Franklin County Inventories                   Butler Township
Pg 107 January Term AD 1855.
  An inventory of the personal property of the estate of John
Havise deceased taken by Aaron B. Line administrator and ap-
praised by James T. Osborn and Stephen Egbert.

13 head of sheep(widow 6)                       19.50x
1 cow                                           12.50x
12 head of hogs(widow 5)                        12.00x
1   "                                            1.50
3   "                                           10.00
3 pigs                                           1.50
1 brood mare                                    28.00
1 colt 1 yr old last spring                     16.50
1 spring colt                                   20.00
1 yoke work steers                              21.00x
1 shovel plow & clevis                           1.25x
1 peacock plow & singletree                      3.25x
1 log sled                                       1.12
1 flax break                                      .50
1 wind mill                                       .50
1 lot hay about 1 3/4 ton                       10.50x
1 lot wheat 35doz @26                            9.00x
1 cutting box                                    2.75x
1 lot rye about 55doz                            7.56
1 lot oats 35doz @18                             4.50
1 lot flax                                        .50
1 bee stand No 1                                 1.00
1     "     No 2                                 3.00
1     "     No 3                                 3.00
      "     No 4                                 3.00
      "     No 5                                 3.00
      "     No 6                                 1.75
      "     No 7                                 3.00x
      "     No 8                                 3.00x
      "     No 9                                 2.25x
      "     No 10                                3.00x
      "     No 11                                3.00
      "     No 12                                2.25
      "     No 13                                2.25x
      "     No 14                                1.50
lot of corn 3 acres                             18.00x
  "         2                                    7.40
lot of potatoes Oak-poplar                       2.50x
1        "                                      10.00
lot corn from potatoes-  to hollow              13.12½x
lot east of hollow                               7.50
     "        "                                 13.75
1 grain cradle                                   1.00
3 empty bee gums                                  .75
4 old barrels                                     .20
lot of straw                                     5.00
2 threshing flails                                .10
1 grindstone                                     1.00x
1 wagon & bed                                    1.00
2 broad hoes                                      .05
1 grub hoe                                        .30
1 sprouting hoe                                   .55
1   "                                             .20
1 double tree                                     .25
1 single tree                                     .30
1    "                                            .20
1 axe                                             .05
1 shaving horse                                   .25
1 broad hoe                                       .40
1 meat barrel double                             1.10x
1        "                                        .45
1 axe                                             .45x
1 shovel                                          .75x
3 barrels (chaulked)(widow- 1)                    .75
1 loom                                           2.25x
2 wheels, 1 reel                                 1.40x
lot of threshed & clean wheat                    9.75x
8 rows cabbage                                   2.88x
5   "                                            1.80
5   "                                            1.80
1 set plough gears, hames, chains, collar        2.25x
1    "                                           1.15
1 riding bridle                                   .15
1 saddle                                          .25x
1 great kettle                                   1.50x
1 pot & skillet                                   .40
1 clock                                           .87
1 bureau                                         6.00x
1 chest                                           .62x
1 dresser ware                                   2.75x
1 lot cooking utensils                           1.37x
1 bed No 1                                       2.62½x
1  "     2                                       2.62x
1  "     3                                       2.50x
1 smooth rifle gun                               5.00x
total                                          367.875

Signed by us this 5th day of September AD 1853
James T. Osborn
Stephen R. Egbert Appraisers
Photograph of Inventory, Page 1
Photograph of Inventory, Page 2
Photograph of Inventory, Page 3

Photograph of Sale, Page 1
Photograph of Sale, Page 2
Photograph of Sale, Page 3