Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

[Page 117]

At a Common Council held for the Corporation of Fredericksburg the 25th day of January one thousand seven hundred and eighty six

George Weedon Eleazer Callender )
Ths. Miller William Harvey )
Wm. McWilliams Richd. Kenney ) Gent.
Jas. Duncanson Wm. Smith )

James Jarvis the late vendue master being Dead It is the opinion of this Board that John Legg is a fit Person to fill the office, he is accordingly elected. It is ordered that he give Security at the next court and take the oaths of allegiance and of office. In the mean while he is permitted to do the Duties of the office.

John Welsh is allowed Twelve Pounds in full for erecting a Public whiping Post and Stocks. Ordered that the Sergeant pay him the same.

Ordered that the overseer of the street of the lower District have the Stone wall built by Robert Forsyth on Caroline Street immediately repaired.

Francis Thornton is allowed to have the use of one of the Market Rooms at Five Shillings per month.

Edwd. Herndon is appointed to let the putting of a Roof on the Engine House.

The minutes of the Preceding orders were signed by
George Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead, Clerk

[Page 118]

At a Common Council held for the Corporation of Fredericksburg the sixteenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty six

George Weedon Geo. French )
Ths. Miller Eleaz. Callender )
Jas. Somerville Wm. Harvey )
Jas. Duncanson Wm. Smith ) Gent.
Richd. Kenney )

Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg to John Richards Sergeant
To Cash paid A. Buchannan £25 0 0
To Cash paid Jos. Berry per order 1 0 0
To Cash paid Jos. Berry per order 9 14 9
April To Cash paid Joseph Berry per order 5 8 0
To Cash paid Wm. Jenkins per order 5 17 9
May 6 To Cash paid Richd. Peyton per order 0 18 0
To Cash paid Jno. Harriss per order 2 10 0
To Cash paid Expenss for States Attorn T. Conner 0 2 6
To Cash paid Henry Armistead per orders 42 10 0
To Cash Jno. Richards per orders 33 7 6
To Cash paid John Welch 19 10 0
To Cash paid for 3 loads wood for use Court 1 10 0
To cash paid for repairing magazeen 0 12 0
To Cash paid J. Kuhn per order 1 0 0
149 0 6
Bal due the Corporation 16 15 0
£165 15 6
1786 Cr.
Feb. 28 By Cash Collected since last settlement 141 11 0
By Cash Collected since the 28th Feby 24 4 6
E E 16th March 1786 £165 15 6

Jno. Richards, Sergeant

This amount was produced by John Richards Sergt. The same was examined, approved, and ordered to be recorded.

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1785 Dr. The Corporation of Fred. a/c with John Richards Sergt.
To Cash Paid Peter Malonie for 19 days work @ 5/
£4 15 0
To Cash paid Thos. Hearn for 12 days work @ 3/
1 16 0
To Cash paid Wm. Julian for hire Jacks 10 days @ 3/
1 10 0
To Cash paid John Harris for 2 days work @ 3/_ 0 6 0
To Cash paid John Faukland for 1 days work 0 3 0
To Cash paid Richard Pelton for 2 days work @ 3 /
0 6 0
To cash paid Jerry Sullivan for 2 days work @ 3 /
0 6 0
To cash paid Mull Tulley & negroe for 10½ Days 3/- 1 11 6
To Cash paid James Ropemaker for 1 day. 0 3 0
To Cash paid Danl.Savage for 3 days work 3/- 0 9 0
To Cash paid for upsetting sterling & helvg mattocks 0 5 3
To Cash paid for iron & steel for mattocks 0 3 9
To Cash paid for a mattock, 0 3 9
To Cash paid for a line 1 16 0
To Cash paid for six Spades 1 16 0
To Catch paid for Broad Hoe 0 4 6
To Cash paid a white man for 5 days work 0 15 0
To Cash paid John Mayfield for 5 Days work 0 15 0
To Cash paid Chs. Brimmer for 2 days work 0 6 0
To cash paid negroe Frank for 48 days work 4 16 0
To Cash paid for 324 feet Plank for on house @ 10/
1 12 6
To Cash paid for boxing up steps M. House 0 15 0
To 69 Days work of my cart @ 7/6 25 17 6
£48 7 9
E. E. John Richards -
Mar. 16 1786

Sworn to before me
George Weedon -

The above amount was produced by John Richards for repairs paid for and work done on the Streets the same was examined approved, allowed, and is ordered to be recorded.

George Weedon, James Somerville, George French Eleazer Callender Gent. or any three of them are appointed to examine the Clerks Record of this Board and make report thereof to this Board.

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William Harvey and Richard Kenney are appointed to value the work done on the Streets by Eleazer Callender, and to receive and settle the claims against this Corporation.

The minutes of the preceeding orders was signed by
Geo. Weedon Gt. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held the 18th day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty six

George Weedon Geo. French )
Ths. Miller E. Callender )
Jas. Somerville Wm. Harvey ) Gent
Wm. MoWilliams Wm. Smith )
Ins. Duncannon Richd. Kenney )
Edwd. Herndon )

1785 Dr. The Corporation of Fredg. in acct. wth Ben. Sebastian
To 48 Days work with the cart on the street 7/6 £18 0 0
To 20 Days work by myself per agreement 3/6 3 10 0
£21 10 0

E. E. Benj. Sebastian

Sworn to before me this 7th March 1786
Jas. Somerville

The above amount was produced by Benjamin Sebastian the same having been examined is approved, allowed and ordered to be recorded.

Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg in acct. with John Legg
Oct.17 To 1 Spade 7/6 12 Days Hire n Holly 36/- £2 3 6
19 To 1 Spade 7/6, hoe 10, To 22 days work of Horse & Cart and negroe Holly £8/5 8 12 6
£2 16 0

The above amount was produced by John Legg, the same having been examined, is approved, allowed and ordered to be recorded.

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1785 Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg wth Elisha Dickenson
To 12 Days work of a cart @ 7/6 £4 10 0

The above amount was produced by Elisha Dickenson, the same having been examined is approved allowed and ordered to be Recorded.

1785 Dr. The Corporation of Fredbg. in acct. wth H. Armistead
To Ths. Middleton for Cash paid by him for repairs of the warehouse Street £9 3 9
To 4 days Hire of my cart on Main Street 1 10 0
To 3 days Hire of my Cart on Whe. Street 1 2 6
To Hire of negroe Jmme 3 days 3/- 9 0
£12 5 3
By Tax Amt on 15 Drays @ 20/- 15 0 0
Ball. due the Corprn. £ 2 14 9

The above amount was produced by Henry Armistead, the same having been examined is approved allowed and ordered to be recorded.

1785 Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg in acct Wm. Jackson
To six days work with a Cart on the main Street £2 5 0

The above account was produced by Will. Jackson the same having been examined, is approved, allowed and is ordered to be recorded.

1785 Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg in acct. wth Wm Lewis
To 20 days work of Horse Cart & man on Main street £7 10 0

The above amount was produced by William Lewis, the same being Examined, was approved, is allowed and ordered to be recorded.

Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg in acct. with E. Herndon
Nov. To 30 days hire of Cart, Horse, Driver at work on the streets @7/6 per day since 25 Sept. 11 5 0
By 9 days work of one Capt. Collender hands chd. In his act. 1 7 0
£9 18 0

The above account was produced by Edw. Herndon the same being examined, was approved, is allowed and ordered to be recorded.

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Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksbg wth Jas. Somerville
Mar. To this day recd. Jos. Berry amt. to wit Cr.
2 pieces Butter offered as pounds found wantg 23rd Apr. 1785 sold for £0 1 6
5 pieces do. 20th May sold 0 3
3 pieces do. 26th sold 0 3 0
2 pieces do 3d June sold 0 1 6
4 pieces do 4th sold 0 4 6
5 recd. of Ths. Sharpe 0 3 0
2 pieces do. omitted 28th May 1785 sold 0 1 3
£0 17 10½

Cash not recd. By - Jas. Somerville

The above amount was returned by James Somerville Gent. Chamberlain & is ordered to be Recorded.

Ordered that Wm. Harvey and Eleazer Callender Gent. examine and settle James Somerville Gent. amount for the repair of the Markett House.

Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksbg. to G. Heiskell
To ironing of Ths. Splawn twice £0 4 0
To taking of Do. twice 0 4 0
9 May To Hobling & Handcuffing Prisoner & takg off Do. 0 4 0
To Ironing T. Conner with Hobbles & Cuffs 0 2 0
To Mending a pair Hobbles 0 3 0
To 1 pr. new cuffs 0 5 0
17 To takg Hobbles & Cuffs of T. Conner 0 2 0
23 To Confining T. Conner again & off 0 4 0
24 To making 1 pr. Hobbles 13¼ lb @ 1/ 0 13 3
To ironing hand & foot 2 sailors & releasing 0 8 0
June To Handcuffing & releasing a Prisoner 0 2 0
July To 1 pr. Hand Cuffs 0 5 0
Aug To 2 Grubing Hoes for Street work 0 9 0
To mending tools for Do. 0 2 0
To Laying & Steeling 2 Picks for Do. 0 3 0
Dcr. To ironing & releasing prisoner 0 4 0
£3 14 3

The above amount being examined the same was approved, is allowed and is ordered to be Recorded.

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Dr. The Corporation of Fredg. to Phill Lipscomb 1785
Dec. 20 To mending the Goal at sundry times £3 0 0
To 5 Brick Layers 1 Day each @ 6/- 1 10 0
To 6 Labourers 1 day each @ 3/- 0 18 0
To 4860 Bricks pulled down & laid @ 30/- 7 5 6
To 540 Bricks found & laid @60/- 1 12 6
£14 6 0

The above amount was produced by Phillip Lipscomb, the same being examined was approved is allowed and ordered to be Recorded.

1785 Dr. The Corporation of Fredg. To Jno. Robinson
July 5 To upsetting and beating out 4 matoxes £0 3 0
6 To Beating 2 Do. 1/6 (7th) To laying 2 Do. 6/- 0 7 6
To beating 2 Do. 1/6 To beating grubg. hoe @ 9 0 2 3
To Beatg 3 Matoxes 2/5 (8th) To Beatg 2 Matoxs 1/6 0 3 9
9 To Beating 2 Matoxs 1/6 makg. 2 spikes for Line 1/6 0 3 0
15 To Beating out 6 Points 4/6 (16th) Pointing 4 Do. 2/ 0 6 6
To Beating out Mattox 9/- (18th) Pointg. 4 Pick axes 3/ 0 3 9
To Beating out 4 Mattox 3/- (22d) to laying mattox 3/- 0 6 0
Sep. 4 To putting steel to a pick ax 1/3 To makg 2 L. Pins 1/6 0 2 9
13 To layg. 1 mattox 3/- To Beatg. 2 Mattox 1/6 0 4 6
20 To Beatg. out 2 Grubbg. hoes 1/6 (Oct.12th) To Beatg. 4 matox 3/- Beatg. 2 Grubg. Hoes 1/6 0 6 0
£2 9 0

The above amount was produced by John Robinson the same being examined was approved, is allowed and ordered to be Recorded.

Joseph Berry is allowed Seven Pounds sixteen shillings for his attendance on this Board and the keeping good in the streets on the Sabbath.

Joseph Berry is allowed Seven Pounds Ten Shillgs as Clerk of the Market, which sum is to be paid out of the rent arising from the Stalls.

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An Account of Rent arising from the Stalls of the Markett 1785
Apr. 16 John Bridgland took a stall for 1 year £3 0 0
Sebastian Lush Do. Do. 3 0 0
Jan. 12 Godlove Heiskell 6 months & 1 week 1 11 3
27 James Jarvis for 1 year 3 0 0
Oct.22 John Atkinson 2 months 0 10 0
Oct. 26 David Simons 1 week 0 1 3
£11 2 6

The above amount was returned To this Board by Joseph Berry the Clerk of the Markett. Ordered that the several Persons pay him the same.

1785 Dr. The Corporation of Fredbg. to Eleazr. Callender
To 38 Days work under the Dirn. H. Armistead 3/- £5 14 0
To 28 Days Do. Do. P. Malonie 3/- 4 4 0
To 132 Days Do. Do. B. Sebastian 3/- 19 16 0
To 124½ Days Do. Do. E. Herndon 3/- 18 13 6
To 49½ Days Hire, Horse, Cart & Man 9/- 22 5 6
70 12 0
To Cutting the gutter on both sides the streets for Six Squares vald. by T. Miller & J. Richards 20 0 0
90 12 0
By error in 24½ days work @ 3/ £3 13 6
By overd. in the Cart Hire 3 14 3 7 7 9
Balle. Due £83 4 3

The above amount was produced by Eleazer Alexander the same being examined was approved is allowed and Ordered to be Recorded.

Ordered that the Mayor, Recorded, Alderman for the time being institute a suit against the Executors of Fielding Lewis, deceased, John Lewis and James Mercer Gent. for the amount purchased by them of the Estate of Archibald McPherson, deceased.

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John Richards Sergeant is allowed Nine Pounds for his attendance on this Board.

Henry Armistead is allowed Twenty Pounds for serving as Clerk to this Board.

Ordered that the Clerk Advertize the former order of this Board respecting the keeping open the Drains & gutters and Persons riding within the Posts.

The Minutes of the Preceeding Orders were signed by
Geo. Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held at the Markett House for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the Twentieth day of March one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Six

George Weedon Geo. French )
Ths. Miller Wm. Smith )
Wm. McWilliams Wm. Harvey ) Gent.
James Duncannon Edwd. Herndon )

The Council having met agreeable To Act of Assembly and the Inhabitants being notified to attend and Elect Twelve Freeholders, they proceeded to receive the Ballotts- they being received and examined were found as followeth, For Charles Mortimer Fifty - George Weedon Fifty - James Somerville Forty Six - George French Forty Six - William Smith Forty Four - Eleazer

[Page 126]

Callender Thirty Eight- Thomas Miller Thirty Five- John Legg thirty two- William Harvey thirty one - William Lewis twenty eight - James Duncanson twenty four - Edward Herndon twenty three - Robert Beverley Chew twenty one - William McWilliams twenty - Benjamin Day twenty - Thomas Cockran seventeen - John Welch twelve - Charles Yates ten - John Brownlow eight - By which it appears that the greatest number are in favor of Charles Mortimer; George Weedon - James Somerville - George French - William Smith Eleazer Callender - Thomas Miller - John Legg - William Harvey - William Lewis - James Duncanson & Edwd. Herndon, but it appearing that John Legg is now acting vendue master and that Thomas Miller has no legal freehold, they resigned the votes granted them and Robert Beverley Chew and William McWilliams having the next highest Numbers they with the first named ten are elected to serve this Borough the ensuing year - The Board adjd. 'til the morrow morning nine o'clock.

Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held on Tuesday the Twenty first Day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, Pursuant To an adjournment of yesterday

Chs. Mortimer Wm. Smith )
Geo. Weedon Wm. Harvey )
Ins. Somerville E. Callender )Gent.
Ins. Duncanson Edwd. Herndon )
Geo. French )

[Page 127]

William McWilliams one of the Twelve Elected being about to leave the State begged leave to resign the votes in his favor, and it appears by the Poll that Benjamin Day has the next greatest number he is accordingly elected one of the twelve to serve this Corporation.

The Elected Twelve-to wit, Charles Mortimer - George Weedon - James Somerville - George French - William Smith - Eleazer Callender - William Harvey - Wm. Lewis - James Duncanson, Edwd. Herndon - Robert Beverley Chew - Benj. Day Gent. Proceeded to the choice of a Mayor, the Ballotts were recd. and examined and a majority was found in favor of Charles Mortimer Gent. who is accordingly elected, whereupon George Weedon Gent. the late Mayor administered unto him the oath of allegiance and of office - the Ballotts were received and examined for the election of a Recorder on which a majority appeared in favor James Somerville Gent. who is accordingly elected whereupon Charles Mortimer Gent. the Mayor administered unto him the oaths of allegiance and of office - the Ballotts were received & exam. for the Election of four Aldermen on which a majority appeared in favor of George French - George Weedon, James Duncanson and Eleazer Callender Gent. who are accordingly elected Aldermen. Whereupon Charles Mortimer Mayor administered unto them the oaths of allegiance and of office. William Smith, Wm. Harvey, Robert Bevy. Chew & Benjamin Day Gent. being elected Common Councilmen, Charles Mortimer Gent. Mayor administered unto them the oaths of allegiance and of office - and the whole were seated accordingly.

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A person To act as Clerk to this Board was ballotted for, the Ballotts were received and examined & they were found To be unanimous in favor of Henry Armistead who is accordingly elected whereupon Chs. Mortimer Gent. administered unto him the oaths of allegiance and of office.

A person To Act as Vendue Master was ballotted for the Ballotts were received and examined and they were found unanimous in favor of John Legg who is accordingly elected, whereupon he is Recommended to the Court and 'tis ordered that he give Bond to them at the next Court.

A person To Act as Geographer was Ballotted for, the Ballotts were received and examined and they were found in favor of Thomas Miller who is accordingly elected whereupon Chs. Mortimer Gent. the Mayor administered unto him the oaths of allegiance and of office.

A Person To Act as Gauger of liquors was ballotted for, the Ballotts were received and examined and they were found in favor of Thomas Miller who is accordingly elected, whereupon Charles Mortimer Gent. the Mayor administered unto him the oaths of allegiance and of office.

A Person to Act as Clerk of the Markett was ballotted for, the Ballotts were received & examined and they were found in favor of Joseph Berry who is accordingly elected, whereupon the oaths of allegiance and of office were administered unto him.

Wm. Harvey, Benj. Day. Robert B. Chew and Wm. Lewis are appointed Commissioners of the Markett House the ensuing term.

[Page 129]

Complaint being made to this Board that a Number of the Inhabitants of this Town pay no attention to the act of assembly of this State respecting the Inspection and shipment of Flour - this Board do order & direct that John Hardia the Inspector of Flour pay particular attention thereto and should he consider a breach of the said act of assembly, that he give Information thereof to some Justice of the Peace.

Ordered that the Clerk publish the above order annexing thereto a Copy of the Act of Assembly.

The minutes of the Preceding orders were signed by -
Chs. Mortimer Gt. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held the seventh day of May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six -

Chs. Mortimer Wm. Smith )
Jas. Somerville Wm. Harvey )
Geo. Weedon Wm. Lewis )Gent.
Jas. Duncanson & )
Geo. French Ben. Day )
Eleaz. Callender )

Edward Herndon Gent. a member of the Council of this Corporation having removed from Town whereby a Vacancy is in the Council, this Board proceeded to elect by Ballott a person to fill the said vacancy, the Ballotts being received and examined a majority appeared in favor of Chs. Yates who is accordingly elected. Ordered that the Sergeant notify the same to him and request his attendance at the next Council.

[Page 130]

It is represented to this Board that the owners of Drays have neglected to renew their licence and pay their Tax. Ordered that the Clerk give notice thereof, & that such who fail to renew the same and pay the tax thereon on or before the Twentieth day of May, the Clerk is hereby directed to proceed against them according to ordinance establishing a Tax.

Ordered that if any Drayman in future shall gallop their horses thro the Streets, or drive their Drays fast, shall be subject to the Penalty of whiping, if convicted before a Justice of the Peace and that in future they shall lead their Horses.

James Mercer Gent. the Executor, or Administrator with the will annexed of Charles Dick Gent. Deceased, who was late Treasurer of the Trustees of the Town of Fredericksburg, Returned and Delivered to this Board the following Books and Papers To Wit -- A Record Book No. 1 Commencing the Tenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and Fifty Eight, containing transactions of the Trustees of said Town of Fredg. from the said Tenth day of April 1758 'til the sixteenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty two - Twelve certificates of the United States Loans - viz:

No. 648 Payable to McPherson Trustees or bearer and the second of Decem. 1781 with interest thereon at 6 per cent. Signed Saml. Hillegas, countersigned Wm. Armistead 500
649 of the same Tenor 500
650 of the same Tenor 500
651 of the same Tenor 500
652 of the same Tenor 500
653 of the same Tenor 500
654 of the same Tenor 500
655 of the same Tenor 500
Dollars 4000
[Page 131]
Brought Over 4000
No.1082 Payable to the Trustees aforesd.1782- agreeable to Resolution of the United States passed the 17th Jany. 1778. Dated the 5th day of May 1779 Francis Hopkinson Countersigned Wm. Armistead 400
No.1083 The same Tenor 400
1422 The same Tenor 1000
8473 The same Tenor 500
Continental Certificates 6300
Three certificates granted by the State of Virginia To Wit
No. 163 Payable to the Trustees of Archibd. McPherson on the eighteenth March 1779 1266 2/3
No. 227 Payable to the sd. Trustees the 12th day of June 1781 dated the 12th June 1780 525 2/3
917 Payable to the said Trustees the 11th of November 1780. Dated the 11th Nov. 1779 809 2/3
Dollars 8901 2/3

A note of hand signed by Benjamin Johnston payable to the Trustees of Fredericksburg Dated the 12th February 1772 bearing interest from the 20th May 1773 £31 10 0
Cont. money
In part of which 124-5/12 Continental Dollars is received in part 37 4
and also is received £19.10.6 which appears to have been paid in by James Jarvis, on collection for the repairs of the streets 19 10 6

This Board acknowledge the Receipt of the foregoing Books and Papers & Certificates of the said James Mercer Admnr. of Chs. Dick late Treasurer of the Trustees, but do not accept or receive them as Payment of their nominal Value, but as specie only so far as the established Sale

[Page 132]

of Depreciation reduces and fixes them, and that recourse must be had of the Debtors for their deficiencies.

Ordered that James Somerville, Benjn. Day, and William Harvey Gent. make a full Statement from the Books and Papers returned by Jas. Mercer & report thereof to this Board.

The Sergeant is authorized to employ a Slave to work the Streets during Summer and the overseers of the Streets are hereby ordered to see that he does his duty thereon.

The Minutes of the preceeding orders were signed by -
Chs. Mortimer Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg the first day of July one thousand seven hundred & eighty six

Charles Mortimer Eleaz. Callender )
George Weedon Wm. Smith )
George French Wm. Harvey ) Gent.
Jas. Duncanson Ben. Day )

Chs. Yates Gent. appearing agreeable to notice from the Sergeant, has informed this Board that he was not a resident of the Town of Fredg. The Council therefore determined that he was inelligible as a member of the Council and of Course the appointment of the said Chs. Yates was void.

[Page 133]

The minutes of the Preceding orders were signed by
Chs. Mortimer Gt. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on the Eighth Day of July One thousand seven hundred & Eighty six

Chs. Mortimer Wm. Harvey )
Jas. Somerville Wm. Lewis )
George Weedon Rob. B. Chew. )
George French & ) Gent.
Eleaz. Callender Ben. Day )

Present also Jas. Duncanson Gent

Chs. Yates Gent. who was Elected as Common Councilman in the Room of Edward Herndon who was removed being ineligible not being a resident of the Town. The Board proceeded to elect by Ballott a member to serve in his Room, the Ballotts were received & examined & a majority was in favor of Thomas Cockran, the oaths of allegiance and of office were administered unto him and he took his seat accordingly.

Ordered that so soon as the funds arising from the will of Arch. McPherson Gent. Deceased be sufficient they be appropriated according to the charitable intention of the sd. McPherson the Donor. Ordered that George Weedon Gent. be furnished with a copy of this order.

Ordered that the Trustees of the Markett House apply to those Indebted thereto, and as soon as they are in funds that they have the same repaired.

[Page 134]

Ordered that the Trustees of the Markett House apply to and request of George Weedon Gent. Payment of such Ballance as may appear due from him on the books of the late Trustees of this Town.

It is the opinion of this Board and they do order the Overseers of the streets to proceed agreeable to Act of Assembly by calling on the Tithable persons in each precinct to the repairs of the streets and should the overseers be at a loss in the plan of Execution of the work, the overseer of the lower Precinct is to call on William Harvey and William Lewis Gent. and the overseers of the upper Precinct on Benj. Day and Chs. Cockran Gent. for their advice and intention therein and the Overseers of the Streets are further Called on and Instructed to be attentive that no person put into the streets any Rubbish Contrary to Ordinance now in force.

Eleazer Callender Gent. is requested to return an acct. of his office as Post Master to the next Council.

Ordered that the vendue master in future dispose of no merchandize in or Lott or Lotts of less Value than Fifty Shillings Sterling cost.

Ordered that Joseph Berry the Clerk of the Markett demand immediate Payment of the Inhabitants for the Sums due by them respectively for the rent of Stalls, those who fail to pay he is hereby ordered to Proceed against for the recovery thereof.

The minutes of the preceding orders were signed by -
Chs. Mortimer Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

[Page 135]

At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on the fifth day of August One thousand Seven hundred and eighty six

Chs. Mortimer Wm. Smith )
Jas. Somerville Wm. Harvey )
George Weedon Will. Lewis )
Jas. Duncanson & ) Gent.
Eleazer Callender Ths. Cockran )

It is the opinion of this Board that a Scale for the weighing of Hay is necessary; Eleazer Callender, William Harvey & William Smith Gent. were appointed to contract with some person to erect the same.

The minutes of the preceding order were signed by
Chs. Mortimer Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg the ninth day of November One thousand Seven hundred & eighty six

Chs. Mortimer Wm. Harvey )
James Somerville Wm. Smith )
George Weedon Ben. Day & )
Elez. Callender Ths. Cockran ) Gent.
William Lewis )

Ordered that the Tax of Forty Eight Shillings due by John Anderson be remitted him by the Sergeant, he being unable to pay the same.

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John Richards the Sergeant Returned an Account against the Corporation amount Five hundred and fifty four Pounds Three Shillings and Three Pence which amount iIncludes the separate and several amounts heretofore allowed him which is allowed and ordered to be recorded

Dr. The Corporation of Fredericksburg with John Richards Sergeant in amount
1784 To Cash paid Richd. Kenney £5 8 0
To Cash Paid G. Heiskell 15 1 6
To Cash paid John Legg 9 0 0
To cash paid H. Armistead 15 0 0
To cash pd. Andw. Buchannon 25 0 0
To cash paid Wm. Lovall 6/- Handcuffs 3/9 0 9 9
To cash pd. Ths. Middleton 4/6, load wood 10/ 0 14 6
To cash pd. Peter Maloney £3, Jno. Pattie £3 6 0 0 76 13 9
1785 To Andrew Buchannon State Atto. 25 0 0
To Henry Armistead 22 10 0
To my own allowance against the Court 24 7 6
To cash paid Wm. Jenkins Goaler 5 17 9
To cash paid Godlove Heiskell 1 11 3
To cash paid Joseph Berry 9 14 9
To my own order agst. the Council 9 0 0
To Cash paid H. Armistead as Clk to Coul. 20 0 0
To cash paid John Hardia 2 5 0
To cash paid John Harriss 2 10 0
To cash paid John Welch 19 10 0
To cash pd. Joseph Berry 20/ Paid Do. £5.8 6 8 0
To cash pd. Richard Pelton 18/- pd. expens for Atto. 1 0 6
To cash pd. for 3 load wood 30/- Cash pd. for the magazine 12/- Cash pd. J. Kuhn 20/ 3 12 0 153 6 9
1786 To my own amount 48 17 9
Mar To my order for Attendg. Council 9 0 0
To my order as Sergeant of Court 22 0 0
To cash paid Benj. Sebastian 21 10 0
To cash paid John Legg 10 16 0
To cash paid Elisha Dickenson 4 10 0
To cash paid William Jackson 2 5 0
To cash paid William Lewis 7 10 0
£126 8 9
[Page 137]
1786 Dr. The Corporation of Fredg. Wth Jno. Richards, Sergt.
Mar. To Amount Bro. Over 126 8 9 £230 0 6
To cash pd. E. Herndon 9 1 0
To cash pd. G. Heiskell 3 14 3
To cash pd. P. Lipscomb 14 6 0
To cash paid John Robinson 2 9 0
To cash paid Joseph Berry 7 16 0
To cash paid E. Callender 33 4 3
To cash paid Wm. Jenkins 3 3 6
To cash paid H. Armistead Clk. Council 20 0 0
To cash paid H. Armistead his acct. 19 1 0
To cash paid A. Buchanan 20 0 0
To cash paid Benj. Day 20/- Chs.Yates 14/ 1 14 0
To cash paid for shingles 27/- pr. Cand br. 2/ 1 9 0
To cash paid Hgh. Ellis 4 18 0
To cash paid John Fearneau 5 14 0
To cash paid John Whitfield 1 4 0 324 2 9
£554 3 3

Ordered that John Ferneyhough deliver to any person applying as many Posts as will extend the Front of their Lott.

Ordered that John Legg settle his amounts with the Corporation with James Somerville Gent. who is requested to report the same to this Board.

Ordered that John Richards Sergeant apply to Joseph Brock Surveyor of Spotsylvania for a Platt of this Town & to request him to be as accurate as possible & that on Parchmt. & that the Sergt. pay him for the same & the Survey be made.

Ordered that the Mayor, Recorder, Alderman & Common Council proceprior & mark the limits of this Corporation.

Ordered that the Sergeant have the Bell hung & the Engine House & Engine finished immediately.

The Minutes signed by
James Somerville

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Last Modified 18 May 2003