William Maury Inventory

Franklin County
November Term 1837
Blooming Grove Township
Pages 400-401

A full and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattles, rights, credits, monies, and effects of William Maury, late of Bloominggrove Township County of Franklin and State of Indiana deceased, taken and made by William Pitt administrator and appraised by Joseph Wilson and Jacob Stackledge this 26th day of July 1832

1 Grey mare & colt 30.00
2 milch cows and calves & 1 bell 22.00
1 three year heifer 8.00
3 sows, 9 pigs and 10 shoats 15.00
1 bedstead, feather bed, straw bed & bedding 12.00
1 bedstead, feather bed, straw bed & bedding 23.00
1 spinning wheel & reel 2.00
1 mans saddle, one womans saddle 12.50
1 twenty gallon kettle, 1 ten gallon kettle 4.00
1 tea kettle, one bake oven, one spider 2.00
1 dinner pot, 1 tea pot, milk pot, tea cup & saucer 1.25
6 silver teaspoon, 1 looking glass 2.75
1 set bed curtin 6.00
7 table cloths, 2 towels 5.00
1 barrel with salt, 1 barrel with meal 5.00
1 churn, 1 loom & pair andirons 4.00
1 chest, 1 pair smoothing irons 1.50
1 hand saw, 1 axe, 1 hoe, 2 augers 3.00
1 plow and gears, 2 bridles, 1 curry comb 4.00
1 cradle leather, 1 sive, bowl &c 2.00
1 table, cupboard, 6 chairs 3.50
1 tin bucket, 1 well do, 1 washing tub 1.75
1 coffee mill, 1 coffee pot 0.25
7 plates, 4 bowls, milch crocks &c 1.00
11 knives & forks, 2 black tin tumblers 1.75
1 decanter, 1 pocket bottle 0.50
4 table spoons, 4 tin cups 0.50
1 five hundred red, 15 doz yarn flax 3.00
5½ lbs wool toe &c 2.00
1 cag vinegar, 1 cag soap &c 1.50
1 razor, 1 shaving box, books &c 1.25
wearing apparel of the dec'd 5.00
1 box, 1 slate, sugar cag & sugar 1.25
shoemaker tools 1.50
1 trunnel bed, stead & cord 0.25
1 lot bedding 5.00
1 quilt, 1 coverlett, 1 counterpin & 2 sheets 7.00
1 blanket 1.50
1 pocket book 0.50
[page 401]  
1 whiskey cag 0.50
1 oxen ring, singletree, trammel &c .37½

We the subscribers, appraisers of the personal property of the within named William Maury, did after being duly sworn according to law have appraised the within goods and chattles at their true value according to our best skill and understanding. David Stacklidge, Joseph Wilson.

Last Updated on 11/10/99