Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

[Page 195]

At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg the 22nd January 1790

George French Mayor
Benjn. Day Recorder
Charles Mortimer Robert B. Chew
George Weedon Thomas Cochran
William Harvey Charles Urquhart

The Council taking into consideration the high price of flour, do order that the assize of bread in this Corporation in future weigh one pound six ounces per loaf to be sold by the Bakers @ 3¾d till the further order of the Council.

The Minutes were signed
George French

At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Saturday the 13th of March 1790

George French mayor
Benjamin Day Recorder
Charles Mortimer ) Thomas Cochran )
George Weedon ) William Lewis )
William Harvey )Gent Robt. B. Chew ) Gent
Jas. Somerville ) Chas. Urquhart )

The Council proceeded to adjust the following accounts agst. the Corporation.
ord. del. F. G. viz:
To Timothy Green p account p printing 2 6 6
To John Chew Clerk for his services to this board 20 0 0
To ditto his salary by law 10 8 0 30 8 0
To John Minor atto. for the Corpn. 20 0 0
To Wm. Wiatt his services to this board & salary by law 19 8 0
To Joseph Berry for his services to this board attending the Court and other services in attending on the magistrates on public business 7 10 0
To ditto as Clerk of the Market 6 0 0
To ditto for keeping order in streets on Sundays 7 0 0
£92 7 0

William Harvey, Thomas Cochran and William Lewis Gent. are appointed to settle the accounts with the Sergeant for his collection and disburse ments of the taxes for the last year and make report to the next Council.

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William Harvey, Thomas Cochran, and William Lewis Gent. are appointed to settle the Chamberlane's account with the Corporation and also his account with the Markett House and likewise the account of Thomas Miller against the Corporation and make report thereof to the Council.

William Harvey, Thomas Cochran, and William Lewis, Gent are appointed to settle Joseph Berry's account against the Corporation and John Hardias account as Keeper of the Powder Magazine.

ORDERED that Joseph Berry give notice that on Monday next is the day appointed by law for the Election of twelve members to serve the Corporation the ensuing year.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Geo. French

March 15th 1790
This being the day appointed by law for the annual Election of Twelve members to serve the Corporation for the ensuing year, the freeholders and Inhabitants being notified and having deposited their tickets in the ballott box upon Examination thereof the Greatest numbers were found to stand as follows: for George Weedon 71 - Charles Mortimer 70, William Harvey 70, George French 70, Benjamin Day 69, James Somerville 69, Charles Urquhart 56, Robert B. Chew 54, William Lewis 52, Thomas Cochran 49, Wm. Lovell 49, Fontaine Maury 36, David Blair 24, William Smith 16, William McWilliams, David Henderson 12, so that the first twelve were duly Elected, who proceeded to the choice of Mayor when Benjamin Day Esqr. was duly Elected, they then proceeded to the Choice of a Recorder when William Harvey was duly elected, they also proceeded to the choice of four aldermen when James Somerville, Charles Mortimer, George Weedon and George French were duly Elected and the remaining six to wit: Charles Urquhart, Robert B. Chew, William Lewis, William Lovell, Thomas Cochran and Fontaine Maury are Common Councilmen who qualified according to law.

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George French, Esqr. the late Mayor, administered the oath required by Law to Benjamin Day Esqr. the present Mayor who administered the same to William Harvey, James Somerville, Charles Mortimer, George Weedon and George French, Esquires.

John Chew unanimously chosen Clerk to this board for the present year.

John Legg Gent. ballotted for and elected Vendue Master. Ordered that he give bond to the Court & take the oath of office.

Thomas Miller ballotted for and elected Gauger & Geographer the ensuing year who took the oath of office accordingly.

John Coakley ballotted for and elected Ballast & Harbour Master at this port, who took the oath of his office.

Joseph Berry ballotted for and elected Clerk of the Markett.

LeRoy Hays ballotted for and appointed weigher of Hay and Superintendent of the Hay Scales, who took the oath of office.

James Somerville ballotted for and elected Chamberlain.

Robert B. Chew, Thomas Cochran, William Lovell and Fontaine Maury, Gent. are appointed trustees of the Markett house for the ensuing year.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Benjamin Day

[Page 198]

At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg the 31st day of May 1790

Benjamin Day Esquire Mayor
William Harvey Esqr. Recorder
James Somerville )
George Weedon )
Charles Mortimer ) Esqrs. Aldermen
George French )
William Lewis )
Thomas Cochran ) Esqrs. Common Councilmen
Charles Urquhart )
William Lovell )
Fontaine Maury )

The Commissioners appointed to settle with the Chamberlain his accounts against the Corporation returned an account and report thereon which is ordered to be recorded.

The Commissioners appointed to settle with James Somerville his accounts against the Corporation Markett House returned an account and report thereon which is ordered to be recorded.

William Lewis, Charles Urquhart and Fontaine Maury are appointed to assist the Chamberlain in settling with General Weedon and ascertaining the ballance due from him to the Markett House and take a bond for the same payable to the Chamberlain for the time being for the use of the said Markett House.

Ordered that the present Trustees of the Markett House pay to James Somerville, Gent. the monies in their hands recd. on account said Markett House, to be applied towards discharging the ballance due from said Markett House to said Somerville.

On motion ordered that William Wiatt Sergeant be allowed one month from this date to compleat the collection of the arrearages of taxes due the Corporation.

Ordered that John Legg, V. M. pay to the Chamberlain £13.0.4 being 8 per cent on the amount of his commission as Vendue Master for the last year.

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Ordered that the Vendue Master pay to the Chamberlains eight per cent on the amount of his commission for the present year.

On Motion, Ordered that the present Trustees of the Markett House be directed to write to the different delinquent subscribers for the repairs of the Markett House, and endeavour to receive payments or such other assurances to secure the payment thereof as they may think most advisable.

Thomas Cochran & Fontaine Maury Gent. are appointed to let to the highest bidder the County Wharf untill the 1st day of April next.

Thomas Cochran, Gent, is appointed to agree with a workman to make1/2 doz. ladders of three different sizes for the use of the Corporation and that he have such repairs made to the fire hooks as he shall think necessary.

ORDERED that the Clerk of the Markett give notice by advertising the same in the Fredericksburg Herald & at the markett & tobacco ware houses that unless the owners of Drays in this Corporation do on or before the 10th day of June next apply to the Clerk of this Board for a licence to authorize their running said drays, they will be proceeded against agreeable to the ordinance in that case made & provided.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Benjamin Day Mayor

The accounts returned this day recorded (by mistake) folio (201)

[Page 200]

At a Common Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Wednesday the 23rd day of June 1790

Benjamin Day Mayor
William Harvey Recorder
Charles Mortimer ) Charles Urquhart )
George French ) Robert B. Chew ) Gentlemen
Thomas Cochran ) Gentlemen William Lovell )
William Lewis )

WHEREAS, sundry accidents have happened in and about this town by mad dogs, It is, on consideration, ordered that all persons having dogs within this Corporation shall keep them tied up during the day time from present date untill the first day of November next, and that Joseph Berry John Atkinson & William Berry constables (themselves, and not by Deputation) do kill any dog belonging to an inhabitant of this Corpo at any time they shall be found running at large from tomorrow 10 O'Clock untill the date above, and It is further ordered that public notice be given of this ordinance by the Town Cryer with his bell, and by publishing the same in the Fredericksburg Herald and setting up copies of the same at the most conspicuous parts of the Town, and it further ordered that the said Cryer do give notice on Sunday next to the negroes that all dogs brought to town after that day will be killed agreeable to the above Ordinance.

William Harvey, Gent. is requested to call on John Hardia and give him information that unless he shall on or before the first day of July next, settle with said Harvey his the said Hardia's accounts as Keeper of the Magazine that a suit will be instituted against him after that day.

Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Benjamin Day, Mayor

[Page 201]

In Council May the 31st 1790

DR. Corporation of Fredericksburg in account with James Somerville

March 12th To Ballance per settlement admitted to Record £1 4 10½
April 2nd To John Welch for a stall 1 4 0 No. 11
June 23 To Cash paid Richard Garner p order of Council 12 8 0 12
26 To Cash J. Minor do. 12 0 0 13
30 To John Chew Cash do. 30 8 0 14
July 16th To Cash John Callender for hay scales do 25 4 9 15
To Cash G. Heiskell do 2 11 0 16
£85 12
April 27th To John Legg per order of Council 17 March 87 To 6/6 ditto of 11th March 1789 9/ 0 15 6 17
To Thomas Miller p his a/c wth. rect. thereon in pt. C. House 87 11 10¾ 18
To the poor of Fredericksburg per account 68 17 19
To the overseers of the poor per their order Mr. W. & H. 6 11 11 20
To William Wiatt order of Council in favour of T. Green 1 19 0 21
do. do. for four loads fire wood 1 8 0
do. do. order of Council of 11 March 1789 for 9£ and for other services £10.8 19 8 0 23
£272 1 11¾
Ballance due the Corpo. 7 5 4
£279 7

Corporation of Fredericksburg May 31st 1790

IN OBEDIENCE to an order of Council of March 13th last we have Examined the within account of James Somerville, Chamberlane with said Corporation find the same to be Just and properly supported by vouchers and that a Ballance of seven pounds five shillings & four pence is due from the said James Somerville, to the said Corporation, Certified under our hands the date above written.
William Harvey
William Lewis
Thomas Cochran

Memo. due from the Trustees of the Markett House to the Chamberlane the sum of £4.2.1½ as will appear by order of Council of the 16th March 89 is not included in the within settlement also 40/ pc Joseph Berry, in part.

[Page 202]

Jany. 13 By Cash J. B. 2 Judgments in Bruns on acct. logs £0 12 0
April 27 By William Wiatt as Sergeant per settlement this day and signed account returned to the Council this rect. in part of taxes for 1789 amt £ 336.15.10½ 273 13
April 28th By John Legg amount of Commission as Vendue Master agreeable to order of 11th March 1789 5 1 7
279 7
By Balance brought down £7 5 4

James Somerville

[Page 203]

DR. Market House Fredericksburg in account with James Somerville
March 9th To ballance per settlement admitted to Record £90 18
April 27th To George Bean for Cash delivered him to pay for plank at Chines Mill omitted 28th May 83 see the reason, pr. his and Thomas Miller's Certificate 4 0 0
To Interest on £90.18.6½ from 9th March 1789 till 9th March 1790 90/11, and on 4£ from 28th May 1783 till 9th March 90 27/1, is £5.18. a deduct on Cr. side 9/5 5 8 7
£100 7
By Balance brought down £83 17 5

Fredericksburg May 31st 1791

IN OBEDIENCE to an order of Council March 13th 1790 we have examined the above statement of Mr. James Somerville's account with the Markett House find the same to be just and properly supported by vouchers and that a ballance of Eighty three Pounds seventeen shillings and five pence is due said James Somerville, certified under our hands the date above written. (signed)
William Harvey
William Lewis
Thomas Cochran

Memo. Since making the above report Mr. Somerville has received the sum of £6.2.0 from the trustees for 1789 to be deducted from the above ballance,
Wm. Harvey

1785 October 11th this day credited the Markett house by Archibald McCalls subscription 20£ which he will not allow, and if he cannot be compelled, to be hereafter charged to the above Account.
James Somerville

[Page 204]

Markett House Fredericksburg in account with James Somerville CR.
April 4th By Cash of J. B. in part for stalls for 89 £9 1 4
Jan. 13 By Cash of J. B. do. do. 5 10 0
Feby. 15 By R. B. Chew this in full for stalls for 1788 p. ac. & order of Coun. 1 18
By ballance due James Somerville 83 17 5
£100 7 1

James Somerville.

[Page 205]

At a Common Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Monday the 9th day of August 1790

Benjamin Day Mayor
William Harvey Recorder
George Weedon ) William Lewis )
George French ) Gent Charles Urquhart ) Gent
Thomas Cochran ) William Lovell )

William Wiatt late Sergeant having failed to compleat his collection of the Taxes for the last year agreeable to an order of this Board bearing date 31st day of May last Ordered the that the attorney for this Corporation be directed to prosecute a suit against the sd. Wiatt & his securities upon their Bond given for the due and faithful collection of the Taxes assessed by said Corporation.

Ordered that the Commissioners appointed to superintend the building of the Powder Magazine and for receiving subscriptions for that purpose, be required by the Clerk of this board to render an account of sd. subscriptions and of the disbursements made by them on account of said magazine to next Council.

Wm. Harvey, Wm. Lewis & Wm. Lovell Gent. are nominated to appoint a person as Keeper of the Powder Magazine in room of John Hardia as soon as the said Hardia shall settle his account as Keep. with Wm. Harvey Gent. and shall have paid the ballance due from him to the Chamberlane.

[Page 206]

William Lovell Gent. is added to the Commissioners appointed to assist the Chamberlain in settling with Genl. Weedon and ascertaining the ballance due from him.

Ordered that the Sergt. call on Capt. E. Callender for the payment of the amount of his note due the Corporation and on his failing to make payment that suit be brought against said Callender returnable to next Court.

The Minutes of these proceedings were signed
Benjamin Day

At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Fryday the 19th day of November 1790

Benjamin Day Mayor
William Harvey Recorder
James Somerville ) Thomas Cochran )
George French ) Gent. R. B. Chew )
Charles Mortimer ) Wm. Lewis )
Charles Urquhart ) Gent.
Fontain Maury )

Whereas it appears to this board that from the present mode adopted by the Butchers in this market of selling their meats by the Quarter & refusing to cut any part but what they may choose, that the Inhabitants of this Town particularly those who are unable to purchase meat by

[Page 207]

By the quarter are subject to great inconvenience - Be it therefore ordained by the authority of the same that from and after the 22nd day of this present month (November) all butchers within this Corporation shall cut any meat they may have in market for sale on application of any person, and that they shall not in consequence of cutting the meat, charge the person so applying more than 25 pr. cent for any part they may want above the price they offer such meat at by the quarter under the penalty of twenty five shillings for the first office to be recovered on information of any person by warrant before a single magistrate of sd. Corporation and if the offence shall be committed a second time the butcher so offending shall forfeit & pay the sum of five pounds to be recovered on information of any person by petition before the Court of Hustings for sd. Corporation and be it further ordained that one half the penalty & forfeitures so recovered shall be to the informer & the other half to be applied towards the support of the poor within this Corporation. Any ordinance to the contrary in awise notwithstanding.

The Council taking into consideration the present prices of flour do order that the assize of bread in this Corporation from and after the 22nd instant weigh one pound ten ounces per loaf to be sold by the bakers at 3¾ p loaf till the further order of this board.

[Page 208]

Wm. Harvey, Chas. Mortimer & Chs. Urquhart Gent. are appointed to settle with Thomas Cochran and R. B. Chew Trustees of the Markett House, and make report thereof to the next board.

Ordered that Thos. Cochran and Robt. B. Chew pay what money that may appear due from them as Trustees of the Market House to Fontaine Maury & William Lovell the present Trustees to be by them applied to such repair as they may find necessary to said Market House as far as the funds in their hands will admit.

Thomas Cochran & R. B. Chew resigned as Trustees of the Market House.

Ordered that the Trustees of the Market House send to Europe the Chandeleirs to be repaired.

The Council taking into consideration the account against Joseph Berry for the sum of Nine Dollars for the Rent of a Room in the Market House do Discharge the sd. Berry from the payment of sd. Nine Dollars.

[Page 209]

The commissioners appointed to settle the accounts with Genl. Weedon reported as follows:

Genl. Weedon to corporation of Fredericksburg. DR.
August 10th To ballance due as settled by the late Trustees 20th July 1774 £39 9 2
To interest thereon alld. 17 15 2
To ballance by note dated 7th Oct. 1785 as Trustee of the Market House for 1784 5 15 0
To interest thereon 4 years 1 7
£64 7

Due agreeable to penal note on demand bearing date 10th August 1790.

The Chamberlain reported the acct. with F. Taliaferro as follows:

Mr. Francis Taliaferro to Benjamin Day Mayor of the Town & Corpn. of Fredericksburg for the time being DR.
To purchases at the sale of Archb. McPherson Est. the 27th Jany. 1773 Principle £130 0 0
By interest pd. Charles Dick from 27th January 1773 to 27 January 1775 agreeable to receipts & Trustees Books
To Int. on £130 from 27th January 1775 to the 26th October 1790 £102 7 6
Bond for the principle dated the 26th of October 1790 bearing Int. from date & payable on the 26th October 1791.
Bond for £102.7.6 granted for interest the same date and payable on first day of March 1792.

[Page 210]

The Chamberlain informed this board that he had agreeable to a former Order Commenced suit at law against Joseph Jones & Francis Taliaferro and that he had dismissed the suit against sd. Taliaferro he having Compromised the same and that he had also Commenced suits in Chancery against the Exrs. of Fielding Lewis decd. and the Honorable James Mercer on account of purchases at the sale of the Estate of Archd. McPherson decd.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed
Benjamin Day

Last Modified 21 May 2003