Inventory of John Caldwell

Franklin County
September Term AD 1847
Pages 558-559
An inventory of the estate, goods, chattels, rights, credits, Moneys, and effects of John Caldwell, late of Franklin County, State of Indiana, deceased, taken by Joseph Wilson and Daniel Wilson, administrators of the estate of the said deceased and appraised by Philip Rowe and John R. Dickerson, freeholders of the neighborhood selected as appraisers thereof by these administrators and having been sworn as appraisers

1 cupboard 1.75
1 table .37½
2 barrels .37½
2 hand irons .18 3/4
1 mantle clock 2.00
1 skillet 0.25
1 bake oven 0.25
1 lot of oats 6.37½
1 lot of wheat 54.37½
1 lot of corn 63.75
[page 559]  
1 stack of oats 7.50
1 cow 8.00
1/3 of the wheat in the ground 18.00
1 stack of oats 10.00
1 lot of corn 22.00
1 bureau 6.00
2 chairs 0.75
1 chest 1.25
1 tea kettle 0.25
1 flat iron .06¼
1 hog 2.00
1 brown mare 10.00
1 collar and bridle 1.50
total 223.25
1 promissory note for $36 dated April 21, 1842 signed A. B. Norton amount with interest $34.13 which in the judgement of the appraisers not collectable  
1 promissory note for $10 dated April 21, 1842 signed A. B. Norton and Samuel Norton, amount with interest $11.27 which in the judgement of the appraisers may be collectable 11.27
1 promissory note for $5 dated April 13, 1839 signed N. R.? Ray amount with interest $10.92 which in the judgement of the appraisers is not collectable  
An account against Benjamin Griffin August 10th 1832 $205  
September the 20th, $20, $100, $30, 40. This account against Benjamin Griffin in the judgement of the appraisers is not collectable  
An account against Matthew George no date, for $7 which in the judgement of the appraisers is not collectable  
An account against Jame W. Luckey Feb 6th 1841 for 5.00
October 1842 an account against George Laugh for 2.00
The accounts against James W. Luckey and George Laugh in the judgement of th appraisers deemed collectable  
total 241.52

Given under hands this 11th day of December 1844
John R. Dickerson
Philip Rowe, appraisers

Last Updated on 7/7/00