List of Merchants Licenses issued within the District of Fredericksburg from the first day of August 1809 to the first day of May 1810 inclusive.

Name Tax 1809 August 1st
Fisher, Charles 11.25
Emack, Wm 10
Wood, Silas 6.25
Crawford, John 6.25
Fales & Talbott 6.00
Cary, Roger 1.33
Baggott, Geo 7.25 $48.33
1810 May 1st
Mark, John $15.00
Marsten, Mordicai $15.00
Henderson, David $15.00
Dixon, James & Co $15.00
Donaldson, Adam $15.00
Caldwell, Wm $15.00
Porter & Farish $15.00
Chewning, Tensley $15.00
Chewning, John $15.00
Crawford, John $15.00
Scott, John $15.00
Storrell, James $15.00
Davis, Peter $15.00
Brown, Will B $15.00
Chewning, Samuel $15.00
Wood, Silas $15.00
Patterson, John & Co $15.00
Mundell, M G V $15.00
Brownell & Brown $15.00
Lucas, Zachariah $15.00
Emack, Wm $15.00
Johnston, Richard & Son $15.00
James, Wm $15.00
Hardia, Wm $15.00
Shelly, Moses $15.00 $375.00
Page 1
Shultice, John L $15.00
Cook, Adam $15.00
Sweeny, Morgan $15.00
Fisher, Charles $15.00
Gordon, Samuel $15.00
Coakley, John $15.00
Mackay, Robt $15.00
Marshall, Horace $15.00
Goodwin, Thos $15.00
Brownlow, John $15.00
Cary, Thomas $15.00
Johnston, Thos S $15.00
Gordon, Wm & Co $15.00
Buck, Anthony $15.00
Wellford, Wm $15.00
Baggott, Geo $15.00
Smith, John Jr $15.00
Crump, John $15.00
Patton, Robt $15.00
Stone, Wm S $15.00
Newby, James $15.00
Peacock, Richard $15.00
Thom, Reuben T $15.00
Garnett, Joseph & Geo $15.00
Smock, Peter $15.00
Parrot, Robt $15.00
Stairs, Jacob $15.00
Cox, George $15.00
Jones, Charles $15.00
Owens, James $15.00
Welch, George $15.00 $465.00
Total Amt $888.33

Fredericksburg 2d May 1810
Geo W. B. Spooner
Commissioner of Revenue for the District of Fred'g

State of Virginia
To Geo W. B. Spooner Ck Dr
for issuing 63 Merchants Licenses from the 1st of Aug 1809 to the 1st of May 1810 inclusive @ 25¢ ea $15.75
Sir, I transmit the above list of Merchants Licenses issues since my last return, be so obliging as [returning] me a receipt by the return of Mr Alexander Walker.
I am respectfully your Obt
Geo W B Spooner Comr

Merchants Licenses issued with the District of the Corporation of Fredericksburg between the 29th day of April 1809 and the 1st day of May 1810 inclusive, in addition to the return already made for that period.

John Crump $10.00
Colin & James Ross $8.75
Morgan Sweeny $8.50
Joseph & Geo Garnett $5.00
Thos Cary a Negro $2.50
Sept 1st 1810 $34.75

Geo W. B. Spooner
Comr of Revenue
At the time I transmitted to your office an acct of Merchants Licenses issued in my District for the last year ending the 1st May 1810, I had not compared lists with the Sheriffs receipts.
Upon doing so since I find the above was received but not noticed in my statement to you, this omission was owing to a prevailing practice among the merchants to rest satisfied with the Sheriffs receipt for the Tax, not deeming it necessary to trouble themselves to apply for a License at the stated periods. I make a point of calling on every one who does not call on me, and thereby remedy this evil. But at the intervening periods this cannot be done and consequently the list not exactly corrected untill compared with the Sheriffs receipts.
I am respectfully your Obt
Geo W. B. Spooner

Last Updated on 22 November 2006
Entered by Gary Stanton
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