1860 Census of Manufacturing, Schedule 5
Spotsylvania County, Virginia

Schedule 5. Products of Industry in the Town of Fredericksburg, During the Year ending 1 June 1860
Name of Corporation, Name of Business, Capital Raw Materials used, including Fuel Motive # Employed Total Wages Annual Product
Company, or Individual Manufacture or Product invested in Quantities Kinds Values Power Male Female Per Month Quatities Kinds Values
Producing Articles >500 Male Female
1 Bradshaw, U.H. Coopering 4000 115000 bolts 1500 Hands 15 150 12000 Flour Barrels 4800
60000 hoop poles 360
2 Wellford, C.C. Wheat Machinery 10000 50000 ft Lumber 2000 40 Wheat Machines 10000
unk. Iron & Steel nuts 4000 made
Leather, India 1000
Rubber, oil varnish 3000 Hands 20 460 75 Repaired, other 6000
3 Keyser, Robert House & Sign Painter 300 100 gals Linseed oil 90
800 kegs White Lead 64 12 Sign boards 250
20 gals Turpentine 10
12 Sign boards 60 Hands 2 50 60 jobs plain painting 2500
on houses
4 Nicholson, Thos Tallow 15000w Beef Fat 1000 Hands 3 120 36 tons common soap 2880
Chandlery 4000 100w Candle wick 28 12000 Tallow candles 1740
12000bu Wood Ashes 720 10000 bushels Wood ashes 1000
100bbls Rosin 230
36cords Wood 90
250bbls Lime 250
5 Moore, Lewis Ladies shoemaker 2000 600 sides Upper Leather 600 Hand 5 6 160 75 4000 pr Shoes 5600
3000 lbs Sole 1000
6 Hurkamp, John G. Tanner & Currier 15000 3000 Hides 9000
250 cords Bark 2000
200 tons Shumac 4000
600 bbls Oil 400 Hand & Steam 10 200 20 Tons Sole Leather 12000
other articles 100 Upper Leather 6000
Leather manufacture 2000
7 Gill, Lowery & Co Merchant Tailors 5000 English Cloth 500 Hands 8 13 480 250 coats, vest, pants 20000
American Cloth 500
French Cloth 6000
8 Thomas & Jeffries Ladies Shoemaker 2500 1200w Sole Leather 420 Hands 4 4 96 24 2500 pr Shoes 3750
36 doz Skins upper 720
9 Henry, Wm Merchant Tailor 1000 English Cloth 100 Hands 2 5 100 60 coats, vest, pants 3000
American Cloth 800
French Cloth 200
10 Stringfellow, Lucy Millenary 3600 300 Straw bonnets 500 Hands 2 40 400 Bonnets 1500
300 boxes Flowers 100 other work 1000
15 boxes Ribbonds 300
100yds Silk goods 50
11 Wroton, George W. House Carpenter 2000 12000 ft White Pine 2500 Hands 15 500 Buildings 20000
10000 ft White Pine 2750
other articles 1000
12 Waite & Sener Tinners & Plumbers 1000 200 boxes Tin 2000 Hands 5 115 Tinware
1 ton Lead 200 Stove Pipe &c 8500
2 ton sheet iron 200
wire 100
other articles 250
13 Elder, J. D. Boot Maker Upper & Sole Leather 1200 Hands 12 320 1200 pr Boots & Shoes 6000
14 Williams, Chas Cabinetmaker & Undertaker 4000 6000 ft White Pine 200 Hands 2 60 Cabinets & Coffins 6000
1000 ft Yellow Pine 20
Other articles
incl 8-9 different
woods 1000
15 McDowell, E. Book Bindery 1800 2 Doz Sheep Skins 15 Hands 1 20 Books 1000
25 reams Paper 500
other articles 25
16 Magee, D. Tin & Sheet Iron Factory 2600 100 boxes Tin 1000 Hands 2 48 Tin ware 800
Russia Iron 50 other articles 2000
1500 Sheet iron 15
17 Burr, J. P. Confectionary 300 35 bbls Flour 250 Hands & 1 30 3500 lbs Candies 700
7300 lbs Sugar 730 Generator Cakes 1000
?? ?? 25 Mineral Water 480
300 lbs Carb soda 15
18 Calhoun, C. Milliner 500 Straw bonnets 1000 Hands 3 60 800 Bonnets 3000
75 boxes Flowers 350
30 boxes Ribbonds 600
150yds Silk goods 75
19 Carter, E. Boot & Shoemaker 8 Doz calf skins 250 Hands 5 100 Boots & Shoes 3000
12 Doz Goat skins 200
6 Doz Sheep skins 50
6 Doz Kid skins 250
6 Doz Cow Skins 300
75 Sides Sole Leather 400
Page 2
1 Morgan, Mrs. E. Confectioner 1800 50 bbls Flour 300 Hands 1 16 Cakes & Candies 3600
12000 lbs Sugar 1200
2 Miller, H. Confectioner 100 bbls Flour 600 Hands Self Cakes & c 1300
5 bbls Sugar 125
5 bbls Sugar 100
3 Eve, G.W. & Co. Saddlers 1000 250 Sides Harness Leather 1000 Hands 4 80 100 Saddles 1200
200 Sides Saddle Leather 800 Harness 2000
Thread 30
Other articles 100
4 Genther, H.D. & Son Saddlers 1500 Harness Leather 700 Hands 5 140 100 Saddles 1000
Saddle Leather 700 Harness 1000
Other articles 700 Other articles 1500
5 Aler, George Brick Maker 3000 Clay 200 Hands 20 400 800000 Bricks 8000
400 cords Wood 1000 Other work 2000
700 bbls Lime 800
Other articles 200
6 Peleg, Clark Carpenter 9000 350000 ft White Pine 7000 Hands & Steam 12 300 Blinds, door sash 3500
250 boxes Window Glass 750 Other work 14000
Paints 400
Other articles 2000
7 Knight, J. L. Brick Maker 1000 Clay 80 Hands 6 110 340000 Bricks 2380
150 cords Wood 375 Other work 500
150 bbls Lime 165
8 Mullen, George Brick Maker 1000 Clay 150 Hands 15 200 600000 Bricks 4800
250 cords Wood 625 All Else 200
300 bbls Lime 330
All Else 100
9 Gravatt, George Carriage Maker 3000 Htwood, Ash, Hickory &
Poplar 800 Hands 21 600 80 Carriages 15000
1500 Iron 500 Other work 1000
Varnish, Paints 500
Trimmings, &c 1500
10 Scott, John F. Iron Founder 18000 Bar & Pig Iron Steam & Hands 45 1200 Agricultural Impl & 40000
Pine & Oak Lumber Steam Engines &
Coal Millwork
11 Stratton, A. Blacksmith & Wheelwright 750 8000 ft Lumber 200 Hands 6 105 12 Waggons 1200
10000 lbs Iron 600 5 Carts 300
22 tons Coal 150 Other work 2000
All Else 50
12 Beck, John E. & Co. Shoe Making 4000 175 Sides Upper Leather 600 Hands 5 100 1500 pr Shoes 2625
(Commenced 1st April) 3000 lbs Sole Leather 600
Other articles 150
13 Baggott, Wm M. House Building 6000 50000 ft White Pine 1500 Hands 8 240 4 Houses 7000
Yellow Pine 250
Other articles 1000
14 Bunnell, A. J. Carpenter 2000 6000 ft White & Yellow Pine 180 Hands 4 80 Housework, all kinds 4000
600 ft Oak 12
Other articles 200
15 Greenise, L. Confectioner 300 50 bbls Flour 325 Hand Self Bread & Cakes 1200
2000 lbs Sugar 200
16 Tongue, James Carpenter 2000 15000 White Pine 450 Hands 5 192 Housework, all kinds 5000
10000 Yellow Pine 145
Other articles 100
17 Alexander & Gibbs Tobacconist 5000 100000 lb Lugs 2000 Machinery & 50 650 200000 Manufactured Tobacco 25000
100000 lb Leaf 1000 Hands
Other articles 6000
18 Lang, Wm Confectioner 1000 250 bbls Flour 1500 Hand 3 60 Cakes, Candy, Bread 3000
40 bbls Sugar 800
Other articles 100
19 Wroton, Wm & C. House Carpenter 1000 30000 ft White Pine 900 Hand 12 500 4 Houses 12000
50000 ft Yellow Pine 1500 Other work 4000
20 Sullinger, John Wheat Fan Maker 2000 10000 ft White Pine 300 Hand 5 200 200 Wheat Fans 1500
30000 ft Yellow Pine 600
10000 ft Oak 200
500 ft Hickory 15
Page 3
1 Mander & Gouldman Merchant Tailors 1000 English Cloth 300 Hand 3 3 60 20 Coats,Pants & Vests 5000
American Cloth 300
French Cloth 1000
2 Digman, Robt Boot Maker 500 400 lbs Upper Leather 400 Hand Self & 150 pr Boots & Shoes 1125
300 lbs Sole Leather 100 Son
3 Kruger, Lewis Confectioner 2000 400 bbls Flour 2800 Hand 2 25 Cakes, Candy, Bread 5000
25 bbls Sugar 625
other articles 500
4 Miller, Jacob Cabinet Maker 1800 8000 ft White Pine 240 Hand 6 175 Furniture 4000
2000 ft Yellow Pine 40
2000 ft Walnut 120
6000 ft Poplar 120
5 Myers, John H. Confectioner 3000 300 bbl Flour 2100 Hands 3 75 Cake, Candy, Bread 10000
50 bbl Sugar 1250
Other articles 2000

Last Update: 7/22/96

Name: Gary Stanton, Department of Historic Preservation

Email: gstanton@umw.edu