List of the Land Tax for 1807. District of Fredericksburg

Proprietors No of Lotts Own Houses Tenants Net Rent Total rent Amt Tax
        $ ¢ $ ¢ $ ¢
Alexander, William Est. 252   Garret Keeton &others     100 00 1 56
Allen, James Est. 64,124   Garret Minor     166 66 2 60
Ames, Michael pt 258   Mrs. Beard     100 00 1 56
Allmond, Daivd pt 67, 68 David Allmond       150 00 2 34
Benson, John 17.17, 246 John Benson and tenants     300 00 4 68
Badger, Bela 147, 148   Thomas Hieskell 150 00        
Badger, Bela 147, 148   Christian Helmstetter 90 00        
Badger, Bela 33, 34   William Allen 150 00        
Badger, Bela Church Square   Peter Smock 200 00        
Badger, Bela Church Square   Robert Coupar 200 00 790 00 12 33
Brown, James pt 4 James Brown   100 00        
Brown, James pt 13, 14 James Brown (shop)   100 00        
Brown, James 37, 38   James West 50 00 250 00 3 90
Baggott, Margaret 39,40   unoccupied 100 00        
Baggott, Margaret 39,40   James Smithers 120 00        
Baggott, Margaret 39,40   Thomas N. Walker 100 00        
Baggott, Margaret 39,40   William English 100 00 420 00 6 55
Barwise, Thomas Est. pt 20   unoccupied     175 00 2 73
Beverley, Robert Est.     William Ridley     125 00 1 95
Brooke, John T. 51   Mordicai Barbour 266 67        
Brooke, John T.     John Crump 266 67        
Brooke, John T.     Wm Taylor 200 00        
Brooke, John T. 119, 120   Robert Hening 200 00 933 34 14 56
Brown, Thomas Est. part 73, 74   Thomas Jones &c     150 00 2 34
Brownlow, John 4   Branch Bank 300 00        
Brownlow, John 79, 80   unoccupied, last rent 150 00        
Brownlow, John     Walker Carter 50 00 500 00 7 80
Baggott, James 13, 14   Mrs. Cook     133 34 2 08
Baggott, George 219   James Baggott     70 00 1 09
Brown, Charles 103 Charles Brown   125 00        
  113 [his] workshop   75 00 200 00 3 12
Basye, Thomas Pope Market Square   William S. Stone     250 00 3 90
Blair, David Est. pt 53, 6.6 Mrs. Blair   125 00        
Blair, David Est. 273   Free Negro 25 00 150 00 2 34
Brooke, William pt 243, 234 W. Brooke       150 00 2 34
Coyl, Richard pt 6 Richard Coyl       100 00 1 56
Cook, Adam pt 18   inclosed but unoccupied     20 00   32
Chewning, Samuel pt 43 Samuel Chewning   200 00        
Chewning, Samuel 247   John Chewning 83 33 283 33 4 41
Coyle, David Chapman 16.16 David C. Coyl   100 00        
Coyle, David Chapman 16.16   Mrs. McFarlane 100 00 200 00 3 12
Coyle, David Chapman 16.16   John L. Shultice 133 33 333 33 5 20
Cochran, Thomas 43   Wm. B. Brown     216 66 3 38
Childs, Henry Est.     Lewis Burrell 150 00        
  10.10   Theofilas Wyatt 120 00 270 00 4 22
Page 1           6336 66 98 86
Christie, Joseph pt 41 Joseph Christie   200 00        
Christie, Joseph 31   several free Negro tenants 200 00        
Christie, Joseph 8   Free Negro tenants 40 00        
Christie, Joseph 189, 190, 199, 206, 213 adjoining tanyard and old Mill     35 00 475 00 7 41
Carter, Charles L. 133   John Scot 200 00        
Carter, Charles L. 75 Charles L. Carter   100 00        
Carter, Charles L. 30 Druggist shop   100 00        
Carter, Charles L. 75, 67   George Richardson 100 00 500 00 7 80
Carter, Walker R. 79, 80 Walker R. Carter       200 00 3 12
Chew, Robert S. 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 Robert S. Chew   300 00        
Chew, John pt 32 said to be Seth Bartons [no transfer] unoccupied u. rt. 300 00        
Chew, John 112 &114   unoccupied usual rent 150 00 750 00 11 70
Carmichael, James 20   Wm Brooks office 66 66        
Carmichael, James 127 James Carmichael house 100 00 166 66 2 60
Duncan, Alexander part 45, 46 Alexander Duncan       200 00 3 12
Dobson, Richard pt 85   Lawrence Boores 133 33        
Dobson, Richard     unoccupied, usual rent 183 34 316 67 4 94
Drummond, Wm Est. 61, 122, pt 121   John Smith 350 00        
Drummond, William Est. pt market square warehouse John Smith 50 00        
Drummond, William Est. pt market square   James Beck 100 00        
Drummond, William Est. pt market square   Mordecai Marstin 125 00        
Drummond, William Est. pt 121   B. Parke 133 33        
Drummond, William Est. 129   Jacob Grotz 300 00        
Drummond, William Est. pt 130   Tinsley Chewning 125 00        
Drummond, William Est.     Chs. S. Johnston 125 00        
Drummond, William Est. 143   Jane Johnson 66 67        
Drummond, William 45   Murray, G., & Mundell 500 00        
Drummond, William 237 formerly Armistead Stockers [now unoccupied] 70 00 1945 00 30 34
DeBaptist, John Est. 180 widow Baptist & sons   100 00        
DeBaptist, John     sundry female tenants 50 00 150 00 2 34
Dixon, Reuben Est. part 6:6 his widow, Sally Dixon       50 00   78
Davis, William 194   Ann Buckner & others     100 00 1 56
Dawson, John 109, 110 John Dawson       125 00 1 95
Dixon, Roger Est. 232, 241 (now B. Botts) but no alteration on record [sundry] free negroes     40 00   62
Day, Benjamin Major pt 13 & 14 Maj'r Benj. Day       150 00 2 34
England, John pt 31 John England inclosed and cultivated     20 00   32
Evans, Elinor & Sally 46 Miss Evans       83 34 1 30
Fox, Robert Estate 8.8   Wm Burnett     85 00 1 33
Fuller, Bartholomew 57, 58 B. Fuller       150 00 2 34
Page 2           5506 67 85 91
Farish, Richard R. pt 30   David Smith     200 00 3 12
French, George Doct'r 255, 256 Doct'r Geo French   200 00        
French, George Doct'r pt 16 his druggist shop   75 00        
French, George Doct'r 135   Wm Allan 125 00        
French, George Doct'r 136   unoccupied 100 00        
French, George Doct'r 247   John Victor 120 00        
French, George Doct'r pt 18   Anthony Buck 333 33        
French, George Doct'r 14.14 & 238 George French lots enclosed and cultivated by himself 20 00        
French, George Doct'r pt 16 Warehouse Rob't Walker & Co. 70 00        
French, George Doct'r 168   Lydia 16 67        
French, George Doct'r pt 238 new house sundry free negroes 70 00        
French, George Doct'r 16   George Rothrock 150 00 1280 00 19 96
Ferguson, James FN* 211 James Ferguson       66 66 1 04
Fitzhugh, Henry 178   sundry tenants of all colours     100 00 1 56
Glassell, John pt 11, 12   Wm C. Williams 250 00        
Glassell, John pt 11, 12   Alex'r Walker 50 00 300 00 4 68
Green Timothy 37 Timothy Green       200 00 3 12
Gordon, Peter pt 120   Johnson & Young     60 00   94
Gregory, Walter 26 Walter Gregory       200 00 3 12
Goodwin, Thomas 141   unoccupied, usual rent 100 00        
Goodwin, Thomas     Benj. Hutton 35 00        
Goodwin, Thomas     William A. Gregory 45 00 180 00 2 81
Green, Thomas Capt. pt 52   Lewis Pierce     80 00 1 24
Hudgins, Wescomb Est. 252 Mrs. Hudgin       40 00   62
Heath, [Mrs] Susannah 20 Mrs. Heath & tenants     300 00 4 68
Herndon, Edward pt 35, 36   Mrs. Whitter & tenants     200 00 3 12
Heiskill, Godlove pt 15, 16 Godlove Heiskill   200 00        
Heiskill, Godlove 7 Godlove Heiskill tanyard 150 00        
Heiskill, Godlove 41 [tavern] H. Farish 970 00        
Heiskill, Godlove 41   Thomas Heiskell 100 00        
Heiskill, Godlove 3 Godlove Heiskill Ice House & Brick Yard 50 00 1470 00 22 94
Hoffman, Peter & Son 21, 22   John Lear 150 00        
Hoffman, Peter & Son 21, 22   Morgan Sweeny 100 00        
Hoffman, Peter & Son 21, 22   John M. Widemyer 100 00 350 00 5 46
Hardia, John Est. 262 & pt 252 Mrs. Hardia       200 00 3 12
Page 3           5226 66 81 83
Harris, Jonathan Capt. Est. 47   John Brownlow 300 00        
Harris, Jonathan Capt. Est. pt 45 & 46   James Donohoe 133 33        
Harris, Jonathan Capt. Est. 47   Geo. Allison 66 67        
Harris, Jonathan Capt. Est. 46   Free Negroes 80 00 580 00 9 04
Hall, Elisha 145 & 146 Doct'r E. Hall   150 00        
Hall, Elisha pt 47 his druggist shop   133 33        
Hall, Elisha 48   William Barker 200 00        
Hall, Elisha 48   James Drinan 120 00        
Hall, Elisha 28   William Gordon & Co. 200 00        
Hall, Elisha 28   John Gray 220 00        
Hall, Elisha 28   Adam Cook 250 00 1273 33 19 86
Henderson, David part 47, 48 David Henderson   300 00        
Henderson, David 29 David Henderson Ware house 100 00        
Henderson, David 62 David Henderson Coopers shop and warehouse 50 00        
Henderson, David 62   Philip Lauck 100 00        
Henderson, David pt 6 wharf & lumberyard   20 00 570 00 8 89
Hollinger, Edmund 176 Edmund Hollinger       85 00 1 33
Herndon, Dabney 111 Dabney Herndon       150 00 2 34
Hill, John K. 53 & pt 6.6 John K. Hill   150 00        
Hill, John K. 11.11   Samuel Philips 90 00        
Hill, John K.     Capt. Key 60 00 300 00 4 68
Hunter, Mrs. 304   Daniel Matthews     40 00   62
Herndon, William 35, 36 William Herndon tavern     500 00 7 80
Johnston, Richard pt 13, 14 Richard Johnston [Sr.]   300 00        
Johnston, Richard 165, 166   Free Negroes 72 00        
Johnston, Richard 178   sundry tenants Negroes & Whites 30 00        
Johnston, Richard 236, 245   William Davis 100 00        
Johnston, Richard 246   Mrs. Allen 80 00 582 00 9 08
Jones, Charles 87, 88 Charles Jones       200 00 3 12
Jones, William FN* 211 William Jones       50 00   78
Julian, Charles pt 30   Mord'a Barbour 250 00        
Julian, Charles     James Slaytor 150 00 400 00 6 24
Julian, Margaret     Charles Stewart 150 00 150 00 2 34
James, John Capt. 249 Capt. John James       80 00 1 24
Johnston, Robert Est. 274   Widow Brown     66 66 1 04
Johnston, Christopher 59 & pt 60   William S. Stone     200 00 3 12
Johnson & Young pt 60 cultivated as a garden   6 67        
Johnson & Young 268 occupied as a wharf A. Donaldson 333 33        
Johnson & Young pt 5 & 28 Johnson & Young   333 33        
Johnson & Young 132 their dwelling house   150 00 823 34 12 84
Page 4           6050 33 94 36
James, William (Taylor) pt 20 William James   200 00        
James, William 26   Samuel Gordon 200 00 400 00 6 24
Johnston, Thomas S. pt 18 Thomas S. Johnston       300 00 4 68
Jones, Mrs. (Sam'l Jones' wife) 226 Samuel Jones & widow Jones [& sons]       100 00 1 56
Jones, R. James pt 85, 86   Free Negroes     50 00   78
Knox, John 107, 108   Rev. M. Wilson     200 00 3 12
Kenny, Richard 142 Richard Kenney       30 00 0 47
Kegan, Patrick pt 66   James Redwell     50 00   78
Lucas, Fielding pt 74 Fielding Lucas   150 00        
Lucas, Fielding 6 Fielding Lucas Tan Yard 100 00        
Lucas, Fielding 167 Fielding Lucas cultivated as a garden 10 00 260 00 4 06
Lewis, Robert pt 37, 38   unoccupied, last rent     200 00 3 12
Lewis, John 39 John Lewis   100 00        
Lewis, John Market Square   Keeling Terrell 100 00        
Lewis, John 39   unoccupied 133 66        
Lewis, John 272 old brewery unoccupied 150 00 483 66 7 55
Lewis, Warner pt 37, 38   John Lewis     60 00   93
Lovell, William 23, 24   John Coakley 266 66        
Lovell, William 23, 24   John Mark 266 67        
Lovell, William 43   Thomas Goodwin 416 67        
Lovell, William 77   Walker & McGillivary 90 00 1040 00 16 22
Lucas, Zachariah 76 Zachariah Lucas   200 00        
Lucas, Zachariah     unoccupied 133 33 333 33 5 20
Lipscomb, Phillip pt 81, 82 Philip Lipscomb   100 00        
Lipscomb, Phillip pt 81, 82   two tenants 133 34 233 34 3 64
Lambeth, John Est.     Sam'l Howison     100 00 1 56
Mercer, John 250, 251, 259, 260, 230, 231, 239 & 240 John & Hugh Mercer       300 00 4 68
Mercer, Hugh 26 , pt 25 [tavern] Martha Fisher 500 00        
Mercer, Hugh pt 25   Henry Johnson 183 33        
Mercer, Hugh     James Duffell 200 00        
Mercer, Hugh     George Norwood 200 00 1083 33 16 90
McNamara, Timothy 15.15   unoccupied     120 00 1 87
Mortimer, John 235, 253, 263 John Mortimer   250 00        
Mortimer, John 218 John Mortimer enclosed & cultivated 10 00        
Mortimer, John 271 John Mortimer Blacksmith's Shop 25 00 285 00 4 45
Murray, George pt 24   John Smith 175 00        
Murray, George 32   unoccupied 150 00        
Murray, George 72   unoccupied 150 00 475 00 7 41
Minor, Garret 28   John Scot     366 66 5 72
Murray, G. & Mundell merchant's wharf   A. Donaldson     140 00 2 18
Morgan & Douglass Market Square   Wm Wells     100 00 1 56
Milne, Colin pt 26   Colin Mills     70 00 1 10
Page 5           6780 32 105 78
Minor, John Gen'l 134   Mrs. Steptoe 200 00        
Minor, John Gen'l 9.9, 220 & pt 228   enclosed & cultivated by himself 25 00        
Minor, John Gen'l 221, 222, 213, 214, 223, 224,215,216   enclosed & cultivated by himself 40 00 265 00 4 13
Morton, Jeremiah 77   Richard Robey 100 00        
Morton, Jeremiah Est. 5.5 & 54 cultivated by James Newby 20 00 120 00 1 87
McWilliams, Joshua Est. 55 Clara McWilliams       100 00 1 56
Minor, Jack F.N.* 161 Jack Minor       50 00   78
Mundell, John pt 33, 34   Mary Baggott     100 00 1 56
Mortimer, John 233, 242   Mary Page     150 00 2 34
Newby, James 15.15 James Newby       200 00 3 12
Pearson, Sam'l Est. 254   unoccupied     100 00 1 56
Patterson, Leonard Est. 24   Leonard Adams     210 00 3 27
Porter, William pt 29, 30 Porter & Farish       266 67 4 16
Peacock, Richard 258 Richard Peacock & Tenants       430 00 6 71
Patton, Robert 50, 63, 123 Rob't Patton his house & warehouse 200 00        
Patton, Robert 72 his store   260 00        
Patton, Robert 72   Reuben Thom 200 00        
Patton, Robert 49   Chs F. Gretter 120 00        
Patton, Robert 13, 14   John T. Lomax 200 00 980 00 15 30
Philips, Henry 194 Capt. H. Philips       100 00 1 56
Parrott, Robert 195 Capt. R. Parrott       100 00 1 56
Pearson, William pt 37 William Pearson       200 00 3 12
Rootes, R. Thos Sr. 181, 182 & 407, pt 403, 404 & 405 Thomas R. Rootes Sr.       300 00 4 68
Rootes, R. Thos Jr. pt 254 & 264   Benj. Botts     200 00 3 12
Ross, Edward Est. 258   unoccupied, usual rent     100 00 1 56
Ridley, Ann Mrs. Est. 33   Thos Legg     150 00 2 34
Richards, William Capt. 78   Free Caty     70 00 1 08
Rogers, John 209 John Rogers       150 00 2 34
Ross, Colin & Jas 71 & 72 Colin & Js Ross   600 00        
Ross, Colin & Jas 13, 14 in brick building unoccupied 150 00 750 00 11 70
Robinson, William 89, 90   Thomas Cochran 120 00        
Robinson, William 89, 90   Seth Spencer 120 00        
Robinson, William 89, 90 Smith's Shop John England 50 00 290 00 4 53
Richards, John 29 John Richards       150 00 2 34
Rodman, William W. 51   unoccupied, usual rent     200 00 3 12
Ross, John formerly pt of Dobsons   unoccupied     10 00   16
Somerville, James 275, 276 James Somerville   150 00        
Somerville, James 257   Theofilus Wiatt 100 00        
Somerville, James 267   warehouses 50 00        
Somerville, James 274, 275   Thos Goodwin 100 00 400 00 6 24
Styers, Jacob 16.16 Jacob Styers       100 00 1 56
Smith, Wm Est. pt 41   Horace Marshall 200 00        
Smith, William Est. pt 41   William Caldwell 100 00        
Smith, William Est. pt 41   Cottom & Steward 200 00 500 00 7 80
Page 6           6741 67 105 87
Simons, David Est. Church Square   Wm. B. Brown 183 33        
Simons, David Est. 49   Geo. Welch & Co. 166 67 350 00 5 46
Smock, James Church Square James Smock       270 00 4 21
Spooner, Geo. W. B. 65 & 66 George W. B. Spooner       75 00 1 17
Smith, William (Orange) pt 45, 46 [60]   unoccupied     400 00 6 24
Sexsmith, Simon 18 Simon Sexsmith       150 00 2 34
Stark, Daniel 105 Daniel Stark       45 00   70
Sullivan, Mary 304 Mary Sullivan   100 00        
  304   Aler & Fry 100 00     3 12
Stevenson, James Jr. 126   Miss Gain's     75 00 1 17
Scott, John 131   lot enclosed & cultivated by him     25 00   39
Stanard, William 84, 86, 95, 96 & 83 William Stanard       250 00 3 90
Smith, William Jr. 168   Free Negroes     30 00   47
Steward, John 89, 90   Michael Raider     110 00 1 71
Smock, William 21, 22 William Smock       250 00 3 90
Sterling, Joseph pt 271 Joseph Sterling       10 00   16
Stoker, Armistead pt 220 stables purchased of Gen'l Minor       20 00   31
Tupman, Francis Est. 16.16 [Mrs.] Sally Tupman       100 00 1 56
Taylor, William 97, 98 William Taylor   200 00        
Taylor, William 7.7   unoccupied 50 00        
Taylor, William     unoccupied 50 00        
Taylor, William     B. Williams 50 00        
Taylor, William     Patsy Lucas 50 00        
Taylor, William 227   Sally Ashley 30 00        
Taylor, William     R. Sturrs 40 00        
Taylor, William 106   James West 40 00        
Taylor, William     William Williams 48 00        
Taylor, William     B. Johnson 48 00        
Taylor, William     L. Beverley 48 00        
Taylor, William     Nancy Scot 36 00        
Taylor, William     Sally Rawlings 36 00 726 00 11 31
Tod, George 244   unoccupied     100 00 1 56
Thompson, Henry 32   unoccupied     250 00 3 90
Thatcher, Elisha     unoccupied     200 00 3 12
Terrier, Philip 249 Philip Terrier       120 00 1 87
Walker, Alexander 33, 34 Alexander Walker [dwelling house & shop]     300 00 4 68
White, Henry pt19 & 20 Henry White       250 00 3 90
Wardell, Charles Church Square Chs Wardell       200 00 3 12
Welch, William Est. 49 John Welch & Geo. Cox 283 33        
Welch, William Est.     James R. Jones 150 00 433 33 6 76
Wallace, John pt 87, 88   [Eagle Tavern] unoccupied 200 00        
Wallace, John pt 87, 88   Blanton & England 125 00 325 00 5 07
Page 7           5264 33 82 10
Winchester, R. & Stephen 52 Stephen Winchester   200 00        
Winchester, R. & Stephen 51   John Steward & Co. 333 33        
Winchester, R. & Stephen 69, 70 [cooper's shop] David Almond 25 67 559 00 8 74
Walker, Joseph 91, 92 Joseph Walker       100 00 1 56
Wellford, Robert pt 179, 177 Rob't Wellford   200 00        
Wellford, Robert 93, 94 his garden & stables   50 00 250 00 3 90
Wells, William pt 177   Betsy Davis & others     220 00 3 43
Walker, John T. 304 [Capt] John T. Walker       100 00 1 56
Willis, Lewis Col. 17 & pt 20 Colo.Lewis Willis       250 00 3 90
West, Mrs. 128 Mrs. West Theatre     100 00 1 56
Walker, Robert 11.11   tenants unknown     50 00   78
Walker, Robert 202 & 203 inclosed and cultivated by him       20 00   32
Waller, William 83   unoccupied, usual rent     266 67 4 16
Vowles, Henry Est. pt 23, 24   Robert Walker 333 33        
      John Taliaferro 150 00        
      John Patterson & Co 166 67 650 00 10 14
Yates, John pt 126   John W. Green     100 00 1 56
Yates, Charles 296, 303, 306, 307, 400, 401, 308, 309 & 402 & pt 403, 404 & 405 Charles Yates [Dwelling House]   300 00        
Yates, Charles pt 56   Mrs. McCoull 125 00        
Yates, Charles pt 56   Adam Darby 125 00        
Yates, Charles 1, 2   Burket Bowen 100 00        
Yates, Charles 1, 2   M. Smith 100 00        
Yates, Charles 212   Aminidal 50 00        
Yates, Charles 2.2   unoccupied 250 00        
Yates, Charles pt 11 brick warehouse unoccupied 75 00        
Yates, Charles 1.1 [clerks] offices John W. Green 75 00 1200 00 18 72
Page 8           3865 67 60 33
Page 1 6336.66 98.86
2 5506.67 85.91
3 5226.66 81.53
4 6050.33 94.36
5 6780.32 105.78
6 6741.67 105.17
7 5264.33 82.10
8 3865.67 60.38
total $45,772.31 714.04

Geo. W. B. Spooner, Commissioner of Revenue for the District of the Corp'n of Fredericksburg
* = African Americans who were not enslaved are identified (in some cases) in the tax records as:

use of parenthesis follows the original

Last Updated on 5/5/2000
Microfilm was checked against the hard copy by James Bailey, 4/21/2000
Enterred by Gary Stanton