Inventory of Soloman Allen

Franklin County
October Term A.D. 1855
Highland Township
Pages 394-397

An inventory of the monies, chattels, credits and effects belonging to the estate of Soloman Allen late of Franklin County Ind. deceased as taken on the 31st day of July A.D. 1852 by Eli Allen and Daniel Taylor with the assistance of John Peterson & James Fread two discreet citizens freeholders of the vicinity called and duly sworn for that purpose.

2 old hay forks & dung fork .60
log chain .40
pr of haimes .40
1 rake and old fork .10
iron toothed harrow 12 teeth, clevis & link 1.75
wash kettle & bail 1.00x
gruben hoe & weeding hoe .60
shovel plow .50
half bushel measure .25
3 mill bags .60
old split bottomed chair .05
lot of clover hay 10.00x
2 stacks of wheat 22.50
windmill 1.00
2 hogs 18.00x
1 cow 12.00x
37 doz oats 4.55
an old gig 10.00
meat tub 1/2 hogshead .15x
4 barrels .50
2 tubs & basket .60x
barrel & soap 2.00
barrel & salt .90x
one old barrel .15
barrel & vinegar 1.87
1 churn .15
1 lot of corn in the ear 2.00x
1 apple rake .05x
old shovel .05
2 bee gums .05
old bedstead & cord .20
2 kegs & lard 1.30
3 kegs 4 lbs tallow soap, grease pickles .60
5 milk crocks .30x
5 milk crocks .16
5 milk crocks .05
2 tin pans for milk & wooden bowl .40
2 tin buckets .05
1 man's saddle & bridle 2.50x
1 halter chain .12˝
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oven lid & bail .35
oven & lid .10
pot & lid .15
skillet .15
skillet & pan .25
brass kettle, small 1.00
brass kettle, 3 gallons .75
large copper kettle 4.00
griddle & bail .40
copper tea kettle .10
old axe .10
2 jars, 4 gallon each .20x
2 jars, 2 gallon each .75
2 kegs at .10 ea. .20
3 kegs .75
dye crock .25x
4 augers .45
3 planes and 1 match 1.25
crout cutter .50
3 old flour barrels .15x
3 old flour barrels .15x
a lot of wheat & 3 barrels 4.50x
barrel & brooms .15x
sifter for meal .20
3 larger boses for grain .60
3 small boxes for grain .45
clothes horse .30
tea chest & tool box .15
1 feather bed stead, cord, 2 pillows, bolster, sheet and quilt 8.00
1 Do 7.00
quilt & comfort 1.75
lot of rag carpeting 1.86
set of windsor chairs 1.00
quilts, 1 wool, 1 cotton 1.20
2 pr of boots 2.00x
a set of new windsor chairs 1.20
3 split bottom chairs .40x
cane bottom rocking chair 3.50x
1 stand & cover 1.25
breakfast table 2.25x
breakfast table .30x
8 day brass clock 8.00
looking glass large size 3.00x
13 pieces of tin ware 1.75
rifle, gunshot, pouch, moulds, horn 6.00x
40 bound books 10.00
razor & strap box tooth drawers, lancet spring 1.00
lot of pamphlets & papers .10
book case 8.00
old bureau 3.00
sugar box .20
piece of wall paper .06
new bureau 12.00
an old book case 3.00
a silver watch 12.00
a desk for papers 1.00
6 bars of lead .30
gunters seal 1.10
surveyor's compass, chain, staff, instrument 40.00
6 chisels, 2 gauges, square & screw driver 1.21
shoemakers awls, compass, tenon saw .40
4 shoe brushes .25
glass tub for bird cage .10
1 large chest 1.00
high poster bedstead, bedding, pillow and cord 10.00
2 quilts, 1 wool 1 cotton 2.00
2 comforts 1.75
2 Mackinaw blankets 3.50
2 linsey blankets 3.00
2 woolen blankets 3.00
rag carpet rug strips 1.50x
1 fur hat 1.00
tea chest .10
a box of papers .40
2 wine bottles & clear jug .40x
one patch work quilt new 1.50x
4 pr men's pants 2.00
a lot of rags & bottles in chest .50x
8 vests 2.00
3 pr old pants .50
4 pr pants 2.00
1 pr bed valance .30
bed sheet & old blanket .40
1 set bed curtains for bed 1.75
couple of flannel shirts .60x
1 tight bodice clothware 2.00
1 tight bodice clothware .15
1 summer coat & black gloves .20
1 jeans frock coat 1.50
1 jeans frock coat .50
1 jeans frock coat & mamac? .25
handsaw .75
pr steelyards .50
one slate .10
a common iron square .50
tin lantern .25
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hatchet, hammer & pinchers .75
smoothing irons & stand .60
shovel & tongs .60x
tripod and hook .25
coffee mill .30x
8 knives 9 forks 1.00
2 butcher knives .20x
7 spoons & a ladle .15
a scimmer, candle moulds .60
coffee box & old coffee pot .25
3 earthen jars .10
jug & vinegar .05
1 bottle of goose oil, bottle & dish .10
bread board & rolling pin .15x
1 large, 1 small pewter dish 1.00
5 soup dishes blue .20
pitcher Liverpoolware .25
7 blue plates .30
1 glass jar & pitcher .10
1 deep soup plate .15
1 set of breakfast plates .37
2 sugar bowls .25
1 lot of cups & saucers .75
2 glass & 1 Britannia tumblers .15x
1 brittenian teapot .40
2 sauce dishes .50
2 pepper boxes & salt cellar .10x
creampot, tea cannister, ˝pt bottle & glass tumbler .25
4 tea spoons .25
9 cups & 6 saucers .15
4 tea plates & cake platter .10
5 bowls .15
2 small sauce dishes .05
8 plates .05
5 red breakfast plates .30
5 butter plates .20
2 linen cloths for table 1.00
6 towels .30x
7 pillow cases & 2 towels & bag .45
3 bolster cases .30
2 sets of window curtains & handg .10
2 set of window curtains .50
1 book history Mexican War 1.00x
3 pr socks .25
3 shirts .35
2 pr of suspenders/1pr drawers .25
2 handkerchiefs 1 cotton 1 silk .35
water bucket & wash pan, 2 tin cups .40x
3 towels & 1 table cloth .60
2 slop bowls .10
2 candlesticks, vials & sodering iron .15
3 inkstands, money scales & pinchers 1.00
40 chickens 4.00x
a lot of lumber 1.00
one cupboard 4.00
2 bottles .05
1 ink stand .10
1 slop bucket .10
2 baskets .25
1 finger ring .75
1 pr of scissors .15
a patch of corn & potatoes 4.00
a mason hammer & gridiron .75
1st of apple trees 1.50
2nd of apple trees 3.00
3rd of apple trees 2.50
4th of apple trees 2.50
5th of apple trees 2.50
6th of apple trees 1.25
35 bu of corn 10.50
35 bu of corn 10.50
35 bu of corn 10.50
total 390.94

We the appraisers of the property of Soloman Allen late of Franklin Co. Decd do certify the above as a true appraisement as witnesses our hands this 22nd of November 1852.

John Peterson
James Fread
Also the following notes
1 note on Leonard Gearhart of $57.00 date 7th of June 1851 principal & interest 60.91
1 note on J. B. Duly balance on note 2.17
1 note on Leonard Gearhart of $100.00 date May 16th 1851 principal & interest 111.07
2 notes on Benj. Garner date July the 9th 1851 with interest the 1st of March 1852 principal $170.00, principal & interest 174.24
1 note on Jackson Shulty to Aaron Misner assignee dated Feb'y 12th 1851 interest till now $32.37˝ principal $350.00 382.37˝
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1 note on Peter Cross $60.00 Cr $51.45 balance left on said note 9.55
3 notes on Peter Cross each $60.00 two of said notes bear no interest till paid 120.00
The other note of $60.00 bears interest from 24th of May 1844 till paid intr till May 52, 28.80 at which makes prin & int 88.80
1 note on John Maddox May the 30th 1852 5.10
1 note on John C. Baker April 5th 1839 2.25
1 note on Cromwell Branduff Aug't 16, 1837 2.72
1 note on John Hensley pr & int. 21.20
1 ntoe on John Roll 16.00
1 note on Lewis Binder 7.00
an account on John Frity 2.12
an account on Benj. Garner 1.32

Before me the undersigned a notary public of said county this day personally came James W. Jones a freeholder and householder of the neighborhood where Solomon Allen, dec'd last lived who solemnly swears that he acted as one of the appraisers of the last items on the above inventory in connection with James Fread whose name is above attached and that the valuation of said items is a true and fair valuation honestly and impartially made to teh best of my judgment.
James W. Jones, appraiser

I, Eli Allen, administrator of the estate of Solomon Allen deceased, swear that the foregoing is a true and complete inventory of all the personal estate of said decedent which has come to my knowledge and also of the property taken by the widow on the 9th day of September 1852. Eli Allen. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of November 1852.

x = widow's selection

Last modified 7/11/01