It must particularly be mentioned in the description of each plat, to wit: The dimensions of the buildings intended to be insured, their situation and contiguity to other buildings or wharves, what the walls are built of, mentioning what part thereof is of brick, stone or wood, that is, how many feet of wood, and how many feet of stone or brick, or if of wood and covered with thick plaister or lime, what the buildings are covered with, and for what use they are appropriated, that is, what trade or business is carried on therein.
  If the buildings are joined, or are within twenty feet of others, it must be mentioned, and like wise what the walls of such buildings contiguous to them are built of, and what they are covered with. If they are situated so that on account of trees, or back buildings or other obstructions, the fire engines cannot play upon them from at least two sides, it must be particularly mentioned; as also if they are situated on streets or lanes not 20 feet wide, or if they are back buildings where there is no passage to them at least 20 feet wide.
  If a building is joined or contiguous within 20 feet of a row or range of buildings joined, or within 20 feet of each other, the number in such range of buildings, and what they are built of and covered with, that is, how many of brick, how many of wood, &c. must be mentioned.
  If a building is situated on a wharf, or within one hundred feet thereof, or if buildings stand on dock yards or wharves where vessels are built, repaired, or caulked, it must particularly be mentioned.
  If a house has wings or other additions to it, their dimensions, what the walls are built of, and what they are covered with and the certified value of which must separately be mentioned in the same declaration of such house or building.
  The valuation must be made in dollars.
  Gun Powder Mills or such great hazards, are not insurable, unless by special contract with the President and Directors, nor a risk on one building above twenty thousand dollars, nor a building under the value of one hundred dollars in ready money.
  The full amount of the real value must be specified in the declarations, one-fifth part thereof will be stricken off at the office.
  If a person doth not choose to ensure four-fifths of the verified value, he must endorse the amount which he wants to ensure thereon.
  A Building is considered a house standing by itself, or between two whole party walls.
  The declarations must be signed by the proprietor, with christian and family names, mentioning his place of residence, day, month and year.
  The valuations must be made by a majority of three respectable house-owners, and be certified by them in writing under the declaration, agreeably to the form annexed.
  A separate declaration must be made of the buildings offered for insurance on each tenement. The dwelling-house, kitchen, stable, lumber house, office, and such like, may be in one declaration, but must be specified and valued each separately, and described in the plat by A. B. &c.
  No house will be considered as part of brick and part of stone, with one or more stories thereon of wood; unless there be one complete story of brick or stone, at least eight feet above the surface of the earth, and the ceiling thereof plaistered or arched, or one complete wall or walls, or gable ends of brick or stone without aperture.
  No buildings on leased ground, except leases renewable forever, shall in future be insurable, except on the following conditions, viz. That the remaindermen, reversioners, and others, in whom the fee simple may be, on which the building intended to be insured stands, join the owner of the buildings in the engagement by signing the declaration for insurance, then the owner of the building must sign as such, and the proprietors of the land must also affix to their names these words, to wit: "Proprietors in fee-simple, of the land on which the above building stands."
  Should any policy for buildings on leased ground issue in consequence of any declaration, not executed as aforesaid, and delivered to the principal agent, after this day (6th of January 1800) the insurance shall be void, and the premiums, quotas, or anything else paid forfeited.
  The declarations so executed, must be presented to Mr. William F. Ast, principal agent, at Richmond, and the premiums must be paid to the Cashier General at the said place.

Last Update: 8/9/98
Name: Gary Stanton, Dept of Historic Preservation
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