Inventory of Isaac Davis

Franklin County
July Term AD 1857
Page 318-320
An inventory of the personal property of Isaac Davis deceased taken by John R. Lee, administrator, and appraised by John P. Brady and Samuel Shirk, Feb. 5th 1856

No. Description of the Property Amount
1 spade, churn, tub, and soap grease .75x
2 2 tubs, 1 barrel, sheep skin, harness & saddle .75x
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3 3 augers, 3 saws, chisels & draw knife 1.00
4 1 scoop shovel & frying pan .60
5 1 dresser, bureau, box .50x
6 1 lard can & wash board .65x
7 wheel, table & chest .60x
8 1 barrel & cider 1.00
9 2 reap hooks & old irons .80
10 2 skillets 1 dutch oven & griddle .40
11 3 jugs .20
12 1 lot oatmeal, coffee mill basin 1.00
13 2 grid irons & 2 dutch ovens .50
14 1 old dresser & contents .20x
15 1 cook stove & ware 7.00x
16 fire shovel, tong & 2 sad irons .50x
17 basket & wood bucket .45x
18 7 chairs 1.75x
19 1 lot tin & dresser ware 3.00x
20 1 spring balance, 1 clock & 2 tables 3.00x
21 3 bedsteds & bedding 12.00x
22 1 gun & mirror 5.00
23 1 lot of crocks .25x
24 1 lot bed clothing 4.00x
25 1 lot wheat in bushel 8.00x
26 soap & vinegar 1.00x
27 10 old barrels 1.00x
28 1 old bed sted cord & ropes .70x
29 3 wheels, flax, ½ bushel measure 2.00x
30 2 side saddles, 3 grain bags 4.40x
31 1 sugar kettle .25x
32 dirt shovel, cant hook, neck yoke .50
33 2 horse plough & shovel plough 6.00x
34 1 harrow and shovel plough 1.75
35 2 ploughs 1.50
36 1 old wargon & irons 3.00
37 2 horse wagon 8.00
38 1 grub hoe .25
39 1 lot of harness & man saddle 3.50x
40 1 hay & manure forks & hay rake .60x
41 1 lot apples & barrels holding same 1.50x
42 1 lot corn & broom corn 45.00
43 1 fanning mill 1.50
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44 3 scythes & cradle 2.00
45 1 buggy & 2 sets of harness 12.00x
46 1 lot of wheat in ground 12.00
47 1 brown mare 30.00
48 1 dark sorrel horse, lame 50.00x
49 1 light sorrel horse 75.00
50 1 speckled milk cow 20.00x
51 1 spotted cow 12.12
52 1 red heifer 12.00
53 1 yearling calf 6.00
54 1 calf 3.00
55 2 sheep 3.50x
56 1 sow & 2 shoats 10.00x
57 1 sow & 5 shoats 20.00
58 3 dozen chickens 4.00x
59 1 lot potatoes in hole 5.00
60 lot boards 1.00
61 2 chopping axes .50
62 double & single trees .50x
63 2 razors & straps .50
64 cash on hand 17.00x
whole amount of the appraisement $432.35

Signed by us this 5th day of February 1856.
John P. Brady
Samuel Shirk, appraisers

Widows selection ($181.75) = x

Last modified 9 September 2002