Fredericksburg Will Book B, Pages 321-322
Taken April, 1827
Cherry Stand $2, Sophy $5, 6 walnut chairs $7� | 14.50 |
Set of dining tables $25, Side bord & charry prefs $35 | 60.00 |
pr knife cses $8, Box of flowers $15 | 23.00 |
1 bed & bedstead & furniture $25, looking glafs $1 | 26.00 |
2 fenders, 2 pr fire dogs, shovels, tongs & poker | 10.00 |
pr brafs candlesticks, snuffers and tray | 1.50 |
fire screen $1, piano forte $10, 25 prints $10 | 21.00 |
set blue china $8, 4 plated candlesticks snuffer & tray | 16.00 |
Set of plated casters $7, plated coffe pot & stand $5 | 12.00 |
plated tea pot $1�, 2 salts plated $1, Cream pot $1 | 3.50 |
1 plated Sauce boat & spoon 9/ 2 cellery bowls $1 | 2.50 |
1 glafs butter stand 4/6, 2 goblets, 2 pitchers $1 | 1.75 |
10 glafs cups, 3 wine glafses 9/, 2 pitchers $1 | 2.50 |
1 set charry mantle ornaments 10/6 | 1.75 |
set of coffee cups & saucers $1, 3 water plates $3 | 4.00 |
set of common mAntle ornaments $1 | 1.00 |
4 silver table spoons 6 tea spoons | 10.00 |
4 waters $1, saddle $5, 2 fiddles & cases $10 | 16.00 |
2 gettars @ 3/each, 1 large arm chair with rollers $1 | 2.00 |
1 walnut bedstead $3, set of draws $12 | 15.00 |
Bookcase $20, Walnut table 4/6, 6 chairs 3/ea | 23.75 |
looking glafs $1, pr fire dogs $1, � doz case bottles | 4.00 |
set of tea chany $2, pr pitchers $1, coffee pot 3/ | 3.50 |
pr of decanters 3/, set of knives & forks & tray 9/ | 2.00 |
carried over | 277.25 |
1 walnut table $1, small mehogany table 7/6 | 2.25 |
1 arm chair, 3 common one $2, 1 hand bellows $3 | 2.50 |
lot of books $30, tin safe $5, lot of wood wear $1 | 36.00 |
set of gig harnefs $20, beadstead $10 | 30.00 |
1 knife case $1, Woodsaw $2, lot of tools $6 | 9.00 |
iron mortar 1/6, wire rat trap 1/6, 2 halters & chains 9/ | 2.00 |
lot of castings containing 5 pieces $2� | 2.50 |
lot of wood wear 5 pieces $2, warfle irons 3/ | 2.50 |
frying pan 3/, grid iron & spit 4/6, pr sad irons 4/6 | 2.00 |
3 potracks, pr of fire dogs 7/6, kitchen table $1 | 2.25 |
coffee mill 3/, cotframe $2, 2 mataxes, 2 mortising do | 6.50 |
1 grubbing hoe $1, bramble hook $1, 1 scythe $1 | 2.00 |
2 cutting axes, 1 plow how $2, lot of old iron $2 | 4.00 |
set of carriage springs $4, 1 crofs cut saw $4 | 8.00 |
lot of carpenters tools $2, grindstone 3/ | 2.50 |
4000 drefsd shingles $4/1000 500 feet plank 6/pr | 21.00 |
69 cedar posts @9d, 1 harrow $5, cary plow 7/6 | 14.87 |
1 cultivator $3, 1 wine pipe $1, 1 hog 9/ | 5.50 |
1 wheel barrow $1, 1 free born plow $5 | 6.00 |
wagon $50, dray $15, cart $12, cutting box $3 | 80.00 |
1 unfinished carriage, the materials in place to finish | 100 |
1 pheylon $75, 1 horse $50, 1 $40 | 165.00 |
2 sets wagon gear $15, set of cart gear $5 | 20.00 |
pile of undrefsed shingles $7� | 7.50 |
2 cows $ nv, 1 cart $ nv | 7.50 |
Amount carried forward | 811.12 |
Page a negro woman & 3 children Kitty, Mary, Harriet | 550.00 |
Nancy $50, Jow $200 | 250.00 |
total | 1611.12 |
Corporation of Fredericksburg to wit: This day personally appeared before me
one the justices of the peace for the Corporation aforesaid, Robert Ellis, Henry T.
Phillips and William Jackson and made oath that they have appraised the estate of
David C. Coyle decd as hereunto annexed. Given under my hand this the 23rd day
of April 1827.
Samuel Phillips