Inventory of John Adams

Franklin County
October Term A.D. 1854
Pages 70-71

An inventory of the personal estate of John Adams deceased taken by George Holland executor and appraised by Isaac Price and Charles Smith [filed 15 January AD 1853]

Description of Property Valuation
1 doz. horse collars 14.00
7 head halters @ 75¢ 5.25
10 blind bridles @ 1.25 12.50
2 pr check lines @ 1.50 3.00
2 pr breeching W.C. 1 at 4.25 & 1 at 3.75 8.00
3 pr piping @ .75 2.25
8 belly bands @37½¢ 1.50
1 sett yankee harness 13.50
1 man saddle 10.00
1 side saddle 12.00
4 wagon martingales @35 1.40
1 carpet sack 1.50
1 bridle & martingale new leather 2.25
5 riding bridles @ 75 3.75
2 martingales @ 40 .80
6 wagon whips @ 50 3.00
3 girths @ 16 2.3 .50
4 whip lashes @ 10 .40
1 sack of hair 16 lbs 2.00
1 spanish saddle tree 1.00
2 Fall Vach tree 1.00
1 side tree .75
1 English tree 1.00
1 splitting guage 1.50
3 pieces sheep skin 1.25
2 doz 8 & 10 oz tacks 1.00
3 lbs shoe thread @ 65 1.95
Part ball line webbing .66
pt belt girth web .35
lot of traing web 1.00
1 lb shoe thread .65
1 ball twine .10
3 doz 1½ roller buckles .30
2 ladies stirrups @ 20 .40
1 pr plated stirrups .88
lot trunk nails .25
2½ doz halter bolts @ 8½ .20
1 doz. 2 in roller buckles .22
1 lot hame clips .10
remnant casinet .40
1 doz ring bradoons 1.00
14 papers of 3 & 4 oz tacks .42
1 doz 14 7 18 oz tack @ 6¢ .72
16 papers 6 oz tacks @ 3½ .54
lot rings .25
½ gross 1½ in roller buckles .33
2/3 gross 3/4 in roller buckles .40
4 pr trace buckles .60
1 pr brass loops .25
1 pr pad loops .10
1 lot terrets & hooks .15
small lot harness buck & rings plated .35
lot 3/4 & 1/2 in bridle buckles .40
small lot bridle buckles .15
lot lining silk 2.25
lot hog skin seating 2.00
lot calf skin seating 1.00
Enameled leather .50
Page 70
Plush & Morocco .25
Price Patent leather .50
2 sheep skins .75
lot jugs .15
lot skirting 13 ¼ & 22 3.03
lot harness leather 21 & 15 3.15
lot leather scraps & new 1.00
3 buck 2 @ $1 & 1 @ 25¢ 2.25
2 stools 1.50
straining board .50
stone (shirk) & mallet 1.50
2 work benches 2.00
2 cutting boards .20
1 cutting guage 1.00
2 pr pinching irons & stamp .75
2 round knives .75
1 head knife .25
1 pr pincers & nipper & pliers .50
1 branding iron .50
cathege & wheel .75
4 edging tools & nippers .40
1 straining forc .25
½ doz punches .60
patent leather compasses .25
2 collar needles .10
rasp .10
1 quckler .25
1 hammer .75
3 round awls .15
6 stitching awls .30
compass & gimlet .10
square .10
4 papers needles .10
lot awl blades .25
mallet & loop tray .10
1 shop stove & pipe 3.00
1 sign .50
lot sewing silk .40
1 bed, bedstead & bedding 12.00
1 bed, bedstead & bedding 10.00
1 stand, bowl & pitcher 1.50
1 looking glass .50
lot old books 1.50
map of Indiana 2.50
clock 1.50
dining table & cover 2.50
bureau 7.00
parlor stove & pipe 7.00
9 windsor chairs 2.50
stand 1.00
3 split bottom chairs .50
cupboard ware 5.00
cooking stove 12.00
1 safe 4.00
3 baskets .75
2 tubs 1.00
spade & hoe .75
cash on hand 55.25
note on Ths Russell dated Feb 6th 52 due day after 2.50
note on Samuel Murphy dated Apl 27th 1851 & due 6.60
balance due on Note of Jacob Weig 1.12
due bill on Chris Frederick dated 24 Augt /52 14.40
note on J. D. Moody for $7.30 Jun 50 n.v.
a/c on C. F. Clarkson 8.37
a/c on Mike Wheat 11.30
a/c Rob't Stoops 6.25
a/c Mike Betsner 4.75
a/c N. Mendenhall 1.50
a/c Geo. Berry 12.75
a/c J. Chambers 2.65
a/c Z. Reid 14.50
a/c Jo. Goudie 1.12
a/c Sam. Case .50
a/c L. D. Potter 8.50
a/c John Chapman .25
a/c Alex'r Chapman 1.00
a/c Chipman 1.00
a/c Math Steward 1.00
a/c Jak Fosher 1.50
a/c M. H. Pruett 2.00
a/c Joel Vanmeter .56
a/c M. S. Payne 5.00
a/c John Cooke 7.75
a/c J. M. Herrin 13.25
a/c Wm. Wilson Jr. .80
a/c Jas. Everett 10.36
a/c H. Price .93
a/c Jo. C. Miller 15.75
a/c Geo. Maxwell 4.90
a/c Jno. McNally 1.75

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[inventory not complete]

Last modified 7/9/01