Last Will and Testament of Peter Young Sr.

Ripley County
18 April 1835
Will Book A
pages 26-27
I Peter Young Senior of the county of Ripley and state of Indiana do make ordain and declare this, Instrument to be my last Will & Testament; my Just Debts if any to be paid.

- Item, I give and bequeath unto my Dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Young the use of my land & improvements, during her natural life, also the Whole of my Personal Estate, during her natural life.
- Item I give and bequeath, the whole of my land & improvements, After my wife's Decease to my son George Young, & my son William Young, to be equally divided between my son George Young and my son William Young.
- Item I give & bequeath the whole my personal property after my wife's decease to my four Daughter's, to be equally divided between them. Rebecca Cole, Polly Collings, Isabel Young, & Catherine Young, Taking into view what property either of them may or shall receive of me during my life, or my wife's life.
- Item, I give unto my son David Young the over plush of what his land is worth, more then he paid for the Said land which I have conveyed to him as his full legacy of my Estate.
- Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Peter Young Junior the over plush of what his land is worth more than he paid for the said land, which I have conveyed to him as his full Legacy of my Estate.

I appoint my son George Young & Jeremiah Cole my Executors, and should any misunderstanding arise as respects the testators intention, let two men of good repute be chosen, one by each party & if them two men cannot agree let them two men choose a third man & them three men shall finally settle the misunderstanding without law.
Peter Young senior {seal}
In witness where of I have set my hand and seal this 15 day of August 1823
Atten - Jessee Cole}
John Kirby & John H. Cole}

State of Indiana
Ripley County
Personally appeared before me David P. Shook clerk of Ripley Circuit Court and officio Clerk of the Probate court of said County; Jesse Cole & John Kirby (two of the subscribing Witnesses to the within last will and testament of Peter Young Sr. deceased) - who being duly sworn on there solemn oaths deposeth and saith that they saw Peter Young Sr The Testator sign seal & acknowledge the within instrument as his last will and testament and that they in the Presence of the testator and in the Presence of each other & John H. Cole, the other subscribing witnesses, on the date thereof to wit on the 15th day of August 1823 and that they verily believe that the said Peter Young Sr the testator aforesaid was at that time of sound mind & Memory, and further saith note. Jesse Cole
John Kirby
Sworn to before me D. P. Shook Clerk of P.C. this 18th day of April 1835 in vacation

Last modified 2 May 2003