List of Land Tax within the District of Kellis Hord, Commissioner, Stafford County, 1802

Name of Owner Town Lot No. Rents of Lots Amt of tax upon land
Allason, David 6 70 $1 10
Briggs, David Dunbar's 24 167 $2 60
ditto Stringfellow or Bells 36 50   78
Buckhannon, Andrew 59 137 $2 14
Bower, Michael 78 84 $1 31
Bell, John for Dunbar pt 20 40   63
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Collins, Thomas 35 50   78
Colquohown, Walter 7 67 $1 05
Dunbar, Robert 11 50   78
ditto warehouse   60   94
ditto for Daniel Triplett 20 & 23 200 $3 12
ditto Vowles pt 20 120 $1 88
ditto for Peyton & Mason 25 220 $3 44
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Gordon, Samuel & Bazel pt. 3 200 $3 12
ditto 7 & 8 & 9 100 $1 56
ditto for Da'l. Payne 14 160 $2 50
Hewitt, William estate 80 - 1 & 2 not occupied    
Hunter, James Est. (Ellington's & Shop) 76 120 $1 88
Harris, Jonathan 27 70 $1 10
Hening, Robert for Alex'r Walker 30 120 $1 88
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Lawsen, Gavin 10 84 $1 32
ditto Morgan's   100 $1 56
Love, Marion pt 3 84 $1 32
ditto   66 $1 03
Lyon, James 22 64 $1 00
ditto pt.   40   63
Millon, William 28 35   55
Morson, Arthur Est. 95 not occupied    
ditto Swan Tavern 4 30   47
Morson, Alexander 83 & 4 150 $2 34
ditto Crookshanks   50   78
McCloud, James pt. 95 40   63
McKitterick, Anthony 23 50   78
ditto Kitt Butlers 28 40   63
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Newall, Adam est. 4 30   47
Payne, William pt 3 84 1 32
ditto Ellingtons pt 3 66 1 03
Richards, William 97 17   27
ditto Morgan's   100 $1 56
Ross, William 61 17   27
Roe, S. Alex'r for Jacob Klun pt 3 167 2 61
Stringfellow, Susanna 29 75 $1 17
Terrier, Francis for D. Triplett pt 3 50   78
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Alienations of land in the foregoing Land list
Jacob Khun to Alex'r Roe pt of lot No. 3 in Falmouth
I, Valentine Peyton, Clerk of the Court of Stafford County, do hereby certify that I have examined the foregoing list of land tax in District No. 1 of said County, and that the same is a true copy of the one deposited in my office. Given under my hand as Clerk aforesaid this 15th day of October 1802. V. Peyton. C. S. C

This land tax listing was abstracted from the District Listing by only transcribing properties identified as being lots in Falmouth.
Free African American citizens owning property in Falmouth were noted in the land tax with a B. In transcribing the close parenthesis has been added

Last Updated on 3/23/2001
Enterred by Gary Stanton