Franklin County Inventories Page 76-77 March Term A.D. 1832 William McClerry and Thomas W. Coalscott appraisers duly appointed by David Price Administrator of the estate of Titus Smith, late of the County aforesaid deceased to appraise all the personal estate of said deceased to whom I administered the following oath, to wit: that they would without favor or affection to any man according to their unbiased judgments appraise all and every article of personal property belonging to said estate that might be shown to them by said administrator. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of November A.D. 1830 Nathaniel Hammond, Justice of the Peace
List of personal property belonging to the estate of Titus Smith deceased, late of
said county
5 head of hogs                                        8.50
1 feather bed & 2 straw beds                          5.00
1 bolster & 2 pillows                                  .50
2 coverlets & 1 sheet                                 4.00
1 feather bed & 1 straw bed do                        5.00
1 bolster & 1 pillow                                   .37½
2 coverlets & 1 sheet                                 3.00
1 blanket, 1 coverlet & 1 sheet                       2.50
1 straw bed                                           1.00
1 turned post bed stead                               1.50
1 common bedstead                                      .25
1 turned post bedstead                                2.00
1 chest                                               1.00
1 corner cupboard                                     5.00
1 table                                               1.00
1 stand                                                .37½
1 old writing desk & lookiing glafs                    .50
1 old chest                                            .12½
10 split bottom chairs & 1 small one                  2.37½
1 carpet & old quilt                                   .12½
3 bed corde                                            .37½
1 wire sieve                                           .62½
1 lot of vials (13)                                    .18 3/4
1 lot of books                                        1.00
1 pr steelyards                                        .87½
10 plates                                              .62½
6 cups & 10 saucers                                    .37½
1 tea pot                                              .37½
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1 sugar bowl & dish                                    .25
5 tea cups pepper box & bottle                         .25
1 lot knives, forks, spoons                            .50
1 candlestick & trunk                                  .25
1 fat tub & dye tub                                    .50
19¼ lb wool @.25/                                     4.87½
1 flat iron, 1 shovel & tongs pothooks                1.00
2 coffee pots & 1 tea kettle                           .75
1 oven & lid                                           .75
1 skillet & lid                                        .37½
4 vests                                               1.00
2 coats                                               2.00
1 spinning wheel                                      2.00
1 do do                                               2.50
1 big wheel                                           3.00
1 rele[reel]                                          1.00
1 fat tub, tray & bale                                 .37½
1 lot of earthen ware                                  .12½
2 augers                                               .62½
2 sickles                                              .62½
1 pitchfork                                            .37½
1 axe                                                  .50
1 log chain                                           1.50
1 lot of old iron                                     1.00
6 barrells                                             .25
1 grin stone & brick moles                             .12½
1 tar can                                              .12½
1 man's saddle                                        1.00
1 pr trace chains, backband, coller & hames           1.12½
1 swingle tree & clevis                                .37½
1 meat tub & barrell                                   .87½
1 wash tub, 2 wash boards & 2 slop buckets            1.00
1 iron pot & bale                                     1.00
1 wash bucket & keeler                                1.00
2 large iron kettles                                  1.75
1 vinegar kegg                                         .31¼
1 lot of flax                                         2.00
5 harrow teeth                                        1.25
1 harrow frame & old plow                             1.00
corn on the ground                                    5.00
1 heifer calf                                         1.50
1 weeding hoe                                          .37½
12 shoats @.31¼                                       3.75
1 lot of fresh meat                                   1.75
1 ½ bushel                                             .12½
1 milch cow                                           5.00
6 head sheep                                          6.00
2/3 share of a crofs cut saw                          3.00
1 bul of a stack of wheat                             4.00
1 lot of corn                                         5.50
total                                              $125.87½
taken 19th day of November 1830
Widow's selection taken at valuation