Inventory of Anson Buckley

Franklin County
April Term AD 1860
Pages 31-35

An inventory of the personal estate of Anson Buckley deceased taken by Jane Buckley administratrix and John T. Buckley administrator and appraised by Abraham Miller and John Masters.

No. Description of Property $
1 cupboard ware 5.00x
2 1 lot of tin ware 1.00x
3 2 smoothing irons .40x
4 1 cooking stove and furniture 3.00x
5 2 tables 2.00x
6 ten old chairs .50
7 6 plain winser chairs 1.25
8 1 settee .50
9 6 fine winser chairs 2.50x
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10 1 rocking chair 1.25x
11 1 plain stand .50
12 1 plain stand .50
13 1 bureau 4.00
14 1 bureau 4.00x
15 1 clock 1.00x
16 1 looking glass .25x
17 1 map and lot of books 3.00
18 1 bedstead and bedding 12.00x
19 10 bed quilts 25.00x
20 8 blankets 8.00x
21 3 bedstead and bedding 25.00x
22 5 table covers 1.50x
23 5 sheats and pillow slips 3.00
24 3 wash tubs and wash boards 1.00x
25 1 iron kettle .40
26 1 lot of spinning wheels and reals .50x
27 box of old iron .30
28 1 shovel and hoe .25
29 1 grinding stone .25
30 1 grain cradle and mowing scythe 1.00
31 carpeting on the parlor floor 6.00x
32 carpeting in the dining room 3.00x
33 3 choping axes 1.00
34 1 two horse harrow 1.50
35 1 half interest in a wheat drill 15.00
36 1 plow No. 6 .50
37 1 stove and pipe 1.00
38 1 two horse waggon 20.00
39 1 field roller 2.00
40 1 shovel plow 2.00
41 1 shovel plow 1.50
42 1 shovel plow 1.00
43 1 cultivator 1.50
44 1 cultivator 1.50
45 1 treble shovel plow 3.00
46 1 steel mould plow 5.00
47 corn coverer .50
48 2 pare breechen, 2 collars, 2 bridles, 2 pare stretchers 4.00
49 2 pare plow harness 2.00
50 1 pare check lines, bridles &c 1.50
51 1 mans saddle 1.50x
52 Two horse carriage and harness 25.00
53 1 cutting box 1.50
54 1 half bushel measure .25
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55 5 manure and hay forks 2.00
56 1 flax wheel .50
57 1 winnowing mill 5.00
58 1 clover huller 21.00
59 2 wheat riddles .50
60 meal seive .20
61 scoop shovel .10
62 ¼ interest in a thrashing machine 50.00
63 12 wheat sacks 1.50x
64 20 bushels of oats 6.00
65 29 bushels of old corn 23.90
66 100 bushels of old wheat 75.00
67 126 bushel new wheat (red) 150.00
68 30 bushels of new white wheat 15.00
69 carpenters tools .75
70 clover seed supposed to be 8 bushels 25.00
71 6 tons of hay 24.00
72 8 bushels of Buckwheat 5.00
73 1 field of corn, 8 acres 80.00x
74 1 field of corn, 7 acres 24.00
75 1 yearling black heifer 6.00
76 1 yearling black steer 6.00
77 1 yearling red steer 6.00
78 1 spotted heifer 12.00
79 1 red young cow 15.00x
80 1 roan cow 12.00
81 1 red old cow 12.00
82 12 acres of corn in the field 42.00
83 1 red and 1 spotted calves 5.00
84 4 fat steers 68.00
85 13 fat hogs 81.90
86 5 fat hogs 25.00
87 15 stock hogs (widow takes 4) 22.00x
88 8 pigs 5.00x
89 800 clapboards 9.00
90 1 bay horse 50.00x
91 1 bay mare 80.00
92 1 sorrel mare 35.00x
93 1 bay horse colt 25.00
94 1 bay mare colt 20.00
95 1 bay horse 60.00
96 1 black mare 75.00
97 lot of lumber 2.00
98 Note on John and James Speer due first day of January 1858 dated April 4th 1857 with interest from date. Interest paid up for one year from date 205.00
99 Note on Isaac Miller, due September 9th 1857 dated 8 September 1856 with interest from date 77.28
100 1 due bill on D. O. Allen given June 12th 1858 3.12

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Signed by us the 22nd day of Oct. 1858.
John Masters
Abraham Miller, appraisers

Widow's Receipt: Received of Jane and John Buckley administrators of the estate of my late husband Anson Buckley, deceased, the articles charged to me in the foregoing inventory the 22nd day of October 1858
Jane Buckley
x = widow's selection

Last modified 13 May 2005