Inventory of William Bake

Franklin County
October Term A.D. 1854
Pages 48-49

An inventory of the personal estate of Alexander H. Whitelaw, deceased, taken by Roland Hall, administrator and by Andrew J. Ross and John Sutton

Description of the property Valuation
10 head of hogs 25.00x
1 2 year old heifer 12.00x
1 1 year old heifer 5.00x
1 4 year old steer 15.00x
1 cooking stove and furniture 8.00x
1 bed & bedding 10.00x
1 fancy post bed stead 6.00x
1 common bedstead 3.00x
cupboard ware 5.00x
1 chest 1.00x
3 trunks 2.00x
sett of chairs 1.50x
crock, wash tub and wash board .50x
2 smoothing irons, shovel & tongs .50x
meal sieve, lantern, coffee mill & 2 pans .25x
1 box, 3 blls and 2 kegs 1.00x
1 basket, staple & knot mall .35x
lot of tools for cutting stone 4.00x
1 chain, 2 jugs & bucket .25x
1 chopping axe & 2 baskets .45x
1 table and dresser 1.00x
lot corn in the field 6.00x
lot tan bark & lumber 1.50x
1 share canal stock $50. appraised at 00.00x
note on L. F. Morson dated Feb. 14, 1838 principal and interest $10.00 app at 00.00x
note on R. W. Remy dated March 8th 1853 due six months after date 14.35x
Page 48
act on John Engart 1.00x
Cash on hand 55.71x
a small bead chain 1.00x
total valuation 181.36

Signed by us the 11th day of April 1853.
A. J. Ross,
John Sutton, appraisers

Received of Roland Hall, administrator of the estate of my late husband Alexander H. Whitelaw, deceased the articles charged to me in the within inventory the 11th day of April 1853.
Phebe Whitelaw.

[inventory of real estate not transcribed]

x = widows selection

Last modified 7/9/01