Amos Appleton Inventory

Franklin County
February Term 1838
Pages 464-466
Springfield Township

An inventory of the personal property of the estate of Amos Appleton deceased and appraised by the above James Merrill and James Samuels this 15th day of September A.D. 1836 as follows to wit:

1st 5 head of hogs worth $3.50each 17.50
1 sow and seven pigs 5.00
1 sow 6.00
4 hogs worth $3each 12.00
1 sow & 7 pigs 5.00
1 colt 15.00
1 black mare 40.00
1 sorrel mare 55.00
1 black cow 10.00
1 large brindle cow 14.00
1 small brindle cow 10.00
1 bell cow and bell 10.00
1 muly heifer 8.00
1 red heifer 8.00
1 heifer calf 1.50
1 bull calf 2.00
6 sheep @ $1 per head 6.00
8 sheep @ $1 each 8.00
1 field of corn supposed 5 acres 20.00
5 acres East side of the creek @ 5.50per acre 27.50
3 acres East side of the creek @ $3 per acre 9.00
1 waggon & cover 75.00
1 set of gears for two horses 6.00
1 fanning mill 12.00
1 cutting box 1.00
120 doz of wheat in the barn 30.00
part of stack of wheat 15.00
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1 rye stack 4.00
1 oat stack 3.50
1 stack of hay 6.00
1 stack of hay 7.00
1 lot of flax 3.00
1 pitch fork .12˝
1 peacock plough 4.00
1 log chane 3.00
1 choping axe 1.25
1 lot of double trees, a clevis 1.00
1 broad hoe 0.25
1 fallow harrow 2.50
15 head of geese 1.50
1 table 0.50
1 8 gallon kettle 1.50
1 10 gallon kettle 1.50
a lot of iron ware 3.00
1 cheese press 1.00
3 barrels and 1 meat cask 2.00
2 washing tubs 1.25
1 barrel of pickles 1.00
2 ˝barrels, 1 tar bucket 0.50
1 wash board 0.25
1 cut seal? 0.50
a lot of crocks 15 in number 0.50
1 fat can .12˝
1 brass kettle 1.00
1 bed & bedstead and bedding 5.00
1 trunnel bedstead & bed 2.00
1 big wheel 1.00
1 spinning wheel 1.00
1 man saddle 1.25
1 barrel of vinegar 1.50
2 flour barrels 0.50
1 half bushel measure and peck of flax seed 0.50
1 bureau 10.00
1 mantle clock 10.00
1 bed, fancy bedstead and bedding 12.00
1 bedstead, bed and bedding 10.00
1 bedstead, bed and bedding 7.00
1 falling leaf table 0.75
1 desser and ware 3.50
1 stand 1.50
1 set of blue chairs 2.25
4 old chairs 0.25
rocking cradle 0.25
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4 old chairs 0.25
1 pair of andirons 0.75
shovel & tongs 1.00
2 trammels 1.25
1 pair flat irons 0.50
1 chest and contents 5.00
3 quilts, 2 blankets and 3 sheets 2.00
1 looking glass 0.50
1 churn and two buckets 0.25
1 patch of potatoes 2.00
2 parcels of buckwheat 2.00

Last Updated on 11/11/99