Fredericksburg Historic District Ordinance 1990


Section 14-586. Purpose and intent.

(a) The Old and Historic Fredericksburg District (HFD) is established for the purpose of promoting the general welfare, education, and recreational benefit of the public through the recognition of this area of the city as having historic, architectural, and cultural significance.

*Cross reference--Advisory board of regents of the Mary Washington Monument. § 3-46 et seq.; architectural review board, § 3-46 et seq.

State law references-Historic resources, Code of Virginia. § 10.1-2200 et seq.; Virginia Historic Preservation Foundation, Code of Virginia. § 10.1-2400 et seq.

Regulations of the HFD are intended to protect, restore, and preserve the architectural integrity of existing structures, to create an atmosphere for compatible growth for the future, to prevent the intrusion of environmental influences adverse to such purposes, and to ensure that new structures and uses will be in keeping with the character of the HFD.

(b) The HFD is also intended to recognize, protect, and preserve the abundant evidences of the city's industrial history, including, but not limited to, mill sites, canals, locks, dams, and similar structures located along the Rappahannock River, both within and outside the designated HFD.

(c) The criteria for inclusion in the HFD are districts, structures, and sites that:

Section 14-587. District boundaries.

(a) The boundaries of the Old and Historic Fredericksburg District shall be those established for the Fredericksburg District on the National Register of Historic Places except as otherwise provided by this section. The southern boundary of the HFD shall be as shown on the 40-block HFD map, with the centerlines of Dixon and Dunmore streets serving as a portion of the boundary and the southernmost property lines of HFD properties constituting the remainder of the southern boundary of the HFD. The northern boundary shall be the centerlines of Hawke and Canal Streets, as depicted on the HFD boundary map. The western boundary shall be the property lines of those properties within the HFD that are on or adjacent to the western side of Prince Edward Street. The eastern boundary shall be the Rappahannock River.

(b) The boundaries of the HFD, as set forth in this section, shall be delineated on tax maps of the city and as an overlay on the official zoning map of the city. (Ord No. 90-9, § I, 3-27-90)

Section 14-588. Building and zoning permits required.

(a) A building permit shall be required for all reconstruction. exterior addition or alteration, exterior restoration, razing, relocation, or demolition of any building or structure within the Old and Historic Fredericksburg District. A building permit shall also be required for all new construction within the HFD.

(b) A zoning permit shall be required in lieu of a building permit for all accessory structures, (e.g., fences, walls, dish antennas) not requiring a building permit pursuant to this section. Such permit shall be issued by the director of code compliance upon approval of a certificate of appropriateness by the architectural review board.(Ord. No. 90-9, I, 3-27-90) Cross reference--Building code, § 6-21 et seq.

Section 14-589. Architectural review board.

There shall be an architectural review board for the city. Such body shall have the duty to implement the provisions of this division, in accordance with the provisions of section 3-46 et seq. of this Code. (State law reference--Historical preservation, Code of Virginia, § 15.1-503.2.)

Section 14-590. Certificates of appropriateness required.

(a) No building permit shall be issued for the construction, reconstruction, exterior addition or alteration, exterior restoration, razing, relocation, or demolition of any building or structure within the Old and Historic Fredericksburg District unless and until a certificate of appropriateness has been approved by the architectural review board in accordance with the guidelines in this section pertaining to existing structures within the HFD.

(b) No building permit shall be issued for any sign unless and until a certificate of appropriateness has been approved by the architectural review board in accordance with the requirements of this division pertaining to proposed signs within the HFD. (Ord. No. 90-9, § I, 3-27-90)

Section 14-591. Applications for building permits and certificates of appropriateness.

(a) All applications for building permits and certificates of appropriateness shall be made to the Office of Planning and Community Development. When the community development coordinator has determined that the application is complete, then the application shall be forwarded to the architectural review board for review.

(b) The architectural review board or the community development coordinator may request any or all of the following information in order for the application to be deemed complete:

Section 14-592. Notice of public hearing.

The community development coordinator shall advertise that each application for a certificate of appropriateness will be the subject of a public hearing to be held at either a regular or special meeting of the architectural review board. Such hearing notice shall be published once a week for two (2) successive weeks in a newspaper published or having general circulation in the city. Such notice shall specify the time and place of the hearing at which persons affected may appear and present their views, not less than six (6) days nor more than twenty-one (21) days after the second advertisement shall appear in such newspaper. The term "two successive weeks," as used in this paragraph, shall mean that such notice shall be published at least twice in such newspaper with not less than six (6) days elapsing between the first and second publication. (Ord. No. 90-9, § I, 3-27-90)

Section 14-593. Standards for issuance of certificate--Generally.

The architectural review board shall promptly review each application for a permit. In reviewing applications, the architectural review board shall consider only those design features subject to view from the public right-of-way and shall not make any requirements except for the purpose of encouraging development that is architecturally compatible with the historic aspects of the HFD. (Ord. No. 90-9, § I, 3-27-90)

Section 14-594. Same--Existing structures.

(a) The architectural review board shall base its decisions on the U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, as may be amended from time to time, in determining the appropriateness of any application for approval pertaining to existing structures, as follows:

(b) In conjunction with the U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, as may be amended from time to time, the architectural review board, in reviewing applications for certificates of appropriateness involving additions or alterations to existing structures within the HFD, shall take into account the following specific review criteria to ensure that the application is consistent with the character and historic aspects of the HFD:

Section 14-595. Same--New Structures.

In determining the appropriateness of any application for a certificate of appropriateness pertaining to new structures the architectural review board shall consider the application's relatedness to existing historic district structures and characteristics, including the following elements:

Section 14-596. Same--Demolitions, removals, relocations.

(a) In determining the appropriateness of any application for the demolition (including demolition which occurs through neglect), removal or relocation of a structure in the HFD, the architectural review board shall consider the following review criteria:

(b) In addition to the right of appeal set forth in section 14-602, the owner of a historic landmark, building, or structure, the razing of which is subject to the provisions of this division, shall, as a matter of right, be entitled to raze or demolish such landmark, building, or structure, provided that:

Section 14-597. Same--Signs

The architectural review board shall consider the following in determining the appropriateness of any application for a sign proposed within the HFD):

(1) Placement.

(2) Lettering.

(3) Color.

(4) General.

Section 14-598. Publication of sign standards; temporary sign certificates.

The architectural review board shall adopt standards, including design examples, for signs deemed acceptable in the HFD and shall cause such standards to be published or made available to the public. The zoning administrator shall have the right to issue ninety day temporary certificates for any sign which he deems to meet these standards. Applicants for such temporary certificates must file applications with the architectural review board for permanent approval within sixty (60) days of the issuance of a temporary certificate. (Ord. No. 90-9, § I, 3-27-90)

Section 14-599. Approval of certain signs by zoning administrator.

Four (4) types of signs in the HFD shall not require review or approval by the architectural review board but may be approved through the sign permitting process by the zoning administrator, as set forth in division 3 of this article. Each sign shall be made by a professional sign maker or sign painter who is regularly engaged in the production of signs. Size, area, placement, and related dimensional aspects of such signs shall continue to be governed by division 3 of this article. The four (4) types of signs are:

Section 14-600. Record of proceedings.

A record of architectural review board actions and procedures shall be maintained and available to the general public. Any photograph, drawing, map, description, etc., submitted with an application, together with any certificate issued, shall be a part of the public record and maintained as such. (Ord. No. 90-9, I, 3-27-90)

Section 14-601. Decisions within thirty days; duration of certificates and permits.

After appropriate review, the architectural review board shall act to

The community development coordinator shall notify the applicant of the architectural review board's decision within fourteen (14) days from the date of the hearing. A certificate of appropriateness issued under the provisions of this division shall expire one (1) year after the date of such approval unless:

Section 14-602. Appeals.

(a) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the architectural review board may appeal such decision to the Council, provided such appeal is filed in writing within fourteen (14) days from the date of notification of the architectural review board's decision. The Council shall consult with the architectural review board in relation to any appeal and may require documentation of any architectural review board's decision prior to hearing the appeal. The Council may affirm, reverse, or modify the architectural review board's decision and shall notify the community development coordinator of its actions.

(b) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Council may appeal such decision to the circuit court of the city by filing a petition at law setting forth the alleged illegality of the action of the Council, provided such petition is filed within thirty (30) days after the final decision is rendered by the Council. The filing of the petition shall stay the decision of the Council pending the outcome of the appeal to the circuit court, except that the filing of such petition shall not stay the decision of the Council if such decision denies the right to raze or demolish a historic landmark, building, or structure. The court may affirm, reverse, modify the decision of the Council, in whole or in part, if it finds upon review that the decision of the Council is contrary to law or that its decision is arbitrary and constitutes an abuse of discretion. (Ord. No. 90-9, § I, 3-27-90) (Cross reference--Administration, Ch. 2.)

Section 14-603. Permitted uses and limitations.

(a) All uses shall be permitted in the HFD that are allowed in the underlying zoning district in which the property is located.

(b) The architectural review board may review and make recommendations to the planning commission about any application for a special use permit located in the Old and Historic Fredericksburg District.

(c) Nothing in this division shall be construed to prevent the application of the building code or other laws and ordinances applicable thereto.

(d) The provisions of this division shall not apply to property owned by either the city, the commonwealth, or the United States of America and used or to be used for public purposes.

(e) Parking and loading shall be in accordance with the provisions of division 4 of this article. (Ord. No. 90-9, § I, 3-27-90)

Section 14-604. Additions to district.

The Council may adopt ordinances delineating one (1) or more Old and Historic Fredericksburg Districts containing

Such ordinances shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and all other provisions of this chapter. (Ord. No. 90-9, § I, 3-27-90)

Sections. 14-605--14-610. Reserved.

Last Update: 9/16/96

Name: Gary Stanton, Dept of Historic Preservation
