Register of Colored Persons of Caroline County, State of Virginia, cohabitating together and husband and wife on 27th February, 1866.

Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Henry Thompson 29 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer John Montgomery Hanover Susan Quarles 28 Caroline Caroline Co Buckner Trevillion Caroline William 7 about 1858
2 Stephen Robinson 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Amanda Lumkin Caroline Cortney Hunter 39 King & Queen Caroline Agnes Segar King & Queen Betty 12, Nancy 9, James 6 about 1851
3 John Reynolds 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ruffin Coleman Caroline Emily Tolliver 22 Caroline Caroline Albert Flippo Caroline no children about 1865
4 Chas Taylor 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Page Caroline Matilda Pleasant 21 Caroline Caroline John T. Butler Caroline no children about 1865
5 Lewis Washington 21 Caroline Caroline Farmer John L. Motley Caroline Sofia Brown 19 Caroline Caroline Virginia Campbell Caroline no children (had license) 1866
6 Henry Brown 29 Caroline Caroline Farmer Virginia Campbell Caroline Eliza Brooks 26 Caroline Caroline Virginia Campbell Caroline Eliza 6, Mary 1 about 1858
7 Montgomery Smith 45 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Francis Hanover Ursula Harris 65 Henrico Caroline Waddy Davis Henrico Selia 17 about 1846
8 William Young 75 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Pitts Caroline Louisa Lee 50 Caroline Caroline Sibernia Green Caroline Wm 13, Thomas 5 about 1852
9 George Banks 68 Glocester Caroline Farm Laborer Wm B. Tolliver Glocester Katy Taylor 60 Caroline Caroline Dandridge Ball Caroline Geo 31, Gabrella 25, Elinor 21, Jane 18, Cortney 13 about 1824
10 John Williams 84 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Williams Carter Caroline Hannah Fells 79 Caroline Caroline Williams Carter Caroline Eliza 19, Dolly 41 about 1802
11 James Temple 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Johnson Caroline Mary Scott 34 Spotsylvania Caroline Polly Carpenter Spotsylvania Ella 8, Annie 6 about 1854
12 Henry Harper 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Johnson Caroline Jane Jones 37 Spotsylvania Caroline Polly Carpenter Spotsylvania Joseph 20, Peter 18, John 16 about 1845
13 Charles Wingfield 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Ware Caroline Ann Freeman 30 Caroline Caroline Free no children about 1860
14 John Hackett 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Elliot Wortham Caroline Casandra Study 22 Caroline Caroline Free George 9mo, William 2 about 1862
15 David Chapman 76 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer William Samuel Caroline Melinda Phillip 66 Essex Caroline Henry Garrett Caroline Albert 40, Johnson 26, Austin 35, David 25, Emily 21, Henry 22 about 1820
16 John Hill 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Thomas Caroline Nancy Carter 30 Essex Caroline Lem'l Sales Essex Maria 5mo about 1863
17 Baylor Brooks 36 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Lucy Samuel Essex Martha Hill 35 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Thomas Caroline Rosetta 13, Eliza 10, Betty 9, Will'm 8, Flora 5, Robinet 2 about 1851
18 Major Camel 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sandy Tolliver Caroline Betsy 72 Caroline Caroline Sam'l Tolliver Caroline Lucy 24, Betty 30 about 1838
19 Amphy Williams 65 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Tabner Winne Caroline Julia Larris 35 Caroline Caroline Albert G. Ware Caroline no children about 1865
20 Nat Jones 40 Caroline Caroline Carpenter John Bullock Caroline Rachel West 34 Caroline Caroline James B. Skinker Caroline Martha 15, Milly 13, Nancy 11 about 1849
21 Ben Hamilton 44 King George Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Sanders Caroline Virginia Pearce 30 King George Caroline Mary Sanders Caroline no children about 1854
22 Henry Turner 44 Westmoreland Caroline Farm Laborer Free Emily Pearce 28 King George Caroline Mary Sanders Caroline Eliza 11, Virginia 10, Chas 8, Lucy 6, Wm 5, Maria 3, Emma 3mo about 1854
23 Helot Garnett 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Willis Pitts Caroline Ellen Bird 26 Caroline Caroline Free no children about 1865
24 Carrier Pratt 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Martha Wright Caroline Maria Ferguson 31 Caroline Caroline Edward Luncet Caroline Letty 14, Mary 12, Turner 10, Berty 8, Julia 6, John 4, Carry 3, George 3mo about 1851
25 James Linsey 59 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Pollas Boutwell Caroline Mary Brooks 44 Essex Caroline Julia Cogwell Essex James, 18, Leahana 20, Sarah 23 about 1838
26 Claibourne Chew 50 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer William Webber Spotsylvania Patsy Linsey 35 Spotsylvania Caroline Katy Tuney Spotsylvania James 9, Maria 6, Henrietta 2 about 1851
27 Pitt Scott 76 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Tolliver Caroline Patsy Mason 66 Caroline Caroline William Rothuc Spotsylvania Rob't 14, Albert 13, William 19 about 1816
28 Chas. Braxton 54 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Sarah Oliver Hanover Eliza Baylor 32 Caroline Caroline R. L. Thomas Caroline Milly 6, Frank 2mo about 1858
29 Buck Linsey 55 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer S. Coleman Spotsylvania Marg't Jackson 57 Spotsylvania Caroline Katy Tuney Spotsylvania Patsy 35, Nancy 28 about 1830
30 John Mews 35 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer John Tribble Essex Lina Johnson 24 Caroline Caroline Thos Warren Essex Charlotte 4, Lane 3, William 6mo about 1858
31 John Pendleton 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry George Caroline Sally Taylor 22 Caroline Caroline Gray Boulware Caroline Betty 3 about 1863
32 Chas. Washington 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Silas Conduit Caroline Louisa Thomas 25 Caroline Caroline Geo. Burruss Caroline Ellen 4 about 1861
33 Rich'd Washington 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Silas Conduit Caroline Elizabeth Johnson 20 Caroline Caroline Chas Wortham Caroline Charles 3 about 1864
34 Humphrey Sale 55 Fauquier Caroline Farm Laborer Alec McKenny Caroline Piney Herndon 44 Caroline Caroline Jas. Goodlow Caroline Humphrey 2 about 1862
35 John Willis 29 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Baylor Essex Maria Pratt 37 Essex Caroline Rob't Baylor Essex Byron 8, Ella 6, Eliza 4, Fanny 2 about 1857
36 Churchill Grimes 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Free Martha Garnett 25 Caroline Caroline Addison Holloway Caroline no children about 1861
37 George Brown 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Alex Baylor Caroline Eliza Reed 34 Caroline Caroline Jourdan Woolfolk Caroline Daniel-9, John-3mo about 1856
38 Ellis Overton 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Anderson Caroline Eliza 75 Caroline Caroline Poland Luck Caroline no children about 1866
39 Cato Jackson 50 Albemarle Caroline Farm Laborer A. G. Ware Hanover Charlotte Pleasant 37 Caroline Caroline Nancy Bibb Caroline Thomas -2 about 1863

Page 23
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Will'm Mancom 38 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer John Gatewood Caroline Hannah Charles 65 Caroline Caroline Jourdan Woolfolk Caroline Charlotte 23, Rachel 24, Marford 20, Elsy 16, Anthony 33, Thos. 21, Adaline 40, Rich'd 24, Jane 11 about 1816
2 James Banks 26 Madison Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Saturn Madison Martha Jones 21 Caroline Caroline James B. Skinker Caroline no children about 1865
3 Buckner Jones 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Gid Flippo Caroline Martha Rollins 23 Caroline Caroline Wm Kidd Caroline no children about 1865
4 John Corbin 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. H. Jourdan Caroline Eliza Robb 45 Caroline Caroline Sarah Martin Caroline no children about 1860
5 David Scott 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Polly Winston 39 Caroline Caroline William Carter Caroline James 2 about 1860
6 William Johnson 45 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Musco R. Garnett Essex Louisa Banks 22 Caroline Caroline William Golden Caroline no children about 1866
7 Frank Buckley 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John B. Coats Caroline Onah Reynolds 40 Caroline Caroline Addison Flippo Caroline Martha 18, Frank 16, Katy 15, Rachel 9 about 1846

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Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Joseph Flipper 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Fanny McKenna Caroline Harriet Harrison 30 Caroline Caroline Addison Flippo Caroline no children 1866
2 Jesse Ware 46 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Fanny McKenna Caroline Ellen Flipper 41 Caroline Caroline Fanny McKenna Caroline Contney 3, Leahana 22, Duresia 21, Geo 17, Leathe 14, Flemming 12, Emma 9, Eugene 5 about 1841
3 Lewis Johnson 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Cath H. Boutwell Caroline Caroline Reeves 23 Caroline Caroline Ed. D. Shadduc Caroline Virginia 3, Bedelia 1 about 1859
4 John Evans 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Boulware Caroline Caroline Washington 35 Caroline Caroline George Garnet Caroline no children about 1856
5 William Lewis 45 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer W. J. Handcock Caroline Louisa Thomson 35 Spotsylvania Caroline Edward Phillips Spotsylvania Lucy 6, Chas 4 about 1858
6 George Smith 54 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Garritt Smith Spotsylvania Mary Nalla 60 Spotsylvania Caroline Nelson Nalla Spotsylvania Rob't 37, Eliza 36, Ellen 26, Emma 24, John 17 about 1828
7 John Baptist 89 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Joseph Chandler Caroline Lilly Timlie 89 Caroline Caroline Joseph Chandler Caroline Ellen 49, Agnes 45, Judy 47 about 1791
8 James Thomas Alexander 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Chapman Caroline Emma Mines 20 Caroline Caroline Wm Kidd Caroline no children about 1865
9 Anthony Jackson 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Josh Jessee Caroline Frances Chiles 52 Caroline Caroline James T. White Caroline Wm 27, Lina 23, Martha 19, Letty 16 about 1838
10 Brice Hackett 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sofia Hackett Caroline Sylla Waddy 22 Caroline Caroline William Quarles Caroline Sally 7mo about 1864
11 Anderson Johnson 66 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Quarles Caroline Lina Thompson 23 Caroline Caroline William Quarles Caroline Moses 3, Anderson 18mo about 1862
12 Jacob Nelson 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James B. Mathewson Caroline Maria Johnson 45 Caroline Caroline William Quarles Caroline no children about 1849
13 Geo Rollins 64 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm A. Buckner Caroline Philis Montague 40 Caroline Caroline Wm A. Buckner Caroline Bendigo 8, Sempa 6 about 1856
14 Leroy Hawes 24 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Wm A. Buckner Caroline Agnes Garnett 27 King & Queen Caroline Wm A. Buckner Caroline no children about 1865
15 Dan'l Anderson 47 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Dr. R. Gedda Caroline Amanda Young 40 Caroline Caroline John D. Blanton Caroline Kitty 14, Susan 12, Missy 9, Dan'l 8, Jenny 7, Mary 2 about 1848
16 William Giles 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Dickerson Caroline Ester Garrison 35 Caroline Caroline Elred Turner Caroline no children about 1863
17 Gabriel Beman 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Addison Coleman Caroline Frances Lewis 35 Caroline Caroline Elred Turner Caroline Waller 15, Wm 13, Eda 12, Mildred 7, Ben 6, Mohaly 3, Barbara 1 about 1850
18 Humphrey Roan 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sears Austin Caroline Lucinda Sale 50 Caroline Caroline Ed Shadduc Caroline Humphrey 15, Mary 13 about 1846
19 Essex Pendleton 71 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Broaddus Caroline Rachel Cuffins 40 Caroline Caroline Sample Broaddus Caroline Violet 5 about 1860
20 John Baylor 46 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Barber Caroline Fanny Burrell 42 Caroline Caroline Sofia Allen Caroline Virginia 19, Anderson 17, James 14 about 1842
21 Aaron Parker 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lawrence Battle Caroline Emily Turner 24 Caroline Caroline Wm Thornley Caroline Catherine 2 about 1863
22 Peter Lewis 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Thornley Caroline Aramintha Maus 24 Caroline Caroline German Goodlow Caroline no children about 1858
23 Anthony Wilson 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas Coleman Caroline Maria Catlett 28 Caroline Caroline Jas. D. Coleman Caroline Jer'h 3, Matilda 1 about 1860
24 Benj Burruss 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer TabnerWynne Caroline Mary Coleman 44 Caroline Caroline Tabner Wynne Caroline no children about 1842
25 Sam'l Alsop 62 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer TabnerWynne Caroline Lethe Chiles 46 Caroline Caroline Maria Allen Caroline no children about 1861
26 William Cooper 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Maria Allen Caroline Julia A. Cash 20 Caroline Caroline Mary Ann Henderson Caroline Japhet 1½ about 1864
27 Chas Steward 73 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James B. Skinker Caroline Julia A Taylor 53 Caroline Caroline John Samuel Caroline no children about 1835
28 Rob't Brown 24 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Lucy McDowell Spotsylvania Louisa Lucas 45 King George Caroline Jas. B. Skinker Caroline no children 1866
29 James Spencer 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James B. Skinker Caroline Katy Cregwell 56 King George Caroline Jas. B. Skinker Caroline Sam'l 12 about 1852
30 Doctor Chambers 22 Miss. Caroline Farm Laborer Edward Tolliver Spotsylvania Mary Thornton 24 Caroline Caroline Jas. B. Skinker Caroline no children about 1864
31 Louis Jackson 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Dillard Caroline Harriet Jackson 34 Caroline Caroline Mrs. Henry Pitman Caroline Martha 8, Lucy 6, James 4 about 1857
32 Spencer Sale 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't E. DeJarnette Caroline Susan White 33 Caroline Caroline Rob't E. DeJarnette Caroline Anthony 4 about 1858
33 George Turner 33 King George Caroline Farm Laborer William Gravatt Caroline Mary J. Washington 27 Caroline Caroline O. Burruss Caroline Georgianna 14, Berty 12, Nanny 10, Matilda 8 about 1851
34 Alic Alexander 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer O. Burruss Caroline Sidney Johnson 55 Caroline Caroline O. Burruss Caroline Page 36, Charity 34, Eliza 32, John 30, Mary 28 about 1826
35 James Williams 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Johnson Caroline Harriet Ludlow 53 Spotsylvania Caroline Sam'l Schooler Caroline Rice 19, George 17, Walter 13, Page 13, James 11, Oliver 10, Jourdan 8 about 1843
36 James Minor 41 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ann Woolfolk Caroline Sarah Coleman 38 Caroline Caroline John T. Goodlow Caroline George 16, William 14, James 10, Katy 8 about 1848
37 William Ludlow 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ruffin H. Coleman Caroline Lavina Wilson 20 Caroline Caroline Liddleton Flippo Caroline Betty 4, Nancy 3mo about 1860
38 Jesse Pendleton 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Elizabeth Oliver Caroline Ann Runnells 23 Caroline Caroline Ruffin H. Coleman Caroline Jedda 5, Charles 2 about 1860
39 Albert Johnson 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Boulware Caroline Lucy Runnells 49 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Boulware Caroline Abraham 26 about 1839

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Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Peter Pleasant 70 Caroline Caroline Carpenter Geo. W. Madison Caroline Thama Carter 50 Caroline Caroline Philip Samuel Caroline Woodson 15 about 1836
2 Edmund Monroe 55 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Jourdan Woodfolk Caroline Maria Johnson 55 Caroline Caroline John Crump King & Queen Frances 26, Feltus 23, Judy 18 about 1839
3 William Lewis 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Smith White Caroline Lavina Blackburn 30 Essex Caroline David Isherwood Essex James 3mo about 1864
4 James Bates 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. Green Caroline Mary Brown 42 King William Caroline Geo P. Burruss Caroline Henry 22, Lawson 20, Nancy 14, Jas 12, Joseph 8, Esther 4, Sam 2 about 1841
5 Sam'l Dickerson 41 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer Born Free Ellen Magee 34 Fluvanna Caroline Wm J. O. Smith Caroline no children about 1858
6 Henry Jackson 69 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Dan'l Pitts Caroline Rachel Christopher 52 Caroline Caroline Dan'l Pitts Caroline no children about 1862
7 Walter Christopher 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Dan'l Pitts Caroline Lavina Braxton 19 King William Caroline Roy Sale Caroline Victoria 4mo May 1865
8 Lewis Lee 87 Middlesex Caroline Carpenter Wm Buckley Louden Sally Gallivan 80 Caroline Caroline Rob't Corbin Caroline no children Aug't 1865
9 Letus Meyers 68 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Mary Swizzle 56 Caroline Caroline Free Woman no children Jan 1866
10 Washington Street 38 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Walker Caroline Rebecca Jackson 27 Caroline Caroline Rob't Walker Caroline Walter 12, James 10, Robt 8, Ella 6, Washington 4, Edward 2 about 1852
11 John Smith 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Peter R. Thornton Caroline Emily Chapman 26 Caroline Caroline Henry H. Garrett Caroline no children about 1862
12 Albert Chapman 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd H. Garnett Caroline [nv]
13 Edward Claybourn 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Betsy Coleman Caroline Barbara Lewis 22 Louisa Caroline Eldred Turner Caroline Maria 2 July 1863
14 Joseph Minor 64 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Nancy Young Caroline Elizabeth Duvall 58 Caroline Caroline Wm M. Young Caroline Rob't 32, Chas 28, Mary 26, John 25, Joe 24, Aggy 22, Lewis 23, Thos 21, Agnes 19, Jos 18, Leah 17, Betty 15, Charles 12, George 9 about 1833
15 William Robinson 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Berkley Louden Harriet Harris 34 Caroline Caroline Griffin Garnett Caroline Rose 14, Eliza 12, Fanny 9, Jourdan 6, Wm 1 about 1851
16 Jer'h Anderson 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Berkley Louden Peggy Harris 50 King William Caroline Wm Berkley Louden Phil 23, John 21, Ben 20, Arthur 18, Fanny 16, Missy 12, Billy 10, Thos 3 about 1841
17 Rob't Wright 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Garnett Caroline Rachel Roan 21 Caroline Caroline Edmund Berkley Louden John W. 5mo about 1864
18 Abm Robinson 50 Nottaway Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Fitzgerald Nottoway Mary Brown 40 Nottoway Caroline Chas Fitzgerald Nottoway Juliann 15, Betty 13 about 1846
19 Edward Garnett 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mayburn George Caroline Peachy Johnson 20 Caroline Caroline Caroline Garnett Caroline no children about 1863
20 Joseph Smith 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James B. Skinker Caroline Harriet Rollins 54 Caroline Caroline Beckly Buckner Caroline no children about 1836
21 Rich'd Usseher 53 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Elliot Chiles Caroline Jane Baylor 23 Caroline Caroline Betsy Coleman Caroline Albert 6, Nancy 5, Rob't 3, Alice 2 about 1859
22 William Green 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer F. W. Scott Caroline Susan Buckner 20 Caroline Caroline Hugh Chandler Caroline Henry 3, Spencer 2 about 1862
23 Frank Jackson 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Chandler Caroline Susan Dobson 27 Caroline Caroline John B. Chandler Caroline no children about 1865
24 Humphrey Miller Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip Garnett Caroline Linda Young 36 Caroline Caroline Nat Motley Caroline Phil 18, Annie 19, Lucy 17, Mary 13, John 1 about 1846
25 Albert Owen 53 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer James Fountain Hanover Louisa Brooks 39 Caroline Caroline F. S. Scott Caroline Lizzie 6mo Jan 25, 1864
26 Rob't Brown 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas. Phillips Caroline Mary Hill 43 Caroline Caroline Reuben Richardson Caroline Carter 19, Linda 30 Sarah 12, Rob't 6, William 2, Alice 5, Henry 7 about 1841
27 William Pleasant 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer David G. Bibb Caroline Georgeanna Thompson 19 Caroline Caroline Joel T. Luck Caroline Mary 1 about 1864
28 Geo. R. Farrish 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jane Farrish Caroline Aggy Carter 41 Caroline Caroline Joel T. Luck Caroline Emma 6, Henry 3 about 1858
29 George Smith 67 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John B. Lightfoot Caroline Sally Hungerford 57 Caroline Caroline Sarah Burnett Caroline Adele 31, George 30, Matilda 29, Will'm 28, Gabriel 26, Thos 19, Georgeanna 17, David 16 November 1834
30 Moses Jefferson 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Pratt Caroline Daphney Golden 48 Caroline Caroline Wm Pratt Caroline Morton 26, Silas 22, Edward 20, Rob't 18, Sarah 16, Lawson 14, Georgeanna 11, Chas 8, Retsily 6, Alice 3 about 1839
31 Benj Carter 23 Henrico Caroline Farm Laborer D. D. Ball Caroline Julia Griffin 22 Georgia Caroline [nv] Griffin Georgia no children about 1865
32 Washington Gatewood 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Clayton Coleman Caroline Melinda Stephen 49 Caroline Caroline O. Burruss Caroline Rob't 15, Elsey 12, Jonas 8, Alice 5, Haly 2 about 1850
33 Spencer Rollins 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Burton Wright Caroline Cynthia Washington 21 Caroline Caroline Theo's Green Caroline Mary 13, Berta 8, Leah 3 about 1852
34 John Monroe 79 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary E. Burk Essex Eliza Pendleton 48 Caroline Caroline Burton Wright Caroline Sarah 20, Dunmore 16, Alice 10, Mary 6 about 1845
35 William Giles 55 Amelia Caroline Farm Laborer John R. Baylor Caroline Mary Vessels 40 Caroline Caroline Cath Bullock Caroline Mary 9, Archy 4, Rob't 2 about 1856
36 Jer'h Taylor 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Silas Broaddus Caroline Susan Smith 48 Caroline Caroline John Broaddus Caroline Matt 24, Pheobe 23, Jos'h 18, Eliza 13, Harriet 12, Sally 8 about 1838
37 Elijah Lucas 54 Fauquier Caroline Farm Laborer Maria Catlett Caroline Matilda Herndon 60 Fauquier Caroline Maria Catlett Caroline Sam'l 15 about 1850
38 Gallant Roy 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. P. Smith Caroline Maria Twyman 22 Caroline Caroline Dr. James Caroline General 2, Lucinda 1mo about 1863
39 Omistead Ranson 75 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm A. Buckner Caroline Eda Tabor 75 Caroline Caroline Wash'n Buckner Caroline Emma 25 about 1821

Page 26
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Peter Gatewood 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Lewis Caroline Polly Jackson 35 Caroline Caroline Eliza Goodlow Caroline William 15 about 1850
2 Irones Mouton 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Reuben Roan Caroline Malvina Lomax 25 Caroline Caroline Edmund Thornton Caroline Fanny 4, William 2 about 1859
3 Moses Pierson 75 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip Gatewood Caroline Kitty Jones 40 Caroline Caroline Andrew Thornton Caroline Frances 25, Betsy 23, Phil 21, Ellen 9, Sally 19, Harry 8, Hannah 6 don't know
4 Moses Packer 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frank Conway Caroline Jane Sutton 45 Caroline Caroline Josh Withers Caroline 1 child Lucy 12 about 1850
5 John Coats 75 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Taylor Spotsylvania Matilda Flipper 75 Spotsylvania Caroline Benj Flipper Caroline Lucy 40 about 1814
6 Thornton Roots 39 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Andrew M. Boulware Caroline Ary Gatewood 40 King & Queen Caroline Andrew M. Boulware Caroline no children about 1846
7 Lucien Long 24 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. K. Taylor Caroline Frances Munroe 26 Caroline Caroline Burton Wright Caroline Josephine 6, Rich'd 4, Marg't 1 about 1859
8 Gilbert Robinson 66 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer George Burke Caroline Ann Buckner 40 Caroline Caroline Thos. H. Burke Caroline no children March 1865
9 George Robb 39 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer William Thornley Caroline Charlotte Chiles 40 Caroline Caroline William Thornley Caroline Nancy 17, James 16, Thornton 13, David 14, Isaac 10 about 1848
10 Ralph Taylor 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lawrence Battle Caroline Frances Chiles 23 Caroline Caroline Wm Thornley Caroline no children about 1861
11 William Brown 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos. Goodwin Caroline Sarah Anderson 40 Hanover Caroline Sam Hugh Campbell Caroline Sally 5 about 1860
12 Ben Jackson 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Albert Flippo Caroline Frances Brown 27 Caroline Caroline Jeff'n Flippo Caroline Sofia 8 about 1855
13 David Carter 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm S. White Caroline Sally Todd 40 Caroline Caroline Ellen Thornton Caroline no children about 1844
14 Rich'd Jackson 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Pitman Caroline Matilda Mathews 35 Caroline Caroline Sam H. Campbell Caroline Will'm 16 Rebecca 12, Ella 10, Rich'd 7, Henrietta 5 about 1846
15 Benton Myers 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Stevens Caroline Susanna Taylor 50 Caroline Caroline John Downey Caroline Milly 20, Loudon 18, Martha 17 about 1836
16 Lewis Baylor 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Allen Caroline Ellen Lewis 28 Caroline Caroline Thos Broaddus Caroline Fanny 12, Lewis 8, Allen 4, Will'm 3, May 20th 1852
17 Chas Hailstock 50 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Hugh R. White Caroline Henrietta Haley 30 Spotsylvania Caroline Ellen Thornton Caroline no children about 1860
18 Rob't Adams 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John T. Lewis Caroline Susan Carter 56 Caroline Caroline Thos Rixie Caroline no children about 1846
19 Anderson Banks 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Catharine Austin Caroline Birdy Jones 18 Caroline Caroline Reuben Richardson Caroline George 2 about 1863
20 Frank Saunders 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William J. Dickerson Caroline Betsy Lewis 40 Spotsylvania Caroline Josh Withers Caroline no children about 1853
21 Tazwell Upeher [Ussher?] 29 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer John D. Butler Caroline Lavina Bolden 34 Spotsylvania Caroline Leland Butler Caroline no children Sept 24, 1856
22 James H. Pollard 29 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer John D. Butler Caroline Sarah A. Dennis 28 Caroline Caroline John D. Butler Caroline Joseph 11, Junius 9, George 7 about 1853
23 Thornton Banks 37 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Brown Ebbins Middlesex Betty Smith 26 Middlesex Caroline Rhodesic Dew King & Queen Anthony 4, Jackson 3, Jane 1 about 1859
24 Alex Dennis 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John T. Anderson Caroline Martha Banks 24 Caroline Caroline John T. Anderson Caroline Rob't 13, Warner 10, Silas 7, Henry 6, Sally 4 about 1853
25 Henry Epps 59 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Lovell P. Todd Caroline Nelly Harrison 44 Essex Caroline Lovell P. Todd Caroline Thos 18, Barkus 16, Nelly 14, George 9, James 8, Bird 7, Elijah 4 about 1839
26 George Hedgeman 50 Prince William Caroline Farm Laborer Thomas Holmes Prince William Milly Knight 50 Prince William Caroline Ellen Houseman Prince William Sarah 24, Georgeanna 23, Laura 19, Rose 17 Charlotte 14 about 1839
27 James R. Knight 24 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Winston Louisa Georgeanna Hedgeman 23 Prince William Caroline Ellen Houseman Prince William Mildred 1½, Judy 3wks May 10, 1863
28 James Thornton 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos. Golden Caroline Mary White 50 Caroline Caroline John Samuel Spotsylvania no children about 1842
29 Benj Bartlett 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lisander Conway Pitsylvania Serga Catlett 32 Caroline Caroline Lesander Conway Pitsylvania Lavina 11, Lucy 9 about 1847
30 Falk H. Lewis 59 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Joseph A. Broaddus Caroline Charity Sheppard 57 Caroline Caroline Philip Gatewood Caroline James 38, William 36, Gilbert 34 about 1828
31 James Carter 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip Gatewood Caroline Jenny Pemberton 38 Caroline Caroline John Broaddus Caroline William 17, Mary 12, Caroline 8, Wilton 7 Leaha 5 about 1850
32 Rich'd Wallace 65 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William J. Broaddus Caroline Mary Jones 40 Caroline Caroline Thos. Golden Caroline Sally 19, William 16, Roy 10, Jane 8, Bella 6, Betsy 3, Elizabeth 2 about 1846
33 Nelson Garrett 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Alex B. Est Prince Edward Eliza Howard 33 Caroline Caroline John Golden Westmoreland William 8, Lewis 7, Kitty 3, Fanny 2 about 1859
34 Rob't Quarrells 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos. Golden Caroline Cath. Byeres 43 Caroline Caroline James T. Rode Caroline Bartlet 23, Milly 17, Frank 16, John 15, Robert 12, Rich'd 9, Mary 2 about 1841
35 Edmund Smith 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Powers Caroline Maria Hendrick 70 Caroline Caroline John R. Samuel Caroline no children about 1820
36 Absy Brown 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frank Golden Caroline Mary Anne White 50 Caroline Caroline Frank Golden Caroline Lydia 20 about 1836
37 Chas Pallery 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer George Long Caroline Susan Morris 23 Caroline Caroline Edmund Thornton Caroline no children about 1864
38 George Washington 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lucy Kidd Caroline Mrs. Isabel Gatewood 27 Caroline Caroline Gallon Samuel Caroline Thos 3mo about 1864
39 Jarret Harrison 47 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Taylor Caroline Harriet Butcher 26 Caroline Caroline James Taylor Caroline Washington 9 about 1856

Page 27
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 William Tolliver 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Golden Caroline
2 Moses Lonsom 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Hannah Motley Caroline Rachel Taylor 39 Caroline Caroline Sally Riddles Caroline William 22, Judy 18, George 16, Cath [nv], Warner 9, Frank 7, Maria 5, Polonias 3, Holly 1 about 1840
3 David Fortune 53 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Born Free Charlotte Parker 53 Caroline Caroline Phillip H. Carter Caroline Henry 22, Isaac 20, David 18, Betty 16, Wm 12 About 1836
4 Henry Fortune 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil H. Carter Caroline Mary Washington 25 Caroline Caroline Woodson Broaddus Caroline Charlotte A. 2 about 1862
5 Isaac Fortune 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil H. Carter Caroline Anne Roan 21 Caroline Caroline John Gravatt Caroline no children about 1862
6 Harry Stevens 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. S. Burrus Caroline Jenny Jane 68 Caroline Caroline Geo T. Burrus Caroline Linda 52 about 1812
7 George Beckley 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frank Golden Caroline Elora Frances 34 Caroline Caroline Frank Golden Caroline Rob't 3, Rosetta 2 about 1861
8 Gilbert Lewis 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip Gatewood Caroline Matilda Montague 24 Caroline Caroline Mary Saunders Caroline Catharine 7, Sarah 4, Randal 2, John 1 about 1857
9 William Lewis 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip Gatewood Caroline Pricilla Root 30 King & Queen Caroline Rich'd Broaddus Caroline Sally 7, Mary anne 4, Lucetta 1 about 1854
10 Reuben Beckley 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frank Golden Caroline Dead
11 John Baylor 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Gravatt Caroline Susan Brooks 27 Caroline Caroline John Puller Caroline Willliam 1mo Dec 1865
12 Randal Montague 46 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer William Dew King & Queen Hannah Johnson 45 Caroline Caroline Mary Saunders Caroline Matilda 24, Caroline 25, Betty 23, Maria 18, Leroy 13 About 1836
13 Burrell Johnson 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Broaddus Caroline Louisa Upsher 20 Caroline Caroline Phil Gatewood Caroline Ellsie, 1 Dec 1864
14 George Braxton 40 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Killis Ferris Caroline never was married - no children
15 Dennis Young 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas Andrews Caroline Sarah Samuel 34 Caroline Caroline John Key Caroline no children 1854
16 Harry Jackson 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip P. Green Caroline Pheobe Ferguson 38 Caroline Caroline James Wright Caroline John 9, Mary ann 7, Sally 3, Henry 2 about 1846
17 Randall Coleman 80 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Broaddus Caroline Henrietta Coleman 78 Caroline Caroline Thos Broaddus Caroline no children about 1836
18 Washington Braxton 47 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Martha Hunter Essex Mary Dandridge 45 Caroline Caroline Virginia Clark Caroline John 22, Linsay 21, George 18, Louis 14, Lavina 12, Mary 8, Edward 4, Lucinda 18mo about 1843
19 Reuben Johnson 65 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Wright Caroline Eliza Johnson 47 Caroline Caroline Temple Broaddus Caroline Bartlett 4 about 1861
20 Peter Smith 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Coleman Hanover Rachel Mickaus 41 Caroline Caroline James Duvall Caroline Tim 20, Tom 18, George 13, Louisa 16, Wm H. 7 about 1840
21 Andrew Lewis 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Burruss Caroline Messilla Harris 35 Spotsylvania Caroline James Garnett Caroline Annanias 15, Juliana 13, Caroline 10, Amy 8, Robin 3, Ida 2m about 1850
22 Bird Dickerson 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Martha White 42 Caroline Caroline Ann Carroll Caroline Lucy 23, Maria 22 about 1842
23 Wade Meyers 42 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Jenny Carter 22 Caroline Caroline Betty Garnett Caroline Eugene 1 about 1862
24 Rich'd Dennis 64 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John T. Boutwell Caroline Nicey Atkins 56 Caroline Caroline John T. Martin Caroline Alex 38, Clernice[?] 35, Walker 21, Alice 18, Catharine 16, Spicer 14, Ellen 12 about 1820
25 George Dangerfield 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Felmming Wood Caroline Rose Fry 26 Caroline Caroline Born Free Mosee, 3, Charles 1 July 12, 1862
26 John Coats 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Felmming Wood Caroline Mary Anderson 27 Caroline Caroline Maria Allen Caroline Silas 7, John 3 Dec 1857
27 Lewis Green 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John V. Kane Caroline Eliza Pratt 24 Caroline Caroline Pleasant Burruss Caroline William E. 1½ 1863
28 Richmond Green 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John V. Kane Caroline Wife dead
29 Jinds[?] Minor 28 Caroline Caroline Waiter Lee Doggett Caroline Maria Johnson 30 Caroline Caroline Sam'l Roan Caroline no children about 1858
30 Sam'l Swan 40 Maryland Caroline Farm Laborer L. W. Allen Caroline Fanny Jackson 29 Caroline Caroline Sam'l Roan Caroline no children about 1864
31 Peter Davis 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer David Shelter Louisa Dahlia Buckner 36 Caroline Caroline William Winne Caroline John 13, Henry 7, Maryann 6 about 1852
32 Madison Pratt 87 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Pleasant Burruss Caroline Judy Wright 60 Caroline Caroline Betsy Burruss Caroline Ellis 30, Cynthia 29, Jane 28, Judy 22, Margaret 27, Isaac 26, Adison 25, Betsy 24 about 1834
33 Caeser Rodney 67 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Harrison Caroline Happy Nicholas 60 Caroline Caroline Wm Harrison Caroline Louisa 26, Temple 20, Littleton 17 about 1839
34 John Washington 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm R. Gedda Caroline Maria Broaddus 50 Caroline Caroline Overton Burruss Caroline Henry 30, Frances 28, Mordecai 22, John 19, Elmore 13, Jenny 11 about 1834
35 Sam'l Matthews 74 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Jas Matthews Hanover Bettie Robinson 78 Caroline Caroline Elliot Wortham Caroline no children about 1836
36 Brittain Tully 50 Russell Caroline Farm Laborer Jos'h Penny Caroline Betsie Terrell 34 Caroline Caroline J. Q. Martin Caroline William 2 about 1852
37 Moses Holmes 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. Q. Martin Caroline Nancy Todd 50 Caroline Caroline J. Q. Martin Caroline George 22, Amanda 20, Mary 18, Julia 16, Louisa 11, Caroline 6 about 1841
38 Allen Jones 57 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer William Maller Spotsylvania Julia Dawson 55 Spotsylvania Caroline Nelson Walla Spotsylvania Caroline 21, Queen A. 20, Rob't 18, Dan'l 5, Maria 11, Rose 3 about 1840
39 Mathew Ware 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Baylor Essex Activa Green 40 Caroline Caroline Rob't Baylor Essex Willis 15, Nelson 11, Char'l 8, Laura 7, Letty 5 about 1844

Page 28
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 James Banks 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Coleman Caroline Mary Reus 25 Caroline Caroline Tim Chandler Caroline William 8mo about 1858
2 Ambrose Saunders 60 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer William Buoy Caroline Roberta Johnson 60 Caroline Caroline William Buoy Caroline Margaret 25, Thornton 19, Reuben 17, Mary 12 1830
3 Abr'm Jackson 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rachel White Caroline Ellen Williams 25 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Joseph 6, Adelade 2, Clinton 1 about 1859
4 William Berry 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Martin Caroline Jane Hawes 48 Caroline Caroline Wm Saunders Caroline Lucy 24 about 1838
5 John Coleman 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Anne Young Caroline Jane West 42 King William Caroline Ezekiel Woody King William Glocester 19, Scott 18, Betty 17, Edam 16, Milly 15, Essex 14 about 1842
6 Buckner Thompson 65 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Thompson Hanover Sarah Terrell 60 Hanover Caroline Harriet Jones Caroline Frank 19, Fanny 45, Aggy 26 about 1820
7 Jos'h Wormley 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry T. Dogget Caroline Eliza Robinson 32 Caroline Caroline Hugh Chandler Caroline no children about 1864
8 Chas Johnson 70 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Thomas Greenstreet Caroline Sofia Warrenton 43 Essex Caroline Thos Greenstreet Caroline Eliza 19, Alec 17, Moses 12, Rich'd 1, Mary 7 about 1845
9 John Rouser 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Eldred Green Caroline Louisa Brooks 27 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Puller Caroline Marietta 2, Louisa 1mo about 1857
10 George Brown 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Campbell Caroline Sofia Thornton 20 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Campbell Caroline Sam'l 6, John 3mo about 1859
11 Frank Rouser 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ann Wright Caroline Ellen Moreton 25 Caroline Caroline Ann Wright Caroline no children about 1862
12 Parker Harris 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Eldred Green Caroline Milly Rouser 26 Caroline Caroline Eldred Green Caroline Kitty 7, Bedelia 4 about 1858
13 Louis Johnson 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Gatewood Caroline Rose Woolfolk 24 Caroline Caroline Kitty Newton Caroline Rob't L. 7mo about 1864
14 William Washington 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Blanton Caroline Jane Gray 18 Caroline Caroline Albert Dorit Caroline no children about 1864
15 Joshua Hailstock 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Blanton Caroline Sally Todd 21 Caroline Caroline Alex Wright Caroline Lucy 2 about 1863
16 Ben Johnson 71 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Albert Dorit Caroline Isabel Coleman 55 Caroline Caroline Albert Dorit Caroline Elliot 27, Angy 21, Hannah 22, James 23, Rachel 18, Claudius 20, Catharine 12 about 1838
17 Edward Anderson 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos A. Gatewood Caroline Agnes Berkley 35 Louisa Caroline Thos A. Gatewood Caroline no children about 1858
18 William Lomax 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas J. White Caroline Emiline Turner 37 Caroline Caroline Jas J. White Caroline Caroline 14, Lucy 9, Amanda 7, Sam 3mo about 1851
19 Winston Chiles 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas J. White Caroline Frances Hopkins 32 Caroline Caroline Norah Long Caroline Wm 14, Lucy 13, Rob't 10, James 8, Winston 5, Wormley 2 about 1851
20 Rob't Taylor 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Newton Battaille Caroline Catharine Jones 28 Caroline Caroline Will'm Thornley Caroline Rob't 10, Henry 8, Archy 1 about 1855
21 Henry Thornton 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Buckner Cogwell Caroline Eliza Goodlow 26 Caroline Caroline Philip Goodlow Caroline no children about 1858
22 Geo Blayburn 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer George Marshall Caroline Emma Lewis 24 Caroline Caroline Leland Motley Caroline Annie 4 about 1861
23 Henry Moreton 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Baylor Caroline Susan Smith 38 Caroline Caroline Joseph Jesse Caroline Charles H. 12, Sally 8 about 1849
24 James Baylor 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer And Glassall Caroline Tempy Coleman 18 Caroline Caroline Geo Tyler Caroline no children Feb 12, 1866
25 K. Solomon Pleasant 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Emily Scott Caroline Gabrella Lewis 19 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Abraham 4mo about 1864
26 James Fox 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer A. P. Beesley Caroline Ellinor Sale 36 Caroline Caroline John Parr Caroline Henry 6 about 1858
27 Dan'l Chiles 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Gatewood Caroline Lucinda Jackson 36 Caroline Caroline Cath'e Collins Caroline Jackson 15, Dan'l 12, Winston 10, Louisa 8, David 4 about 1847
28 Reuben Johnson 75 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Hugh Chandler Caroline Lucy Killy 60 Caroline Caroline Hugh Chandler Caroline Walker 35, Eliza 26, Molly 24 about 1820
29 Martin Singleton 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John R. Baylor Caroline Susan Upsher 38 Caroline Caroline Phil Gatewood Caroline Catharine 4 about 1861
30 John Robertson 36 Caroline Caroline Laborer B. M. Wright Caroline Nelly Garnett 30 Caroline Caroline Oliver Beesley Caroline Oscar 4, John 7, Margaret 17 about 1854
31 Sam'l Sutton 28 Caroline Caroline Laborer Nancy Sutton Caroline Jane Thompson 25 Caroline Caroline Luther Wright Caroline Sam'l 4, Mary 1 about 1861
32 Iverson Green 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Tyler Caroline Ann Banjon[?] 34 Orange Caroline Thos N Welsh Caroline no children about 1861
33 George Hicks 40 King George Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Tyler Caroline Angelina Roy 45 Caroline Caroline Chas Ferris Caroline George 12, Margaret 11, Matilda 7mo about 1853
34 Abner Goodwin 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Quesenbury Caroline Mary Holmes 50 Caroline Caroline O. Broaddus Caroline Charles 5, Abner 3 about 1858
35 Anthony Williams 62 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Ferris Caroline Susan Moreton 48 Caroline Caroline Geo Tyler Caroline no children about 1852
36 Winston King 63 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Tyler Caroline Nancy Lewis 49 Caroline Caroline Geo Tyler Caroline Lewis 46, Jane 22, Henry 25, Isaac 19, Willis 17, Charlotte 13, Rich'd 8, Winston 6 about 1836
37 Andrew Chiles 25 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer A. DeJarnette Caroline Jane King 22 Caroline Caroline Geo Tyler Caroline no children 1866
38 Rich'd Armistead 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lucinda DeJarnette Caroline Rose Gatewood 40 Spotsylvania Spotsylvania J. H. DeJarnette Caroline no children about 1845
39 Rich'd Chiles 67 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Dan'l DeJarnette Caroline Nancy Mikin 60 Spotsylvania Caroline Dan'l DeJarnette Caroline Willis 35, Moses 32, Jane 30 about 1820

Page 29
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Thornton Jones 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Stephen Tillman N.C. Isabel Harrison 26 N.C. Caroline Stephen Tillman North Carolina no children about 1853
2 William Chiles 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. H. DeJarnett Caroline Rachel Goines 20 Caroline Caroline Dan'l DeJarnett Caroline no children about 1864
3 Dick Minor 42 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Dan'l DeJarnett Caroline Matilda Withers 42 Caroline Caroline Dan'l DeJarnett Caroline no children about 1846
4 Jacob Jackson 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sibernia Green Caroline Harriet Brooks 35 Caroline Caroline George Green Caroline Jacob 10, Frances 17 about 1846
5 Seth Boswell 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lewis D. Crenshaw Richmond Susan Coleman 33 Caroline Caroline Rob't Gatewood Caroline Delia 15, Alfred 12, Margaret 12 about 1845
6 Moses Chiles 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Dan'l DeJarnett Caroline Frances Golman 35 Spotsylvania Caroline J. H. DeJarnette Caroline Matilda 18, Hannah 16, Susan 14, Wm 10, Martha 12, Frances 7 about 1847
7 Isaac Richardson 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. C. Bruce Caroline Amy Gray 60 Caroline Caroline Betsy Shadduc Caroline no children about 1858
8 Joseph Lonsome 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Nat Motley Caroline Lucy Banks 30 Caroline Caroline R Richardson Caroline Jenny 11 Edmund 9, Wash'n 7, Nelson 4, Maria 6m about 1852
9 John Banks 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. Richardson Caroline Betsy Young 25 Caroline Caroline John Andrews Caroline Phil 8, George 6, Catharine 9m about 1856
10 Page Moore 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Burruss Caroline Patsy Lewis 60 Caroline Caroline James Wright Caroline no children about 1851
11 John Bank 75 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Silas Broaddus Caroline Jenny Banks 80 Caroline Caroline R Richardson Caroline Washington 45, Easter 44, Rich'd 42, Dan'l 39, Lucy 35, Maria 32, Essex 30, John 29, Meney 27 about 1816
12 Jackson Broaddus 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Alban Richardson Caroline Fanny Robinson 24 Caroline Caroline Alban Richardson Caroline Anmarie 5, David 3 about 1859
13 Phil Johnson 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Martha Wright Caroline Lucy Gray 30 Caroline Caroline Betsy Shadduc Caroline Virginia 1 about 1864
14 James Taylor 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer David Bibb Caroline Isabel Freeman 18 Caroline Caroline Free no children Feb 1866
15 Washington Banks 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer T. A. Richardson Caroline Frances Allen 42 Caroline Caroline G. Samuel Caroline Jer'h 21, Wash'n 18, Maria 19, Battle 15, Amanda 10, Betsy 8, Pleasant 5, William 1 1841
16 Dan'l Banks 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. B. Richardson Caroline Susan Reeves 25 Caroline Caroline E. Shadduc Caroline Easton 5m about 1861
17 Peter Gray 59 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Betsy Shadduc Caroline Matilda Garnett 40 Caroline Caroline Gray Boulware Caroline Julia 16, Alice 14, Louisa 9 about 1844
18 Henry Lewis 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer David Bibb Caroline Susan Garnett 24 Caroline Caroline Taylor Ware Caroline Rob't 4 James 1 about 1859
19 Henry Beverly 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas. H. Broaddus Caroline Frances Monroe 22 Caroline Caroline Phil Gatewood Caroline no children about 1862
20 Rob't Payne 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm H. Jourdan Caroline Pricilla Sale 49 Caroline Caroline Wm H. Jourdan Caroline Louis 28, Susan 26, Ellen 24, Mary 22, Jos'h 22, Milly 20, Sarah 18, Money? 16, Emily 10 about 1834
21 Denis Harris 47 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm H. Toomes Caroline Betty Thornton 22 Caroline Caroline Ellias Gravet Caroline Baylor 2, Wm H. 5m about 1860
22 Cuffy Leftige 80 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. H. DeJarnett Caroline Matilda ____ 130 Caroline Caroline Rob't Gatewood Caroline no children about 1839
23 Tarleton Fox 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lynch Cobb Caroline Hulda Cooper 41 Caroline Caroline Free Letitia 21, Wm H. 19, Dinga 15, Rob't 13, Lucy 10 about 1848
24 Andrew Banks 75 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer John T. Butler Caroline Lavina Athison 69 King & Queen Caroline John T. Butler Caroline Thornton 39, Charlotte 34, Lucy 32, Anthony 30, Mellisa 29, Anderson 28, Betsy 26, Matilda 24, Jos'h 22 about 1816
25 Ben Holmes 65 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Geo M. Fleck Richmond Maria Behanard 63 King & Queen Caroline Thos Dew Caroline Wm Ruffin 30, Ben 26, Martha 24, Mary 22, Betty 21, Phil 19 about 1833
26 Nelson Garnett 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. B. Richardson Caroline Lucy Allen 30 Caroline Caroline G. Samuel Caroline Virginia 14 about 1851
27 C. H. Dabney 36 King William Caroline Farm Laborer L. Harrison Henrico Fanny Scott 28 Caroline Caroline Wm Quesenbury Caroline Lucy 9, Sarah 8, Chas 4 about 1854
28 Amphy Williams 65 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Tabner Winne Caroline Julia Tyra 35 Caroline Caroline A. G. Ware Caroline no children about 1863
29 Friday Johnson 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer A. G. Ware Caroline Agnes Dorrell 60 Spotsylvania Caroline Hugh Stanard Spotsylvania no children about 1839
30 Griffin Boulware 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Eliza Roan Caroline Jane Gordon 44 Caroline Caroline S. H. Campbell Caroline no children about 1852
31 Spencer Jones 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer H. C. Sutton Caroline Nancy Scott 35 King & Queen Caroline Lucy Garnett Caroline Phelan 20, Georgianna 17, Sarah 15, Julia 12, Spencer 7 about 1846
32 Dick Banks 42 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. B. Richardson Caroline Amanda Allen 32 Caroline Caroline Nat Motley Caroline no children about 1853
33 Cuffy Coleman 40 King William Caroline Farm Laborer W. E. Tolliver King Wm Eliza Harris 40 Caroline Caroline H. H. Richards Caroline Thos 18, Mary 16, Mildred 7 about 1847
34 Louis Nelson 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Long Caroline Jenny Woodis 26 Norfolk Caroline A. Chandler Caroline Georgianna 8, Betsy 3 about 1857
35 William Randall 45 King William Caroline Farm Laborer W. E. Tolliver King Wm Mary Harris 42 Caroline Caroline H. H. Richards Caroline no children about 1851
36 Albert Lee 26 Henrico Caroline Farm Laborer W. P. C. Ramsey Caroline Adeline Roan 22 King & Queen Caroline W. P. C. Ramsey Caroline Rob't 4, Jenny 6m about 1861
37 Moreton Goines 49 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Baylor Caroline Philicia Holmes 39 Essex Caroline Polly Cogwell Essex Laurinda 21, Eliza 19, Nancy 17, Edmund 15, Rose 14, Louisa 10, Monroe 5 about 1842
38 Henry Jackson 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer H. H. Richards Caroline Patsy Claybourne 28 Caroline Caroline Sam Dickerson Caroline George 5, Ermuella 4, Wm 2, Lucy 6m about 1860
39 John Ryland 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Buckner Civilicum[?] Caroline Mary Washington 27 Caroline Caroline Liddleton Allen Caroline Laura 2, Nannie 8m about 1863

Page 30
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Paul Gregory 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sam'l Pettrie Caroline Maria Ruther 22 King William Caroline J. W. Carter King William no children about 1864
2 Carter Richards 33 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Sample Lovin Caroline Milly Hill 34 King & Queen Caroline Sample Lovin Caroline Margaret 6, U.S. Grant 1 about 1854
3 Hazlewood Turner 43 Caroline Caroline Wheelwright W. J. Dickerson Caroline Mary French 50 Caroline Caroline W. J. Dickerson Caroline Julia 18, Benj 16, Corn'ls 13, Ennie 12, Dorothy 9 about 1847
4 Walker Buckner 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sam'l Schooler Caroline Martha Sturring 22 Caroline Caroline Jas Johnson Caroline Alfred 2, Willis 2m about 1863
5 Jer'h West 26 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer J. W. McCauley Spotsylvania Delia Coles 27 Caroline Caroline Henry Taylor Caroline Norman 1 about 1860
6 Lawrence Coleman 41 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. Washington Caroline Eliza Coleman 30 Caroline Caroline Geo Buck Caroline no children about 1862
7 Anthony Gibbs 31 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Coggswell Caroline Betsy Baylor 25 Spotsylvania Caroline W. E. Jones Caroline no children about 1862
8 John Allsop 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Betsy Flippo Caroline Ellen Ferris 21 Caroline Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline no children about 1865
9 Western Green 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jeff Flippo Caroline Mildred Keys 18 Caroline Caroline Geo. Burk Caroline no children about 1865
10 Walker Mines 67 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo F. Guy Caroline Melinda Wyatt 63 Caroline Caroline Thos Hart Caroline Moses 33, Kitty 27, Chas 21, Hasmel 48, Rose 42, Ellen 36, John 35 about 1817
11 Nelson Cogwell 58 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Taylor Caroline Sarah Banket 47 Caroline Caroline W. J. Dickerson Caroline Becky 19, Nelson 17, Cath'n 15, Adam 13, Money 11, Randall 9, Marson 7 about 1839
12 Curtis Tolliver 67 Caroline Caroline Miller Henry Young Caroline Nancy Gregory 41 Caroline Caroline Ann Young Caroline Elijah 23, Caroline 17, Mary 14, Sidney 2 about 1836
13 Rich'd Coleman 38 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer Eldg'e Turner Caroline Margaret Pendleton 21 Caroline Caroline Jennie George Caroline no children about 1861
14 Heliot Fales 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Erastus Chandler Caroline Ann Derricot 33 Caroline Caroline J. Hargrave Caroline no children about 1864
15 Warfield Coats 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jane F. Samuel Caroline Matilda Allsop 23 Caroline Caroline Wm L. Blanton Caroline Betty 6, Chas 2 about 1859
16 Chas Jones 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil Samuel Caroline Dinah Marshall 46 Caroline Caroline John Flippo Caroline Alice 14, Matilda 12, Rob't 19 about 1846
17 Ellis Roots 53 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Betsy Coleman Caroline Elsey Tebbs 40 Caroline Caroline Betsy Coleman Caroline no children about 1846
18 Claibourn Tinsley 57 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Polly Wortham Caroline Amanda Carter 61 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Tunstall Caroline no children about 1852
19 Simon Green 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jesse Winne Caroline Onah Holmes 32 Caroline Caroline Tabner Winne Caroline no children about 1857
20 Squire Lewis 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. M. Walla Spotsylvania Lucy Samuel 24 Caroline Caroline Ben Winne Caroline Aloica 4 about 1861
21 George Lomax 51 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Pratt Caroline Patsy Brown 50 Caroline Caroline John Samuel Caroline George 31, Edward 29, Peter 26, Fanny 24, Henry 21, Emma 19, Lucy 14, Jerry 16, Willm 12, John 9 about 1834
22 Jefferson Lee 42 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Samuel Caroline Betsy Brown 50 Caroline Caroline Jane Baker Caroline no children about 1864
23 Thos Howard 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Chapman Caroline Susan Thornton 28 Caroline Caroline Frances Boulware Caroline Gabrella 8 about 1857
24 Sam'l Brooks 28 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Baylor Essex Patsy Sanders 30 Essex Caroline Rob't Baylor Essex Anderson 7, Evelina 5 about 1856
25 Johnson Chapman 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. H. Garrett Caroline Sarah Thornton 27 Caroline Caroline Frances Boulware Caroline no children about 1859
26 Albert Ball 70 Glocester Caroline Blacksmith Jas Hunter Caroline Cath Green 25 Caroline Caroline Albert Mohunly Caroline Ben 2 about 1861
27 Thos Braxton 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer W. J. Young Caroline Mildred Williams 19 Caroline Caroline James Jerrell Caroline William 1½ about 1864
28 Rob't Hunter 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Albert Mohunly Caroline Nancy Burrell 22 Caroline Caroline Wm C. Pettrie Caroline Phil 5m about 1864
29 Ralph Brown 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer W. J. Dickerson Caroline Selena Lewis 28 Caroline Caroline W. J. Dickerson Caroline Baswell 9, Elvira 8, Ryland 4 about 1856
30 Joseph Broaddus 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Albert Mohunly Caroline Emogene Mines 22 Caroline Caroline Wm Norman Caroline no children about 1865
31 Henry Lucas 47 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Thornton Caroline Judy Walker 40 Caroline Caroline W. J. Dickerson Caroline Susannah 24, Malvina 22, Thos 20, David 18, Esther 16, Sarah 14, Judy 12 about 1848
32 Mack Lucas 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer W. J. Dickerson Caroline Ann French 27 Caroline Caroline W. J. Dickerson Caroline Warner 9, Rob't 6, Arthur 3, Sarah 2, Nancy Ann 1m about 1856
33 Francis Lucas 42 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Cad Pride S. C. Fanny Brown 34 Caroline Caroline Cad Pride S. C. Elsey 16, Eliza 14, Smith 13, Caroline 11, Turner 10, Betty 8, Phil 7, Kitty 6 about 1849
34 Chas Barnett 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lovell Todd Caroline Lucy Samuel 30 Caroline Caroline Gray Boulware Caroline Emma 14, Rob't 11, Georgianna 8, Chas 4, Gray 2 about 1851
35 Jacob Ferguson 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Boulware Caroline Becky Parker 20 Caroline Caroline John Boulware Caroline no children about 1865
36 Henry West 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Albert Mohunly Caroline Martha Morris 38 Caroline Caroline Sam'l Pettrie Caroline Ellen 2m about 1864
37 Walker Baylor 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jos'h Penny Caroline Caroline Lomox 35 Caroline Caroline Mary Cliff Caroline Margaret 21, Sarah 19, Cath 17, Geo 15, Caledonia 13, Thos 10, Hunter 5 about 1844
38 Albert Page 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ann Young Caroline Georgianna Dodson 16 Caroline Caroline Jos'h See Caroline Alex 4m about 1864
39 Chas Lewis 47 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Hayward Caroline Lucy Carter 47 Caroline Caroline Griffin Garnett Caroline no children about 1864

Page 31
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Rob't Clayton 41 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Sam'l Tolliver Caroline Julia Thomas 43 King William Caroline Ann Tolliver Caroline Mary 20, Catharine 9 about 1844
2 Rob't West 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Young Caroline Mary Clayton 20 King William Caroline Ann Tolliver Caroline Maria 2, Alex 1 about 1863
3 David Wills 24 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. R. Cardwell King William Betty Tolliver 22 King William Caroline Rich'd Eubank King William No Children about 1864
4 Mathew Clayton 39 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Young Caroline Jane Mitchell 40 King William Caroline Henry Young Caroline Betty 17 about 1844
5 Rich'd Anderson 56 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Ann Tolliver Caroline Sylvia Jackson 39 King William Caroline Ann Tolliver Caroline Joshua 11 about 1848
6 Walker Richardson 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Patsy Green Caroline Nicey Washington 22 Caroline Caroline Patsy Green Caroline Delilia 2 about 1862
7 Archy Garnett 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Free Letty Gordon 21 Spotsylvania Caroline Betty Cammack Caroline Mary 2, Overton 2m about 1863
8 Lewis Shocks 42 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sofia Hackett Caroline Mary Taylor 46 Caroline Caroline Elliot Wortham Caroline No Children about 1841
9 Randolph James 50 Hanover Caroline Shoemaker Emily Morris Caroline Patsy Martin 38 Caroline Caroline Annie Morris Caroline Annie 18, Rob't 15, Eliza 14, Foster 12, Nancy 10, Chas 6, Caroline 3, James 5m about 1846
10 Wash'n Blackford 48 Fauquier Caroline Farm Laborer Jas Hunter Caroline Caroline Cox 37 Caroline Caroline Emily Morris Caroline No Children about 1859
11 Henry Johnson 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Young Caroline Julia Sparks 22 Caroline Caroline John Long Caroline Ann M 3 about 1861
12 Joseph Randal 34 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Eveland Tolliver Caroline Caroline Hill 23 Caroline Caroline Wm Jeter Caroline Lucy 7, Maria 5 about 1858
13 Wm Montague 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer George Burk Caroline Johanna Coleman 16 Caroline Caroline Geo. Burk Caroline William 5m about 1865
14 Sam'l Green 42 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer George Burk Caroline Eliza Garrison 32 Caroline Caroline Geo. Burk Caroline Martha 12, Nannie 5, Julia 1m about 1853
15 Anthony Thornton 45 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. Washington Caroline Agnes Winston 39 Spotsylvania Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline Nelson 14, Silvia 13, Moses 10, Going 6, Harriet 3
16 Joshua Turner 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. Washington Caroline Ellen Braxton 30 King William Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline No Children about 1860
17 Pry Green 66 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Walker Washington Caroline Maria Davis 60 King William Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline Sam 42, Thos 40, Katy 39, David 34, Milly 28, Julia 15, Try 24 about 1823
18 Rob't Russell 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Albt Hunley Caroline Judy Pettrie 50 Caroline Caroline Wm. Pettrie Caroline No Children about 1850
19 Edmund Buckner 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sam'l Schooler Caroline Mary Gordon 23 Caroline Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline No Children about 1863
20 Walker Baylor 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Cecil Baker Caroline Nancy Pickett 23 Caroline Caroline Nelvin George Caroline No Children about 1863
21 Moses Shelter 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Burton Wright Caroline Emiline Gatewood 36 Caroline Caroline Overton Burruss Caroline Sally 16, Jacob 15, Moreton 14 about 1848
22 Garret Corbin 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Smith White Caroline Susan Brooks 25 Caroline Caroline Smith White Caroline Eliza 6 about 1854
23 Tolliver Baylor 39 Caroline Caroline Miller Cam'r Campbell Caroline Julia Monroe 30 Caroline Caroline Joseph Jesse Caroline William 11, Leahanna 6 about 1852
24 Rich'd H. Hearne 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas. J. White Caroline Dolly Norman 25 Caroline Caroline Mary Conway Caroline Abel 6, William 4 about 1859
25 Elleck Williams 72 Middlesex Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Rowe Caroline Betsy Norwell 72 Middlesex Caroline Sally Rowe Caroline Jacob 28, Allic 26, Julia 24, Betty 30 about 1826
26 Killis Jackson 46 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Burket Clark Caroline Emily Holmes 41 King & Queen Caroline Geo. Mahon King & Queen Adaline 19, Charity 15, Martha 13, Eliza 11, Stephen 8, Robertson 7, Emily 3 about 1846
27 John Corbin 80 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Collawn Caroline Charlotte Moreton 78 Caroline Caroline Free Rob't 16, Thos 18 Winny 20, Sarah 15, Louisa 17 about 1839
28 Wm L. Smith 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary E. Woolfolk Caroline Fanny Bayloe 22 Caroline Caroline Katy Saunders Caroline No Children about 1858
29 Benj Hicks 27 Goochland Caroline Farm Laborer Susan Graves Caroline Mary Moore 21 Caroline Caroline Eldred Chiles Caroline No Children about 1864
30 Geo Ellis 56 Prince Wm Caroline Farm Laborer John Washington Caroline Helen Lacey 40 King George Caroline John Washington Caroline Catharine 26, Geo. 24, Rachel 18, Oslin 17 about 1839
31 Alfred Lewis 36 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer John Washington Caroline Melinda Thrashley 30 King George Caroline John Washington Caroline No Children about 1864
32 Jourdan Woolfolk 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John H. Ware Caroline Rebecca Thompson 22 Caroline Caroline Wm. O. Doggett Caroline Etta 1m about 1862
33 James Braxton 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Wortham Caroline Maria Jones 37 Caroline Caroline Rob't Wortham Caroline Geo. 17, Rob't 15, Mary 12, Ida 8, Ellie 6, Louisa 2, James 2m about 1844
34 Valvin Sutton 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Garlic Hill Caroline Maria Thomson 21 Caroline Caroline Wm O. Doggett Caroline Wm H. 2, Eliza 7m about 1862
35 Corse Ferrells 47 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Caroline Turner 28 Caroline Caroline William Carter Caroline Betty 1 about 1863
36 Louis Scott 53 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rachel Ferris Caroline Silvia Johnson 54 Caroline Caroline Rachel Ferris Caroline No Children about 1841
37 James Boley 64 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Molly Johnson 64 Caroline Caroline W. Carter Caroline Dan'l 22, Sarah 25 about 1836
38 Isaac Brown 33 Fluvanna Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. Petit Fluvanna Eda White 34 Hanover Caroline Wm. White Hanover No Children about 1862
39 Jeff Freeman 36 Caroline Caroline Shoemaker Free Ann Williams 26 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Roberta 9, Willis 6, Thos J. Jeff[?] 1½ about 1856

Page 32
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Jacob Berry 60 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Martin King & Queen Nancy Roan 50 King George Caroline Mary Saunders Caroline no children about 1851
2 John Quarles 45 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Sam'l Wright Hanover Maria Coleman 39 Caroline Caroline Rob't Tomkins Fauquier Albert 21, Nancy 15, Emily 24 about 1841
3 Simon Tomkins 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Norval Harris Caroline Mary Robinson 31 Caroline Caroline Rob't Coleman Caroline Charles 6, Jer'h 3 about 1857
4 Wm Brown 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Maria Anderson Caroline Susan Pendleton 20 Caroline Caroline Rich'd White Caroline Siannah 10 about 1854
5 Bristol Robinson 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Quarles Caroline Betsy White 38 Caroline Caroline Rich'd White Caroline Wm 10, Sarah 8, Bennet 9m about 1853
6 London Kemp 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Carter Hanover Hetty Robinson 65 Caroline Caroline Henry Carter Hanover no children about 1807
7 Alex Rose 24 Amherst Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Coleman Richmond Emeline Quarles 24 Caroline Caroline Norval Harris Caroline Sarah 3, Ella 2, Rob't 8m about 1862
8 William Howard 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Harris Caroline Charity Lilly 25 Caroline Caroline Free Woman Caroline Mary Ann 8, George 7, Lewis 5, Rob't 3 about 1854
9 Henry Coleman 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sarah Andrews Caroline Mary Holmes 35 Caroline Caroline Sarah Andrews Caroline Sarah 11, Alice 9, Wm 7 Rich'd 5, Sam 3, Mary J. 7m about 1853
10 Richmond Lewis 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Nancy Bibb Caroline Barbara Mills 23 Caroline Caroline Lynch Cobb Caroline no children about 1858
11 Jesse Pleasant 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Neely Bibb Caroline Harriet Baker 24 Caroline Caroline Nancy Bibb Caroline Emiline 6, Chas 4m about 1858
12 Sam'l Jackson 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Alex Morris Hanover Harriet Hackett 57 Caroline Caroline Anne Hackett Caroline Eliza 30, Jesse 28, Margaret 24, Sam 22 about 1831
13 Peter Fountain 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John V. Kane Caroline Matilda Taylor 27 Spotsylvania Caroline J. V. Kane Caroline Char's 2, Emma 2m about 1860
14 Jer'h Moreton 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Horace Wright Caroline Lilly Jones 39 Caroline Caroline Wm. Carroll Caroline Milly 7 about 1856
15 Rich'd Goodwin 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. Queenbury Caroline Eliza Bibly 26 Caroline Caroline Rob't Upsher Caroline Peggy 1 about 1864
16 Gabriel Winston 64 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't S. Broaddus Caroline Cynthia Taylor 62 Caroline Caroline James Andrews Caroline John 41, Robinson 38, Emelin 34, Delia 22 about 1824
17 William Moore 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Dianah Smith 43 Caroline Caroline Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Alfred 24, Mary Ann 22, Evilann 19, Jeff 15, Maria 14, Moses 12, James 6, Rebecca 1 about 1840
18 Henry Golden 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Elizabeth Golden Caroline Martha Lewis 18 Caroline Caroline John W. Golden Caroline no children May 20, 1865
19 Solomon Roots 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Key Caroline Lucinda Beverly 23 Caroline Caroline Walter Golden Caroline James H. 2 Dec 1863
20 Sam'l Robinson 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Willie Ann Robinson 24 Caroline Caroline Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Cornelius 4, James 2 about 1858
21 Mordecai Coleman 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Atwell Burruss Caroline Amelia Washington 18 Caroline Caroline Theo's Green Caroline Dan'l 8m & Fanny 8m about 1864
22 Lewis Washington 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frank S. Scott Caroline Mildred Washington 34 Caroline Caroline Theo's Green Caroline George 16, Elvey 8, Margie 3, Wm 1 about 1849
23 Temple Lewis 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. T. Burruss Caroline Sofia Chapman 22 Caroline Caroline James Chapman Caroline Daniel 1½ about 1861
24 Edmund Hill 49 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. T. Burruss Caroline Emily Hamilton 64 Caroline Caroline Betty Garnett Caroline no children about 1860
25 Peter Todd 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Joseph Collins Caroline Josephine Douglass 20 Caroline Caroline Berry Allen Caroline Eva 1 about 1863
26 Walker Johnson 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Will'm Shadduc Caroline Rachel Mansfield 40 Caroline Caroline W. Roper Caroline Edward 15, James 10, Sally 8, Phil 3, Reuben 3m about 1848
27 John Carter 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Betty Garnett Caroline Celia Tillman Caroline Caroline Betty Garnett Caroline Margaret 8, Wash'n 7, Ben 5, Sample 4, James 3 about 1857
28 John Baylor 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Chapman Caroline Louisa Tillman 52 Caroline Caroline James Chapman Caroline Walker 15 about 1850
29 Jacob Carter 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Elizabeth Lee Caroline Melinda Pleasant 35 Caroline Caroline Ambrose Woolfolk Caroline Ambrose 15 about 1850
30 Joseph Armstead 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lucinda DeJarnette Caroline Martha Jackson 34 Caroline Caroline Betsy Green Caroline Hyda 15, Waller 12, Maria 10, Katy 6 about 1850
31 Harry Holmes 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Addison Flippo Caroline Frances James 37 Caroline Caroline Blufort Dorit Caroline Betty 15, Chas 13, Henry 9, James 5, Arthur 2 about 1850
32 Frank Conner 35 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Davis Spotsylvania Betsy Jones 27 Spotsylvania Caroline Rich'd Hogarty Spotsylvani Henry 10, Mary 6, George 4, Wi'lm 2, Harriet 1m about 1854
33 William Hopkins 42 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Tabner Wynne Caroline Amy Green 43 Caroline Caroline Jesse Wynne Caroline no children about 1851
34 Frank Jourdan 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Elizabeth Allen Caroline Delia Gatewood 41 Caroline Caroline O. Burruss Caroline Luberta 14, Isebel 12, Emma 6, Eliza 3 about 1848
35 Rich'd Anderson 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Young Caroline Mary Terrell 21 King William Caroline James White King William Eviland 2 about 1861
36 John Gray 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Oscar Sutton Caroline Fanny Johnson 20 Caroline Caroline Hugh Chandler Caroline Molly 1 about 1860
37 Woodford Sheppard 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip Green Caroline Nancy Lee 19 Caroline Caroline John Key Caroline Sarah 2m about 1864
38 Gilbert Sheppard 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas. H. Broaddus Caroline Maria Jackson 40 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Green Caroline Gilbert 15, Woodson 11 about 1843
39 Benj Sheppard 62 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil Gatewood Caroline Fanny Bates 55 Caroline Caroline Woodson Broaddus Caroline Sam 36, Woodford 24, Sarah 17 about 1827

Page 33
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Sample Robinson 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry J. Kidd Caroline Caroline Reeves 50 Caroline Caroline Nelly Martin Caroline Liston 10, Alice 8 about 1855
2 John Jackson 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm B. Gravatt Caroline Eliza Kidd 37 Caroline Caroline Kitty Houstain Caroline Alice 8, Mary 5, Jessie 3, Overton 1 about 1857
3 Henry Stanard 67 King & Queen Caroline Carpenter Betty Garnett Caroline Joanna Corbin 67 Caroline Caroline Nancy Young Caroline No Children about 1858
4 Moses Jones 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Benson M. Wright Caroline Mary A. Castle 52 Caroline Caroline Rachel Harris Caroline Louisa 32, Minor 31, William 25, Martha 23, Ben 27, Mitchel 19, Calvin 15 about 1832
5 Minor Jones 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Blufort Dorit Caroline Eliza A. Minor 25 Caroline Caroline Albert G. Ware Caroline Clara 3, William 2, Martha J. 6m about 1859
6 Peter Lomax 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Quesenberry Caroline Julia Washington 22 King William Caroline Mildred Trent King William William H. 3, Harriet 6 about 1858
7 Casius Fransley 57 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas. D. Coleman Caroline Abbie Brown 56 Caroline Caroline Jas D. Coleman Caroline No Children about 1854
8 Thos Goodwin 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Quesenberry Caroline Frances Taylor 25 King William Caroline Betsy Cox King William William 6, Catharine 4 about 1858
9 Yates Goodwin 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Quesenberry Caroline Jane Jackson 44 Caroline Caroline Wm Quesenberry Caroline Thos 28, Henry 27, Rich'd 25, Peggy 20, Lizzie 4, ?? about 1837
10 Jourdan Hill 46 Caroline Caroline Carpenter Jourdan, Woolfolk Caroline Betsy Berkley 46 Henrico Caroline James Murray Caroline Thos 23, Melinda 15, Alex 14, Katy 12, Frances 10, Chas 8 about 1842
11 Henry Goodwin 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Quesenberry Caroline Nancy Beverley 21 Caroline Caroline Sibernia Green Caroline James 2 about 1862
12 Joseph Jones 40 Caroline Caroline Carpenter And. A. Broaddus Caroline Cornewza Roots 32 Caroline Caroline John Key Caroline Wilson 9, George 3, John 1 about 1855
13 Henry Harris 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Elliot Wright Caroline Lodrina Harris 23 North Carolina Caroline Addison Flippo Caroline No Children about 1863
14 Chas Freeman 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry T. Doggett Caroline Jane Jedda 40 King William Caroline Sarah Petris Caroline Sarah 16, Hannah 13, Anne 10, Dan'l 7, Ras 4, Lorena 2 about 1845
15 Thos Johnson 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer W. R. B. Wyatt Caroline Elsey Lewis 23 Caroline Caroline W. R. B. Wyatt Caroline Henry 3, Molly 1 about 1861
16 Benj Thompson 41 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Harvey Richmond Ellen Holmes 35 Caroline Caroline Henry T. Doggett Caroline No Children about 1861
17 John Lewis 41 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos. Kidd Caroline Becky Rollins 35 Caroline Caroline Burton Wright Caroline John 11, Janet 9, Fanny 7, Andrew 5, Margaret 2m about 1852
18 Geo W. Meyers 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Elizabeth Pendleton 26 Caroline Caroline Lucy A. Garnett Caroline No Children about 1863
19 George Washington 39 Goochland Caroline Farm Laborer Wesley Wright Caroline Polly Garrison 40 King George Caroline Richardson Turner Caroline Elsey E. 11 about 1852
20 John Fitzhugh 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Elizabeth Garnett Caroline Anna Jones 18 Caroline Caroline Lucy A. Garnett Caroline No Children about 1864
21 Benj Gatewood 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer W. D. Boulware Caroline Margaret Corbin 33 Caroline Caroline Sarah Colawn Caroline Isaac 8 about 1856
22 Thornton Lee 30 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. Berkley King William Katy Catharine 35 Caroline Caroline Edmund Berkley Caroline Caroline 7, Joseph 6, Thornton 2 about 1850
23 Edmund Lee 37 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. Berkley King William Maria Anderson 24 King William Caroline William Berkley King William Nelson 7, Betty 5, James E. 9m about 1857
24 Norman Lee 46 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. Berkley King William Sarah Cicero 47 Caroline Caroline Edmund Berkley Caroline Leland 15, Virginia 3 about 1850
25 Solomon Rollins 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Griffin Garnett Caroline America Johnson 31 Essex Caroline James S. Garnett Caroline Barbara 3m about 1857
26 Norman Jackson 40 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Thos. R. Dew Caroline Emily Braxton 27 King & Queen Caroline Lucy Dew King & Queen Orby 1 about 1859
27 Edward Baylor 89 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer James W. Blanton Caroline Julia Ferguson 60 Caroline Caroline Jas. W. Blanton Caroline Kitty 36, Temple 20, Com'l 30, George 20, Melinda 30 about 1825
28 Allan Holmes 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John W. Golden Caroline Milly Roots 27 Caroline Caroline James Andrews Caroline Lucy 6 about 1859
29 Albert Winston 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Andrew A. Broaddus Caroline Louisa Holmes 21 Caroline Caroline Jw. W. Golden Caroline James H. 7m about 1863
30 Silas Holmes 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. W. Golden Caroline Melissa Jones 29 Caroline Caroline J. R. Richardson Caroline Sidney 10, Emma 2 about 1854
31 Rich'd Motley 54 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Anne J. Motley King & Queen Mary A. Linsey 22 Caroline Caroline R. J. B. Richardson Caroline James H. 1 about 1864
32 George Robinson 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Taylor Caroline Margaret Edwards 46 Caroline Caroline Roy Maccoe Caroline Fannie 23, Jacob 21, Isaac 18, Nancy 16, Mary 12, Kitty 9, Roy 7, Minca ? 5 about 1840
33 William Tazwell 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Taylor Caroline Margaret Lee 39 Caroline Caroline James Taylor Caroline Virginia 9m about 1846
34 Killis Cogwell 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Taylor Caroline Millie Harrison 46 Caroline Caroline James Taylor Caroline Margaret A. 18 about 1844
35 Randall Brookins 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Taylor Caroline Henrietta Hunter 40 Spotsylvania Caroline James Taylor Caroline Wm. 15, Peter 13, Julia A. 9, Randall 5 about 1847
36 Frederick Reed 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Alec DeJarnette Caroline Daprey Grey 48 Caroline Caroline James Taylor Caroline No Children about 1856
37 Thornton Butcher 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. P. Taylor Caroline Pannie Robinson 23 Caroline Caroline Roy Maccoe Caroline No Children Feb 1st 1866
38 John Broaddock Butcher 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. P. Taylor Caroline Polly Robinson 35 Caroline Caroline James Taylor Caroline No Children about 1859
39 Ben Holmes 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John L. Broaddus Caroline Martha Smith 35 Caroline Caroline Thos. J. Martin Caroline No Children about 1862

Page 34
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Lewis Morris 70 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer Emily Morris Caroline Winny Bowers 70 Caroline Caroline Ellias Bowers Caroline no children about 1860
2 Garry Root 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. T. Harris Caroline Annie Hill 49 Caroline Caroline Henry Hill Caroline Frances 25, Lucy 18, Maria 17, Rachel 15, George 9 about 1840
3 Harry Timblick 70 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Benj. Vohns Caroline Franky Johnson 40 Caroline Caroline J. G. Coleman Caroline Clemensia 4 about 1850
4 William Beverly 25 King George Caroline Farm Laborer Fred F. Nines King George Aggy Smothers 24 Caroline Caroline Wm. Carter Caroline no children about 1864
5 Rich'd Hopper 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Blufort Dorit Caroline Maria Davis 31 Caroline Caroline Wm. Carter Caroline no children about 1864
6 Preston Robinson 51 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm. Hernan Caroline Betsy Wormly 40 Caroline Caroline Wm. Kernan Caroline James 23, Martha 17, Rachel 15, Anna 13, Doretha 11, John 10, Wm 8, Wyatt 4, Ellen 5m about 1841
7 John Winne 74 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer A. G. Ware Caroline Grace Lilly 74 Caroline Caroline Sam'l Coleman Caroline no children about 1862
8 Rich'd Winne 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos. Gatewood Caroline Nancy Dickerson 4[?] Caroline Caroline Kitty Sizer Caroline no children about 1863
9 Dennis Baker 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Nancy Bibb Caroline Amanda Berkley 26 Caroline Caroline Napoleon Luck Caroline James 8, Flemming 4, Nancy 2 about 1856
10 Lowery Baker 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer David Bibb Caroline Sarah --- 50 Caroline Caroline Nancy Bibb Caroline Dennis 33, Lucy 30, Harriet 18, Julia 16, Luceun? about 1831
11 Sam Lewis 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Nancy Bibb Caroline Julia Rollins 36 Caroline Caroline Sam'l Luck Caroline Flemming 11, Berry 8, Horatio 4 about 1851
12 Thornton Allens 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. Carneal Caroline Kitty Turner 34 Caroline Caroline Geo. Burke Caroline William 7, Julia 3, Mary 1m about 1857
13 Lewis Baylor 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Fanny Downing Caroline Betty Keys 24 Caroline Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline William 8, Louis 4, Emily 2 about 1857
14 Elisha Lee 57 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Martha Hunter Caroline Mary Pratt 56 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Baylor Caroline no children about 1857
15 Lewis Dandridge 35 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Albert Golman Essex Rosetta Carter 30 Caroline Caroline Cath. Cox Caroline no children about 1855
16 Rich'd Rolllins 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Eldred Green Caroline Emily Dodson 25 Caroline Caroline Jos. See Caroline Virginia 2 about 1862
17 Edmund Key 34 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Thos. Golden Caroline Tammy Corbin 27 Caroline Caroline Sarah Sales Caroline Apheus 7, Maria 5, Temple 3, Edm'd 2m about 1857
18 Benj Allens 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer L. H. Gedda Caroline Tulip Scranidge 38 Caroline Caroline S. Fitzhugh Caroline Rich'd 13, Benj. 10, Thornton 7, Maria 5, Louisa 2 about 1852
19 Peter Young 49 Essex Caroline Carpenter Rob't Baylor Caroline Frances Samuels 40 Caroline Caroline Alb't Goldman Caroline Mary 16, Wm. 14, Fannie 12, Cogons? 9 about 1842
20 Peter Young 24 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Baylor Caroline Lucy Saunders 26 Caroline Caroline Rob't Baylor Caroline no children about 1865
21 Turner Tolliver 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Powers Caroline Sally Fox 31 Caroline Caroline Rosina Boulware Caroline Martha 11, Maryetta 5 about 1854
22 Albert Washington 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wesley Wright Caroline Ursula A. Morris 46 Henrico Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Mary 26, Thos 22, Alb't 17, Julianna 15, Charlotte 11, Dan'l 9, Nancy 6, Rob't 4m about 1840
23 John Morris 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer E. T. Thornton Caroline Rachel Holmes 28 Caroline Caroline Norly Long Caroline Sarah 10, Charlotte 5, John 3, Reuben 6m about 1854
24 Fernando Emanuel 69 Culpeper Caroline Farm Laborer Henry McCauly Caroline Nancy Scott 50 King & Queen Caroline M. Boulware Caroline no children about 1864
25 Olmstead Scott 37 Stafford Caroline Farm Laborer Wesley Wright Caroline Martha Pierce 32 Goochland Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline George 6 about 1859
26 John Pendleton 30 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Thos. Golden Caroline Susan Sanders 32 Caroline Caroline Wash'n Buckner Caroline Catharine 7 about 1856
27 Billy Banks 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Caroline Garnett Caroline Frances Alexander 45 Caroline Caroline Harriet Kidd Caroline Henry 20, John 18, Self 16 about 1848
28 Frank Thomas 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wesley Wright Caroline Betsy Scott 27 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Barbara 2, Lucius 1m about 1862
29 Henry Jefferson 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wesley Wright Caroline Eliza Williams 40 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Arthur 16, Cynthia 12, Patsy 6, Rosa 5, Buckner 1 about 1849
30 Henry Giles 54 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Baylor Caroline Louisa White 52 Essex Caroline Rob't Baylor Caroline Isabel 32, Sarah 29, Edm'd 20, John 17, Mary 19, Wilson 7, Louisa 6 about 1829
31 Henry Banks 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Kidd Caroline Sally Matthews 23 Caroline Caroline Jos'h Terrell Caroline no children--married 2 mo. had license
32 Linsey Holmes 53 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Keeland Ferris Caroline Delphia Moreton 43 Caroline Caroline Keeland Ferris Caroline Eliza 21, Lizzie 18, Linsey 12, Lucy 8, Joseph 6, Rose 3 about 1848
33 John Duncan 55 Culpeper Caroline Farm Laborer A. DeJarnette Caroline Matilda Clark 37 Spotsylvania Caroline Nelson Walla Spotsylvania John 6m about 1861
34 Alfred Allen 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer G. Samuel Caroline Mary E. Taylor 29 Caroline Caroline John Broaddus Caroline Leland 3, Adney 1 about 1861
35 Wm Beverly 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos. Lumkins Caroline Betty Pickett 35 Caroline Caroline Phil Samuel Caroline Randal 18, Jane 15, Stephen 10, Elsey 6, Lucy 5, Sally 3, Minetta 1 about 1846
36 Wm H. Stephens 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Jane Mines 25 Caroline Caroline William Carter Caroline John 8, Jesse 5 about 1856
37 John Gallery 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wesley Wright Caroline Mary Washington 25 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Chastine 2, John 9m about 1862
38 Will'm James 39 Caroline Caroline Carpenter William Carter Caroline Virginia Moore 20 Caroline Caroline William Carter Caroline no children about 1864
39 Mathew Smothers 64 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Sally Mines 64 Caroline Caroline William Carter Caroline Sukey 30, Ben 28, Aggy 24, Math 22, Thos 20, Chas 18, Rich'd 15, Joseph 12, Bessie 8 about 1820

Page 35
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 James Carter 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Long Caroline Margaret Harris 33 Henrico Caroline W. P. C. Ramsey Caroline no children about 1862
2 Bartlett Coleman 25 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer James Kidd Caroline Betty Dobbins 23 Essex Caroline Rob't Baylor Essex Phil 7, Issiah 2, Thos 1 about 1861
3 John Napper 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Betty Moore 55 Caroline Caroline William Carter Caroline no children about 1831
4 John Tolliver 25 Culpepper Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Ferris Caroline Harriet Red 29 Hanover Caroline Maria Anderson Caroline William 4m about 1864
5 Thos Fox 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ed Buckley Loudoun Letty Fox 43 Caroline Caroline Ed Buckley Caroline Wash'n 10, Maggie 5, Stephen 3, Jenny 1 about 1852
6 Rich'd Coleman 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Ball Caroline Cath. Davis 28 Caroline Caroline Cyrus Carson Caroline Lucy 5, Sam'l 3 about 1858
7 Page Catlett 19 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Garnett Caroline Sally Bird 20 Caroline Caroline Free J. Edmund 9m April 1865
8 John Johnson 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John V. Kane Caroline Betsy Red 53 Caroline Caroline Curtis Dorit Caroline no children about 1834
9 Humphrey Latin 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. S. Broaddus Caroline Martha Smith 29 Caroline Caroline R. S. Broaddus Caroline Phil 12, Melinda 10, Norah 3 about 1853
10 Henry Monroe 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. G. Coleman Caroline Patsy Hardman 42 Caroline Caroline Jourdan Woolfolk Caroline James 24 about 1841
11 Geo Lochery 61 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Toomes Caroline Ann Baylor 51 Prince William Caroline Wm. Toomes Caroline John 34, Edward 35 about 1826
12 Joseph Tolliver 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil Samuel Caroline Frances Wallace 20 Caroline Caroline Wm. Toomes Caroline no children about 1864
13 Andrew Moore 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Joseph Penny Caroline Caroline Orwell 25 Caroline Caroline Rob't Key Caroline no children about 1858
14 John Washington 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Silas Broaddus Caroline Emiline Winston 25 Caroline Caroline James Andrews Caroline Catharine 2 about 1863
15 Mansey Dericot 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Maria Anderson Caroline Sally Reeves 28 Spotsylvania Caroline Lansey Pardlow Spotsylvania Izzy 4, Charlotte 1 about 1859
16 George Anderson 30 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer John Davis Spotsylvania Agnes Coleman 24 Spotsylvania Caroline Lansey Pardlow Spotsylvania Fanny 1½ about 1863
17 Rich'd Mines 32 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Alex Moice Hanover Susan Mines 25 Caroline Caroline James Hunter Caroline Fanny 9, Nat 7, Eliza 5 about 1856
18 Garry Mines 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Emily Morris Caroline Susan Mines 24 Hanover Caroline Alex Morris Hanover Corse 7, Betty 5 about 1857
19 Rich'd Mines 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Alex Morris Caroline Frances Coffin 35 Caroline Caroline Emily Morris Caroline Adam 15, Lydia 12, Chas 10, Rich'd 8, Evelina 7 about 1848
20 John Anderson 44 Nelson Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Coleman Caroline Mary Carter 37 Nelson Caroline Rob't Coleman Caroline Mary 12, Jenny 9, Mathew 6m about 1849
21 Albert Saunders 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer D. D. Lumkin Caroline Lavina Lewis 20 Caroline Caroline E. J. White Caroline Alice 3, Frances 3m about 1860
22 Allen Flood 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wash'n Buckner Caroline Eliza Turner 20 Caroline Caroline H. Gedda Caroline Charlotte 4, James 1½ about 1860
23 Rob't Mathews 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wash'n Buckner Caroline Dinah Walker 38 Caroline Caroline Keeler Row Caroline Ella 13, James 5, Nanny 4, Sally 3, Geo 2 about 1852
24 Albert Lomox 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Jesse Caroline Betty Smith 20 Caroline Caroline Wash'n Buckner Caroline no children about 1863
25 Wm Mathews 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wash'n Buckner Caroline Matilda Bartlett 56 Caroline Caroline John Holloway Caroline no children about 1846
26 William Jackson 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wash'n Buckner Caroline Eliza Mathews 21 Caroline Caroline Hays Saunders Caroline no children about 1864
27 Albert Johnson 46 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Berkley Hanover Fanny Duke 37 Hanover Caroline Geo. McLoughlin Caroline Chas 20, Aaron 18, Lyster 16, Wm 12, Judy 6 about 1844
28 Wm Anderson 35 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer George Mack Caroline Sarah Barnet 24 Caroline Caroline Free Thomas 9, John 7, Rachel 3, Fanny 9m about 1855
29 Rich'd Dobson 48 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Doswell Hanover Adeline Pleasant 37 Caroline Caroline Erastus Chandler Caroline Susan 26, Wm 23, Joseph 20, Betsy 15, Charlotte 12, Adeline 6 about 1837
30 Thos Gatewood 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Bouleware Caroline Betty Williams 35 Caroline Caroline Sally Rowe Caroline Thos 6, Wm 2, Mary ann 6m about 1859
31 Chas Lewis 59 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer George Flemming Louisa Ellen Gatewood 24 Caroline Caroline Kitty Gatewood Caroline Adeline 1 about 1864
32 Ed Gray 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas Shadduc Caroline Louisa Lee 37 Caroline Caroline M. Boulware Caroline Hilda 13, Arthur 11, John 10, Eliza 8, Ed 6 about 1852
33 James Wright 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ryland Gedda Caroline Martha Pendleton 26 Caroline Caroline James White King William Julia 7, Sally 4, Luly 2 Fanny 5m about 1856
34 Joseph Stark 62 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer W. P. C. Ramsey Caroline Sally Berkley 44 Hanover Caroline W. P. C. Ramsey Caroline Joseph 17, David 14, Susan 8, Paul 6 about 1847
35 Buck Robinson 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ryland Gedda Caroline Mary Wright 37 Caroline Caroline Ryland Gedda Caroline Rachel 13 about 1851
36 Jesse Claibourne 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer B. T. Travilian Caroline Charlott Chick 37 Caroline Caroline Marg't Burrous King William no children about 1866
37 Henry Carter 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. Newton Caroline Aggy Thompson 26 Caroline Caroline Harriet Jones Caroline Sarah 7, Rob't 6, Wm 3 about 1857
38 Willis Alsop 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer H. Martin Caroline Amanda Red 23 Caroline Caroline Harriet Jones Caroline Joseph 4, Louisa 2 about 1860
39 Nelson B. Banks 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Young Caroline Amanda -- 45 Caroline Caroline Ryland Gedda Caroline no children about 1854

Page 36
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Joseph Banks 22 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Brown Evans Middlesex Sally Jones 21 King & Queen Caroline Rotheric Dew King & Queen no children about 1865
2 William Lyons 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Martin Caroline Marg't Brooks 23 King & Queen Caroline Thos. Martin Caroline no children about 1862
3 West Braxton 47 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Dandridge Sale Essex Julia Nicholas 37 Caroline Caroline Dandridge Sale Essex Benj 14, Fanny 10, James 5, Phelissa 4, Sally 2, Mary 3, Wm. 1 about 1848
4 Madison Hill 24 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Dandridge Sale Essex Catharine Banks 23 King William Caroline Dandridge Sale Essex no children about 1860
5 Joseph Vesser 27 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer John T. Hill Essex Becky Ware 22 Essex Caroline Dandridge Sale Essex Thomas 6m about 1864
6 Winkfield Boulware 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Horace Wright Caroline Tisbey Rock 28 Caroline Caroline Luther Wright Caroline James 11 about 1854
7 George Ross 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Horace Wright Caroline Maria Wormley 45 Caroline Caroline Pleasant Kernan Caroline Eliza 27, Borbidge 24, Esther 23, Anne 16, Geo. 20, Partha 15, Letty 12 about 1838
8 Rob't Tinsley 48 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. W. Trice Caroline Mary Henry 36 Hanover Caroline Geo. W. Trice Caroline Wm 20, James 18, Lyttleton 16, Patrick 14, Lavina 12, Curtis 10, Rich'd 7 Mary J. 3 about 1845
9 Buck Corbin 31 Caroline Caroline Carpenter Ellias Gravatt Caroline Mary Sale 28 Caroline Caroline Ellias Gravatt Caroline John 13, Caroline 11, Hensley 10, Lavina 8, Eliza 7, Willis 5, James Grant 2 about 1852
10 Edmund Gray 31 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Fanny Downing Caroline Nancy Coleman 33 Caroline Caroline Henry Stephens Caroline Betty 14 about 1851
11 Horace Jourdan 45 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Erasmus Wright Essex Hannah Lewis 35 Essex Caroline Mary Wright Essex Frances 19, Nelson 18, Ind'n 15, Andrea 14, Rachel 12, Martha 10, Wilton 6 about 1846
12 Rob't Winston 63 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ann Young Caroline Judy Waller 33 Caroline Caroline Sarah Killey Caroline Jane 9, Archy 7, Jeff 1 about 1853
13 Edmund Green 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Betsy Woolfolk Caroline Patsy Gilham 40 Caroline Caroline Betsey Woolfolk Caroline Amanda 22, Sofia 19, Catharine 13, Alice 10, Leannah 6, Lizzie 4 about 1843
14 Albert Banks 46 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sam'l Coleman Caroline Maria Green 45 Stafford Caroline Mary Coleman Caroline Hester 19 about 1846
15 Henry Carter 53 King George Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Motley Caroline Maria Duvall 42 Caroline Caroline Edmund Motley Caroline Ella 7, Mary 2 about 1840
16 Wm Jackson 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Arthur Samuel Caroline Mary Cooper 45 Caroline Caroline Free Eliza 20, Thomas 13, Milton 11, Sylla 9, Louisa 7 about 1844
17 Washington Young 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Nat. Motley Caroline Julia Taylor 46 Caroline Caroline Nat Motley Caroline Isabel 25, Malinda 24, Albert 21, Betsy 20, Wilson 19, Cinderella 18, Sarah 17, Columbia 16, Washington 11, Julia 7, Fanny 5, David 3 about 1840
18 Marshal Johnson 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Corn'ls Campbell Caroline Eliza Henderson 35 King George Caroline J. G. Parrish Caroline no children about 1865
19 Addison Ormstead 61 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Addison Goodlow Caroline Kesiah Winne 58 Caroline Caroline Jesse Winne Caroline Pasty 22, Sofia 20, Kitty 18, William 15 about 1826
20 James Munroe 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Kernan Caroline Ann Carter 16 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Boulware Caroline Willis 1 about 1864
21 Henry Taylor 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Sam'l Dickenson Caroline Amanda Green 22 Caroline Caroline Betsey Woolfolk Caroline no children about 1864
22 Nelson Jones 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Oliver Beasley Caroline Caroline --- 50 Caroline Caroline William Kernan Caroline Mary 21, Wm 19, Rob't 17, Eliza 15, Carter 12, Harriet 10, Alfred 6, Kesiah 5 about 1840
23 Sam'l Gallery 52 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer E. P. Wood Caroline Ann Hinckly 40 Louisa Caroline E. P. Wood Caroline Maria 16 about 1848
24 Rich'd Dickenson 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James B. Skinker Caroline Lucy A. Hunter 41 Caroline Caroline Wm. J. Broaddus Caroline Frank 6, Chester 9 about 1854
25 Emanuel Monroe 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Murray Caroline Lucy Lewis 40 Caroline Caroline Harriet Kidd Caroline no children about 1845
26 Bob Blackburn 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Martin Caroline Sarah Johnson 50 King George Caroline Martha Wright Caroline Susan 12 about 1854
27 Rob't Johnson 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer W. J. Dickerson Caroline Lucinda Coats 45 Spotsylvania Caroline T. B. Cogswell Caroline no children about 1865
28 Beveland Minor 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer S. H. Campbell Caroline Mary Garnett 25 Caroline Caroline S. H. Campbell Caroline Alice 5, Eliza 4, Landon 2 about 1860
29 Herod Johnson 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Lumkin Caroline Janet Turner 26 Caroline Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline Mary 7 about 1858
30 Wash'n Newton 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Keeland Rowe Caroline Rose Walker 47 Caroline Caroline Reuben Roan Caroline Evelina 19, Wash'n 15, Betty 13 about 1846
31 Wm Reynolds 41 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Norman Caroline Mary Jackson 32 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Norman Caroline no children about 1849
32 Geo Dawson 35 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Colbert Spotsylvania Nelly Jackson 24 Caroline Caroline Sally Samuel Caroline Charles 7, Tillman 3, Marg't 1 about 1858
33 Theodore Thornton 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Norman Caroline Jenny Mason 35 Spotsylvania Caroline Ann Coleman Caroline Nelly 7, Heyda 5 about 1851
34 Andrew Cogswell 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Gid Flippo Caroline Jane Lewis 21 Caroline Caroline Ruf Coleman Caroline no children 1st Feb 1866
35 Reuben Waller 29 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Edward Rouser Hanover Sylla Winfield 29 Caroline Caroline Addison Coleman Caroline John 1 about 1864
36 Flemming Taylor 24 Caroline Caroline Carpenter Sam'l Dickenson Caroline Eliza Lewis 17 Louisa Caroline Eldred Turner Caroline Martha 1½, Wm 1m about 1864
37 Archy Minor 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frank Scott Caroline Aggy Jones 26 Louisa Caroline Eldred Turner Caroline Milton 12, Nicey 7, Andrew 5, Arthur 3 about 1853
38 Rufus King 23 Caroline Caroline Sawyer Garland Hargrave Caroline Silvia Tay 25 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Eudora 2 about 1863
39 William Ham 40 Spotsylvania Caroline Farmer Beverly Beesley Spotsylvania Esther Lomax 29 Caroline Caroline John Samuel Caroline Lomax 13, Selora 12, Arthur 10, Mary 6, John 3 about 1852

Page 37
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Washington Ennis 36 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm laborer John A. Miller Caroline Ellen Jackson 35 Caroline Caroline John A. Miller Caroline Josephine 15, Martha 13, Lucy 11, Anna 7, Alice 2 About 1848
2 James Brooks 55 Essex Caroline Farm laborer Leonard Sales Essex Betsy Willis 56 Essex Caroline Annie Baylor Caroline Fanny 30, America 28, Wm. 24, Kitty 23, Mary 21, Jas. 22 Anna 17, Jacob 15, Isaac 13 about 1834
3 Addison Taylor 50 Caroline Caroline Carpenter Frank Scott Caroline Lucinda Dabney 38 King William Caroline J. W. Scott Caroline Ben 15, Lizzie 10, James 8, Chas. 4, Fred 2 about 1850
4 George Gibson 40 Madison Caroline Farm laborer Thos N. Welsh Caroline Eliza Ferrell 24 Caroline Caroline Lucy Dew Caroline Nelly 2 about 1862
5 Peter Sternes 21 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Jas A. Johnson Caroline Marg't Jackson 25 Caroline Caroline Chas. Flippo Caroline Elsey 2m about 1865
6 John Harrison 53 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Jane A. Wright Caroline Nancy Tyler 54 Nelson Caroline Jane A. Wright Caroline no children about 1853
7 William Flemming 36 Essex Caroline Farm laborer Wm Gravatt Caroline Judy Diggs 30 Caroline Caroline Rachel Ferris Caroline Sam'l 14, Caroline 12, Tharna 11, Wm 10 about 1851
8 James Cullen 47 Augusta Caroline Farm laborer Wm P. Cullen Caroline Amanda Brown 24 Caroline Caroline Wm P. Cullen Caroline no children about 1861
9 Albert French 50 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Wm J. Dickenson Caroline Mary A. Brown 45 Caroline Caroline Wm. J. Dickenson Caroline Anna 27, Ellen 25, Harrison 24, Edw'd 21, Isabel 14, Sally 12, Henrietta 12, Fitzhugh 8 about 1835
10 Walter Page 21 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Ryland Geter Caroline Sarah Temple 22 Caroline Caroline Rob't Pettrie Caroline Erma 2 about 1863
11 Benj Chiles 59 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm laborer Geo Coleman Caroline Sally Jackson 50 Caroline Caroline Philip Samuel Caroline no children about 1841
12 Rob't Root 40 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Phil Samuel Jr. Caroline Minney Lomox 25 Caroline Caroline Thos. Norman Caroline Maria 2 about 1863
13 Thos Green 58 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm laborer Sam'l Luck Caroline Mary Hackett 50 Caroline Caroline Thos. Gatewood Caroline no children about 1859
14 Chas Miller 49 Caroline Caroline Tanner, Laborer Sample Broaddus Caroline Marg't Chapman 38 Caroline Caroline Sample Broaddus Caroline Sarah 18, Eveland 13, Fanny 10, James 8, Leonard 6, Maryetta 4, Janet 3m about 1846
15 Toby Gibbs 64 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Joseph Cogswell Caroline Dafney Beesley 50 Spotsylvania Caroline Reuben Cogwell Caroline Elsey 30, Anthony 28, Hannah 27, Sam'l 26, Oliver 22, Albert 19 about 1833
16 James Toliver 65 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Geo D. Pleasant Henrico Ann Baylor 50 Caroline Caroline Wm. J. Dickenson Caroline Wm 20, Jerry 15, Rose 13, Winney 12 about 1845
17 Wm Brooks 31 Hanover Caroline Farm laborer William Carter Caroline Sarah Fox 28 Hanover Caroline Wm. Carter Caroline Stapleton 9, Lizzie 8, Wm 7, Marg't 5, Hosea 2 about 1856
18 Burton Mines 30 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Thos Bowers Caroline Ellen Meriweather 26 Caroline Caroline Jas Hill Caroline no children about 1860
19 Wm Fortune 26 Essex Caroline Farm laborer Rich'd Nowell Essex Berty Clark 25 Caroline Caroline Alfred Allen Caroline Robert 1 about 1863
20 Garland Anderson 65 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Wm Swan Amherst Jane Anderson 46 Caroline Caroline Thos B. Anderson Caroline Mary 26, Corn'l 23, John 15, Thos 11, Thomasia 9, Sarah 8, Georgia 4 about 1839
21 Wm Fox 67 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Thos B. Anderson Caroline Sylvia Beaver 30 Caroline Caroline [Free] Anthony 11, Mary 7, Sally 4, Alice 1 about 1854
22 Reuben Lewis 49 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Geo. W. Burk Caroline Dinah Giles 41 Caroline Caroline Rob't Dickenson Caroline no children about 1849
23 Isom Rollins 55 Louisa Caroline Farm laborer Eldred Turner Caroline Leathean Lewis 37 Caroline Caroline Henry George Caroline Rob't 12, Wm 10, Elinor 6, Eason 4, Patsy 1 about 1851
24 Sam'l Lewis 28 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Henry George Caroline Mary Rinelaire 24 Caroline Caroline Richardson Turner Caroline no children about 1861
25 Frank Reynolds 45 Caroline Caroline Shoemaker Julia Samuel Caroline Martha Jackson 35 Caroline Caroline John Norman Caroline Kitty 6, Mary 3 about 1847
26 James Jamison 24 Louisa Caroline Farm laborer Jas DeJarnett Caroline Jane Wesley 25 Norfolk Caroline L. W. Allen Caroline no children Jan 11 1866
27 William Fox 45 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Thos B. Anderson Caroline Jane Tirie 35 Caroline Caroline Walker Terrell Caroline John 17, Marceliner 15, Ella 14, Matt 12, Harriet 10, Thos 6, Sally 4, Laura 2 about 1847
28 Benj Chiles 24 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Lurther Wright Caroline Christiana Brown 22 Caroline Caroline Horace Wright Caroline William 3, Lewis 1 about 1862
29 Griffin Lewis 30 Cumberland Caroline Farm laborer George England Caroline Martha Cloe 24 Caroline Caroline Free Eugenia 4, Sarah 1 about 1860
30 Rob't Green 43 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Dan'l DeJarnett Caroline Judy Tutman 47 Caroline Caroline Sample Golden Caroline Etta 23, Frank 21, Anna 15, Edw'd 12, Rob't 8, Maria 5, Mary 4, Nelson 2 about 1841
31 Ralph Johnson 70 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Harry Doggett Caroline Betsy Cogg 65 Caroline Caroline James Luck Caroline Tyree 50, Sye 46, Rose 36, Ellen 33, Polly 31, Jacob 30, Hannah 23, Chas 20 about 1815
32 Reuben Page 52 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer James White Caroline America Coleman 41 Caroline Caroline Nancy Young Caroline Mary 23, Maria 18, Cor's 16, Thos 14, Lucy 11, Essie 8, Reuben 5, Sam 5m about 1842
33 Dan'l Sanders 52 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer J. Q. Martin Caroline Lucy Payne 45 Caroline Caroline Wm. Tunion Caroline Dallas 18, Mercer 15, Olivia 12, Virginia 9, Catharine 7, Adaline 4, Dan'l 2, Jacob 6m about 1846
34 Race Roy 45 King & Queen Caroline Farm laborer Alex Gatewood Caroline Hannah Coleman 31 Caroline Caroline Alex Gatewood Caroline Wm 14, Nate 13, Eliza 12, Rob't 7, Julia 5, Jane 4, Jason 1 about 1851
35 Peter Moore 41 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer William Carter Caroline Becky Fells 35 Caroline Caroline Wm Carter Caroline Sarah 16, John 13, Peter 9, Mary 1 about 1849
36 Thos Page 20 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Ryland Geter Caroline Maria Jackson 17 Caroline Caroline John Blanton Caroline Jane 1 about 1864
37 Peyton Brown 31 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Wm Wyatt Caroline Lucy A. Ross 23 King & Queen Caroline John Ryland King & Queen Emma 6, Ella 4, Ann E. 3 about 1858
38 Peter Coleman 25 Caroline Caroline Farm laborer Tomss Dyson Caroline Tene Jackson 22 Caroline Caroline John Blanton Caroline Berty 5 about 1860
39 Isaac Pollard 50 Hanover Caroline Farm laborer John Chandler Caroline Harriet Taylor 45 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Malone Caroline no children about 1864

Page 38
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Spencer Bartlett 63 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John T. Bullock Caroline Rachel Hill 52 King William Caroline Wm A. Buckner Caroline no children about 1843
2 Randall Pickett 68 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Stephen Ferris Caroline Sally Newton 68 Caroline Caroline Archy Samuel Caroline Rich'd 35, James 34, Billy 33, Nancy 25, Han??, Lucinda 27, Fanny 25, Jane 30 about 1816
3 Barrett Spencer 53 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Hay'l Saunders Caroline Jance McWilliam 33 Caroline Caroline Haye Saunders Caroline Nelly 5 about 1860
4 Monroe Boxley 54 Spotsylvania Caroline Blacksmith Polk Price Hanover Sarah Hope 34 Louisa Caroline Lucian Jones Hanover Julia 19, Geof'y 18, Morrison 16, Miles 9, Mary 7, Elecia 3, Sarah 1 about 1845
5 Willis Taylor 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Will'n E. Jones Caroline Maria Roots 52 Caroline Caroline Chas Jesse Caroline Willis 16, Faylor 12 about 1848
6 William Thomas 23 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Ellen Page Caroline Messilla Pleasant 22 Caroline Caroline John T. Butler Caroline Maria L. 2 about 1863
7 George Taylor 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John J. Martin Caroline Mensie Dennis 28 Caroline Caroline John E. Anderson Caroline Mary E. 3, Wm H. 2 about 1858
8 Reuben Barnett 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Wright Caroline Eliza A. Jackson 28 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Green Caroline no children about 1858
9 John Rollins 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Will'm Buckner Caroline Matilda Walker 33 Caroline Caroline Wm. Buckner Caroline Katy 5m about 1865
10 James Fields 50 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Griffin T. Garnett Caroline Lend Thornton 45 Caroline Caroline Griffin T. Garnett Caroline no children about 1846
11 William Banks 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Margaret Harrison King & Queen Isabella Grinnen 28 Caroline Caroline Free Woman Caroline no children about 1863
12 Addison Taylor 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Flemming Ferris Caroline Fanny Holmes 17 Caroline Caroline Sarah Dick Caroline no children about 1865
13 Randal Norris 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Sally Moore 30 Caroline Caroline Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Dodson 13, Victoria 6, Agnes 3, Virg 1m about 1852
14 Sam'l Taylor 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Flemming Ferris Caroline Emily Madison 17 Spotsylvania Caroline Pleasant Saulkner Spotsylvania Betsy Ann 7m about 1864
15 Matt Tolliver 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Kidd Caroline Agnes Anderson 42 Caroline Caroline Mary Wright Caroline Ann 16, Columbia 15, Page 11, Lucy 9, Frances 8, James 5, Kate 1 about 1848
16 Phelan Garnett 25 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Lucy A. Garnett Caroline Mildred Jones 24 King & Queen Caroline Griffin T. Garnett Caroline Lucy Jane 1½ about 1863
17 John Lomox 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos. T. B. Sale Caroline Peggy Young 29 Caroline Caroline Free Woman no children about 1854
18 William Roberson 65 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John T. Butler Caroline Frances ---- 40 King & Queen Caroline John T. Butler Caroline Eliza 13, Fanny 18, Cath 20, Isabel 22, Cynthia 25 about 1840
19 George Madison 43 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Dearson Spotsylvania Sofia Samuel 33 Caroline Caroline Pleasant Faulkner Caroline Sally 20, Emily 16 about 1844
20 Roy Washington 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Theophilus Green Caroline Rosetta Boutwell 19 Caroline Caroline Harriet Kidd Caroline Norah 2 about 1862
21 John Addison 51 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Berkley Louden Milly Young 40 King William Caroline Wm. S. Berkley Louden Glocester 26 about 1839
22 Loudon Lomox 70 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer John Harrison King & Queen Frances Hollinger 66 Caroline Caroline John Temple King & Queen Rosina 22, Martha 20 about 1826
23 Moses Gaffney 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Berkley Louden Minerva Anderson 40 King William Caroline W. S. Berkley Louden Randal 10, Sally 8 about 1853
24 Thos Anderson 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Berkley Louden Kelly Harris 40 King William Caroline W. S. Berkley Louden no children about 1841
25 Taylor Baylor 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Joseph Penny Caroline Eliza Sale 26 Caroline Caroline William Shadduc Caroline Henry 5, Birdy 6, Joshua 2, Mary 4m about 1857
26 Joseph Banks 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Churchill Hustin Caroline Betty Epps 23 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Broaddus Caroline Leulla 1 about 1864
27 James W. Taylor 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jane Ferris Caroline Charlotte Holmes 24 Caroline Caroline James Ball Caroline Sarah J. 3, Joseph 1 about 1862
28 James Garnett 41 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Julia Golden Caroline Ellen Winfield 39 Caroline Caroline Woodson Wright Caroline no children about 1859
29 James Wright 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James O. Allen Caroline Harriet Tyler 20 Caroline Caroline Walter Allen Caroline Mathew 1 about 1863
30 William Brown 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Augustus Tomkins Caroline Sarah Anderson 17 Caroline Caroline Henry George Caroline no children about 1865
31 William Lee 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mina Wright Caroline Mary F. Cash 30 Caroline Caroline Free Woman no children about 1858
32 Allen Baylor 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James T. Butler Caroline Mary Jones 56 Caroline Caroline Rich'd W. Hutchison Caroline Hugh 16, Henry 14, Pike 12 about 1849
33 Isaac Johnson 27 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer James B. Mathews Hanover Lucy Tillman 19 Hanover Caroline Ann Anderson Hanover Mary 8m about 1864
34 Ben Thomas 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo. Burrus Caroline Selia Boutwell 25 Hanover Caroline Wm Kidd Caroline Mary ann 1 about 1864
35 Rob't Hardman 47 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Lucy E. Dew King & Queen Julia Robinson 39 Henrico Caroline Rob't B. Corbin Caroline no children about 1856
36 Ben Ladiney 50 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Motley King & Queen Martha Holmes 40 Caroline Caroline Andrew A. Broaddus Caroline Henry 23, Betty 21, Dandridge 20, Leland 18, Wm 15, Rob't 13, Howard 10, Herndon 9, Berta 8, Roy 3 about 1841
37 Barnet Gray 57 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Betty Conway Pitsylvania Matilda Robb 45 Caroline Caroline Betty Conway Pitsylvania Nancy 25, Eda 19, Betsy 17, Morrison 15, Jenny 9, Alice 7 about 1836
38 Americus Moore 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Charlotte York 48 North Carolina Caroline Rob't B. Corbin Caroline Louisa 26, George 22, Jno 22, Elsey 20, Rody & Nathan 18 about 1837
39 Geo Lomox 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas T. Jesse Caroline Jane Taylor 45 Caroline Caroline Comouza Ferris Caroline Frances 22, Georgeanna 20, Emily 18, Eda 16, Page 13, Rob't 3, Thornton 2 about 1841

Page 39
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Horace Hawkins 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Thornton Caroline Polly Holmes 35 Caroline Caroline Anthony Thornton Caroline Bob 7, Ruben 6, Molly 5, Lelia 2 About 1848
2 Churchill Robinson 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos B. Anderson Caroline Mary E. Quarls 23 Caroline Caroline Buckner Levilsion Caroline Napoleon B. 1½ about 1864
3 Bennet Robinson 59 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Quarles Caroline Millie A. Taylor 54 Caroline Caroline Thos. Anderson Caroline Lucius 39, Churchill 37, Marshal 36, Susan 29, Frances 25, Bonaparte 23 about 1825
4 Wash'n Ferguson 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John C. Crump King & Queen Rose Washington 37 Caroline Caroline Patsey Green Caroline Nancy 7, Martha 3 about 1854
5 William Young 28 Powhattan Caroline Farm Laborer Edmond C. Cook Hanover Susan Robinson 28 Caroline Caroline Thos. Anderson Caroline Marshal 6, Rosabel 8m Dec 25, 1859
6 Frank Pendleton 57 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Puller Caroline Harriet Tolliver 33 Caroline Caroline Ellen Puller Caroline John 12, Betty 11, Albert 9, Ann 6, Roy 2, Jenny 4, Dawson 15 about 1850
7 Joseph Harrison 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Golden Caroline Susan Berkley 25 Caroline Caroline William White Georgia Isaac 9, Rosanna 8 about 1856
8 James Alexander 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Wright Caroline Elvira Matthews 24 Caroline Caroline Rob't Wright Caroline Wash'n 6, William 3, Louisa 2 about 1859
9 Albert Robinson 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ellias Gravatt Caroline Charlotte Sale 23 Caroline Caroline Ellias Gravatt Caroline no children Jan 1, 1866
10 Sam'l Baylor 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jos P Penny Caroline Sally Johnson 38 Caroline Caroline Ed Shadduc Caroline Alfred 11, Anne 2 about 1846
11 Wm Winkfield 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Horace H. Wright Caroline Lucinda Fries 30 Caroline Caroline Free Woman Geo W. 3 about 1862
12 Rich'd Richards 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Berkley Caroline Maria Neyo 50 Caroline Caroline Edmund Berkley Caroline Carter B. 21 about 1841
13 Sam Sale 47 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer John Key Caroline Rachel Anderson 36 Caroline Caroline Philip Green Caroline Albert 19, Eliza 16, Katy 14, Sam 10, Slyda 6, Butler 3 about 1846
14 Major Thompson 23 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Ellen Dawser Hanover Mary Framer 16 Caroline Caroline Free Woman no children about 1865
15 Frederick Thompson 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Turner Doswell Hanover Mary Johnson 19 Caroline Caroline Free Woman no children about 1865
16 Thornton Jackson 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Bob Holliway Caroline Kitty Robb 35 Caroline Caroline Mark Boulware Caroline no children about 1863
17 John H. Rates 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Burruss Caroline Jane Lewis 20 Caroline Caroline Geo Burruss Caroline Mary Ann 1 about 1864
18 Nelson Smith 70 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer Jas D. Smith Caroline Ann Goodwin 30 Louisa Caroline Jas. D. Smith Caroline Betty 12, George 16 about 1846
19 Rob't Roots 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Andrews Caroline Ktty Blagman 21 Caroline Caroline Nat Motley Caroline George 10, Eliza 1m about 1846
20 Lewis Buckner 66 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Sutton Caroline Dafney Giles 52 Caroline Caroline Littleton Goodwin Caroline Wm 25, Edmund 24, John 23, Sarah 22, George 21, Rob't 19 about 1836
21 James Hopkins 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Widow Long Caroline Frances Pearson 26 Caroline Caroline Anthony Thornton Caroline Thos 7, Eliza 5, James 3, Wm 5m about 1857
22 Wormley Ellis 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Anthony Thornton Caroline Nancy Johnson 25 Caroline Caroline Chas Jesse Caroline Oliver 2 about 1863
23 Chas Smith 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Eliza Goodlow Caroline Philis Peyton 20 Caroline Caroline Thos. Lewis Caroline no children about 1860
24 Abm Baylor 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Joseph Penny Caroline Mary Wallace 23 Caroline Caroline Joseph Penny Caroline Lucy 8, Ella 7, Thos 5, Hyda 2 about 1854
25 Beverly Taylor 37 King George Caroline Farm Laborer B. J. Owens King George Cath Banket 32 King George Caroline Mary Saunders Caroline Archy 11, Frances 9, James 6, Virginia 3 about 1854
26 William Jones 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Jesse Caroline Mary Chiles 18 Caroline Caroline Addison Long Caroline no children Jan 1865
27 Chas Jones 51 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Jesse Caroline Mary Jones 46 Essex Caroline Chas Jesse Caroline Betsy 25, Julia 13, William 23 about 1836
28 Chas Henry 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Allen Richmond Eliza Allen 23 Caroline Caroline Joseph Clark Caroline Rob't 1 about 1864
29 David Broaddus 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Chapman Caroline Rose Allen 27 Caroline Caroline Joseph Clark Caroline no children about 1861
30 Rob't Jackson 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo T. Burruss Caroline Silvia Cooley 69 Caroline Caroline Rob't Corbin Caroline no children about 1836
31 York Johnson 59 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Dan'l DeJarnette Caroline Rebecca Minor 54 Spotsylvania Caroline Dan'l DeJarnette Caroline no children about 1851
32 Horace Dodson 81 North Carolina Caroline Farm Laborer James Chapman Caroline Maria Melvin 74 Caroline Caroline James Chapman Caroline Allan 30, Horace 28, Nancy 26, Lucy 25, Roberta 23, Alex 24, Maria 27 about 1816
33 Felix Lee 68 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Harrison Caroline Melinda Ladiny 65 Caroline Caroline Rob't Sale Caroline no children about 1858
34 Washington Baylor 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frances Downing Caroline Judy Fries 25 Caroline Caroline Free Woman John 10, Thos 8, Lucy 4, Lawrence 2 about 1854
35 Philip Minor 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mordecai Broaddus Caroline Ester Banks 45 Caroline Caroline Reuben B. Richardson Caroline John 25, Philip 20, Hyda 15, Polly 13, Mary 12, Rich'd 10, Thos 4 about 1838
36 Harry Samuel 66 Caroline Caroline Carpenter Fanny Downing Caroline Melinda Hopkins 56 Caroline Caroline Fanny Downing Caroline Melvinia 36, Elsey 23, Minor 25, Margaret 14, William 18, Maria 12, John 10 about 1828
37 Archy Samuel 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Corn's Broaddus Caroline Sally Johnson 35 Caroline Caroline Rob't Tunstal Caroline Rob't 3, Christiana 1 about 1856
38 Benj Garnett 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Silas Broaddus Caroline Letty Corbin 40 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Puller Caroline Silvia 7, James 5, Ben 3, Alnora 1 about 1848
39 Harry Wright 52 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Carter Farg King & Queen Matilda Bohana 45 King & Queen Caroline James Upshur Caroline no children about 1839

Page 40
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Thos Runnells 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jeff Flippo Caroline Mary Baylor 19 Caroline Caroline James D. Coleman Caroline 1 child, not married about 1864
2 Anthony Garnett 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm A. Buckner Caroline Patsy Lucas 22 Caroline Caroline Wm Gray Caroline Patsey 1?m about 1864
3 Peter Mines 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Emily Morris Caroline Eliza Braxton 38 Caroline Caroline Bardon Morris Caroline Sam'l 16, John 12, Rich'd 11, Mary Ann 4, Maria 1 about 1846
4 Claibourne Coughlan 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Bartly Morris Caroline Susan Brooks 26 Hanover Caroline Fitzhugh Lee Hanover No Children about 1865
5 Wm H. Coughlan 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Bartly Morris Caroline Sally Stevens 21 Caroline Caroline Edmund Morris Caroline Louisa 2 about 1863
6 Henry Young 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Nat Motley Caroline Tena Robinson 40 Caroline Caroline John Broaddus Caroline Minor 21, Henry 19, Wm 17, Wade 14, Woodford 12, Julia 9, Betty 5, Amy 2 about 1844
7 Minor Young 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Broaddus Caroline Betsy Young 18 Caroline Caroline Nat. Motley Caroline No Children about 1865
8 Willis Coleman 39 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Ed Pullen Caroline Margaret Clarke 23 Caroline Caroline W. P. Cullen Caroline No Children about 1865
9 Buckner Carter 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Woolfolk Caroline Mary Matthews 44 Caroline Caroline Rob't Woolfolk Caroline Thos 19, Mary 17, Georgianna 15, Alice 14, Betty 12, Madelina 8, Geo 6, Ledger 4, Ella 3, Martha 22 about 1843
10 John Terrell 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Thama Fells 45 Caroline Caroline William Carter Caroline Aggy 9, Polly 5, John 2 about 1854
11 James James 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Celia Gladman 45 Caroline Caroline William Carter Caroline Nancy 22, Peter 20, Jane 12, Dan'l 14, Henrietta 7, Ann 5 about 1840
12 Sam'l Morris 40 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Hutchison Caroline Cloe Mines 35 Caroline Caroline Thos Hurt Caroline Julia 3, Rob't 1 about 1862
13 Moses Mines 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Hurt Caroline Maria Jefferson 27 Caroline Caroline Thos Hurt Caroline Mary 8, Martha 4, Jane 2 about 1857
14 Will'm Washington 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Nat Motley Caroline Betty Ladiney 25 Caroline Caroline And A. Broaddus Caroline Alice 6, Edmonia 3, Martha 1 about 1859
15 Sam'l Sheppard 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Green Caroline Melinda Young 25 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Green Caroline Wash'n 5, Joseph 3, Martha 3m about 1860
16 John Smith 22 Goochland Caroline Farm Laborer Free Caroline Lucinda Johnson 24 Goochland Caroline James Moore Goochland Margaret 5, Mildred 1 about 1860
17 John Taylor 36 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer James Matthews Hanover Libby Fox 28 Caroline Caroline Thos. Anderson Caroline No Children about 1864
18 Alex Dodson 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Hurt Caroline Hannah Mines 42 Caroline Caroline Thos. Hart Caroline Maria 19, Georgeanna 16, Martha 13, Isabel 4 about 1846
19 Thos Clear 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Seth Campbell Caroline Grace Buckner 55 Caroline Caroline Rob't Sutton Caroline William 30, Mary 22, Temple 21, Sarah 18 about 1834
20 Rich'd George 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Seth Campbell Caroline Susan Wormley 22 Caroline Caroline Oscar Sutton Caroline Jenny 4 about 1861
21 Titus Linsey 75 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer James Hunter Caroline Mim Johnson 22 Caroline Caroline Alban Huntly Caroline No Children about 1865
22 Walker Parker 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer S. H. Campbell Caroline Mary Ferguson 55 Caroline Caroline Ed Motley Caroline No Children about 1850
23 Alfred Harrison 29 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. B. Lightfoot Caroline Eliza Fields 30 Glocester Caroline John B. Lightfoot Caroline William 1½ about 1863
24 Ellis Norman 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Free Frances Berkley 30 Caroline Caroline And. A. Broaddus Caroline Calvin 10, Susan 7 about 1852
25 James Hutson 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Free Columbia Berkley 28 Caroline Caroline Mary Harrison Caroline Marcella 7 Etta 5, Lelia 4, Lathian 2 about 1854
26 Leland Smithy 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Oswald Harris Caroline Ann Dickerson 36 Caroline Caroline Sarah Broaddus Caroline Will'm 5, Lucy 4, Henry 2 about 1858
27 Lewis H. Coats 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Ball Caroline Mildred Coleman 20 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Collawn Caroline Isabel 10, Lucy 8, Henry 4, Mary 2 about 1854
28 Rob't Rollins 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Young Caroline Lene Lee 50 Caroline Caroline Thos. Hurt Caroline Linsey 23, Mary 22, Isaih 18, Allen 15 about 1842
29 Winston Boldney 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Warner Mason Caroline Mary Rollins 22 Caroline Caroline Thos. Hurt Caroline Ellen 1 about 1864
30 Linsey Tyler 56 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer R. DeJarnette Caroline Hilda Clarke 40 Caroline Caroline D. DeJarnette Caroline No Children about 1856
31 James Dickerson 57 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Richardson Turner Caroline Esther Robinson 40 Caroline Caroline John W. Turner Caroline No Children about 1864
32 Jesse Johnson 52 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Berkley Louden Sally Fox 40 King William Caroline Wm Berkley Louden No Children about 1858
33 Abraham Garnett 39 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Gray Boulware Caroline Fenton Carter 23 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Royster Caroline Anthony 1 about 1864
34 Roger Rollins 72 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Hurt Caroline Melinda Taylor 60 Caroline Caroline John Long Caroline No Children about 1848
35 Rich'd Coleman 27 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Jas. DeJarnette Caroline Kesiah Kater 30 Caroline Caroline O. Burruss Caroline Joseph 6, Elizabeth 1 about 1854
36 Henry Mines 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ed Morris Caroline Annie James 18 Caroline Caroline Bardon Morris Caroline No Children about 1865
37 Jesse Burrell 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ed Morris Caroline Caroline Stevens 42 Caroline Caroline Edmund Morris Caroline No Children about 1851
38 John Allen 59 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Ferris Caroline Eliza Garnett 50 Caroline Caroline Mary Pitman Caroline Martha 27, Chs 28, Eliza J 17, Mildred 15 about 1836
39 Reuben Shelton 43 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mo. Bouleware Caroline Sally Fitzhugh 44 Spotsylvania Georgia Buckner White Georgia No Children about 1853

Page 41
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Garrett Quarles 63 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Edward Wood Caroline Ann Henderson 40 Caroline Caroline Mary Henderson Caroline no children about 1857
2 James Roy 69 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Smith Caroline Judy Mason 49 Caroline Caroline Rob't Smith Caroline Garland 26, Maria 21, Marshal 23, Carter 19, Catherine 16, George 10 about 1833
3 James Washington 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frances Power Caroline Rosetta Tolliver 39 Caroline Caroline Sample Cash Caroline Luther 11 about 1847
4 Spencer Jefferson 65 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Young Caroline Melinda Carter 49 Caroline Caroline Annie Petrie Caroline Corse 15, Esther 9, Silas 8 about 1850
5 Kenyon Davis 73 Nottoway Caroline Farm Laborer Ryland Jedda Caroline Grace Temple 50 Caroline Caroline John Long Caroline Park H. 19, Mary 22, Lucy 15 about 1840
6 Dandridge Pettus 60 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Leroy Gatewood Caroline Melvina Peyton 40 Caroline Caroline Copeland Gatewood Caroline Temple 6, Woodson 2 about 1859
7 Chas Stewart 79 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Wm D. Bouleware Caroline Amanda Johnson 37 Caroline Caroline Wm. D. Boulware Caroline Rich'd 17, Edward 14, Helen 12, Bartlett 10, Maria 7 about 1848
8 Lewis Payne 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Jourdan Caroline Sarah A. Robb 24 Caroline Caroline Wm. Jourdan Caroline Maria 4, James 2, Willy 1 about 1860
9 Thos Holmes 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. T. Martin Caroline Mary Payne 22 Caroline Caroline Wm. Jourdan Caroline Joseph 3 about 1861
10 Wilson Miller 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Wright Caroline Mary Sanders 19 Caroline Caroline D. Lumkin Caroline Thos 3, Charles 1 about 1861
11 Walker Tolliver 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Horace Wright Caroline Patsy Williams 47 Caroline Caroline A. Flippo Caroline Jeff 23, Emily 22, Mary 19, Martha 17, John 15, Sarah 14, Walker 12, Charlotte 11, Charles 20 about 1836
12 Andrew Ferguson 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wesley Wright Caroline Cath'e Buckner 23 Louisa Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Alex 2 about 1863
13 Henry Sites 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Winston Atkinson Caroline Isabel --- 25 Caroline Caroline Chas. Southard Caroline Annie 1 about 1864
14 Archy Taylor 55 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Anderson Caroline Sally Essex 34 Caroline Caroline Chas. Southard Caroline no children about 1865
15 Henry Jackson 53 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Baylor Essex Rosana Goines 43 Caroline Caroline Rob't Baylor Caroline no children about 1855
16 James Robb 47 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Baylor Essex Caroline Moreton 38 Essex Caroline Susan Gray Essex no children about 1855
17 Berlen Brooks 32 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Alec Morris Hanover Maria Mines 27 Caroline Caroline Thos Hurt Caroline Ellen 6m about 1864
18 John Moore 64 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Becky Mines 21 Caroline Caroline Thos Hurt Caroline Annie 1 about 1864
19 Henry Lawson 46 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Arthur Beesley Caroline Charlotte Lawson 30 Caroline Caroline Sam'l Terrell Caroline Rob't 15, Eliza 11, Lucy 8, Georgeanna 5 about 1848
20 Francis Yates 30 Maryland Caroline Farm Laborer W. S. Dent Maryland Eliza Jones 20 Caroline Caroline Tarleton Harris Caroline Martha A 1 about 1864
21 Joshua Allsop 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lawrence Blanton Caroline Lina Turner 25 Caroline Caroline George Swain Caroline Sela 4, Thos. 1 about 1856
22 Asa Turner 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer D. B. Walla Caroline Milly Samuel 47 Caroline Caroline Norley Long Caroline no children about 1854
23 George Green 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Norley Long Caroline Susan Minox 25 Spotsylvania Caroline Sally Walla Spotsylvania Lizzie 6 about 1858
24 Harry Goodlow 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Archy Goodlow Caroline Nancy Lucas 40 N. C. Caroline Addison Flippo Caroline Rich'd 8, Sidney 4, Philis 4m about 1855
25 Henry Brown 45 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Josh Fulcher Spotsylvania Nicey Thompson 37 Spotsylvania Caroline Joseph Tyler Spotsylvania Silvia 17, Cisley 8, Moses 7, Lavina 5, David 4, Henry 2m about 1848
26 Chas Spencer 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Wright Caroline Rachel Carter 56 Caroline Caroline Wm Wright Caroline Betty 24 about 1836
27 John Catlett 47 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer Sally Bird Essex Amelia Flauntory 25 Essex Caroline Sally Hunter Essex Lucy A 16, Melinda 15, Nelly 12, John 5 about 1848
28 Willis Chiles 47 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. H. DeJarnette Caroline Ede Ormstead 43 Caroline Caroline J. H. DeJarnett Caroline Wm 25, Lindsay 23, Louisa 21, Walker 19, Rich'd 17, Jane 15 Jos A? 13, Polly 11, Mary 9, Willis 5, Warner Z. 8m about 1840
29 Albert Young 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Woodson Broaddus Caroline Caroline Jackson 37 Caroline Caroline Montague Gale Hanover Wilton 17, Maria 15, Betty 8, Albert 5, Henry 6, Geo 2 about 1847
30 Tillman Jackson 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Horace H. Richards Caroline Arena Steward 30 King William Caroline Thos. Smith Caroline Mary 9, Tillman 7, Elizabeth 3 about 1854
31 Moses Napper 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Lucinda Quash 27 Caroline Caroline Williams Carter Caroline Abraham 5 about 1860
32 Wm Carter 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Betsy Williams 47 Caroline Caroline Williams Carter Caroline Sally 27, Moses 24, Wm 19, Nancy 18, Squire 9 about 1838
33 Wm Gray 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Betsy Shadduc Caroline Sally Johnson 50 Caroline Caroline James Shadduc Caroline Sylla 22, Letitia 19, Lucy 15, Morilla 6 about 1838
34 John Green 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil Green Caroline Courtney Jones 33 Caroline Caroline Mary Harrison Caroline Capscola? 7, Victoria 4, Wilton 2, John 2m about 1858
35 Louis Sheppard 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Cornelius Campbell Caroline Margaret Johnson 30 Caroline Caroline Carn's Campbell Caroline Virginia 7, Arimas 6, James 5 about 1857
36 Abraham Johnson 53 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Alfred Allen Caroline Charlotte Wright 43 Caroline Caroline Margaret Wayran Essex Lucy 24, Wm 22, Lina 20, John 18, Betty 16 about 1847
37 McKenzie Beverly 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Sanders Caroline Lucy Broaddus 50 Caroline Caroline Leland Broaddus Caroline Mary 32, Henry 31, Marg't 28, Rob't 26, Lucinda 24, Louis 22, Cornelius 19, Madison 18, Larue 15, Wm 10 about 1833
38 Smith Bigler 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Andrews Caroline Mary Beverly 32 Caroline Caroline Thos. Sale Caroline no children about 1863
39 Thos Monroe 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jourdan Woolfolk Caroline Hannah Upshur 47 Caroline Caroline Jos'h Jessee Caroline Julia A 30, Frances 27 about 1834

Page 42
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Harry Smith 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary C. Corbin Caroline Cinderella Meyers 34 Caroline Caroline M. C. Corbin Caroline no children about 1859
2 Harrison Smith 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary C. Corbin Caroline Jenny Moore 22 Caroline Caroline M. C. Corbin Caroline Roane 1m about 1863
3 John Dodson 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Corn's Campbell Caroline Berty Shields 25 Caroline Caroline Gray Boulware Caroline no children about 1862
4 William Gardner 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lucy Temple Caroline Ann Jones 37 Caroline Caroline Rachel Harris Caroline no children about 1848
5 John Stannard 57 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas L. Ball Caroline Eliza Lee 48 Goochland Caroline John V. Kane Caroline Susan 30, Fanny 28, Eliza 15, Amy 13, Emanuel 11 about 1830
6 Robinson Crusoe 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas L Goodlow Caroline Lavina Chapman 54 Caroline Caroline Rachel Harris Caroline Jane 37, Frances 36 about 1828
7 Jacob Williams 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Milly Johnson 26 Hanover Caroline Williams Carter Caroline Catharine 1 about 1862
8 George Runnells 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Oliver Beesley Caroline Jane Harrison 37 Caroline Caroline Mirenda Flippo Caroline Wm 19, Mary 17, Archy 16, Simon 15, Geo 13, Add'n 12, Sarah 9, Rob't 8, Rachel 7, Catharine 5, Mildred 2, Ann 1 about 1846
9 James James 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Charlotte Mines 28 Caroline Caroline Williams Carter Caroline James 2 about 1854
10 Rolla Pearse 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil Robb Caroline Mary Robinson 35 King William Caroline Tolliver Hunter Spotsylvania Martha 19, John 15, James 13, Alfred 8 about 1843
11 Joseph Thompson 28 Westmoreland Caroline Farm Laborer J. M. Garrett Caroline Lucy Turner 26 King George Caroline Williams Carter Caroline no children about 1863
12 Wm H. Mathews 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil L. Robb Caroline Molly Montague 28 King William Caroline Wm. A. Buckner Caroline Sally 3 about 1862
13 Asa Mason 51 N.C. Caroline Farm Laborer James E. Cobb Caroline Arina Regler 53 Halifax Caroline Jas. E. Cobb Caroline no children about 1854
14 Henry Fox 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos B. Anderson Caroline Cath Pettus 47 Spotsylvania Caroline John V. Kane Caroline Martha 16, Andred 14, Cora 8 about 1846
15 Andrew Ferguson 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm H. Jourdan Caroline Ann Gray 35 Caroline Caroline Betsy Shadduc Caroline Henry 14, Sarah 12, Marsha 10, Wm 8, Sibernia 6, Ella 3, John 1 about 1851
16 Andrew Roy 51 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Richardson Caroline Betty Chapman 30 Essex Caroline Dawson Jones Hanover Rob't 7 about 1854
17 Frank Coleman 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Barbara Morris Caroline Sofia Ormstead 32 Caroline Caroline Jesse Winne Caroline Ella 7, Jere 5, Barbara 4, Frank 2 about 1854
18 Griffin Magruder 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ed Thornton Caroline Lucy Warner 22 Caroline Caroline Thos. K. Chancellor Caroline no children about 1865
19 Frank Lomox 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Benj Anderson Caroline Charlott Magruder 52 Caroline Caroline Ed Thornton Caroline Edney 4 about 1861
20 James Wetherly 72 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer William Carter Caroline Polly Wetherby 69 Caroline Caroline Williams Carter Caroline Philis 45, Patsy 30 about 1816
21 Oscar Beal 37 Faquaar Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Boswell Caroline Betty Winkfield 38 Faquaar Caroline Wm Boswell Caroline Luther 14, Eddy 12, Jane 10, Mary 8, Caesar 6 about 1851
22 Wm Goodwin 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Cogswell Caroline Louisa Carter 20 Caroline Caroline Mary Cogwell Caroline no children about 1864
23 Patterson Carter 21 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Jefferson Flippo Caroline Fanny Goodwin 22 Caroline Caroline Mary Cogwell Caroline Anderson 1m about 1865
24 Frank Scott 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rachel Ferris Caroline Matilda Johnson 19 Caroline Caroline Wm Gravatt Caroline Margaret about 1864
25 Pechegru Woolfolk 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rachel Ferris Caroline Martha Johnson 35 Caroline Caroline Rachel Ferris Caroline no children about 1855
26 Harry Baylor 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Arthur Samuel Caroline Nancy Luck 43 Caroline Caroline Jas. D. Coleman Caroline Mary 25, Courtney 22, Betty 19, Rob't 15, Eulie 12, Sofia 10, Peter 7 about 1840
27 Ed Lewis 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Albt Flippo Caroline Mary Baylor 25 Caroline Caroline Jas. D. Coleman Caroline Nancy 1 about 1858
28 Burton Robinson 49 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm N. Samuel Caroline Sally Smith 50 Caroline Caroline Fanny Samuel Caroline Josephine 25, Maryanna 22, Lewis 20 about 1836
29 Henry Gravett 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Gravatt Caroline Cath Green 20 Caroline Caroline Jeff Flippo Caroline no children about 1865
30 Henry Brown 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jeff Flippo Caroline Jane Keys 23 Caroline Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline Lawrence 9m about 1860
31 Wm Runnols 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Miranda Flippo Caroline Lucy Page 27 Caroline Caroline Geo. Tyler Caroline no children about 1865
32 Fred Taylor 36 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer R. DeJarnette Caroline Milly Bacon 36 Caroline Caroline Lucinda DeJarnette Caroline no children about 1865
33 William Monroe 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Phil Gatewood Caroline Cath Banks 23 Caroline Caroline Nancy Samuels Caroline Eugene 2 about 1862
34 Warner Campbell 26 Westmoreland Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Barrack Westmoreland Cortney Holmes 23 Caroline Caroline George Mahone Caroline French 3 about 1862
35 Stephen Minor 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Long Caroline Jane Williams 23 Caroline Caroline M. Young Caroline Melind 2 about 1865
36 Wm Merriweather 61 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Dandridge Ball Caroline Catharine Denis 48 Caroline Caroline J. T. Butler Caroline Ruffin 11 Oct. 1, 1853
37 Harry Rax 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer James Hunter Caroline Sofia Scott 26 Caroline Caroline W. Wyatt Caroline Ellen 9, Bell 7, Evelina 5, Alice 2 about 1856
38 Garland Mines 45 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer James Hunter Caroline Betsy Linsey 34 Essex Caroline Jas. Hunter Caroline Nancy 11, Tulip 8, Sally 6, Maria 3 about 1852
39 Benj Stevens 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry Morris Caroline Annie Hawkins 28 Hanover Caroline Jourdan Woolfolk Caroline Betty 8, Fanny 3 about 1856

Page 43
Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Peter Carter 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Ferris Caroline Jane Tolliver 40 Caroline Caroline Chas Jesse Caroline Martha 15 about 1846
2 Andrew Jackson 25 Matthews Caroline Farm Laborer Mo. Boulware Caroline Louisa Tolliver 20 Caroline Caroline Chas Jesse Caroline Fanny 7m about 1864
3 Moses Robinson 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Dick Norman Caroline Fanny Garnett 42 Caroline Caroline Olvier Beesley Caroline no children about 1846
4 John Beverly 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer F. Scott Caroline Nancy --- 45 Caroline Caroline Polly Wortham Caroline Wesley 28, Nicey 29 about 1836
5 Jer'h Jefferson 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Eldred Turner Caroline Matila Winfield 21 Caroline Caroline J. C. Wright Caroline William 2 about 1863
6 John Sale 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer C. Turner King George Eliza Cleggins 19 Caroline Caroline C. Turner King George Wm 2, Betty 1 about 1863
7 Spencer Buckner 21 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Liddleton Flippo Caroline Caroline Taylor 21 Caroline Caroline Phil Goodlow Spotsylvania James 1 about 1864
8 Rich'd Johnson 52 Henrico Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Gibbs Caroline Maria J 28 Caroline Caroline Alec Gibbs Caroline no children had license
9 Henry Lee 75 King George Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Gibbs Caroline Eliza Robb 75 Essex Caroline F. Fitzhugh Caroline no children about 1847
10 Nelson White 51 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Samuel Caroline Amy Minor 33 Caroline Caroline George Coleman Caroline Susan 13, Celia 12 about 1851
11 Wm Young 44 S.C. Caroline Farm Laborer J. J. Hannahan S. C. Fanny Carter 38 Caroline Caroline Ellen Catlett Caroline no children about 1865
12 Abt Rollins 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer W. A. Buckner Caroline Julia Matthews 25 Caroline Caroline Martin Scott Culpepper no children about 1863
13 Reuben Gray 32 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Catlett Caroline Caroline White 30 Caroline Caroline Wash'n Catlett Caroline Nelson 6 about 1859
14 David Steward 79 King George Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Fitzhugh King George Hannah Parker 79 King George Caroline J. Poets King George Moses 46, Helen 36, Lucy 15, Battle 22, Milly 25 about 1808
15 John Mont 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John T. Goodwin Caroline Milly Green 24 Caroline Caroline Geo. B. Washington Caroline Maria 6, Eliza 5, Walker 4, Giles 1 about 1859
16 Rich'd Johnson 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer W. J. Cheatham Amelia Rosina Baker 28 Amelia Caroline Mary Dibble Amelia no children about 1857
17 Harry Montague 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo B. Washington Caroline Emily Minor 42 Caroline Caroline Ruffin Coleman Caroline Mary 1 about 1861
18 Rob't Thornton 52 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Arthur Sale Caroline Eliza Pendleton 40 Caroline Caroline Martha Sale Caroline Rody 19, Liddy 17, Philip 14, Lucy 12, Mary 109 about 1841
19 Major Harrison 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lovell Todd Caroline Martha Ferguson 22 Caroline Caroline Julia Holliday Caroline Andrew 1½, Alice 4m about 1861
20 Turner Corbin 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Royston Caroline Nancy News 35 Caroline Caroline J. Boulware Spotsylvania Betsy 15 about 1846
21 Lewis Carter 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas. T. Butler Caroline Susan Coleman 27 Caroline Caroline Jas. T. Luck Caroline Louis 6m, Julia 3 about 1859
22 Henry Turner 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Hyda Gedda Caroline Charlotte Mathews 43 Caroline Caroline Hay Saunders Caroline Thos. 15, Thornton 13, Melinda 8, Wm 12, Rose 3, Julia 2 about 1846
23 James New 39 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. Bouleware Caroline Theobe Dawson 45 Caroline Caroline J. Boulware Caroline no children about 1861
24 Woodson Minor 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Jas T. Butler Caroline Harriet Trueheart 33 King William Caroline Edward Shelter Hanover Harrison 13, Ann 11, Rich'd 9, George 6, Emily 4 about 1852
25 John Winkfield 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer H. M. Young Caroline Aggy Harris 52 Caroline Caroline H. M. Young Caroline Tyler 26, Ellen 25, Caleb 17, Moary 15, Nelson 14, Rebecca 12, Georgeanna 11, Margaret 9, Isabel 7 about 1840
26 Robinson Jones 70 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm J. Cheatham Amelia Mary Jones 50 Caroline Caroline Wm. J. Cheathem Amelia Jef. 25, Mary 20, Dinah 16, Jonah 15, Rany 12 about 1836
27 Rich'd Washington 38 Goochland Caroline Farm Laborer Wesley Wright Caroline Lucy Norman 28 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline Emaneul 10, Rachel 2 about 1850
28 Taylor Thompson 25 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm O. Doggett Caroline Patsey Clear 25 Caroline Caroline Julia Samuel Caroline Ottoway 4 about 1858
29 Geo Coleman 72 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer G. W. Burke Caroline Maria Banks 70 Caroline Caroline G. W. Burke Caroline Eliza 30, Susan 25, Henry 23 about 1833
30 Alec Howard 50 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer J. F. Blades Caroline Jane Gusty 32 Caroline Caroline Wm. Royston Caroline Beverly 3, Sally 1 about 1862
31 Wm Willis 67 King George Caroline Farm Laborer Eliza Seines Henrico Maria Gaines 67 King George Caroline Eliza Sernes Henrico Polly 32, Lucy 30, Garret 29, Dal 27, Roby 26, Henry 25, Mickey 23, Sam 22 about 1824
32 Thos Rollins 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Bouy Caroline Margaret Jones 32 Caroline Caroline Betsy Quesenberry Caroline Lucy 8, John 6, Con'l 4, Nicey 2 about 1850
33 Reuben Johnson 22 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Thos Chandler Caroline G. Magruder 21 Caroline Caroline Evelina Thornton Caroline no children about 1862
34 Alex Chew 51 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer C. Critchfield Spotsylvania Betsy Coleman 45 Caroline Caroline Frank Connor Caroline Wash'n 19, Mary 18, Arthur 11, Lucy 8 about 1845
35 Sam'l Hill 30 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer J. O. Washington Caroline Nancy Willis 28 Caroline Caroline M. Boulware Caroline Molly 3, Sam 2 about 1860
36 Thos Gusty 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Royston Caroline Hannah Lewis 21 Caroline Caroline Ruffin Coleman Caroline no children about 1865
37 Rich'd Cook 47 Glocester Caroline Farm Laborer J. B. Lightfoot Caroline Betsy Grayson 30 Caroline Caroline John Boutwell Caroline Ada 15, Kate 10, Rich'd 7, Wm 12 about 1850
38 Alec Jackson 41 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. Bouleware Caroline Rachel Gusty 30 Caroline Caroline Wm P. Royston Caroline Lucy 2 about 1861
39 Benj Brown 52 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer D. Walla Caroline Martha Dickerson 32 Caroline Caroline Mary Newton Caroline Calvin 14, Mitchel 12, Danil 11, Parthenia 9, Geo 6 about 1847

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Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Henry Chandler 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Boulware Caroline Milly Ross 20 Caroline Caroline Rich'd Boulware Caroline Lucy 4 about 1860
2 Wm Turner 37 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Long Caroline Lucy Wyatt 22 Caroline Caroline Mary Saunders Caroline James 2 about 1861
3 John Frazer 20 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ann Coleman Caroline Lucy Wigglesworth 28 Caroline Caroline Ann Coleman Caroline Leathe 3, John 1 about 1862
4 Geo Turner 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Mariassah Campbell Caroline Susan Reynolds 40 Caroline Caroline Maria Allen Caroline Sandy 8 about 1848
5 Wesley Jones 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Gid Flippo Caroline Maria Lewis 24 Caroline Caroline Ruffin Coleman Caroline Matilda 3, Patsy 1 about 1859
6 Emanuel Anderson 40 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer John Spindles Caroline Charlott Thomson 30 Louisa Caroline John Spindles Caroline James 12, Rob't 9, Betty 6, Laura 1 about 1853
7 Jamison Roane 50 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edmund Buckley Caroline Eliza Taylor 40 Caroline Caroline Edmund Buckley Caroline Beverly 10, Rebecca 12 about 1846
8 Henry Ferguson 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Peggy Crump Caroline Evelina Buckner 40 Caroline Caroline Dolly Wright Caroline no children about 1863
9 Cornelius Holmes 34 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Benj. Burnett Caroline Casandra Walla 42 Caroline Caroline Woodson Wright Caroline no children about 1864
10 James Rollins 46 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Aisley Bullock Caroline Maria Sales 50 Caroline Caroline Thos Golden Caroline no children about 1854
11 Dabney Minor 83 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Lovell Todd Caroline Tulip Rollins 43 Caroline Caroline Ailsey Bullock Caroline Charlott 14, Lucy 8, Marg't 7, Anny 6 about 1850
12 Walker Baylor 46 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Albert Flippo Caroline Lucy Green 40 Caroline Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline Winsor 14, Ann 12, Wm 9 about 1849
13 James Ferdinand 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Woodson Wright Caroline Roxy A. Chandler 35 Caroline Caroline Minor Wright Caroline Thos. 15, Matilda 13, Dorethy 11, Montgomery 8, Fountain 6, Isail 4, Buckner 2 about 1850
14 Paul Waits 23 Albamarle Caroline Farm Laborer J. J. Baylor Ablemarle Frances Brooks 26 Essex Caroline John Tutman Essex no children had license 1866
15 Lewis West 27 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Boulware Caroline Charlott Hicks 21 Caroline Caroline James Smith Caroline William 1m about 1864
16 John Coleman 61 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Edward McKenna Caroline Rachel Clark 39 Caroline Caroline Jeff Flippo Caroline no children about 1850
17 Edmund Files 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Liddleton Flippo Caroline Eliza Ferrell 22 Caroline Caroline Liddleton Flippo Caroline Lucy 2, Wm 1 about 1863
18 Griffin Harvey 22 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Trice Caroline Matilda Chapman 20 King & Queen Caroline Wm Wright Caroline no children about 1864
19 Obi Gatewood 62 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer Rob't Tunstall Caroline Lydia Williamson 62 Caroline Caroline Rob't Tunstal Caroline Louisa 20, Selina 19 about 1836
20 Adam Taylor 28 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Orville Sutton Caroline Amy Garnet 24 Caroline Caroline Geoge Collins Caroline no children about 1863
21 Anthony Pendleton 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Corbett Caroline Marg't Samuel 20 Caroline Caroline Mary Wright Caroline John 3 about 1861
22 Thos Campbell 58 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John F. Wright Caroline Fanny Allen 41 Caroline Caroline Virginia Clarke Caroline Harriet 4 about 1854
23 Griffin Twisdale 67 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Free Katy Tillman 52 Caroline Caroline Elijah L. Stevens Caroline no children about 1838
24 John Turner 26 King William Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Eubank King William Maria Jones 29 Caroline Caroline Elijah L. Stevens Caroline no children about 1863
25 Thornton Evans 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Polluce Boutwell Caroline Agnes Brown 32 Caroline Caroline Patsy Lewis Caroline Agnes 7, Simon 5, Magdaline 3, Prosser 1 about 1859
26 Sam'l Jones 44 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer P. Garrett Caroline Maria Johnson 36 Caroline Caroline B. Clark Caroline Wm 19, Winnie 12, Eliza 10, Myra 4 about 1846
27 John Johnson 23 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Mary Quarles Caroline Maria Jackson 20 Caroline Caroline Isaac Eubanks Caroline no children about 1865
28 James Robinson 25 Caroline Caroline Blacksmith Thos Rowe Caroline Marg't Dishman 23 Caroline Caroline Wm Boulware Caroline Walter 2 about 1863
29 John Roche 45 King Wm Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Washington Caroline Peggy Williams 30 Caroline Caroline Geo. Washington Caroline Maria 5, Thornton 4, Calvin 3 about 1858
30 Norman White 48 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Taylor Samuel Caroline Arnica Muson 52 Caroline Caroline Taylor Samuel Caroline Mich 31, Martha 28, Katy 25, Ben 21, John 21, Bernard 18, Jenny 16, Berty 12, Henry 10 about 1834
31 Peter Ward 43 Isle of Wight Caroline Farm Laborer Benj Ward Isle of Wight Anna Broaddus 24 Caroline Caroline Thos Broaddus Caroline no children about 1865
32 Zachariah Lewis 26 Hanover Caroline Farm Laborer Sam'l Schooler Caroline Harriet Watkins 25 Halifax Caroline James Johnson Caroline Lewis 8m about 1864
33 Andrew Washington 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer George Collins Caroline Harriet Strong 34 Caroline Caroline Sam'l Coleman Caroline William 1m about 1865
34 Clifton Dunkison 36 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Ruffin Coleman Caroline Susan Goodwin 27 Caroline Caroline T. B. Cogwell Caroline no children about 1865
35 Oscar Matthews 32 King George Caroline Farm Laborer John Washington Caroline Betty Lewis 22 King & Queen Caroline John Washington Caroline Maria -- about 1863
36 Beverly Lewis 30 King & Queen Caroline Farm Laborer John Washington Caroline Isabel Bland 22 King George Caroline John Washington Caroline Ottoway 6, Walker 2 about 1859
37 Granson Flight 56 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip Samuel Caroline Eliza Miller 40 Caroline Caroline Oliver Beesley Caroline Lucy 5, Jackson 2 about 1846
38 Isaac Brinkley 26 North Carolina Caroline Farm Laborer Calvin Brinkley N. C. Ella Webster 22 Caroline Caroline Free no children about 1865
39 Will'm Carter 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Joseph See Caroline Amelia Hooper 31 Caroline Caroline Ann Young Caroline Harriet 9, Harrison 5, Sam'l 2 about 1854

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Name of Husband Age Place of Birth Residence Occupation Last Owner Last owner's residence Name of Wife Age Place of Birth Residence Last Owner Last Owner's Residence Name of Children with age of each Date of Commencement of Cohabitating
1 Anthony Moreton 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Philip T. Gray Essex Co Lucy Johnson 23 Caroline Caroline Susan Nowell Caroline no children about 1860
2 John Holmes 65 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Colewell Spotsylvania Letty Flippo 55 Caroline Caroline Albert Flippo Caroline no children about 1863
3 Benj Jackson 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Chas Flippo Caroline Betsy Ferrell 19 Caroline Caroline Thos. N. Welsh Caroline no children about 1865
4 Sancho Shakespeare 66 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Mary Wigglesworth Spotsylvania Lucinda Jackson 63 Spotsylvania Caroline Mary Wigglesworth Spotsylvania Eliza 34, Richmond 32, Louisa 32, Nancy 30, Matilda 28, Beverly 26, John 24, Martha 19 about 1831
5 Rob't Chapman 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo F. Goldman Caroline Sofia Smithy 32 Caroline Caroline Oswald Harris Caroline Clara 14, Esther 12, Sylvia 10, Tessy 1 about 1850
6 Addison Tyler 30 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer John Butler Caroline Jane Linsey 31 Caroline Caroline Henry Kidd Caroline Wm 10, John 5, Lucy 4, Sally 3 about 1855
7 Rob't Beverly 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Battle Broaddus Caroline Betty Montague 21 Caroline Caroline Benj. Gresham King & Queen Hannah 8m about 1863
8 Isaac Lawson 66 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer D. DeJarnett Caroline Sally Battle 66 Caroline Caroline D. DeJarnett Caroline Edmund 27 about 1836
9 John Johnson 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Ed Shadduc Caroline Polly Buoy 22 Caroline Caroline Sarah A. Broaddus Caroline Cinderella 4, Rose 1 about 1861
10 Thomas Smith 70 Glocester Caroline Farm Laborer J. R. Baylor Caroline Betsy Taylor 56 Caroline Caroline D. DeJarnett Caroline no children about 1864
11 Edmund Lawson 31 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer D. DeJarnett Caroline Cortney Warren 31 Caroline Caroline Betsy Green Caroline Lucinda 15, Harrison 12, Edmonia 10, Sally 4 about 1850
12 Sam'l Smith 23 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. R. Baylor Caroline Mary Brooks 21 Essex Caroline J. R. Baylor Caroline no children about 1862
13 Louis Boswell 33 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer J. R. Baylor Caroline Kitty Brooks 26 Essex Caroline J. R. Baylor Caroline Sally 3, Lucy 2 about 1858
14 Rob't Roy 26 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Virginia Clark Caroline Marg't Quarles 18 Caroline Caroline Virginia Clark Caroline no children about 1865
15 Benj Lewis 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Coleman Caroline Sally Ferguson 50 Caroline Caroline Wm. Chapman Caroline Delia 11, Woodson 8 about 1853
16 Absolam Mont 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Geo Washington Caroline Betty Green 25 Hanover Caroline Wm. G. Hancock Caroline Rob't 6, Louis 8 about 1857
17 Benj Jackson 66 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Edwin Abbot Caroline Onah Valentine 50 Caroline Caroline Benj. Cogwell Caroline Ben 11, Virginia 17, Addison 14 about 1831
18 Preston Dudley 38 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Gid Flippo Caroline Sally Reynolds 31 Caroline Caroline Phil Samuel Caroline Edward 15, Sarah 13, Julia 12, Katy 9, Jancy 7, Preston 3 about 1850
19 Lewis Minor 60 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Bridges Henrico Minerva Leftridge 50 Caroline Caroline Betsy Woolfolk Caroline John 25, Wm 23, Marg't 24, Sarah 18 about 1833
20 Wm Fox 67 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Free Louisa Johnson 44 Caroline Caroline John Wright Caroline Arthur 22, Marg't 19, James 16, Betty 14, Anna 10, Mataline 7, William 2 about 1843
21 Andrew Jackson 40 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Arthur Lewis Caroline Sofia Wilson 40 Caroline Caroline Arthur Lewis Caroline Joseph 16, Sarah 13, Mary 6, Mattie 8m about 1848
22 Rob't Goldman 63 Essex Caroline Farm Laborer B. Clarke Caroline Mary Roy 67 Caroline Caroline B. Clarke Caroline no children about 1860
23 Isaac Linsey 67 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Betsy Coleman Caroline Susan Clark 41 Caroline Caroline E. Marmaduke Caroline no children about 1864
24 Winston Spindle 54 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Horace Richards Caroline Harriet Monroe 43 Caroline Caroline Chas. Blanton Caroline Lizzie 15 about 1846
25 John Pendleton 59 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Frank Golden Caroline Eliza Armstrong 35 Spotsylvania Caroline James B. Skinker Caroline George 11, John 7 about 1854
26 Baylor Burton 63 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Addison Flippo Caroline Leah Wright 59 Caroline Caroline Rob't Wright Caroline John 29, Winkfield 27, James 25, Mary 25 about 1826
27 Woodson Flipper 39 Spotsylvania Caroline Blacksmith Corbin Crutchfield Spotsylvania Rose Smith 25 King George Caroline Carrie Turner Caroline no children about 1863
28 Gilmore Baker 22 Spotsylvania Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Richardson Spotsylvania Mary Ware 22 Spotsylvania Caroline Fanny McKenna Caroline Eliza 2, Elly 5m about 1863
29 York Nelson 55 Caroline Caroline Shoemaker Chas Collins Caroline Jane Webb 44 Caroline Caroline Cath Collins Caroline Polly 24, Amanda 22, Unity 21, Buckner 19, Keeland 17, Martha 16, York 14, Ira 5, Angeline 1 about 1840
30 Wm Ferguson 36 Caroline Caroline Rl. Rd. Hand Sarah A. Thornton Caroline Patsy Brown 23 Spotsylvania Caroline Thos. Chandler Caroline James 6, Emily 1 about 1859
31 Erasmus Coleman 35 Louisa Caroline Farm Laborer Eldred Turner Caroline Marth Holmes 40 Caroline Caroline Eldred Turner Caroline Ralph 14, Rich'd 12, Maria 8, Lena 6, Jos'h 3, Mathew 2, Henry 6m about 1847
32 Americus Clark 56 Goochland Caroline Blacksmith Wesley Wright Caroline Hannah Hill 40 Caroline Caroline Wesley Wright Caroline John 21, Henry 20 Sarah 19, Nelson 18, Rice 17 about 1844
33 Sam'l Brown 54 Caroline Caroline Carpenter J. G. Coleman Caroline Katy Taylor 48 Caroline Caroline Virginia Campbell Caroline Henry 29, Geo 24, Chas 22, Sofia 20, Rich'd 18, Alrina ??, Thos 10, ?? 5 about 1832
34 Isaac Johnson 35 Caroline Caroline Rl. Rd. Hand Rob't Hargrave Caroline Jane West 40 Caroline Caroline Wm Quarles Caroline Jas 14, John 8, Emma 6, Jeff 5, Haywood 3, William 1 about 1851
35 Anderson Pratt 78 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Pleasant F. Burrous Caroline Judy Taylor 69 Caroline Caroline Pleasant Burrows Caroline Ellis 29, Cynthia 28, Isaac 27, Jane 26, Anderson 25, Marg't 24 about 1812
36 James Braxton 24 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Wm Young Caroline Sarah Samuel 26 Caroline Caroline Lucy A. Powers Caroline no children about 1863
37 Philip Emanuel 48 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Henry McCaulley Caroline Lucinda Brown 25 Caroline Caroline Maria Pitman Caroline Fanny 2 about 1863
38 James Carter 45 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Rich'd Boulware Caroline Cath Baylor 42 Caroline Caroline Betsy Coleman Caroline Rob't 22, Cortney 19, Thos 12, Lucy 8, Edw'd 3 about 1842
39 [illegible] 35 Caroline Caroline Farm Laborer Eliz Penny Caroline Minerva Reynolds 21 Caroline Caroline Fanny Samuel Caroline Annie 4, Berty 3, Louis 1 about 1861

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Last Updated on 20 September 2005
By Gary Stanton