William Logan Sr. Inventory

Franklin County
February Term 1840
Pages 313-315

An Inventory of the goods, chattles and effects of William Logan Sr., late of Franklin County and State of Indiana deceased. Take by William Moore and William Nicolls adminstrators of the estate of said deceased with the assistance of Clempson B. Moore & Reden Osborn, appraisers called and duly sworn for that purpose. Taken this 17th day of October 1838.

1 small stand & cover (1 drawer) 1.25
1 stand (2 drawer) 1.50
1 breakfast table & oil cloth cover 3.00
1 clock (wall sweep 1.00
1 rock chair 0.50
10 chairs 25¢ each 2.50
1 knife steel 0.50
6 pewter plates 1.00
½ dozen plates .37½
3 tea pots, 1 pitcher, 5 tea cups & 5 saucers 0.25
3 bottles 0.31
6 pewter spoons 0.25
2 coffee mills (1 25¢ the other 62½¢ .87½
1 large tin cup & 4 small cups 0.25
2 tin buckets, 1 coffee pot .37½
1 small coffee pot .18 3/4
2 candlesticks .12½
8 knives & 12 forks 1.00
1 rifle gurn & shot pouch 5.50
2 horse pistols 2.00
1 shovel & tongs 1.25
1 pair of tongs (broken) 0.25
6 earthen pans, 3 tin pans 0.25
2 umbrellas 0.50
1 dung fork, 1 sand shovel, 1 pitchfork 3.25
2 axes 1.50
1 hand axe and foot adze 1.25
2 drawing knives 0.50
19 harrow teeth 2.00
2 plow shares & 1 cradle 1.00
1 mattock, 1 spade 1.00
3 hand saws 1.25
the undivided half of a cross cut saw 0.50
3 iron wedges 1.00
3 weeding hoes 0.50
1 scythe 1.50
1 lot of old sythes, 1 old axe, 2 syckels .37½
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1 loom 3.00
1 old saddle & sursingle 1.50
2 fleshed? sheep skins 1.25
1 water stand 0.25
half bushel, 1 meal bag, 1 deer skin 0.75
2 singletrees, 2 pair hames 1 lot of chains .37½
1 pair double trees, 2 pr hames .37½
1 peacock plow 4.00
1 scythe & cradle 2.00
2 pair trace chains, 1 back band, 1 halter chains 1.50
2 pair of hind gears, 2 collar & 1 waggon, and 1 pair check lines 82.00
1 clevis, 1 brace rod 1 shovel plow (wood excepted) .62½
2 hand rakes 0.25
3 barrels & lot of timothy seed .37½
1 barrel .12½
1 large pot 0.75
1 large brass kettle 3.00
1 small brass kettle 1.00
1 dinner pot 0.50
1 tea kettle 0.50
1 small pot & lid .37½
1 bake oven & lid 0.25
1 skillet & lid 0.50
1 bake oven .62½
1 grid iron .18 3/4
1 frying pan .62½
1 large bake oven & lid 1.00
1 10 gallon sugar kettle 0.50
1 18 gallon sugar kettle 2.00
1 8 gallon sugar kettle 1.00
1 skillet & lid (broken) .12½
2 buckets 0.50
1 stove & pipe 12.00
6 winsor chair 4.00
1 bureau 4.00
1 dining table 2.00
1 cloth press 2.00
1 bible 0.50
1 lot of books 2.50
1 looking glass 0.25
1 slate .12½
3 bedsteads, beds & beding 5.00
1 chest 1.00
1 chest (large) 0.40
1 bottle case & bottle & brandy 1.00
2 boxes & brandy .18 3/4
1 pair saddle bags 1.00
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1 little wheel 2.00
1 barrel containing 1½ bushels of dried apples 1.50
1 barrel containing 1 bushel of dried apples 1.00
1 barrel containing ½ bushel of dried apples 1.00
1 churn 0.50
4 augers 0.50
1 wooden square, 1 iron square, 4 chissels, 1 auger, 1 gouge 1.00
1 box of shoe tools .37½
1 lot of old iron 0.50
1 lot of cupboard ware 8.00
1 bee hive (short bench) 2.00
1 bee hive (long bench) 2.00
1 bee hive (low bench) 1.50
1 log chain 1.50
1 iron bound barrel 0.25
1 large barrel (hogshead) 1 box .31¼
2 pine boxes 0.50
3 barrels .18 3/4
1 barn shovel 0.50
1 fanning mill 11.00
1 waggon 12.00
5 hogs 1st choice & 5 small pigs 14.00
17 head of hogs 21.25
12 pigs 3.25
1 hog (at masters) 1.00
1 red cow (crumpled horn) 11.00
1 red cow 9.00
1 cow & calf 12.00
1 red white-face cow 10.00
1 steer (dun colour) 5.00
1 steer black with white face 5.00
1 small white heifer 4.00
1 small red & white heifer 4.00
1 small red heifer 3.00
1 lot of corn in the crib 10.00
1 plow 1.00
1 lot of corn in the field supposed to be 7½ acres supposed to make 300 bushels @ 33 1/3 per bushel 100.00
1 lot of wheat 38 dozen 3.50
1 lot of pickled pork supposed to be 90 lbs @ 6¼¢ per lb 5.62½
1 crock & lard 1.50
1 jar 0.25
1 cake of tallow 1.00
2 meat barrels 62½¢ each 1.25
half barrels 0.25
1 grindstone 0.25
1 barrel of salt, 4 bushels 3.68 3/4
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1 barrel of salt, 2 bushels 1.25
1 barrel .12½
1 barrel .12½
1 brandy barrel 0.25
1 barrel & old half bushel .12½
1 wash tub 0.50
1 sugar barrel 0.25
2 razors & 1 strap, 1 box & 1 glass 0.75
3 razors & 2 cases 1 strap 0.50
4 files 0.25
2 pair sheep shears .62½
1 rat tail file .12½
1 pocket book .12½
1 individual patent right on treshing machine 2.00
3 barrels .18 3/4
1 pair of and irons 1.00
2 smoothing irons 0.50
1 riding bridle 0.50
total amount of property $528.15½

Given under our hands this 17th day of October 1838
Climpson D. Moore
Reden Osborn, appraisers

Last Updated on 11/25/99