(Page 88)
Rogers a Mare | £5.00.0 | |
Dairy Haid & 2 Colts | 89.00.0 | |
Great Jenny & 2 Colts | 35.00.0 | |
Sherando | 0.10.0 | |
young Grey Mare | 10.00.0 | |
1 Mare Bay bottle | 16.00.0 | |
1 Ditto Tayloe | 10.00.0 | |
1 young Bay Mare | 12.00.0 | |
Bony Lass | 25.00.0 | |
Willis a Mare & Colt | 14.00.0 | |
Scrub & her Colt | 10.00.0 | |
White Stockings & Colt | 25.00.0 | |
1 Dark Iron Grey Mare | 15.00.0 | |
1 youung Mare Lady Leggs | 15.00.0 | |
1 Large Black Horse | 10.00.0 | |
Bowling | 5.00.0 | |
_____ Sober John | 70.00.0 | |
Diamond | 70.00.0 | |
English Bull | 3.00.0 | |
8 Cattle young & old @25/ | 72.10.0 | |
11 Oxen | 22.00.0 | |
50 Hoggs & 12 Shoats | 62.10.0 | |
933 Barrells of Corn @2/ | 373.04.0 | |
Horses | ||
Maidenhead | 20.00.0 | |
Burwell | 20.00.0 | |
Harelboy | 20.00.0 | |
Draggon | 20.00.0 | |
Mettle | 5.00.0 | |
Carter | 10.00.0 | |
Hunter | 5.00.0 | |
Button | 2.00.0 | |
25 Sheep @7/ | 8.15.0 | |
Carried Over | ||
(Page 89) | ||
2 Carts &c | 5.00.0 | |
Scales & Weights | 12.00.0 | |
1 Horse White foot | 15.00.0 | |
In the Drawing Room | ||
1 Large Bible | 0.10.0 | |
1 Small Gun | 3.00.0 | |
1 Small Ditto | 3.03.0 | |
£1103.19.0 | ||
2 Silver Hilted Swords | 4.00.0 | |
56 Prints | 25.00.0 | |
1 Card Table | 1.00.0 | |
1 Tea Ditto | 0.15.0 | |
1 Small Ditto & Coverlid | 2.00.0 | |
2 Water Tea Board & Salver | 1.00.0 | |
1 pr fire Tongs Shovel hand Iron & fender | 1.15.0 | |
1 Shagreen knife Case | 0.02.6 | |
1 Small Marble Table | 1.00.0 | |
1 Looking Glass | 3.00.0 | |
In the Dineing Room | ||
3 Square Tables | 6.00.0 | |
1 Large Marble Table | 5.00.0 | |
1 Looking Glass | 2.10.0 | |
2 pr Tongs hand Irons & Fender | 2.05.0 | |
12 Old Chairs | 4.00.0 | |
2 Mahogony Tables in the Passage | 4.10.0 | |
A parcell of old hoes, Axes, &c | 2.00.0 | |
1 old Steel Hill | 0.05.0 | |
1300 Bushells of Salt @2/ | 130.00.0 | |
33 lbs of Barr Iron @3½d | 0.11.1 | |
1 Large Copper 204 lbs @2/ | 20.08.0 | |
1 Large Oly Jarr | 0.10.0 | |
1000 lbs Chalk | 1.02.0 | |
2 Juggs of Oyl | 1.10.0 | |
2 Old Juggs | 0.06.0 | |
12 Reap Hooks | 0.12.0 | |
A Barr of Steel | 0.04.6 | |
1 old Whipsaw | 0.10.0 | |
4 New Spades | 1.08.0 | |
11 Bushells of Beans | 1.05.0 | |
3 Fenders | 0.03.0 | |
8 lbs of Shoe Thread @1/6 | 0.12.0 | |
1 Sain | 2.00.0 | |
Carried Over | ||
(Page 90) | ||
1 Coach, Harness & 6 Bridles | £40.00.0 | |
1 Sloop | 50.00.0 | |
2 Flattes | 8.00.0 | |
1 Saddle | 0.10.0 | |
1 Gun | 1.10.0 | |
In the best Room | ||
12 Chairs | 24.00.0 | |
2 Marble Tables | 14.00.0 | |
Settee | 7.00.0 | |
1 Tea Table | 0.10.0 | |
1 Tea Board | 1.10.0 | |
Fender, 2 Hand Irons, Shovel & Tongs | 3.00.0 | |
Large Looking Glass | 8.00.0 | |
1 Clock Case | 5.00.0 | |
1 Carpet | 2.00.0 | |
1 Case of China handle Knives &c | 1.05.0 | |
1 Doz. China handle Do | 1.05.0 | |
£1502.11.1 | ||
1 Tea Chest | 0.05.0 | |
1 Coconut Shell | 0.15.0 | |
In Mrs Spotswood's Room | ||
1 Bed 2 Blanketts 1 pr Sheets Coverled | ||
Bolster 2 Pillows Bedstead Curtains & Valine | 30.00.0 | |
1 Bed 2 Blanketts 1 pr Sheets Cotten | ||
Coverled Curtains & Vallins | 22.00.0 | |
1 Spinnett | 14.00.0 | |
1 Bed 2 Blanketts 1 pr of Sheets Coverled | ||
2 Pillows Bedstead Bolster &c | 12.00.0 | |
Chest of Drawers | 3.00.0 | |
1 Large Chest | 1.10.0 | |
1 Small Dress for a Dressing Glass | 0.02.6 | |
1 Small hair Trunk | 0.04.0 | |
3 Setts of Window Curtains | 4.12.0 | |
1 old Trunk | 0.10.0 | |
1 Small Ditto | 0.01.0 | |
1 Looking Glass | 1.15.0 | |
1 Round Table | 1.06.0 | |
1 Arm Chair | 0.15.0 | |
1 pr Hand Irons 1 pr Tongs & Shovel | 0.15.0 | |
Carried Over | ||
(Page 91) | ||
1 Hair Trunk old sugar Cannister, Sundry | ||
Bottles, Stone Bottles, pots & some books | 1.05.0 | |
All Thee Matts | 1.00.0 | |
Up Staires | ||
1 Bed Bolster 2 pillows 2 Blanketts, | ||
Coverled, Bedstead Valine Curtains &c | 36.00.0 | |
1 Bed ?? Sml Quilt 1 pr Sheets, 2 Blanketts | ||
2 Pillows Bolster Curtain & Vallin Bedstead | 30.00.0 | |
3 Setts of Window Curtains | 4.10.0 | |
1 Arm Chair | 6.00.0 | |
2 Dressing Tables & Glasses | 10.00.0 | |
1 Large Leather Trunk | 0.15.0 | |
1 Carpet | 1.15.0 | |
1 pr of Hand Irons 1 pr Tongs & Shovel | 1.00.0 | |
1 Bed Bolster 1 pr Sheets,2 Pillows | ||
Coverled Bedstead Curtain & Vallin | 35.00.0 | |
1 Bed Bolster 2 pillows 2 Blanketts, 1pr Sheets | ||
Coverled, Bedstead Curtains & Valine &c | 25.00.0 | |
3 Setts of Window Curtains | 4.10.0 | |
2 Dressing Tables | 7.00.0 | |
1 Carpet | 2.00.0 | |
4 Chairs | 2.00.0 | |
1 Pr hand Irons Shovel Tongs & Hair Broom | 1.00.0 | |
Over the Passage | ||
Couch Bolster & 2 Pillows | 1.10.0 | |
1 Large Trunk | 2.00.0 | |
1 Small Do | 0.10.0 | |
1 Old Chest | 0.04.0 | |
£1768.18.7 | ||
1 old Leather Trunk | 0.04.0 | |
2 old Chairs | 0.10.0 | |
1 Wall Broom | 0.05.0 | |
1 Table | 0.10.0 | |
Over the Drawing Room | ||
1 Bed 2 Pillows 1 Bolster & Bedstead | 8.00.0 | |
1 Bed 2 Pillows 1 Bolster & Bedstead | 8.00.0 | |
3 Window Curtains | 2.05.0 | |
1 Dressing Table | 1.10.0 | |
1 Looking Glass | 1.10.0 | |
1 Chair | 0.10.0 | |
1 Large Picture a Scripture Piece | 25.00.0 | |
(Page 92) | ||
In the Cellar | ||
1 Pipe of Wine | £55.00.0 | |
80 Gallons Molasses @2/6 | 10.00.0 | |
40 lbs Casion Soap | 3.00.0 | |
2? lbs Brown Sugar @6d | 6.05.0 | |
Parcell of Butter Pot old Candl &c | 3.00.0 | |
In the Valt | ||
Half a pipe of Wine &c | 27.10.0 | |
In the Passage | ||
1 Small Still | 5.10.0 | |
3 Large Jarrs & a Parcell of old Casks | 2.00.0 | |
In the Kitchen | ||
4 Doz Pewter Plates | 2.10.0 | |
6 Tin Covers | 0.12.0 | |
8 Water Plates | 1.05.0 | |
12 Dishes | 3.00.0 | |
6 Iron Pots | 3.00.0 | |
1 Soop Dish | 1.00.0 | |
1 Brass Kittle & Do for fish | 1.15.0 | |
1 Bell Mettle Skillet & 4 Iron Do | 2.00.0 | |
1 Dutch Oven 2 frying Pans | 0.10.0 | |
2 Spits & 2 Pot hooks | 0.12.0 | |
2 Driping Pans Flesh Forks Tongs & Shovel | 0.10.0 | |
1 Gallon Measure | 0.10.0 | |
In the Dairy | ||
7 Tin Milk Pans | 0.07.0 | |
2 Pewter Dishes | 0.08.0 | |
Smiths Tools in the Smith Shop | 7.10.0 | |
7 pr HL Hinges In the Warehouse | 0.14.0 | |
4 pr Brass Hinges | 2.10.0 | |
1 Large Brass Lock &c | 1.15.0 | |
3 Iron Ditto | 1.04.0 | |
6 of hair Rope | 0.02.6 | |
9 Bottles Mustard | 1.10.0 | |
3 Copper Stew & 1 Sauce Pan | 2.00.0 | |
2 Sifters & 1 Sear?? | 0.12.6 | |
£1965.04.7 | ||
15 Small Bottles of Mustard | 0.12.6 | |
Some Cannisters & one Tin Lantern | 0.07.6 | |
Carried Over | ||
(Page 93) | ||
10 lbs Pepper | 1.10.0 | |
5 Beaded Scrubing Brushes | 2.10.0 | |
2 Mops and four Brooms | 0.12.0 | |
1 Copper Stewpan and one Cullender | 0.07.6 | |
Blew Room | ||
2 Beds Bedsteads & furniture | 10.00.0 | |
1 Bed Rug and one pr of Sheets Gent to Ribal? | 4.00.0 | |
3 Chairs | 2.05.0 | |
Over the Blew Room | ||
2 Tables | 0.15.0 | |
Some Phials &c | 5.00.0 | |
15 lbs Drop Shot | 0.12.6 | |
1 Scrubing Brush | 0.05.0 | |
10 Bed Quilts | 20.00.0 | |
Some Table Prints | 1.00.0 | |
1 Carpet | 1.15.0 | |
1 Coffee pot 1 Chocolate Do 3 Chaifing | ||
Dishes, one Brass Plate warmer, 5 brass | ||
Candlesticks and one harth shovel | 3.15.0 | |
In the Warehouse | ||
Some Joyners Tools | 1.15.0 | |
6 M 20d Nails @ 12/6 | 3.12.0 | |
10 M 8d Nails @ 6/6 | 3.05.0 | |
15 M Flooring Brads @ 9/ | 6.15.0 | |
22 M 10d Nails @ 7/6 | 8.05.0 | |
6 lbs Glue | 0.06.0 | |
10 M Small Brads | 1.05.0 | |
4 M Flooring Do | 1.16.0 | |
9 Eight Inch Brass Locks | 9.00.0 | |
9 Do small | 3.15.0 | |
1 Iron Do with Brass _____? | 4.00.0 | |
2 pr Brass Hinges | 2.00.0 | |
11 pr Small Do @ 12/ | 6.12.0 | |
1 Brass Nocker | 0.15.0 | |
12 pr Window Shutter Hinges | 0.18.0 | |
3 Doz. Paint Brushes | 0.18.0 | |
100 lbs White lead with Oyl | ||
taken for N. Building | 2.00.0 | |
? Cord and pulley to | 0.05.0 | |
300 lbs of Bar Lead @ 4 | 5.00.0 | |
60 feet of window glass taken | ||
from old N Building | 2.00.0 | |
In Mrs Spotswood's Room | ||
1 Toilet | 0.07.6 | |
2 Coverleads | 1.05.0 | |
5 Do Cotton | 3.10.0 | |
3 pr Brown Sheets £3, Eight Towels 8/ | 3.08.0 | |
(Page 94) | ||
12 pr White Sheets & Pillow Cases | 12.00.0 | |
6 Table Covers | 0.12.0 | |
12 Table Cloths & Towells | 2.10.0 | |
2 Toilets | 0.02.6 | |
£2109.08.7 | ||
11 Towels & Napkins | 0.12.0 | |
2 Counterpins | 1.05.0 | |
3 Table Cloths | 1.15.0 | |
12 Napkins & Towells | 1.10.0 | |
17 Damask Napkins | 3.00.0 | |
14 Damask Table Cloths | 20.00.0 | |
10 pr Holland Sheets & Pillow Cases | 25.00.0 | |
7 Table Cloths & Towells | 2.00.0 | |
Glass, China, Earthen & Stone Ware | 41.10.3 | |
12 Bushells of Rye | 1.04.0 | |
20 Bushells of Wheat | 1.00.0 | |
Sundrys for the Air Furnance &c | 162.00.0 | |
Iron Potts & Old Iron | 111.00.0 | |
1 Old Horse & Saddle | 5.00.0 | |
8 Chairs wth Red Bottoms | 16.00.0 | |
8 Ditto wth Leather Ditto | 4.16.0 | |
1 lb 14 oz Prussion Blue @25/ | 3.05.9½ | |
14 Large Glasses for hot Beds | 7.00.0 | |
1 Large old Copper Kettle | 3.00.0 | |
1 Bed 3 Counterpin 1 Blanket, 2 pr Sheets | ||
& Bolster | 7.10.0 | |
a parcell of old Books, Poctr, ?? these | ||
to be his Property | 1.00.0 | |
Pidgeon hole Press | 2.10.0 | |
Negros | ||
Old Sam | £10.00.0 | |
Great Daniel | 70.00.0 | |
Hinton? | 55.00.0 | |
Orrang | 15.00.0 | |
Billy Cochman | 100.00.0 | |
Duke | 50.00.0 | |
Prince Blind | 10.00.0 | |
Harry Spencer | 75.00.0 | |
Jamy Airmsted | 30.00.0 | |
Jeffery | 70.00.0 | |
Carried Over | ||
(Page 95) | ||
Phebe old | 10.00.0 | |
Queen and her Children Nanny & Willy | 110.00.0 | |
Dolly and her Children Charity & Easter | 110.00.0 | |
Rema old | 10.00.0 | |
Belle & her Children Billy, Duke,Phillis & | ||
Johnny | 200.00.0 | |
Margaret | 30.00.0 | |
Betty a Molato Girl | 50.00.0 | |
Betty a Girl | 10.00.0 | |
Daniel Gray | 70.00.0 | |
3695.06.7½ | ||
Sarah and her Children, Charity, Clary, | ||
& ?? | 100.00.0 | |
Ben | 60.00.0 | |
Sally Seward a Molato | 100.00.0 | |
Bob Founder at the Air Furnace | 100.00.0 | |
£4045.06.7½ |