James Gindee Inventory

Franklin County
November Term AD 1838
Page 94-96

and State of Indiana taken and appraisement by Andrew Reed & William W. Carson

1 lot of Cupboard ware 6.50
1 lot of pot mettal 3.50
26 chairs 18.00
2 tables and one stand 3.00
1 trunk, spools and thread 0.50
1 lot of wool and yarn 7.00
3 wheels, 1 reel and 2 pr cards 4.00
1 lot of sundries including crocks & other articles of kitchen craft 1.00
16 light of window glass 0.50
5 files 1.75
1 lot of books including bibles &c 4.50
1 lot of historical and musical books 2.50
1 bureau and looking glass 1.50
1 piece of blue cloth 3.00
1 lot of shaving tools 0.25
1 manile clock 10.00
1 chest and 1 piece of wall paper 2.00
20 yards of carpeting 2.50
wearing apparel of deceased 2.00
6 bedsteads, 4 beds & bedding 50.00
1 brass kettle & sundries 6.50
1 oil can, 3 sickles, 2 scythes, 2 augers, 1 hand saw & 1 drawing knife 1.50
1 washing machine and a lot of old barrels 2.00
4 light barrels, 1 ˝barrel, 2 meat tubs, 1 sald barrel, 1 ˝barrel tub and 1 can 3.50
9 kegs with paint & two jugs 2.50
1 lot of dried fruit 0.50
3 cakes of tallow 2.50
1 lot of crocks, jugs and candles 5.00
3 kettles and 1 pot 4.00
1 log cart 15.00
4 forks, brakes & 1 flail 2.00
9 barrels & two gums 1.50
1 cutting box, 1 scoop shovel, 1 ˝ bushel, 1 ˝peck 1.25
1 plough No.3 6.50
2 pair of gears with britch bands, far? Lines and brech chains 9.00
2 pair of gears 4.50
4 blind bridles and 1 halter chain 2.00
1 saddle, 1 shovel, 1 bridle and 1 sheep skin 2.50
1 plough No.7 6.00
1 pair of double trees & 1 clevis 0.75
1 lot leather & 1 sheep skin 0.50
1 pair of hip straps 1.00
1 pair of streachers .37˝
1 foot adze, 1 hewing and 1 hand axe 3.00
1 large waggon 20.00
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1 cheese press and 1 clock 1.00
2 stands of bees 4.00
1 loom 1.00
1 waggon tongue & seat 0.75
10 sheep 12.50
1 white bull 17.00
1 yoke of oxen 50.00
1 large red and white cow 18.00
1 brindle cow 14.00
2 red cows 34.00
1 large bay horse 80.00
1 small bay horse 60.00
1 red roan horse 60.00
1 log chain, 1 ox ring & staple 1.50
10 harrow teeth 1.62˝
4 hoes, 1 mattock and a lot of old irons 1.50
2 scythes and 1 set of hangings 1.00
5 hogs 42.00
18 hogs 90.00
1 sow & 5 pigs 15.00
1 wheel barrow 2.50
1 iron harrow 2.50
1 lot of brick 2.00
24 chickens, 3 geese & 3 turkeys 3.50
1 cross cut saw 1.00
1 two horse waggon 75.00
1 ox yoke and 1 pair of chains 2.25
1 sledge 0.50
1 grindstone and 1 crock 2.00
2 axes 3.00
1 set of plough irons No. 5 6.00
old plough irons, part of a singletree and pieces of rod iron 1.50
1 stone hammer 0.50
1 shovel 0.25
1 square, 1 lantern & part of a turning lather 0.50
4 mill saws 3.00
1 set of mill irons 10.00
1 set of mill stones 40.00
1 sorrel horse 55.00
1 sorrel mare 10.00
1 red and white cow 18.00
1 red and white steer 16.00
1 small speckled steer 6.00
1 white heifer 7.00
1 white heifer 7.00
1 fanning mill 1.00
1 set of stand legs 0.50
1 mattock & 1 log sled 1.00
1 lot of flax, 1 pot trammel, 1 hetchel, meal sive &c 3.00
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1 old axe .37˝
1 patent right for thrashing machine 10.00

Be it remembered that on the 21st day of October 1836 personally appeared before me the undersigned Justice of the peace within and for said county, Andrew Reed and William W. Carson two reputable freeholders in the neighborhood of the laste residence of James Gindee, dec'd late of the County and State aforesaid, who being by me duly sworn on their oath solemnly say that the foregoing inventory and appraisement by them made of the goods and chattles belonging to the estate of said deceased amounting to $1044.62˝ is just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief and further say not. Given under my hand and seal this 21st day of October 1836. John Wynn Justice of the Peace.

Last Updated on 11/16/99