
Franklin County  
March Term A.D. 1851  
Pages 80-81  
Inventory and appraisement of the goods, chattels, rights, credits, moneys and effects belonging to the estate of William Wheat, dec'd appraised by John Smalley & James Miles this 14th day of Jan'y 1850  
1 note on Abraham S. Carter secured by a mortgage on the following real estate to wit. On forty acres of land situated in Franklin County, Indiana in the North West corner of the Northwest quarter of Section thirty four (34) Township ten (10) of Range two (2) East of the Meridian line drawn from the mouth of the Great Miami River dated Sept 1st A.D. 1846 and recorded in Book W., page 13, September 1st 1846 which wrote in the words and figures following.  
$500 Franklin County September 1st 1846, On or before the first day of March next, I promise to pay to William Wheat or order the sum of $500 with interest at 6 per cent of the [cut off] fall due [page 80] Abraham Carter as which note is the following endorsements .  
February 29th 1848. Received $30 interest, February 1st 1849 received $30 interst on the within.  
no monies on hand  
The above note believed to be collectable appraised 500.00
1 bureau 3.00
1 cupboard 7.00
1 feather bed, 2 quilts, 2 coverlets, 1 straw bed tick, and 2 pillows 5.00
Chair .25
chest 2.50
1 stand .75
wearing apparel 1.00
1 lot of lasts .25
1 old axe, 1 brass and 1 copper kettle .50
Jan'y 14th $520.25
John Smalley, James Miles, appraisers.  

Last Updated on 3/22/01
By Trinkle B46