Inventory of Benjamin Flood

Franklin County
April Term AD 1858
Pages 540-542
An inventory of the property of Thomas Flood & Elizabeth Flood minor heirs of Benjamin Flood late of said County, deceased, bequeathed to them in the last will and testament of said Benjamin Flood, deceased, and all other property they otherwise have that has come into the hand of William A. Flood their guardian. Taken with the assistance of Samuel Howell [page 540] and Stephen S. Harrell, who being called on and sworn for that purpose.

Description of the Property of Thomas Value
1 new 2 horse wagon & cover 95.00
1 2 horse wagon 10.00
1 horse peacock plough 4.00
1 horse peacock plough .75
1 cultivator 2.00
1 shovel plough .75
1 cross cut saw 2.50
1 scythe & cradle .50
1 chopping ax .75
1 chopping ax .25
2 bound pointed shovels .60
1 grubbing hoe .25
2 weeding hoes .30
1 scythe & hangings .50
1 hand saw .50
1 cutting knife .15
2 auguers .05
1 log chain 2.25
2 pair trace chains 1.00
2 pair hames .25
4 clevices & 1 ring 1.00
1 doz. harrow teeth 1.00
1 iron wedge .37
1 double tree and single tree .55
1 pr of breeching .75
1 2 horse plough, double tree & single tree 1.25
1 wheat fan 3.00
continued over
1 iron pitch fork .12
1 set of 2 horse wagon harness 12.50
1 yellow mare (3 yrs old) 50.00
1 dapple gray mare (7 yrs old) 65.00
9 hogs 95.00
2 shoats 2.00
1 sow spotted & 7 pigs 7.00
17 head of sheep 12.75
1 red cow 13.00
1 red & white heifer 5.00
1 light red heifer 5.00
1 yearling bull 5.00
1 grindstone .12
1 rifle gun 11.00
Page 541
1 cutting box & knife .50
1 cast plough .25
1 dung fork .62
the real estate 3000.00
rents & profits per year 120.00
amount of personality $415.43
total 3,535.43
2ndly, Elizabeth's property
1 white yearling colt/gelding 25.00

Given under our hands this 2nd day of July 1847.
Stephen S. Harrell
Samuel Howell

Last modified 18 September 2002