Charles Hutchinson Inventory

Franklin County
February Term AD 1844
White Water Township
Page 264

An inventory of the goods, chattels and effects of Charles Hutchinson, late of Franklin County and State of Indiana deceased, taken by William Hutchinson and Charles Hutchinson, executors of the estate of the said deceased with the assistance of John Brotherton and John King appraisers called and duly sworn for that purpose.
1 bay mare 50.00
1 black mare 30.00
1 black mare 28.00
1 horse colt 14.00
1 yoke of oxen 40.00
1 white cow 10.00
1 red cow 10.00
1 heifer 5.00
45 head of hogs 87.50
1 wagon and harness 48.00
1 harrow and 2 ploughs 8.00
4 stacks of wheat 30.00
3 oats stacks 18.00
1 barley stack 1.00
1 hay stack 12.00
corn in the crib 20.00
4 beds and bedding 40.00
3 tables 4.00
4 chairs 1.25
1 burea 3.00
1 saddle and bridle 4.25
pots and kettles 4.25
1 mattock 0.50
1 pick 0.50
bags .87½
amt brought from last page of appl bill $331.00
Given under our hands this 12 day of August 1834 $482.37½

John Brotherton
John King, appraisers

Wm Stephens note to the deceased 36.96
note on James A. Louts 30.00
note on David Mamon 12.00
Cash on hand 3.00
Making in all $565.83½

Last Updated on 12/9/99