Inventory of Joseph Seal

Franklin County
April Term A.D. 1854
Pages 376-378

An inventory of the personal estate of Joseph Seal deceased taken by Isabel Seal and Giles Gant administratrix and administrator and appraised by Samuel Holiday and Joseph Wynn

Description of property  
6 chairs 1.25x
dresser ware 6.25x
5 pieces of pot metal 1.75x
lot of tin ware, stove & apparatus 8.75x
9 crocks & 1 jug .75x
brass kettle 1.00x
fire shovel & candlestick .25x
rifle gun & apparatus 12.00
sheep shear, pistol & scissors .50x
breakfast table & stand table 3.00x
razor box & brushes .50
bedstead bed & bedding 14.00x
bedstead bed & bedding 13.00
bedstead bed & bedding 19.00x
woman's saddle & bridle 10.00x
man's saddle & bridle 8.00
wagon cover 4.00
8 yds mixes janes 4.30
7 yds linsy 2.00x
7 yds white flannel 2.80x
coffee mill .25x
9 window blinds .90x
6 bags 1.50
bureau 5.00x
rocking cradle .75
lot peacock feathers 1.00
22 yds white flannel 8.50
steel yard 1.50
some 30yds carpet 8.00x
another lot bed clothing 16.00x
1 large & 1 small spinning wheel 1.50x
loom & apparatus .75x
lot of woolen yarn 3.50x
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2 bureaus .25
3 axes 1.25
barrel & pickled cucumbers 2.00
barrel of cider 1.75
cultivator 3.50
3 scyckles .20
lot of Irish potatoes 6.00
scythe & hanging 1.00
dirt shovel & hoe .20
double tree & 4 single trees & 2 clevices 1.00
trunnel bedstead, 1 blanket & bed quilt 2.00x
1 umbrella .50
wash tub & 2 wash boards .40x
milk churn .40x
1 andiron .10x
scythe & cradle, square & hatchet 1.25
slate .10x
lot of old irons 1.00
1 gray horse 65.00
1 mare colt 22.00
set wagon harness 10.00
curry comb .05
hayin the barn, west end 4.00
lot of oats 45.00
lot of blls & kegs 2.00x
lot of flax seed .50
fanning mill 8.00
dung fork & pitch fork .50
lot of hay in old house 8.00
hay waggon bed .25
waggon & bows 60.00
1 scoop shovel .05
13 head of sheep 17.00x
1 hay stack 4.50
26 fat hogs 279.00
22 stock hogs 35.00
4 plows, 1 harrow & 1 double tree 8.30
4 calves 12.00
3 other milk cows 45.00
2 heifers 10.00
1 wagon wood bed 2.00
half bus, peck & half peck measure .60
2 other fat hogs 20.00x
20 bus of wheat 12.00
another lot of wheat 20.00
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lot of pea fowls 2.50
lot of ducks 5.00x
lot of turkeys 5.00
lot of chickens 5.00x
some 5 acres of corn in field 40.00
1 white backed milch cow 14.00x
some 13 acrs of wheat in the field or emblements 35.00
2 hay stacks on the Mt. Carmel farm 15.00
some 3 acres of corn in the field at the Mt. Carmel farm 35.00
5 yds janes (brown) 2.50x
hay in the east end of barn 10.00x
1 scythe stone & pocket book .15x
1 lot unbroke flax .50x
money on hand 49.82
an account against David Russel 11.00
note on Elisha B. Jenkins dated May 1th 1852 & Dec. 25th 1852 6.75
note on F. M. Seal & Caleb Seal for $70.00 dated June 20th 1852 & due Dec 25th 1852 with payment of 29$ endorsed thereon without dtae 41.00
note on Elmore Crager for $6.50 dated April 1st 1852 wih int from date 6.50
Note on Briton Gant dated April 12th 1852 and due January 1st 1853 10.28
more money on hand .45
Total personal $1219.15

Signed by use this 8th day of December 1852.
Samuel Holliday
Joseph Wynn appraisers.

Rec'd of Giles Gant Administrator of the estate of my late husband Joseph Seal, deceased the articles charged to me in the foregoing inventory the 8th day December 1852.
Isabel Seal
widow's selection = x

last modified 6/22/2001