Mary Stone Inventory

Franklin County
November Term 1837
Page 392-393

Before me the undersigned one of the Justices of the Peace within and for said County came John Spradling & William Chapman, appraisers (appointed by Solomon Allen, administrator of the estate of Mary Stone deceased, late of said County) and who were by me duly sworn to appraise said property according to law In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of July 1835. John Hart, J. P. Said property consists of the following items

1 table 1.50
1 lot of books 0.50
1 lot of pot mettle 6.00
1 lots of cooper ware .56¼
1 loom & tackling 2.00
1 old lady saddle 2.00
1 lot of horse geers 1.87½
[page 393]  
1 lot of potters ware .12½
1 lot of cupboard ware 0.50
1 bedstead, bed and bedding 5.00
1 sorrel mare 15.00
1 cow 10.00
1 gallon jug & two hoes 1.00

29 July A.D. 1835

Last Updated on 11/10/99