Inventory of William McCombs

Franklin County
May Term A.D. 1835
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A list of the appraised valuation of the personal estate of William McCombs deceased by Thomas Smith & Richard Clements appraisers October 22nd A.D. 1831

Cash in hand 5.00
Wearing apparel & watch 13.00
1 clock 15.00
1 bureau 5.00
1 small trunk .12½
1 large do .50
corner cubboard 5.00
cubboard furniture 5.00
breakfast table 2.00
kitchen table .25
6 winsor chairs 4.00
4 chair frames .25
1 small stand .25
woolen yarn & flax thread 15.00
2 bread bowls .12½
1 pr smoothing irons .50
1 tin coffee pot, 1 earthen do & 3 earthen pans & 1 jar .25
2 coffee pots, 2 measures, a bottle & pitcher .37½
1 earthen churn, a jar & crock .50
6 milk crock .25
a sive .50
spoon moles .50
2 tin buckets, 1 diper & strainer, candlestick & snuffers .50
1 funnel .06¼
1 pr of shears .25
1 lot of bead clothings 15.00
1 bead & beadstead 15.00
1 do do 15.00
rasors & box .25
1 lot of books .75
1 do do 1.00
1 lot of pot meatel 3.00
1 bible .25
1 puter dish .12½
1 loom & five reeds 5.00
1 sythe & 2 sickles 1.50
1 lot of gears 2.00
1 do do 2.00
2 iron pitchforks .50
1 hetchel 1.50
1 augur .12½
1 bolt & clevis, a ring & staple & staple & crop hetchel .75
1 axe & augur 1.25
1 axe 1.00
1 pr of stylyards .75
1 bill hook, grubing hoe & spade 1.50
1 basket & 2 shoe brushes .12½
1 will rope & leading line .12½
2 jugs .25
1 real .25
1 2 small wheels 1.50
1 big wheel 1.00
1 plough & stretchers 2.00
1 mans saddle & bridle 2.00
1 woman's do .06¼
1 lot of old iron .25
[page 9]
3 meal bags .75
1 tin horn .12½
2 old barrels .25
warping bars & spools .25
flax brake .25
1 old barrel .12½
shovel & tongs & hand irons .75
1 brush, slate & powderhorn .50
1 lot of vials & buckets .12½
1 beadstead & cord .25
1 do do .25
1 bed quilt .12½
1 truck wagon .50
1 lot of flax 1.00
15 head of sheep 11.25
1 wind mill 15.00
1 yoke of oxen 20.00
1 brindle cow 8.00
1 black do 7.00
1 heifer 3.00
1 bull calf 2.00
1 stack of wheat 15.00
1 lot of oats 1.25
4 stacks of hay 24.00
1 lot of hay in stable 3.00
corn on the ground 8.50
1 lot do in the new ground 3.75
1 lot of potatoes 1.00
1 lot of hogs, 1 sow, 3 barrows 8.00
3 do, 2 sows & 1 barrow 6.00
1 hoe, a hook & pot tramel .75
1 big pot tramel .75
sythe stones .12½
1 looking glass .25
1 ink bottle .06¼
1 lot of hetchelled flax .25

Personally appeared before me, the undersigned one of the Justices of the Peace of Brookville Township, County and State afd., Thomas Smith & Richard Clements both of lawful age who were by me duly sworn according to law to appraise the goods, chattels & effect of the estate William McCombs, deceased to the best of their knowledge and abilities and after they had made the appraisement they were again sworn that they had made the said appraisement and valuation according to the best of their judgments Sworn to the 22d of October 1831
John Jacobs JPeace

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The following is a list of the property retained at its appraised valuation by the widow
Cash in hand 5.00
Wearing apparel & watch 13.00
1 clock 15.00
1 bureau 5.00
1 small trunk .12½
1 large do .50
corner cubboard 5.00
cubboard furniture 5.00
breakfast table 2.00
6 winsor chairs 4.00
4 chair frames .25
1 small stand .25
woolen yarn & flax thread 15.00
2 bread boles .12½
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1 pr smoothing irons .50
1 tin coffee pot, 1 earthen do & 3 earthen pans & 1 jar .25
1 earthen churn, a jar & crock .50
washing tub .12½
6 milk crock .25
a sive .50
2 tin buckets, 1 diper & strainer, candlestick & snuffers .50
1 funnel .06¼
1 pr of shears .25
1 lot of bead clothings 15.00
1 bead & beadstead 15.00
1 do do 15.00
12 head of geese 1.50
ink bottle .06¼
razors & box .25
1 lot of books .75
1 lot of flax .25
1 lot of pot meatel 3.00
1 bible .25
1 puter dish .12½
1 loom & five reeds 5.00
1 barrel & pickles .50
1 hetchel 1.50
1 augur .12½
1 axe 1.00
1 basket & 2 shoe brushes .12½
2 jugs .25
1 reed .25
1 2 small wheels 1.50
1 side saddle .06¼
3 meal bags .75
2 old barrels .25
warping bars & spools .25
flax brake .25
1 old barrel .12½
shovel & tongs & hand irons .75
1 brush, slate & powderhorn .50
1 lot of vials & buckets .12½
1 bed quilt .12½
1 lot of flax 1.00
1 black cow 7.00
hay in stable 3.00
2 lots corn 12.25
1 lot of hogs,4 8.00
1 looking glass .25