner make an Estimate of the defd. work to be done by them on the Church and return the same to the Committee appointed for that purpose.

The Minutes were signed
James Somerville

At a Common Council held the eleventh day of July 1787

James Somerville William Smith )
George Weedon William Lewis )
George French Thomas Cochran )
William Harvey James Duncanson ) Gentlemen
Benjn. Day Robt. B. Chew )

Ordered that Mr. John Lewis's resignation be admitted him.

James Munroe Gent. was ballotted for & appointed member of this Board as Common Councilman in Stead of Mr. John Lewis.

James Somerville, George Weedon & Robt. B. Chew, Gent. returned their report of the Clerks Office according to order.

Ordered that from and after the 20th Instant that the assize of bread shall be as follows (Viz) that Bakers loaves made of superfine Flour shall weigh one pound Eight Ounces, second quality one pound Twelve ounces & brown bread two pound Eight Ounces, that the bakers may demand and recover three pence three shillings pr. loaf and no more - That the Clerk of the markett be directed to visit the different Bake houses at least once a week and in presence of the Baker weigh his bread & in case any

[Page 149]

baker shall be found using bread otherwise than the above assize he or she shall for the first offence forfeit the whole bread that may be found under weight and for the Second Offence they shall not only forfeit the bread as above, but be subject to a fine of Twenty Shillings and whereas disputes may arise between the Clerk and the Baker who may be found guilty of selling light loaves of bread of inferior Quality. It is further ordered that in such cases the Clerk shall call in two magistrates who will determine between them and case of seisure direct the distribution of the bread so forfeited.

Ordered that the Clerk deliver a Copy of the foregoing order to each baker in this Corporation and that the Clerk have the same inserted in the Fredericksburg Paper.

Ordered that the clerk of the Markett go to all the retail stores shops within this Corporation & examine the weights and Measures belonging to the same agreeable to the Standard of this County & report the same to the next Council.

Ordered that the Sergeant apply & provide weights & measures to have them encasured & tryed by the standards of the County and that Benjn. Day, Robt. B. Chew & Thomas Cochran Gent. or any two compare adjust & report the same.

Ordered that Mr. John Legg & John Richards be called upon to settle their accounts with the Corporation & that William Lewis, William Harvey, Chs. Mortimer & Robt. B. Chew or any two of them are empowered to adjust & report them and that the same Gentlemen are appointed to settle Mr. James Somerville accounts for moneys paid & received on account of the Markett.

The public magazine being appropriated to the purpose of the Academy -Ordered that the powder now deposited therein be returned to the proprietor on demand.

James Somerville, Gent. produced as list of Twelve certificates amounting to 6300 dollars also a list signed John Hopkins, reducing the 6300 dollars by the scale of depreciation to 814 42/90 dollars for which his a certificate - No. 147 Mr. Hillyas treasurer countersigned John Hopkins payable to the Corporation of Fredbg. with Interest of 6 pr. cent dated the first day of January 1785.

The minutes were signed
James Somerville.

[Page 150]

At a Common Council held the fourth day of August one thousand seven hundred & Eighty Seven

James Somerville
George Weedon Doct. Mortimer )
Benj. Day James Duncanson )
George French William Lewis )
William Harvey Thomas Cochran ) Gentlemen
Robt. B. Chew )

Mr. Henry Armistead the former Clerk to this Board having departed this Life - John Chew, Jr. is by ballott of the present members appointed in his room who took the Oath of Office accordg.

The Commissioners appointed by a former order of this Board to settle the accounts of this Corporation with John Richards Sergeant, returned a statement thereof & report thereupon, & upon motion made & seconded It is ordered to be recorded & together with a statement of the account with the Corporation from its commencement be published in the Fredericksburg Paper.

Ordered that the Sergeant be directed not to pay any more money to the representatives of the late Clerk for his services as Clerk to the Court of Hustings untill the further Order of this Board.

The Commissioners appointed to settle the accounts of the Corporation with John Legg late Sergeant returned a statement thereof & report thereupon & upon motion made & Seconded it is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that the Sergeant pay Mr. John Legg late Sergeant Fourteen Pound Fifteen Shillings being the ballance due him from the Corporation as pr. account this received.

The Commissioners appointed to settle the accounts of Mr. John Legg on account of Subscriptions by him received for repairing the Markett House returned a Statement thereof & report thereupon by which it appears there is a ballance due from sd. Legg of Seventeen Pound, Four Shillings & Five Pence one farthing & that there appears to be due from the subscribers of One hundred & Twenty Five pounds Four shillings upon motion made and seconded It

[Page 151]

is Ordered to be Recorded - and it is further Ordered that Captn. John Legg give notice in the Fredericksburg paper that unless the delinquent subscribers for the repairs of the Markett House, do pay of their respective ballances by the 1st of October next that suits will be commenced against them for recovery of same.

The Commissioners appointed to settle the accounts of James Somerville Gent. with the Markett House, returned a statement thereof & report thereupon, by which it appears there is a balance due sd. Somerville of One hundred & forty four pounds four shillings & five pence one farthing, upon motion made and Seconded It is ordered to be Recorded.

Ordered that the Interest drawn by James Somerville, Gent., on the Markett House certificate to the Credit of this account against the Markett House, and that the ballance due from Genl. Weedon to the Markett House be credited in the same manner. And it is ordered that John Legg pay the ballance due from him to the Markett House, to sd. Somerville to be credited in like manner.

Ordered that notice be given in the Virginia Gazette for three weeks that a petition will be presented to the next General Assembly for a division of Saint George Parish and for vesting the property of the old Church together with the new burying ground in the Town of Fredericksburg in Corporation of said Town and that James Munroe, George French, Benjamin Day, Thomas Cochran & William Smith, Gent. do prepare a petition for that purpose.

Thomas Miller resigned his appointment a surveyor in this Corporation and James Tutt, Gent. is appointed in his room.

The Minutes were signed
James Somerville

[Page 152]

At a Common Council held the ninth day of August, 1787

James Somerville, Esq.
George Weedon Col. Duncanson )
Doctr. Mortimer William Lewis ) Gentlemen
William Harvey Thos. Cochran )
William Smith )

James Munroe being elected a Common Council man in the room John Lewis who hath resigned, the oath was administered to sd. James Munroe for Common Council man -

The Minutes ware signed
James Somerville

At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredbg. on Tuesday the 25th day of September 1787 -

James Somerville Esqr. Mayor
Charles Mortimer George French )
Benjn. Day William Harvey )
Wm. Lewis William Smith ) Gentlemen
Robt. B. Chew James Monroe & )
Thomas Cochran James Duncanson )

Application being made to this Board to allow a Company of Commedians to act in this Town during the next week, upon considering the matter this board do disapprove the said application and do Order that the said Commedians be not permitted to act within this Corporation & that the Sergeant serve the said Company with a copy of this order.

Ordered that all retailers within this Corporation apply to Joseph Berry to have their weights & measures adjusted between this & the 10th day of October next and that the said Berry acquaint the retailers therewith & that those who fail to comply herewith shall be liable to a fine of 5/- for each weight or measure that may prove deficient after that time.

[Page 153]

Ordered that the Butchers make use of scales instead of Steelyard for weighing all kinds of meats under the size of a Quarter of Beef and that the said Butchers provide themselves with scales by the 10th of next month and that a small pair of Scales be purchased by the Corporation for the use of the County People - and should - either of the butchers be found weighing meat in markett after the said 10th day of May of next month under the size of a Quarter of beef with a pair of Steelyards shall forfeit the meat so weighed.

The minutes were signed
James Somerville

At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Friday the 19th day of October 1787

James Somerville Esqr. Mayor
George Weedon Esqr. Recorder
Charles Mortimer )
Benjamin Day ) Justices
William Harvey )

William Smith )
William Lewis )
Thomas Cochran ) Councilmen
James Duncanson )

Ordered that the Sergeant give notice to the Freeholders of this Corporation that a meeting of them is requested at the Markett House tomorrow morning at ten O'clock to consider the articles of the late Convention and to Instruct their delegates in such a manner as to them it shall be expedient.

Ordered that notice be given in the Fredg. paper that if any person should suffer any of their slaves to go at large and hire themselves within this Corporation after the first day of November next they will be taken up and dealt with according to the laws.

The Minutes were signed
James Somerville

[Page 154]

Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg in acct. with Wm. Richards, Sergt
Nov. 9th To sundry acct. past the Council the 9th Novr. 1786 £554 3 3
To sundry charges pr a/c to this date 55 0 0
Feby. 16. To commission £655.1.4 amt recd. this date 32 15 0
To Sundry Taxes pr List not collected 233 6
To Ballance due in my hands 13 3 1
£888 1
1784 Cr.
By assessment for this year £344 13 9
By ditto 382 1 4
82/83 By sundry ballances recd. due John Legg 72 10
1786 By acct. retail of merchandise at 48/- 88 16 0
£888 1
Feby 16th By ballance due £13 3 1
By list of outstanding debts. £233.0.2½

This day settled the above account & find a ballance due from John Richards Sergt. To the Corporation of £13.3.1 also a list in his hands for arrears of Taxes, not yet collected amt. £233.0.2½

James Somerville
Wm. Harvey
Robt. B. Chew

The Corporation of Fredg. To John Callender Dr.
To making 314 feet of ladders at 1/4, 6 fire hooks a 4/ 22 2 8
To 4 fire ward staffs @ 6/6, 4 trumpetts for ditto @ 6/8 2 12 8
To 46lb Rope for fire hooks & Bell @ 1/ - 580 ft. plank @ 12/- 5 16 6
To 650 20d nails 8/1½, 200 6d do. 1/2½ 0 9 4
To 1 copper vane wth 4.Letters Gilding &c 49/9 2 balls p do. 7/3 0 2 17
To 100 feet scantling 1 0 0
To erecting a tower hanging the bell painting &c 23 0 0
£57 18 2

We the subscribers have duly Examined Mr. Callenders work and find the work worth the sum specified in the bill which is £57.18.2 as witness our hands this 19th day of March 1787
Robt. Walker
Geo. McCutchen

[Page 155]

Dr. Market house, subscriptions in acct. with John Legg
Jany. 31 To Cash paid Mr. James Somerville £62 10 0
May 28 To do. Pd. Do. 76 10 0
Augt. 21 To do. Pd. Do. 30 0 0
Decr. 21 To do. Pd. Do. 30 0 0
do. pd. Peter Dudley for haling 2 loads of plank pr order of Colo McWilliams 4 0 0
1784 To do. pd. Mr. Blades to bring laths pr Do. 2 10 0
Aug. 28 Com. on £287.6.10 @ 5 pr Ct. 14 4 0
Com. sundries pr Mr. Blaydes acct. 68 18
£288 12
1785 To ballance pr. contra £1 15 10¾
Aug. 10 Cash pd. Wm. James Somerville pr Rect 22 16 0
Cash Coms. on £43.13.3½ @ 5 p. ct. 2 3
To do. underauthorized on £287.6.10 @ 5/- Cr. 0 3 4
To Ballance due 17 4
£43 13
1784 By sundry accounts recd. from subscription £287 6 10
Balance 1 5 10¾
£288 12
July 26 By cash recd from subsrs since the above 43 13

Fredg. July 27, 1787

We the underwritten being appointed by the Council (by order bearing date the 11th inst) to examine the accts. of John Legg on account of the Market House subscriptions find a ballance due from him of £17.4.5¼ also a list of subscriptions unpaid of £125.4.0
Chs. Mortimer
William Harvey
R. B. Chew

[Page 156]

Dr. The Corpn. of Fredg. acct. with John Legg
March 25th To cash pd. Goodlove Heiskell in full £14 9
To my allowance for sumg of call courts pr Cent 950 lb Tobo 9 10 0
To ballance due J L £14.15.0 £23 19
By Ballce. due the Corpn. pr a/c rendered this day 9 4
Ballce. Due 14 15 0
£23 19

Fredg. July 27 1787

We the underwritten being appointed by the Council by order bearing date the 11th inst. examine the accounts of John Legg late Sergt. with the Corpn. find a ballance due him of £14.15.0.
Chs. Mortimer
William Harvey
Robt. B. Chew

Dr. Market House of Fredg. per acct., wth. James Somerville
Oct. 13 To Bond granted by William McWilliams, Thos. Miller & James Somerville of date
payable thereof 20 Decemr 82 £70
the 1 April 83 150
and the 20 June 83 180 £400 0 0
May 2nd Wm. Craighill 642 feet scantling @ 6/8 bill with 402 feet ditto @ 25/ ) rect No.1 10 7 8
To cash pd. Chelsea hauling 2 loads shingles 2/6, the 3rd 2 loads do from Dr. Frenches 2/6 do. Wm. Bourn p. acct. & rect. 255 ft. 1¼ Inch plank @ 11/ 4 14 0
735 feet inch do 9/ (Rect. 2) 3 5 10 8 4 10
Shingles @ 30/
July 12 To cash paid Jno. Coleman for 2500 inch & ¼ seasoned plank at 100/ (Rect. 3) 12 10 0
Aug. 11 To cash pd. Jno. Coleman for 311 feet 31/ 1½ inch &¼ plank Frar. Buckner for wagonage 40/- 3 11
Sepr 12 To Cash pd drayage of plank from E. Simpsons 0 1 3
1784 13 To cash pd. Wm. Blaydes to pay N. Sanders for 80 ft. plank 0 10 8
May 7 To 23 inch & ¼ plank repaid Edw. Simpson for the same quantity Wm. Blaydes borrowed of him 183½ feet at 140/ 1 5 7
To Edw. Herndon for 1 waggon load plank from Coleman 5. 2 2 0
[Page 157]
Carried Over
June 20 To John Spottswood 2 loads plank waggd. from his mill 6 £8 0 0
Sept. 6 To John Legg Peter Dudley 2 loads plank from Coleman 80/ 80 0
Col McWilliams Order to pay Blaydes to pay for laths 50 0 6 10 0
To John Legg Commission on £287.6.10 @ 5pr Ct p a/c (7) 14 4 0
To George Bean hire of your wagon 1½ days to Chynes Mill 1 2 6
To Wm. Blaydes waggonage of winder frames and 200 feet plank to make sashes at his house and to town 350 lights 68 0
Pr John Welch bringing of plank from Spottswood 0 7 6 3 15 6
£472 5 1
Augt 1 To Interest at date per calculation 23 8 1
£495 13 2
1783 Cr.
March 29th By John Legg pr receipt in part of subscription £62 10 0
May 28th By John Legg Do. 76 10 0
Augt. 19 By John Legg Do. 30 0 0
1785 By John Legg for sundries Do. pr settlement with him at vals. 119 12
288 12
Augt. 10 By John Legg for Cash pr yr. young man in part of Do. 22 16 0
By James Mercer rect. in acct. with him 9 Sept. 1784 10 0 0
1786 Jan'y 6th By Arch'd McCall which he disputed to allow in settlement with J S tho Ths in presence of Mesrs. Mortimer, Weedon, McWms. he requested me to pay the money & desired me to put down his name, what is to be done recharge hereafter if not rec'd. 20 0 0
£341 8
By my Subscription 10 0 0
1787 Augt.1st By balance & Settlement 144 4
£495 13 2

Fred'g. Augt. 1.87

We the under written being appointed by the Council by order bearing date the 11th Inst to Examine the Accounts of Mr. James Somerville with the Markett House for moneys paid him by Mr. John Legg & find a ballance due at this date to him of £144.4.5¼ Specie.

Given under our hand this 1 day of Augt. 1787
Chs. Mortimer
William Harvey
R. B. Chew

Last Modified 20 May 2003