Inventory of Timothy C. Cooley

Franklin County
November Term AD 1861
Pages 565-568
We, Harvey Blacklidge and Jenks G. Banes swear that we will honestly appraise the personal estate of Timothy C. Cooley deceased which may be exhibited to us so help us god. Harvey Blacklidge, J. G. Banes. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November 1852 John Horsley J. P.
I Ezekiel Tyner swear that I will honestly appraise the personal estate of Timothy C. Cooley deceased which may be exhibited to me so help me god. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of November 1852 John Horsley J. P.

An inventory of the personal estate of Timothy C. Cooley deceased taken by Wilson Morrow administrator and appraised by J. G. Banes, Harvey Blacklidge and Ezekiel Tyner.
[Page 565]

No. Description of Property $
1 1 horse 50.00
2 1 buggy 50.00
3 buggy harness 7.50
4 bedstead & bedding 25.00x
5 1 squarepost bedsted 2.50x
6 2 bed spreads 3.00x
7 1 coverlet & quilt 5.00x
8 1 unfinished quilt 1.50x
9 2 large sheets 1.00x
10 2 small sheets .50x
11 1 lining for quilt .75x
12 1 cott .75
13 1 wood saw .50x
14 1 auger .20
15 1 hatchet, nails &c .40
16 3 stone jugs .30
17 1 wood churn .50
18 1 spit box .25
19 1 coffee mill .20x
20 36 yds carpeting @ 25¢ 6.50x
21 1 bureau 5.00x
22 1 brass clock 3.00x
23 6 winsor chairs 3.50x
24 split bottom chair .36
25 1 rocking chair 3.50x
amount brot over $171.35
26 1 breakfast table 2.50x
27 4 yds carpeting @ 20¢ .80x
28 1 trunk 2.50
29 2 pair window curtains 3.00x
30 1 stand and oil cloth 1.50x
31 1 lot of cupboard ware 5.00x
32 1 cupboard 2.00x
33 1 pair tongues polker & shovel 3.00x
34 1 pr dog iron 1.00
35 1 reading lamp & oil can 1.00x
36 1 pair brass candlesticks & snuffer .25x
37 1 cooking stove & trimmings 10.00x
38 Parlor stove 2.50
39 steel yards .40
40 pair lanterns .50x
41 1 wash board .10x
[Page 566]
42 1 hand saw .50
43 1 lantern .30x
44 lot tin ware 1.00x
45 1 claw hammer .50
46 1 spade .75
47 1 iron kettle 1.00
48 1 axe .75x
49 [blank]
50 a lot of stone 2.40
51 2 hoes .15x
52 2 wash tubs 1.00x
53 2 iron hooped bbls 1.00x
54 note on John Rickets due Dec 25th 1852, dated July 27, 1852 5.40
amount brot over 222.25
55 Note on Jeremiah Linville dated May 29, 1852 due with interest $1.84 00
56 Due bill on Hiram Williams dated March 16, 1850 amt 145 00
57 Crawley order dated August 18, 1851 in favor of Jacob Smith assigned T. C. Cooley .75
58 Note on B. D. Goodwin due May 18th 1848 dated August 1st /47 interest from date on 8.92 credit March 30, 1849 of 9.80 leaving a balance 1.23
59 Note on T. Crofs and K. George due from date, dated Aug 10, 1852 3.91
60 Note on John Pratt dated August 20th 1852 due from date with interest 100.00
61 Note on John Pratt dated August 20th 1852 due March 1st 1854. Interest from March 1st 1853 200.00
62 Note on John Pratt dated Aug 20th 1852 due 1st March 1856. Interest from March 1st 1853 200.00
amount brot over $728.14
63 Note on John Pratt dated Aug 20th 1852 due 1st March 1857. Interest from March 1st 1853 200.00
64 Note on John Pratt dated Aug 20th 1850 due 1st March 1855. Interest from March 1st 1853 200.00
65 Note on John H. Wiggins dated February 16th 1852 due from date with interest 26.17
66 Note on J. J. Rubotton dated March 13, 1856 due from date with interest $500.00 credit July 9th 1852 $155.74 344.26
67 Note on Archibald Hahn dated January 18th 1851 due from date with interest 43.76
68 Note on Peter D. Pelsor dated June 13th 1851 due Dec 13th 1851. $8.00 [nd]
69 Note on M. J. H. Gowing dated July 30th 1851. Due July 30th 1852. Interest from date amount $50.00 [nd]
amount brot over $1542.33
70 Order on Walker and Brothers dated Oct 8th 1857. accepted same day with int 13.43
71 Order from J. C. Armstrong to J. H. Wiggans for 1.00
72 [blank]
73 Due bill on J. J. Rubottom dated April 6th 1850 int from date $39.22. Credit 5.00 34.22
74 One mortgage on land of John Pratt due March 1st 1857 $800.00 [nd]
75 Judgment on Thomas W. Smith 33.37
[Page 567]
76 account on Waler $11.95 [nd]
77 account on Henry Armstrong 2.84
78 account on the estate of Robert Flewelling deceased $50.20 [nd]
79 account on J. J. Kennedy 2.32
80 Account on John Clerry 3.68
81 Due bill on J. Raymond dated Dec 29, 1848 5.26
Amount added to total amount on last page 96.11
amount brot over $1542.33
82 Due bill on N. Bell dated Dec 11th 1848 $7.30 00
83 Account on N. Bell $2.90 00
84 Due bill on Isaac Goble Jr dated December 26th 1848 $15.00 [nd]
85 Account on E. Hyatt amount $1.98 [nd]
86 Account on James B. Goble 4.59
87 4 vol Kents Commentaries 6.00
88 Wick & Barber [nd]
89 Webster's Dictionary & Pilgrims Progress 2.00
90 Lot of books 29 vol 5.80
91 Due bill on T. J. Neidhammer, dated Nov 17th 1849 payable December 25 1849 $6.00 1.07
92 Account of William Gordon $1.97 [nd]
93 Account of A. F. St. John $5.52 [nd]
94 Account of A. B. Martindale $5.25 [nd]
95 Account of John McWhirter $10.55 [nd]
96 Account on J. M. Francis $9.53 [nd]
97 Account on John Wiggins $3.25 [nd]
Amount carried up 1560.72
98 Account of Henry Pond $2.60 [nd]
99 Account on Mary Doty $6.82 [nd]
100 Account on Jonathan Banes 1.50
101 Account on Jones & Banes 2.00
102 Account on Calvin Jones 1.00
103 Account on White Water Bridge $1.00 [nd]
104 Account on Thomas Scholfield .50
105 Account on Walker & Brothers 2.00
106 Account on M. Wiggins 3.19
107 Account on Wm Flewelling $17.50 [nd]
108 Acct on A Hahn .84
109 Acct on R. D. Pelser $2.00 [nd]
110 Acct on Robert Flewelling $22.00 [nd]
111 Acct on Thomas Stand .50
112 Acct on A. S. Bastian $12.50 [nd]
113 Acct on Thomas Deford .75
Amount carried up $1573.00
114 Acct on Wm Carr .75
115 Mr Whitaker vs T. H. Conner, Ryman vs Kelly $.50 [nd]
116 George vs Miller .75 [nd]
117 M. J. Keely vs Wm Flewelling $65 [nd]
118 T H Conner vs Francis Sater $62 [nd]
119 Wm McGuire vs John Wilson .38
[Page 568]
[Pages 569-570 not photographed]
198 P. McQuality vs John Dubois .75
199 Jacob Smith vs P. C. Woods $.62 [nd]
200 Jones & Banes vs George Jones .63
201 Hazzard Morrow vs J. A. Bolton .63
202 Hazzard Morrow vs Geo. Debolt .50
203 Jones & Banes vs David Bell .75
204 James Culbertson vs Thos Briggs .87
205 Wm Smith vs Jeremiah Wiggins .50 [nd]
amount brot over 1612.43
206 Jones & Banes vs Jeremiah Wiggins .50
207 Henry Secust vs Thomas Tague .12½
208 J.C. Armstrong vs Pat Murphy 2.37
209 A. F. St. John vs David Alley .62
210 Thos Davis vs John Canthys $1.75 [nd]
211 State of Ind vs Jacob Smith $1.50 [nd]
212 G. W. Walker vs Silas Hall 1.50
213 State of Ind vs Alex McAwan $2.06 [nd]
214 Thos B. Smith & Co vs George Wolf $1.30 [nd]
215 Jacob Master vs David Blazier .75
216 Walker & Brothers vs Jno Stand .62
217 Walker & Brothers vs A. M. Falkner .87
Amt Carried up $1619.72
218 J. H. P. White vs Co vs J. H. Wiggins .75
219 State of Ind vs N. Carmichael 1.00
220 State of Ind vs Isaac Chapman 1.00
221 A J. Ross vs G. Morgan .75
222 Thomas Tague vs T H. Conner .87
223 T. H. Conner vs T. H. Conner .62 [nd]
224 T. H. Conner vs M. Fluellen $1.57 [nd]
225 N. D. Gallion vs Johnst Smith .62
226 Thomas Tague vs Jacob Francis .87
227 State of Ind vs Wm Maguire $2.25 [nd]
amount brot over $1625.55
228 State of Ind vs Jacob Smith $2.00 [nd]
229 H. M. Davis Sup vs Wm Maguire .62 [nd]
230 H. M. Davis vs Isac Stevens .50 [nd]
231 Isaac Cooley vs Simpson Jones 1.00
232 T. H. Conner vs S. G. Smith $1.00 [nd]
233 T. H. Conner vs Hanford Jones $1.00 [nd]
234 Will Egleston vs Isaac Cooley 1.62
235 Dan'l Fones vs H. J. Lebeck $.75 [nd]
236 M. Butzner vs George Wolf $.57 [nd]
[Page 571]
237 Laurence Erb vs Matt Detrich 1.57
238 J. D. Howland vs R. M. Wailer .37
amount brot over $1629.94
239 J. D. Armstrong vs R. M. Wailer .37
240 Sarah Alley vs Samuel Lewis .87
241 State of Ind vs A. J. Mickel 2.25
242 A. Hahn vs G. Applegate 1.17
243 State of Ind vs Sam'l Sherwood $2.31 [nd]
244 Isaac Cooley vs Sam'l Alley .50
245 Isaac Cooley vs Sam Alley .50
246 Wm Potts vs David Houston .62
247 Henry Cromwell vs Leonard Lester $.50 [nd]
248 Isaac Cooley vs Leonard Lester 1.12½
249 L. Lester vs I Cooley 1.50
amount brot over $1638.84
250 State of Ind vs John Reidy & Co 1.87
251 State of Ind vs Alex McKennon 1.50
252 D. B. C. Balis vs John York $.37 [nd]
253 1 Dining Table .62½
254 1 breakfast table .75
255 4 chairs 1.25
256 1 stove 5.00
257 8 barrels 2.00
258 money on hand 13.50x
total personal $1665.33
amt brot from page 4 right hand column $96.11
[Total] $1761.44
Total received by widow $108.80

Signed by us this 29th Dec 1852
E. Tyner
Harvey Blacklidge
J. G. Banes, appraisers

Received of Wilson Morrow administrator of the estate of my late husband Timothy C. Cooley, deceased the articles charged to me in the foregoing inventory the 29 day of December 1852.
Mary Cooley

I Wilson Morrow administrator of the estate of Timothy C. Cooley, deceased, swear that the foregoing is a true and complete inventory of all the personal estate of said decedent which has come to my knowledge and also of the property taken by the widow on the 29th day of December, so help me God.
Wilson Morrow

Subscribed and sworn to before me the 30th day of December
J. M. Johnston C.C. C. Franklin County

Last modified 11 May 2005