Inventory of William McClery

Franklin County
March Term AD 1850
Pages 53-56
Town of Brookville
Inventory of the goods chattels & effects of William McClery late of Franklin County, dec'd as taken by John A. Matson, Isaac Price and Andrew R. McClery, executors, and appraised by William T. Becks and R. P. C. Barwick appraisers as selected by said executors they having been previously sworn as such, inventoried and appraised May 22d 1848 to wit

1 side board 40.00
2 side tables 13.00
1 stand 5.00
1 sett chairs 8.00
1 rocking chair 4.00
2 rugs 1.75
1 ps carpet 12.50
3 oil cloths 1.50
1 mirror 3.00
fender, shovel & tongs, fire board, irons & bellows 12.00
2 pr glass candlesticks 1.50
15 wine glasses, 3 trays, 1 pitcher, 1 mug & map 4.00
pr window curtains 1.00
cupboard ware 16.00
1 stand & cover .75
1 bed & bedding 15.00
1 cot & bedding $12
1 ps carpet 1.00
2 table 4.00
1 cooking stove 20.00
3 brass kettles 1.50
lot of knives & forks 2.50
11/12 doz table & 10/12 doz tea spoons 3.00
2 set tea spoons 5.50
lot of tin ware 5.75
basket, chair & pins .50
1 table .62
5 chairs 1.25
1 small chair .37
1 lot clothes pins .40
1 desk 3.00
1 table & cover 3.50
1 bureau & book case 10.00
1 clock 5.00
1 sett chairs 2.25
2 rocking chairs 2.00
1 carpet 2.50
waiter, glasses & 3 brushes 3.25
shovel & tongs (continued)  
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andirons 1.50
cannisters, 2 candlesticks, snuffers & steelyards 3.50
lot of books 40.00
1 meal chest 2.50
2 sugar boxes .50
1 ps carpeting 11.10
4 baskets .75
2 books 1.00
1 stand and mirror 1.00
6 sad irons, pots, kettles, jugs & crokcs 5.00
4 crocks of lard 5.50
3 crocks .37½
14 candle moulds 1.00
1 demijohn 1.00
1 rat trap .25
1 keg tallow 3.20
1 child chair .50
1 table & cover 5.00
1 bureau & cover 7.00
1 stand & bowl 2.00
1 fire screen 4.00
1 sett chairs 3.00
1 ps carpeting 11.70
1 bedstead & bedding 18.00
2 coverlets 3.00
1 coverlet .50
1 coverlet 2.00
1 coverlet 1.50
1 coverlet 3.00
1 coverlet 4.00
1 coverlet 4.00
1 coverlet 4.00
1 coverlet 3.50
1 coverlet 3.50
2 blankets 5.00
5 blankets 12.50
4 blankets 14.00
3 quilts 1.50
1 comfort 1.00
1 comfort 1.00
1 comfort 2.00
1 comfort 2.00
1 comfort .50
1 comfort .50
3 looking glasses .50
1 carpet bag 2.00
13 3/4 yds Linsey @ 30¢ 4.10
1 map .50
2 bedsteads 4.50
4 feather beds, pillows & bedsteads 31.50
sheet & quilt 1.50
1 buffalo robe 2.50
1 ladies saddle 15.00
3 pcs muslin 2.70
1 lot of yarn tow & box 2.00
2 pcs calico & sattmin? 2.00
cash on hand, silver coin 331.77
cash on hand in copper coin .53
bank notes 202.00
$15 Wooster Bank valued at 3.00
$5 Indiana scrip date of Apl 20, 1840 7.00
foreign and American gold 901.03
loose silver not included in above 26.60
amt of stock in Brookville Insurance Co. valued at 311.68
1 pr wool card .25
5 picks 5.00
10 table cloths 10.00
17 pillow cases 3.40
2 towels .50
6 sheets 2.00
lot of crocks & tubs 5.50
lot of carpeting 1.00
1 wheel barrow 1.00
1 grind stone .50
3 buckets .50
lot of garden implements 4.75
bbl lime .50
1 bedstead & bedding 3.50
lot of joiners tools 10.00
lot of planes 2.75
lot of augers & trowel 1.25
1 mortar 1.00
2 wood saws 1.50
steelyards & wire .55
calf & sole leather 1.62
2 cleaves, adze, axes, hook & broad axe 6.00
1½ kegs white lead 2.40
3 empty barrels .30
1 calf skin 1.75
6 window sash 1.00
20 kegs .20
bell, pot, lanthorn, bucket 1.20
1 washboard .30
5 bins oats 21.00
1 bin wheat 24.00
800 lath 1.26
1 horse 30.00
1 cow 15.00
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1 lot of corn 130.00
1 scoop, hoe & fork 1.00
10 bbls 1.00
1 lot of brooms .60
1 clothes horse 1.00
sundries 1.00
grub hoe & hook .62
quilting frames & level .75
1 lot of hay 4.00
cutting box 2.00
2 pitch forks .75
4 bags .75
basket .15
2 ladders 1.00
3 bbls 1.00
1 carriage & harness 100.00
6 hogs 7.20
1 saddle, bridle 7.00
lot of barrels 2.00
lot of shoulders 7.26
lot of sieves & morter 1.25
1 reel & wheel 2.00
lot of rags 2.00
lot of wood 3.75
lot of lumber 10.17
oats in field 3.00
William McDaniel & Isreal Greggs, note Sept 4, 1833, due Sept 4, 1834, $50., int. 1.07 51.07
William McDaniel & Isreal Greggs, note Sept 4, 1833, due Sept 4, 1834, $50., int. 1.07 51.07
Ward Davis, Rosnell Morgan & John Pitterson, note May 11, 1835, due May 11, 1836, $66.00, int. 1.66 67.66
E. F. Clarkson, John Wynn & Richard Tyner, note July 14, 1836, due July 14, 1837, amt. 330.00, int 62.69 392.69
John Wynn & E. F. Clarkson, note July 14, 1836, due July 14, 1837, amt $100.  
John Wynn & R. Tyner, note Aug 24, 1839, due Aug 24, 1840, amt 300, int (with above) 29.21 429.21
Jared Lockwood & R. Tyner, note Aug 2, 1836, due Aug 2, 1837, amt. $100., int. 23.05 123.05
Jared Lockwood & R. Tyner, note Aug 2, 1836, due Aug 2, 1837, amt. $100., int. 23.25 12.48
endorsement on above, rec'd 89.84 as principal Feb'y 8, 1846  
Charles Clendening, John Clendening Sr., John Clendening Jr., note Dec 27, 1838, due Dec 27, 1839 200.00
Thomas Webb & James Webb, note Mch 28, 1837, due Mch 28, 1838, amt 400.00  
endorsement on above, rec'd Dec 28, 1838 $100.  
endorsement on above, rec'd March 30th 1839 $200.  
endorsement on above, rec'd Feb'y 23, 1846 $66.46 as principal, int. .59 34.13
Charles Van Camp & John Quick, note Nov 2, 1840, due Nov 2, 1841, amt $135.00, int 18.58 153.58
William Cummings & John Cummings, note Jan'y 1, 1839, due Jan'y 1, 1840, amt. $200.00, int. 14.75 214.75
George Holland & William T. Becks, note Dec 25, 1839, due Dec 25, 1840, amt $100, int. 4.08 104.08
Samuel Price, James Price, John P. Case, A. Nye, E. K. Rockefellar, note Jan'y 24, 1842, due Jan'y 24, 1843, amt $200  
Endorsed Feb. 17, 1847 rec'd $15.73, Mch 19, 1847 Rec'd 17.85, May 11, 1847 rec'd 19.73, Nov 3, 1847 Rec'd $12.96, Jan'y 25 1848 rec'd 83.37 51.52
R. Tyner, S. Tyner, Elijah Tyner & John Tyner, Andrew R. McClery, note Aug 27, 1845, due Aug 27, 1845, amt $500 500.00
John M. Johnston & Hiram Carmichael, note June 11, 1845 due June 11, 1846, amt $200. Int. 13.23 213.23
John Quick, note Jan'y 7 1846, due Jan'y 7, 1847, amt $100., int. 2.25 102.25
John Quick & James R. Jones, note Feb 13, 1846, due Feb'y 12, 1847, amt. $75, int. 1.60 76.60

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further notes not copied

Last Updated on 8/2/00