Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

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At a Common Council held the 21st day of January One thousand seven hundred and Eighty Five

James Somerville George French )
George Weedon Edwd. Simpson )
Wm. McWilliams Wm. Harvey ) Gent.
Thos. Miller Richd. Kenney )
Ths. Brumfield )

John Julian Gent. one of the Aldermen of this Corporation being Dead, and there being an equal number of Votes at the last General annual election Between George French and Thos. Brumfield Gent. the Board proceeded to Elect one of those Gent: by Ballott to fill the vacancy by the Death of the said John Julian, On examining the Ballotts a majority was found in favor of George French Gent. who is accordingly elected an Alderman for this Corporation, whereupon the Oath of Allegiance and of office was administered unto him

George French Gent. one of the Common Council being elected an Alderman, a vacancy thereby was in the Council whereupon this Board proceeded to elect by Ballott a Common councilman to fill such vacancy. On examining the Ballotts a majority was in favor of Eleazer Callender Gent. who is accordingly elected, the Oaths of allegiance to this Common Wealth and of office was administered unto him and he took his seat.

It being represented to this Council that an Infectious disease is prevalent in Town and Doctors Brooke and Gillies haveing in great humanity offered their services to this Board in behalf of the poor people and Negroes

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in the Town Provided that they are fixed in a hospital. In Consequence of which and this Board wishing to prevent the spreading of such Contagious disease They do hereby order (the consent of the Trustees being first had) that the public buildings called the Gunnery be and is hereby established a Hospital for the receipt of all Poor People and Negroes, which may be or hereafter shall be infected with such disease, or such persons as may choose to put themselves under the care of this Corporation and they are hereby informed that this Board will see that Medicine, Nurses, and Firewood shall be provided for their care. That it is expected, requested and is hereby ordered that the master or possessor of any Negroe in Town on being Informed by any Physician that any one of his negroes is so infected therewith that they immediately send them to the hospital as aforesaid - Thomas Miller, James Somerville, Wm McWilliams and Edwd. Simpson are requested To view the buildings of the Gunnery, and order such repairs as they may think necessary and cause the Persons now resident therein to remove from Out of the buildings - Doctors Brooke and Gillies are requested to employ such nurses and furnish such medicine as they may think necessary, the expence of which this Board will cause to be paid and they do hereby in behalf of the Town return them their grateful acknowledgements for their humane and friendly offers in behalf of the Poor and negroes - Ordered that the Clerk advertise this Order - -

The Preceeding Minutes were signed by
James Somerville G. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

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At a Meeting of the Council for the Corporation of Fredericksburg the sixteenth day of March One thousand seven hundred and Eighty five -

James Somerville Edwd. Simpson )
George Weedon Davd. Galloway )
Thos. Miller Richd. Kenney ) Gent.
George French Eleaz. Callender )

This Board preceeded to the receipt and adjustment of the Claims against the Corporation
To Godlove Heiskill per Account £1 11 3
To Joseph Berry per Account 9 14 9
To John Richards Sergeant for his annual Allowance as Attendant on this Board 9 0 0
To Henry Armistead for his services as Clerk 20 0 0
£40 6 0

John Hardia the Clerk of the Markett returned his Account as Clerk on which there appears a Ballance due from him in favor of the Corporation of thirteen Shillings. Ordered that he Pay the same to the Sergeant.

Ordered that the Sheriff remit the Tax of Two Pounds Eight Shillings to John Richeson he having lately by accident of fire lost his House and furniture.

Ordered that Edwd. Simpson, William Harvey and Richard Kenney, David Galloway Jun. and Eleazor Callender, examine the Clerks Records of this Board and make report to Council -

John Richards returned an Account of his Transactions with this Corporation, examined approved and ordered to be Recorded.

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John Hardia produced an Account against the Corporation Amount Two Pounds five shillings the same being examined approved and allowed -

The following are the accounts alluded to in the several orders of this meeting.

D. The Corporation of Fredericksburg To Godlove Heiskell
May 29th To 2 pair hand Cuffs @ 5 £0 10 0
To hand cuffing & Hobling 2 men 4 0
To Staple for Lock 1 0
June 28 To hand Cuffing & Hobling 1 man 2 0
29th To taking off Handcuffs & Hobles 2 0
To one pair handcuffs 5 0
To hand Cuffing & Hobling 1 man 2 0
July 2 To do do do 2 0
12th To do do do 2 0
To taking off Handcuffs & Hobles 2 0
20th To taking off Handcuffs 2 0
To hand Cuffing & Hobling 1 man 2 0
1 15 0
Deduct for Overcharge 3 9
1 11 3

D. The Corporation of Frederg. To Jos. Berry Cons.
May 29 To Summg. a guard To Attend the Goal while Thos. French was confined 9 nights @ 2/6 £1 2 6
June 10 To same fees William Bailey 1 2 6
July 10 To same fees Geo. W. Cooper 10 nights 1 5 0
3 10 0
To taking up seven Persons by order @ 1/3 0 8 9
To keeping order on the Sabbath 8 Dy. @ 6/1 2 8 0
To keeping order among the negroes 7 Sabbaths @ 4/. 3 8 0
£9 14 9

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The Corporation of Fredg. D. to Jno. Hardia
1782 To 500. 20d. Nails for Prison £1 5 0
1783 To Two Days Labour carrying the chain 10 0
To Two Days carrying the chain for Colo. Brook 10 0
£2 5 0

1782 The Corporation of Fredg. D. wth. Jno. Hardia Clerk of the Markt.
Sep. 1 To cash paid 2 hands for 2 Days Cleaning the markett House 0 12 0
To 32 Hooks for a new Stall 6 0
1783 To a new Stall 1 0 0
Jany. 1 To a new Gate, Hinges, Lath &c 15 0
1784 To Cash pd. for a Stock, lock, 4/6. 100 20d. Nails, 3 Hook & Eye Hinges 7 6
To 3 new Stalls Compleatly finished 9 0 0
To Cash paid a new Door 1 4 0
To Cash pd. 3 Chopping Blocks &c 18 0
To Cash paid M. Donnoly for a Stall 2 0 0
£16 2 6
Balle. Due 13 0

1783 Cr.
By McCarty & Co. for Stall Rent 0 12 6
By M. Hopson 0 10 0
By M. Massey 0 5 0
1784 By M. Blythe 0 5 0
By M. Hopson 0 7 6
By Mr. Massey 0 18 0
By Maj. Dick 0 15 0
By Davd. Simon 1 15 0
1785 By M. Lush 3 0 0
Feby. By M. Heiskill 0 1 6
By M. Simon 20/ W. Stamper 10/ 1 10 0
By Wm. Massey (now due) 3 0 0
By John Welch (now due) 1 0 0
By Bridges (now due) 0 15 0
By Overcharge in Stalls 1 10 0
16 15 6

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D. The Corporation of Fredericksbg. with John Richards Sergt.
Apl. 7 To Cash paid Wm. Lovall for a Book 0 6 0
19th To Cash paid Thorntons smith for hand Cuffs 0 3 9
To Cash paid John Potter for Carrying Rob. George Cooper to Richmond 3 0 0
Sep. 12 To Cash pd. Henry Armistead per order 20 0 0
To Cash pd. Godlove Heiskill per order 15 1 0
Oc. 21 To Cash paid John Legg per order 9 0 0
1785 To Cash paid Henry Armistead per order 15 0 0
Jany. 12 To Cash paid Richard Kenney per order 5 8 0
26th To Cash paid Ths. Middleton & Co. for a Book 0 4 6
To Cash paid for a load of wood 0 10 0
To Cash paid Peter Maloney per Ord. 3 0 0
Omitted 15 Dec. 1784 £71 13 3
Balle. Due the Corporation 63 2 9
£134 16 0
1784 Cr.
Mar. 15th By Cash Collected for Taxes 134 16 0

Ordered that the Sergeant notify to the Inhabitants that they meet on Monday the Twenty first Instant at the Town House at Eleven O'Clock, then and there to Elect by Ballott Twelve Freeholders of this Corporation to serve as Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common Council the ensuing year -

The minutes of the preceeding orders were signed by
James Somerville Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

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At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the Twenty first day of March One thousand seven hundred and Eight-five

James Somerville Will. Harvey )
Geo. Weedon Edwd. Simpson )
Chs. Mortimer Ths. Brumfield ) Gent.
George French Richd. Kenney & )
Ths. Miller E. Callender )

The Council having met agreeable To Act of Assembly and the Inhabitants being notified to attend and Elect Twelve freeholders, they proceeded to receive the Ballotts -they being received and examined they were found as followeth - For James Somerville ninety one Charles Mortimer Eighty seven, William McWilliams Eighty seven - George Weedon Eighty five - George French Eighty six - Thomas Miller Eighty four - Eleazer Callender Seventy Eight- James Duncanson forty nine - Richd. Kenney forty four - Wm. Harvey Forty three - Edw. Simpson thirty four - William Smith Thirty two - David Galloway Jun. thirty - Edw. Herndon Jun. thirty - John Welch thirty - John Atkinson Twenty five - By which it appears that the greatest number is in favor of James Somerville - Chs Mortimer - William McWilliams - George Weedon - George French - Thos Miller - Eleaz. Callender - James Duncanson - Richd Kenney - Wm Harvey - Edwd. Simpson - and William Smith - and they are accordingly elected to serve this Corporation the ensuing year, they then proceeded to the choice

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of a Mayor, the Ballotts were received and examined and a majority was found in favor of George Weedon Gent. who is accordingly elected, on which James Somerville Gentleman the late Mayor administered unto him the oath of allegiance and the oath of office - & then the Ballotts were received and examined for the Election of a Recorder on which a majority appeared in favor Thomas Miller Gent. who is accordingly elected, on which George Weedon Gent. the Mayor administered unto him the oath of allegiance and of office - and then the Ballotts were received and examined for the Election of four Aldermen on which a majority appeared in favor James Somerville - William McWilliams, Chs. Mortimer and James Duncanson Gent. on which George Weedon Gent. administered unto them the oaths of allegiance & and office George French, Eleazor Callender - Wm. Harvey - Edwd. Simpson, Richd. Kenney and Will. Smith are elected Common Council Men, George Weedon, Gent. the Mayor administered unto them the oath of allegiance and of office - Henry Armistead appointed Clerk of this Board - the oath of allegiance and of office was administered unto him by George Weedon Gent. Mayor -

The Minutes of the preceeding orders were signed by
Geo Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

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At a Common Council held the Second day of April One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty five -

George Weedon Eleazer Callender )
Thos. Miller Richd. Kenney )
Jas. Somerville Edwd. Simpson ) Gent
Chs. Mortimer & )
George French Wm. Smith )

This Board having a high sense of the integrity of the late Council and wisdom of their Laws do on examining their Proceedings approve of the same and hereby confirm every Act and thing done by them -

Ordered that John Richards Sergeant employ some person to erect immediately a whiping Post, Stocks and Ducking Stool that this Board will cause the same to be paid for -

It is the opinion of this Board that a Gauger of Liquors is necessary in this Corporation, the Corporation proceeded to the Election when Thos. Miller Gent. was accordingly elected. The oath of office was administered unto him -

The following prices is allowed for gauging viz.
On every hogshead or pipe 0 1 0
On every Serice or Barrell 0 0

Ordered that no Person shall have landed and stored any Rum, wine Molasses, or other Liquors until they are first gauged and Branded by the Officer, which every person may sell & not otherways.

Joseph Berry presented a Petition to this Board in these words - To the Worshipful, the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Common Council of the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg -

The Petition of Joseph Berry. Humbly

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Sheweth that your Petitioner having acted as Constable this year, and is willing, to continue in said office (if appointed) the ensuing year, Humbly represents to you his present situation Viz. that the heavy rents of Houses in this Town, and the small encouragement he has in his trade, as a Britishe Maker, has obliged him to live in the old Court House, for better than one year past, where from the lenity of your worshipful Body he has been enabled to support himself and family in an honest life, he having no rent to pay; That understanding the Court house was to be repaired he has bought old scantling and other necessaries to build him an House, but cannot procure on any moderate ground Rent, a place to put the same on. That as the back part of the Markett House lott is unoccupied with any public buildings and as you are the Trustees of the same he humbly prays leave to erect his small Fabrick on any part your worships would point out to him, and on what ground rent, you would think reasonable, with leave to remove the same when ever your worshipful Body should think any ill Conduct, in his business or any Post in the Corporation, which petitioner may be appointed to fill - shall forfeit the Indulgence he now begs of you - That as M. Hardia has given up the charge of the Markett House, he purposes to offer himself a Candidate for the office of Clerk of the Markett, which he hopes should he be appointed to discharge with Fidelity - & will keep both the Markett and Room above always in decent order - And your Petitioner as in Duty bound will every pray &c - Joseph Berry

The above Petition being read, duly considered It is by this Board thought reasonable, considering

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that no injury would be done the public thereby, and that he would be useful in protecting and guarding the Markett House, they do therefore permit the said Joseph Berry to erect a house on the side of the Hill on the markett lott and that whenever the representatives of the people in this Corporation should think it necessary to move the same that he shall do so

Joseph Berry is appointed Clerk of the Markett. The oath of office was accordingly administered unto him

Charles Mortimer, Eleazor Callender, George French, and Richard Kenney Gent. are appointed Trustees of the Markett House for the present year -

Thomas Miller Gent is requested to have four Keys made To the Lock on the Engine Room -

John Hardia is appointed Inspector of Flour, the oath of office was accordingly administered unto him.

Thomas Miller and William Smith Gent. are requested to employ some person to hang the Town Bell in Front of the Markett House.

Ordered that Joseph Berry attend to the keeping of good order in the Streets

Ordered that any retailer of Merchandise who shall presume from and after the 15th day of April to keep or Cause to be kept his shop Door open on the Sabbath day after the Hour of Eleven and sell or dispose of any Merchandice, he, they, or her so offending shall forfeit the sum of five Pounds, the penalty so inflicted shall be recoverable by action of Debt in the Court of Hustings of this Corporation, one half to the Informer or person suing for the same, the other moiety to the use of this Corporation.

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Ordered that no Inhabitant of this Town, shall use or employ any waggon, Cart, or Dray, in this Town on a Sabbath day (except in Cases of real necessity) under the penalty & forfeiture of Twenty shillings. The Penalty hereby imposed shall be recoverable before a magistrate by any person complaining for the same, one moiety to the informer, the other moiety to the use of the Corporation.

The minutes of the preceeding orders were signed by
George Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held the fourth day of June One thousand seven hundred and Eighty five -

George Weedon Ths. Miller )
James Somerville E. Callender )
James Duncanson Edwd. Simpson & )Gent
Wm. Smith Wm. Harvey )

William McWilliams, and James Somerville Gent. are requested to wait on James Mercer Gent. and request of him as Executor of Chs. Dick Gent. Deceased late Treasurer of the Trustees of Fredericksburg the Books and Papers belonging, from which It is hoped they will make a state of the same to lay before this Board.

Ordered that Wm. McWilliams & James Somerville Gent. apply to such persons as may appear from the Books of the late Trustees of this Town To have paid in Paper money to their Treasurer, desiring of them Information whether they mean to insist on such as a Payment for the nominal sum.

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George Weedon, and William Harvey Gent. are requested to apply to the Merchants of this Town and obtain of them an amount of the quantity of Powder they may respectively have. And it is hereby Ordered that from and after the 15th day of June every person possessing more than 28 lb. of Powder shall deliver the same into the hands of Joseph Berry who is hereby directed to receive the same into the Public magazine. That any person or persons who shall presume to keep in his store or warehouse any greater quantity than the said 28 lb. and that in stone Jugs Casked, shall be liable to & subject to a penalty for such offence the sum of Twenty Eight shillings one half of which to the Informer, the other half to the use of the Corporation to be recovered by Action of Debt in any Court of Record. And for making satisfaction for the care and trouble of the said Joseph Berry herein it is Ordered that for every cask which he may receive he demand and receive of the person delivering One Shilling.

Ordered that Eleazor Callender & Edwd. Simpson Gent. take a list of the white male Inhabitants of this Town & make Return thereof to this Board -

Ordered that from and after this date any Person who shall presume to Land from on Board any Craft within this Town any wine, Rum, Mollasses, or other Liquors and sell the same without being previously gauged by the legal Gauger appointd. by this Council shall forfeit and suffer the Penalty of Twenty Shillings to be recovered by Warrant before a Justice. One half to the informer, the other half to the use of this Corporation -

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It being represented To this Board, that great villainy is practised by persons resident in this Corporation selling provisions at markett under the pretense of being Butchers Be it Ordained by the mayor Aldermen and Common council that from and after the Date hereof no person acting as a Butcher resident of this Town, shall Presume to sell or offer for Sale in this markett any meat or Provisions whatever, without first having obtained a Licence from this Board, permitting him to Act as a Butcher under the Penalty of forfeiting the provisions so offered or sold and moreover Ten shillings Curr. money. And the Clerk of the markett is hereby Ordered to be attentive in the enforcement of this Act, and to Demand and receive the forfeitures that may incur -

George French Gent is requested to employ a nurse to attend the person diseased with the small Pox, and it is hoped that he will cause such attention to be used as will prevent the spreading of such Disease.

Thomas Miller and Henry Armistead are empowered to employ some person to repair the Streets -

The minutes of the Preceeding Orders were signed by
Geo. Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk.

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At a Common Council held the Eighth day of June One thousand seven hundred and Eighty Five -

George Weedon Edwd. Simpson )
Thos. Miller Richd. Kenney )
Wm. McWilliams and ) Gent.
Jas. Duncanson )
George French William Harvey )

George Weedon and William Harvey Gent. have returned the following list of holders of Powder agreeable to Order of this Board -

Archibald McCall 1 Quarter of Barrell
Phillip S. Candon 2 Quarter Barrells
Abm. Maury 4 Barrells - 1 Half Barrell - 4 Quarter Barrells
Henry & L. Vowles 1 half Barrell at M. Ben. Weeks
Richd. Johnston one half Barrell
Wm. French & Co. 4 Quarter Barrells
John Legg. 1 half Barrell
Lilly and Fisher five Quarter Barrells.
Humpy McCousland 2 Barrells 5 half Barrells - 3 Qutr. Barrells
Messrs. Smith, Young & Hyde 3 Barrells
Darley Atkinson & Co. Quarter Barrell
Messrs. Yates & Lovell 12 half Barrels
Messrs. Wiatt & Anderson 16 1/4 Barrels
Robert Wilson half Barrell
Neil McCoul three Barrels
William Porter Two Barrels
John Sunderland 30 half Barrels
Watson & Urquheart Ten half Barrels

Ordered that the several owners of the above Powder deliver the same to Joseph Berry according to a former resolution of this board -

On the Petition of Messrs. Lacoste, Brumfield & Compy. setting forth that they wish to dispose of a large quantity of Merchandise at Public Vendue - It is Ordered that the Vendue be and he is hereby permitted to sell on such days and such amount as they the said Lacoste, Brumfield & Co. may direct

[Page 102] On the Petition of James Jarvis Vendue master representing that the Days established by the Vendue Act for holding his Vendue, frequently prove rainy, preventing him thereby from making sale of the property of strangers who are anxious to get away and may sustain great injury by Detention and Praying leave in such cases to be allowed to hold his Vendue on the preceeding Day, this Board thinking the same reasonable do hereby authorize the sd. Vendue master so to do under such circumstances.

The minutes of the preceeding orders were signed by
George Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held the Eleventh Day of June One thousand seven hundred and Eighty five

Geo. Weedon Eleaz. Callender )
Ths. Miller Edwd. Simpson )
Jas. Somerville Wm. Smith )
Jas. Duncanson George French )Gent.
Chs. Mortimer Richd. Kenney )
Wm. McWilliams Wm. Harvey )

Eleazer Callender and Edwd. Simpson, agreeable to Order of this Board, returned a List of all free male White Tithables in this Town amount in Number Two hundred and Sixty five

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Chs. Mortimer Gent. recommended John Bridgland as a proper person to act as a Butcher in this Corporation. It is therefore ordered that a licence issue to the said John Bridgland permitting him to act as a Butcher and to sell or dispose of provisions in Markett.

George Weedon Gent. recommended Sebastian Lush as a proper person To act as a Butcher in this Corporation and Wm. Smith Gent. recommended David Simmons as a proper person to act as a Butcher also. It is therefore Ordered that a licence issue to the said Sebastian Lush and David Simons respectively permitting them to act as Butchers and to sell or dispose of Provisions in Markett -

It is ordered that the licence granted to the Butchers shall be signed by a Justice of the Peace and shall be in the following words -

Corporation of Frederg. Sd.    day of 17    
To A B --
The Mayor, Recorder & Common Council assembled approving of the recommendation given them in your favor do hereby constitute and appoint you to act as Butcher in the Corporation aforesd. and you hereby authorized and permitted to sell any Provisions at Markett during good behaviour.
G. W.

Whereas various complaints have been made to this Board of Sundry Houses being broken open and effects to a considerable amount taken away by persons unknown, and whereas many unlicensed Houses still continue to retail Iiquors contrary to the bye laws of this Corporation, and to encourage unlawful proceedings to the great prejudice of the honest

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part of this Town to prevent which in future Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common Council that from and after the Twentieth Day of this present month, the Citizens in this Town including the magistrates and officers of the Corporation shall be classed into Patrols of Six men each whose Duty it shall be to keep good order in Town by Patroling in classes by rotation, and taking up all disorderly persons, that be Caught strolling about the street after Ten O'Clock at night in Summer and Eleven in winter, and it shall be Lawful for the Class whose watch it is to commit such person to prison, or some other place of security 'til the morning, and then to bring them before two magistrates to be dealt with as the law directs. And be it farther Ordained that all unlicensed Houses that may be detected in retailing Liquors to negroes, or Vagrants, or entertaining such and any person refusing or neglecting to serve his Tour when summoned, by the officer of the Guard or finding a reputable substitute to be approved by the said officer, shall for each and every such offences the sum of six shillings which Penalty shall be recovered before a Justice on warrant granted at the instance of the Officer guard. The Penaltys imposed by this Act shall go to the use of the Corporation.

Thomas Miller is hereby authorized and impowered to purchase as many Picks and Spades as may be necessary for repairing of the Streets -

Thomas Miller and Edwd. Simpson class the Tithables free whites in this Corporation and Number each that they may proceed on Patrol agreeable thereto in rotation -

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Ordered that John Richards Sergeant examine into the Chimneys on or Contiguous to the main Street and report to the next Council such as are of wood and the Proprietors thereof -

Ordered that John Legg render and settle his Account of the collection of the subscription to the repairs of the markett House with James Duncanson & Wm. Harvey Gent. and that such Ballance as may be in his hand he Pay to James Somerville Gent. and such subscriptions as remain uncollected he deliver into the hands of the Sergeant that he may collect the same -

The minutes of the preceeding Orders were signed by
George Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held the Twenty seventh Day of June One thousand seven hundred and Eighty five

George Weedon Eleazor Callender )
Thos. Miller Edwd. Simpson )
Chs. Mortimer Geo. French ) Gent.
Jas. Duncanson Will. Smith )

Ordered that the Sergeant pay unto John Harris employed by George French Gent. as a Nurse To attend a man in the small Pox the sum of Two Pounds Ten shillings.

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On the motion of James Jarvis for leave to act as a Butcher in the Town, the Council do approve him. Ordered that a License issue to him.

On the motion of Darby Atkinson for leave to Vendue a Number of Books. Ordered that the Vendue master vendue the same, in such manner and at such times as the said Darby Atkinson may direct -

Ordered that the Clerk of the markett shall not condemn any Provision on his own opinion but where he sees fraud and bad provision he call on a magistrate for his opinion on the same and if no magistrate two Councilmen Joining him in opinion shall be sufficient to condemn the Provisions.

Ordered that the Sergeant collect of each and every male Tithable in this Town three Shillings to be applied to the repair of the Streets -

The minutes of the Preceeding Orders were signed by
Geo. Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held the fifteenth day of August One thousand seven hundred and Eighty five -

Geo. Weedon Eleazor Callender )
Ths. Miller Wm. Harvey )
Chs. Mortimer Wm. Smith ) Gent.
Wm. McWilliams Richd. Kenney )

Edward Simpson a member of the Council having left this Town for Europe this Board proceeded

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to the election of a member to fill the vacancy, the Ballotts were received and examined and a majority was found in favor of Edward Herndon who is accordingly elected. Ordered that the Sergeant notify to him the same.

Present James Somerville Gent.

Ordered that if any Inhabitant of this Town shall after the Twentieth day of the present month dische. any fire Arms within the limits of this Town (except at a Hog or mad Dog) he, she, or they doing so, shall for every offence forfeit and Pay the sum of Twenty Shillings. If a minor the arms shall be taken from and a complaint made to his parent guardian, or master. The Penalty imposed by this Act shall be recoverable by warrant before a magistrate, one half to the Informer the other half to the use of the Corporation.

It appearing to this Board that great danger is to be expected from the number of Dogs running at large in this Town, many of them having been bit by mad Dogs, separate from this danger they are a great nuisance. It is therefore Ordered that any Dog running at large after Wednesday next may be by the Constable immediately killed and it is farther Ordered that the public Cryer notify this Order - The Sergeant and Constable are hereby Ordered to be attentive to the Execution of this Order, on a neglect of Duty, they shall be liable to a penalty for every neglect the sum of Twenty Shillings to be recovered by warrant before a magistrate one moiety to the Informer the other moiety to the use of the Corporation -

This order shall continue and be in force until the first Day of November next.

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Ordered that each class of the Patrol shall on the Day after their Tour of Patrol make report to one of the Justices of this Corporation, stating an account of occurrences and of the absentees. Each class guilty of a neglect shall forfeit & pay the sum of five Shillings, to be recovered by warranty before a magistrate, one half to the Informer the other half To the use of the Corporation -

The minutes of the preceeding Orders were signed by
George Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held for the Corporation of Fredericksburg the nineteenth Day of September One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty five -

George Weedon Eleazor Callender )
Ths. Miller Wm. Smith )
James Somerville & ) Gent.
Wm. McWilliams Wm. Harvey )

Edwd. Herndon Gent who was elected one of the Council of this Town appeared the oath of allegiance and oath of office was administered unto him and he took his seat accordingly.

Edward Herndon is empowered to employ as many Carts and Labourers as he may think necessary for the repair of the Streets -

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Ordered that Edwd. Herndon and John Richards take a list of the Tithables, young negroes and Taxable Property as assessed the last year and make return to this Board.

Ordered that every Inhabitant in this Town do keep open the Ditches adjoining and along the respective Lotts and Tenaments they possess and those bounded on a cross Street shall go one half way into the cross Street. Every person guilty of neglect herein shall be subject to a penalty of ten Shillings to be recovered by warrant before a magistrate one half to the Informer the other half to the use of the Corporation.

The minutes of the Preceeding Orders were Signed by
Geo. Weedon Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

At a Common Council held the twenty seventh day of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty five

George Weedon E. Callender )
Thos Miller Wm. Smith )
Chs. Mortimer Wm. Harvey ) Gent.
Jas. Somerville Edwd. Herndon )

It is the opinion of this Board, and the Vendue master is at Liberty to sell on every day of

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the Five weeks in the months of October and May in every year.

Edw. Herndon, and John Richards returned agreeable To Order of this Board a list of Taxable Property which is ordered To be Recorded.

A list of Taxable property in the corporation of Fredericksburg September the 20th 1785.
Names of persons & owners of property White Tithables Negroes above Sixteen Negroes under Sixteen Riding Carriages Horses Improved Lotts Unimproved Lotts Cattle Drays Retail of Goods Pay Gross Tax on Lotts Amount of Assessment
£ s d
H. Armistead 2 5 12 2 1 1 17 6
J. Atkinson 1 2 1 1 2 1 8 6
Jas. Allen 1 6 2 3 2 2 6
John & W. Arrell ½ 0 3 0
Ths. Anderson 1 0 3 0
D. Atkinson 2 1 D. Goods 2 17 0
J. Berry 1 0 0 1 4 6
Ths. Brown 2 3 3 0 2 2 2 11 0
J. Brownlow 2 2 1 6 2 1 0 3 4 0
M. Baggott 1 17 6
Ths. Brumfield 1 2 1 1 0 12 9
D. Blair 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 11 6
Jas. Brown 2 2 1 1 0 15 6
Bowdoin & Hunter 1 3 0 0
P. Bowdoin 1 1 10 0
Jno. Benson 1 2 3 3 3 1 0 4 12 0
Rd. Briden 1 0 3 0
Chs. Bennett 1 0 3 0
Chr. Brown 1 0 3 0
Wm. Bowen 1 0 3 0
Wm. Blythe 1 1 4 1 2 1 5 10
Jno. Baylor 0 1 4 2 10 0
Wm. Brown 1 0 3 0
L. Brooke 1 5 3 2 2 2 2 3 19 0
Jno. Bridgland 1 1 0 4 6
Wm. Boulware 5 2 1 1 2 6
Rob. Brooks 1 1 2 0 9 0
Saml R. Bradford 1 1 4 1 0 11 6
Ths. Cockran 1 1 D. Goods 2 14 0
R. B. Chew 3 2 1 2 2 0
£45 3 7
[Page 111]
Amount Tax Brot forward £45 3 7
Jos. Christie 1 1 1 3 0
Callender & Co. 4 4 3 2 2 1 0 2 5 12 0
Michl. Clarke 1 0 3 0
Geo. Chapman 3 0 0 0 3 0 13 6
Land. Carter 1 0 3 0
Rd. Crookshank 2 0 6 0
Richd. Corbin 1 3 9 0
Edwd. Carter 4 8 7 10 0
Lac. Campbell 2 1 D. Goods 2 17 0
Elez. Callender 1 14 1 2 6 6
Timy. Conner 1 0 3 0
Chs. Carter 1 3 2 2 0 16 6
Lucy Dixon 3 4 4 4 0
Ben. Day 3 2 6 2 3 1 1 3 4 6
Jas. Duncanson 1 2 1 0 2 2 5 13 6
Elish. Dickenson 1 5 2 0 2 2 1 3 2 14 6
Chs. Donnolly 1 2 1 0 16 0
John Davis 1 0 3 0
John Duffey 1 1 0 4 6
Chs. Dick Adm. 3 15 0
Davd. Dewar 2 1 D. Goods 2 17 0
Roger Dixon 3 1 0 0
Phill. Evans 1 1 0 10 6
Wm. Elliott 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Jno. Fearneau 4 0 1 1 2 2 4 0
John Frazer 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 13 6
Col. Frazer 1 1 0 3 6
Saml. Fox 1 0 15 0
Geo. French 1 2 3 2 3 1 0 2 2 14 6
Rd. Forsyth 2 6 2 13 0
Wm. Fitzhugh 2 0 6 0
Wm. French & Co. 2 D. Goods 2 14 0
Wm. Fowler 1 1 0 4 6
Andw. Frazer Est. 1 0 5 0
Wm. Grymes 1 ¼ 0 12 0
D. Galloway 1 9 12 2 1 1 1 3 10 0
Jas. Gillies 1 1 1 1 0 8 6
John Glassell 5 0 0
£117 17 10
[Page 111a]
Amount Tax Brought Over £117 17 10
John Green
Walt. Gregory 2 1 2 0 9 0
Musco Garnett 1 0 4 3
Jno. Glassell Jr. 1 0 3 0
Richd. Garner ¼ 0 3 0
Ann Hackley 1 2 1 2 1 12 8
God. Heiskell 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 14 0
Susa. Heath 1 3 4 0 1 1 2 2 4 18 6
Benjn. Hedrick 2 1 6 6
Jno. Hardia 1 3 1 0 2 2 3 2 0 0
Davd. Henderson 1 0 3 0
Edwd. Herndon 1 4 4 0 4 1 0 3 2 6 6
Adm. Hunter 1/5 0 1 6
Jas. Hunter Est. 2 1 2 7 6
Wm. Harvey 1 2 2 0 2 1 5 2 3 7 6
John Hazelgrove Est. 1 1 10 0
Wm. Horner 1 1 ½ 0 9 0
Geo. Hills Estate 1 0 3 0
Ann Harvey 1 0 1 0
Elisha Hall 1 4 3 4 1 0 0 1 1 12 0
Jas. Julian 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 17 0
Jno. Julian Est. 4 4 0 1 1 1 2 4 13 6
Richd. Johnston 1 1 1 2 D. Goods 2 16 0
Wm. Jackson (Sell) 2 4 0 2 3 4 1 10 6
Wm. Jenkins 3 0 3 1 2 1 0 6
Ben. Johnston 1 0 3 0
Jas. Jarvis 1 2 0 9 0
Wm. Jackson 4 2 5 0 0
Jacob Kuhn 1 1 6 D. Goods 3 3 0
Rid. Kenney 2 1 1 0 0 2 1 8 0
Alex Kennedy 1 0 3 0
John Kean 4 1 1 1 D. Goods 3 6 6
Zach. Lucas 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 3 5 0
Fieldg. Lucas 1 0 1 0 4 6
John Lewis 1 1 3 3 12 0
Lilly & Fisher 2 1 2 1 D. Goods 3 7 0
Sebn. Lush 1 0 4 6
John Legg 1 4 3 2 2 1 1 2 7 6
Steph. Lacoste 2 2 4 2 2 4 7 0
186 6 3
[Page 112]
Amount Tax Brought Over £186 6 3
Phill Lipscomb 2 15 9 7 1 5 4 5 12 6
Richd. Ludlow 1 0 3 0
Wm. Lewis 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 0
Betty Lewis 1/3 1 10 0
Reba. Lucas 1 0 15 0
Wm. Lovall 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Geo. Leonard 1 0 3 0
Chs. Leemans 2 1 1 D. Goods 2 18 6
Jas. Maury 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 8 0
Adm. Maury 2 2 2 1 D. Goods 3 7 0
N. McCoul 2 2 6 2 1 1 2 1 9 6
Archd. McCall 2 D. Goods 2 15 6
Ths. Miller 1 1 1 1 1 12 0
Maj. Minor 2 3 0 7 6
Wm. McWilliams 1 4 1 2 3 3 4 13 6
Wm McCawley 1 2 2 0 6 0
Chs. Mortimer 1 4 1 4 3 2 3 4 5 9 6
Eliz. Minor 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Wm. Murray 3 0 9 0
Jas. Mercer 1 7 4 3 4 2 3 5 9 0
Isaba. Mercer 5 2 2 1 2 2 9 6
Jno. McKensey 1 0 3 0
H. McAusland 2 2 2 D. Goods 3 3 0
Wm. Minor 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Lac. McIntosh 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Ths. Middleton 4 2 3 D. Goods 3 10 6
P. Malonie 1 0 3 0
Jno. Minor 1 1 2 0 7 0
Ths. Moffatt 4 4 3 2 3 D. Goods 4 5 6
Wm. Nile Est.
Alex Narne 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Leo. Patterson 1 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Wm. Porter 2 3 2 4 4 D. Goods 4 1 0
Mann Page 8 1 4 0
Saml. Paine 3 1 1 D. Goods 3 1 6
Jno. Richards 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
John Robinson 1 3 5 1 0 18 6
Saml. Roddy 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 6 0
270 15 4
[Page 113]
Amount Tax Brought over 270 15 4
John Richeson 1 1 0 4 0
Collin Ross 2 D. Goods 2 14 0
John Rootes 1 0 1 6
Phillip Rootes 3 0 4 6
Mrs. Rootes Est. 1 0 1 6
Edwd. Ross 2 0 4 6
John Rose 1 0 2 3
John Royal 1 0 1 6
Rob. Ayles 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Reid & Ford 1 3 15 0
Wm. Smock 3 1 2 1 2 1 0 6
James Smock 3 1 1 0 13 6
Jas. Slaytor 2 1 0 9 0
Wm. Smith P M 1 1 2 10 0
John Sunderland 2 1 1 D. Goods 2 18 6
Ben. Sebastian 2 1 1 0 10 6
Davd. Simons 1 2 1 1 D. Goods 2 19 0
Wm. Smith 1 3 1 1 14 6
Edwd. Simpson 2 2 1 1 2 3 6
Jas. Somerville 1 2 1 2 1 1 1/3 1 4 0
Norent Slaven 2 1 1 0 8 6
Mary Sullivan 2 2 2 0 1 0 9 6
Saml. Selden 1 0 3 0
Ths. Sydnor & Co. 1 1 1 D. Goods 2 15 0
Edwd. Shepherd 1 0 3 0
And. Specht 2 1 0 9 0
Benj. Stratt 1 0 3 0
Wm. Thompson Est. 1 1 0 3 0
John Thompson 2 0 4 6
Geo. Thornton Est. 5 1 1 2 6
John Tayloe Est. 3 1 14 5 0
Jas. Taylor 1 1 0 0
Wm. Taylor 1 1 10 0
H. Vowles 2 2 10 0
Tul Whitehurst 1 1 1 2 0 6 6
Jno. Welsh 1 2 3 3 2 5 18 0
328 8 7
[Page 114]
Amount Tax Brot forward 328 8 7
Jacob Whitter 2 2 1 1 2 3 13 0
Wm. Wiatt 2 2/3 0 18 9
Rob. Wilson 2 1 1 D. Goods 2 18 6
John Williams 1 0 1 6
Thos. Walker 2 3 1 2 4 3 2 17 6
Wm Reatt 1 0 D. Goods 2 11 0
John Wallace 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 6
John Webb 1 0 3 0
Mary Washington 5 5 1 1 1 2 6 6
John Wigglesworth 1 1 10 0
Wm. Whitmore 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Jean Ward 2 1 2 6 17 0
Jas. Williams 2 1 1 0 12 6
Geo. Washington 2 2 0 0
Jacob Wray 1 0 3 0
John Waller 2 0 6 0
Jarvis Willis 19 0 8 0
Ths. Walker 1 0 1 6
Anthy Walker 1 0 1 6
Rob. Walker 1 1 1 2 1 13 0
Rob. Walker Jr. 1 D. Goods 2 11 0
Edwd. Wills 1 1 0 0 4 6
Ben Weeks 2 1 1 1 1 8 6
Geo. Wheeler 2 1 1 1 D. Goods 2 19 6
Geo. Weedon 1 5 2 1 2 1 5 3 0
Jos. Walker 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 6
Jos. Wood 1 2 2 1 2 0 17 6
John Willis 1 0 10 0
Rob. Young 3 1 D. Goods 2 18 6
Chs. Yates 25 4 4 0 0
Chs. Urquhart 2 1 2 2 D. Goods 3 6 0
John Stamper 1 0 3 0
Somerville & Mitchell 1 6 0
£382 1 4

[Page 115]

AN ORDINANCE for raising a Tax, for the repairs of the Streets and support of the Corporation.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common Council, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same - That every person shall on the first day of October, who keeps a Dray for Hire, Register the same with the Clerk of this Board and pay to him the sum of Twenty Shillings who on Receipt of the same is hereby instructed to grant to the Proprietor a Licence permitting such Dray to work; any person presuming to work his Dray without such Licence for Hire shall forfeit the sum of Twenty Four Shillings for each offence. One moiety whereof shall be to the Informer, the other moiety to the use of the Corporation To be recovered by warrant before a Justice of the Peace of the Corporation. Be it further Ordained that the Inhabitants of this & owners of Property therein Pay the Taxes hereafter expulsed. To wit, on all improved and unimproved Lotts, on the value at which they are assessed and estimated on half per cent - for every tithable person, free males, male and female servants and negroes three shillings, for all slaves under sixteen years of age one shilling. For each wheel to a riding Carriage three shillings. For each horse, mare or gelding (Dray horses excepted) one shilling and six Pence - for all black cattle Six Pence each which several sums the Sergeant is hereby impowered to commence immediately of the possessions or owners of such Property and the several persons and on failure of payment being made to him to levy distress for the same.

[Page 116]

BE IT further ordained that whereas there are a Number of Inhabitants of this Town, who enjoy advantages generally with the other Citizens and from their situation pay no proportionate Tax not being possessed as owners of Lotts or Houses and are retailers of Merchandise Accumulating great advantages thereby, whereby they are enabled to pay equally with others, that every person of such description resident in this Town three months at any one time in Twelve months shall Pay the sum of Two Pounds Eight Shillings, on Payment of which they are hereby exempted from any further tax of the like kind for Twelve Months from the Payment of such Tax and the Sergeant is hereby empowered to commence the said Forty Eight Shillings of such persons as come within the description and on failure of payment to levy distress for the same.

The above ordinance being maturely considered was approved and passed.

Thomas Miller and Edward Herndon, are appointed to let the repairs of the engine and the building of shed to keep the same in.

This Board do approve of the spot of ground on which Joseph Berry has fixed his house.

The proceeding orders were signed by
George Weedon, Gent. Mayor
Henry Armistead Clerk

Last Modified 16 May 2003