Inventory of George W. McCalley

Franklin County
March Term A.D. 1852
Pages 387-388

On the 5th day of March AD 1850 the said administrator filed in the Clerks Office of the Court aforesaid the following inventory and appraisement and appraisers oath to wit:
An inventory of the goods, chattels of George W. McCalley, late of Franklin County and State of Indiana, deceased, taken by James Ross, administrator of the estate of the said deceased with the assistance of John Lewis and Robert H. Miller, appraisers called and duly sworn for that purpose.
1 bureau 5.00
1 brass clock 6.00
1 wash kettle 1.00
1 bedstead & bedding 4.00
1 bedstead & bedding 12.00
1 settee 1.50
2/3 of a field of wheat 5.62½
1 stack of hay 8.00
1 stack of oats 7.00
1 bureau & stand 3.75
1 table 1.50
Page 387  
1 bedstead & beding 7.00
cupboard ware 1.00
6 chairs 1.25
1 cooking stove & utensils 10.00
loom & gears 3.00
1 spinning wheel .50
1 wagon 25.00
1 bay mare 30.00
1 bay horse 25.00
1 mare 20.00
1 chesnut sorrell mare 25.00
1 spotted cow 9.00
1 brindle cow 8.00
1 red & white cow 6.00
1 red cow 8.00
1 white spotted cow 8.00
1 heifer & 2 bull calves 6.50
2 sows and pigs 5.50
2 sets wagon gears 6.00
1 peacock plow 4.00
40 head of sheep 32.00
2 field shock corn 17.00
carried up 297.25
1 barrell .50
1 mans saddle 1.50
1 lot of carpenters tools 10.12½
total amt 335.25
deduct for widow 150.00
balance 185.25
to the whole may be added  
1 note on Allen Jackman due Decem 25th 1850 8.40
Robert H. Miller
John Lewis, appraisers

received of James Ross administrator of the estate of George W. McCalley, $150 of the personal property of said deceased at the appraised value February 16th 1850. Elizabeth McCalley

last modified 3/30/2001